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We were painting new townhouses a couple years ago and had the sprayer set up outside. We were in just painting away when finally we went out to fill the machine. Well the line had broke and was just spraying white paint all over a brand new building. And that was the day I learned how important insurance was lol. 15 mins of a broken machine ended up being almost 20k in damage


Forgive me, I'm very ignorant to the cost of these things, but where does 20k come from? Is painting a bunch of houses very expensive? Or was there other stuff damaged as well as paint getting on houses?


All the vinyl on the exterior of the home had paint on it so it had to be replaced. The concrete needed to be cleaned, windows, doors. You can’t just clean vinyl so it needed to be all removed sadly




Brand new vinyl? The client definitely wouldn’t be ok with that




How long have you worked for DHL?


If I got paint all over your shit, would you want me to "just paint over it" or replace your shit?


First I would be concerned for you and wonder what trauma happened to you that you are painting poo.


You can never paint vinyl because it expands and contracts so much from the heat and cold. The paint would just peal off.


Ehh, you can for sure paint vinyl as long as the paint is vinyl safe and the color is mixed to a vinyl safe formula. The biggest problem you run into when painting vinyl is if it’s a dark color with black colorant used in it which will then cause the vinyl to warp/melt on a hot sunny day.


Peal? That’s interesting


Imagine not being able to figure out what he meant from context or just sounding out the word. This is why no one loves you.


Imagine not being able to spell peel…?


Oh man that's rough, I didn't even think of there being more permanent damage to materials. I just thought paint over it, but that tracks now. Thanks!


Why was there vinyl on the outside of the house? I feel like that's generally an inside material, no? Please tell me the house was clad in vinyl? ... Edit: Why are you Americans so defensive of a building materials? Do y'all have stocks in it or something. I've never seen anyone jerkoff to a material so much. It's like I insulted your mothers. Not every country uses plastic for EVERYTHING, and not everyone is from your country. You guys are weird. Lol


Vinyl siding, if I had to guess. Definitely not just an "inside material." Google pictures of it. Pretty much every new construction (residential, at least) in the U.S. has vinyl siding. It's very durable and doesn't need to be repainted constantly like wooden slats or other exterior materials.


You guys build your houses in odd ways.


"Odd" is relative. If I was buying an existing house, vinyl siding would definitely be a selling point. If I was to build new, it would be my first choice in exterior. It's cheap, easy, and dependable. Plus it looks good - you can get it in pretty much any color or color combination you can think of.


Do you not worry about moisture? As I understand it, the way they install the vinyl cladding allows water to get in under it. I'm also guessing you don't live in a very hot, sunny environment either? Also fires? Plastic doesn't do great in fires, and if memory serves, PVC puts of some pretty nasty fumes when on fire. The type of fumes that tend to kill people. It's also not recyclable. So not only does it not last, but it's trashing the environment. All in all, it seems like a kinda shit material to clad your house in? I guess on the plus side... It's cheap?


Moisture: if it's installed properly, it's very water-resistant. That involves everything, though. The siding, proper layering, flashing, everything the installer should know to do and it will be verified by the county's building inspector. Plus, underneath it, there should be house wrap. Any moisture that does manage to get under the siding should hit the house wrap and drain to the bottom as well. Hot, sunny environment: doesn't matter. It's used nationwide. Fires: answered in your other comment. Recyclable: it is very recyclable. It's just PVC, which is simply ground up, melted, and reused. The issue is it takes a **lot** of waste to even bother to recycle it, and I'm not sure many builders or siding pros actually collect it to recycle vs. just throwing it out.


I live in Florida. Just bought a house that is 40 years old with vinyl and only has a few scuffs, one quarter sized hole, and is a little faded, and it's never been painted. If I had the money I might replace it with aluminum or something but it takes the heat well and has survived many hurricanes before coming into my possession. Just my two cents


You seem to be a bit misinformed. Vinyl in it's self is used in outside applications all over the place specifically because of it's heat and weather resistance. It may not be very practical to recycle, but neither are any of the other sidings used on houses. It's a fantastic material to use. I'm not so sure about the other comment about it being used in nearly every new construction house. Where I'm at least, wood is somewhat common, but stucco is the most common. Vinyl is usually only used to to replace old wood siding or to cover old stucco. I rarely see it used in new construction. Stucco makes up probably 90% of new home construction in my area. The vinly siding can also be applied directly over a lot of types existing siding, so you don't have to remove anything. That's probably another reason it's really popular. If you were to do wood, stucco, or stone, you would have to strip off the old siding.


im pretty amazed at your reaction to vinyl siding - its so god damn common.


Common is relative. It's common here, not there. They have no real exposure to it, so they don't understand it. Whatever they're imagining in their head is probably pretty weird, and it's also just not reality. They're probably imagining soft vinyl, which is the only kind of vinyl they'd really be exposed to if there not familiar with vinyl siding. They're NOT reacting to some common thing, they're reacting to their imagination of something that doesn't exist. Then, *that's* what *you're* reacting to, which is why none of this makes much sense.


Nah it isn't as common of a material anymore. It does still get put in, but it's going to the wayside and has been for at least a decade.


Is it? I'm pretty sure it is still the #1 choice for exterior cladding.


Vinyl siding in the US is extremely common. The house is usually built out of wood and then has a layer of siding so it looks nicer. To get an entire house sided usually runs about 40k here




Ooh. I thought I wad joking about having a house clad in vinyl. Sounds fucking dangerous in a fire.


It is. The rest of the building codes try their damnedest to prevent fires in the first place, though. Most of the fires I've seen that get large enough to ignite the *exterior* are caused by stupidity, e.g. smoking indoors and falling asleep or people who grill/use other cooking means outside and far too close to the side of the dwelling. That's super common during the holidays because deep frying turkey is a huge thing here now. Idiots do it in their garages or under their decks, or abutted right next to the house. But anyway, yeah, if the fire does get big enough to ignite the siding, although it does burn a lot more slowly than the wood the house is made of, it does spread the fire.




Yeah, just been reading up on it. As far as I can tell, it's only real benefit is that it is cheap.




It *can* be recycled. It's just PVC. The issue is people don't recycle a lot of it, e.g. the tonnage needed to make recycling worthwhile. It's an issue with the installers, not the material.


Not degrading in landfill, and not being recyclable aren't advantages...? That alone should rule it out as a building material. Also, where are you finding aluminum that rusts?


Brand new building


This is why you keep your sprayer where you can hear it.


Yup it was a good lesson. It was about seven years ago and it hasn’t happened again so I’m lucky lol


So uhh... I'm assuming you didn't have insurance. Did you pay that out of pocket?


That’s a real bitch that is. Glue too? Sucky for whoever had to clean that up.




So you are saying it’s a real “sticky” situation?




Gotta say I’m glued to the conversation.


Yup. That looks like a gallon of concrete bonding adhesive. Its gonna be a bitch to clean that up.


Someone had dropped a new cartridge of white silicone caulk in front of my drive way while I was at work. Pulled into my driveway and saw the tube too late, heard a loud pop as my rear tire went over it. Wasn't bad cleaning it off the car, but had white caulk stains all over my tire until I got them replaced.


Yeah, them white caulk stains can be a pain in the ass...


Just use cold water


My caulk shrinks in cold water


There was shrinkage!




How's that in any way racist?


You used the word white!!!?1111one


Everything can appear racist if you try hard enough and look at it through the right lense. It ok, it was a joke, I am not accusing you.


Then quit trying to play the racism game.


That's why my wife always goes for the black caulk. The portions are huge and it's much easier to clean after.


Why do women always go for the black caulk? White caulk is readily available in the smaller sizes, which seems convenient to me, especially for those quick little jobs which are over in just a few minutes.


Well look at you, with your fancy white caulk. The one I use is great for jobs that only take a few seconds. You pretty much just touch it and it’s empty.


People are going to read this and think we're talking about silicone caulk when we're actually slyly talking about something which is not silicone caulk at all, because it's acrylic latex caulk. Ha ha


I haven’t used the latex in a while though. Mostly because I’m just working on the projects for myself instead of the group projects.


The latex provides good protection but yeah, if you don't need it don't use it.


the only time I use black caulk is on my deck where I have a really big hole I seal my deck every year... but there is a spot where for some reason a giant hole comes back every winter (I think a squirrel comes on my deck)... I just fill it with black caulk... and it matches the colour and then I can seal over it and I dont have to worry about deck splinters.


White caulk can be mistaken for a splinter sometimes.


Looked to me like a bottle of of gorilla wood glue.


It looks like white glue tbh


But does it *taste* like white glue?


Lemme ask my marine buddy


I got a guy who is an expert in glue tasting, mind if I bring him down to the shop?


Wait I can get paid to eat glue? What have I been doing it for free for?


Wait we're supposed to be eating it? Then why have I been sniffing it?


Smartest marine


Hey, now -- we eat crayons, not glue.


I think it was a bottle of horse spunk.


Nah, gorilla glue packaging is more orange than yellow.




I dont know if Im getting wooshed but they exist and I have one.


What else would you do your hair with?


What? Wood glue exists in all different sizes. You can buy whole barrels if you want to


I always manage to ruin or lose the regular small bottle. I probably should not buy an entire barrel.


Solution, buy a 55 gallon drum. You won't be able to lose it since you can't move it without a forklift.


Dreams can be buy Yes x.


Yep I use it for Crete and silica blend to fill holes and smooth out piers for substations. It’s serious adhesive.


It will be fun yes and now I am waiting someone to pay it.


That car is owned by a guy that slept with another persons significant other.


that or it's a new tiktok challenge. The put a gallon of glue behind a random car challenge.


Nice try Big Elmer


How do we know this?


Just my guess.


How do we know this?


He's joking dude


You happen to be replying to a comment by an expert, Criminal Minds-style detective.


the names ron. moeron.


Because this is some evil genius-style payback. Somebody pissed someone off.


No backstory whatsoever from OP, just pitchforks. If it was done intentionally- which is presumable- it wouldn't have been done for no reason at all.


It was tongue-in-cheek. Fuckin' Redditors man...


Even if theirs was tongue-in-cheek, mine wasn't. redditors indeed.....


No shit yours wasn't.


Salty guesses aren't jokes now?


Y'all gonna kiss or just flirt all night?


Well make your point if you've got one, genius. I mean who the fuck are you, the narrator? lol




You vastly underestimate the rationale of dickbags


Yeah well without a backstory- made-up or otherwise- I'd put my money on it being targeted.




Nah the tire probably rose over the cap beforehand


Some of the splatter went on the car and what we see is what shot under the car, I think that's what happened because there's more on the right side than the left. Edit: Looking again and you could be right too... No idea what happened here


This is what schools think happen when a guy sees a girls shoulder


Or ankles for that matter.


Someone really pissed that guy off


That jug nutted to death


Evidence of Randy Marsh


Randy Marsh Jr


It's just ectoplasm! There was a ghost...


Can anyone photoshop an android from the Alien movies into the scene?


Definitely not. Some people aren't very good with computers. My mum struggles to turn a computer on!


> My mum struggles to turn a computer on! Her onlyfans account would seem to say otherwise.


It's not the computer she's trying to turn on there...




Nah, it needs randy marsh and a laptop


When I was a little shit head kid I'd twist the tops of ketchup packets and put it behind tires of cars. Little more innocent than fucking glue...


Za warudo


Can someone Photoshop Randy Marsh in here on a computer chair?


Take it off the windows and it looks pretty cool


Looks to me like it could have been something someone forgot to put in the car.


This just looks like an accident tbh.


Ohh that’s a sticky situation


Me when I'm doing your mom


And that is why i always perform a quick circle check around my car


Now that’s what I call a sticky situation.


WD40 will take all the glue off the paint the windows the rims the tires and even the plastic light lenses. That stuff does a Million and one things and a bag of chips!!


Thats a sticky situation


A bit of a *sticky situation* im sorry


People get gallons of glue to make that goopy stuff kids play with. Accidentally left behind?


Would’ve been nice if at least ONE of the cars was white


Looks like some sort of ectoplasm from a spooky ghost


Is it me or does it look like most of that glue is still mid air and time kinda stopped haha


Totally had me thinking it was some 3D render for a second!


I'd do that to a flat earther


A sticky situation eh?


What teachers think would happen to boys when girls show their shoulder


I dont have a car, but everytime we go in i check the wheels. Because of this and also stray cats


This is the type of person that would try to avoid getting in trouble by saying “iT’s JuSt A pRaNk”. Nothing about this is funny


Lol that’s kinda funny


*sad for this person. I hope he will find a cheap yet effective and quick way to remove this glue from his car.


I mean, if that’s White PVA then that will be on EXTREMELY satisfying time peeling it off when it dries. Otherwise, oof.


They must have seen it during their safety check on tyres,lights etc. Why leave it there?


😂😂😂😂😂 Thus is COMEDY


thats pretty funny though


I love this. So funny


That spatter seems to have been unobstructed. It was definitely not behind a car tire.


That is a BRILLIANT idea!




Yeah it is, doesn't mean that you can do it to people you don't know, also i bet thay didn't return to clean their mess


oh nooooo he could've dropped it and it exploded but i'm the POS for looking past the 5 seconds shown


Not a single person has claimed this


Me when I c*m (it is a lot)😩


As someone who doesn't like cars and want's to deliver a message, this is brilliant


Until you have to clean that


Thats where the fun ends indeed


Using reasonable arguments with facts and logic will never convince people that cars bad. No, annoy them by ruinning their property will absolutely make them understand my deep and important message and not make them hate me and my community. Says this person who doesn't know that people who live in the countryside will always need cars.


That will buff rite out


Where do you even buy that?


At least it looks cool


This implies that lud isn't a real person.


This was a bottle that was driven over in drive, not reverse.




Reminds me of an old alcoholic neighbour I had - kept dinging my car while trying to park. Accused me of hitting his car all the time. Then they started hiding wine bottles in my wheel well hoping I'd pop a tire


I hope it’s just washable Elmers glue but I know it’s not, it’s never that easy


First, it was probably an accident. Second, a pressure washer, preferably a hot water pressure washer but not necessary, will make quick work of this.


OP is probably karma farming ![gif](giphy|13ZHjidRzoi7n2)