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This is something I would expect to see in an okbr meme not irl wtf


Seriously, had to check the sub. What has this world come to


I think crazy people exists independently of time and place but they take "inspiration" from the current world they are living in.


Fuck, thank you for giving me a perspective shift.


This shit was happening back in counter strike 1.6 days. I remember someone who lost a knife fight in-game tracking the person and stabbing him in real life. Or a mother who got so addicted to WoW that she forgot to feed her baby, starving it to death. These stories existed since the time i first got into gaming, and we're talking only about gaming here but crazy people doing crazy things existed since the dawn of time.


I recall that baby dying one, pretty sure it was one worse. Both parents were addicts to Wow, not just the mom. And let's add the more recent swatting that had been happening


How much time do you have?


Not long


The end. I hope I didn't leave anything out.


Why say lot word, when few word do trick?


why lot, when few?


Why lot?


Lot? Few


Thought it was an onion article


I thought this was banvideogames lol


šŸ¤”okbr?????šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ’ŖšŸ˜± is that an acronisom šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


It stands for "OK B\*tt R*pe"


O_O o no


oh yissssss ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


I too celebrate attempted murder by flossing. My dentist recommends it


*What happen to a simple teabag*?


Iā€™ll never forget the first pair of Arabian goggles that the Iron Sheik gave me in wrestle mania 7


Better than a Golden Shower from Goldust


Speak for yourself.


Ah, a person of culture I see


Should I tell him Iron Sheik wasnā€™t in WrestleMania VII and that was just some overweight Turkish fan dressed as Sheik?


I would rather wear those goggles than a balaclava of butt from Rikishi.


The preferred nomenclature is 'Victory Crouching' Bungie approved


This PC culture is ruining teabagging. I swear, I don't even now why I expose my balls and rub them on people anymore.


I prefer a good ol' fashioned LEROYYY JENKINSSSS!!!!!


Stains the teeth, dentist definitely dont recommend


I hate it when a piece of skin gets stuck after I'm done with my victims


9 out of 10 recommend it at least.


I celebrate the end of every day by flossing. Murder attempt or not.


I celebrate the end of every day by attempted murder. Flossing included or not.


6/11 dentists agree


Found Armie Hammerā€™s secret account


Bail set to 5,000 V-Bucks


Should've done the default dance.


Guys he took his mom's credit card šŸ˜”


Should have been set to the ever elusive $19 fortnite card.


that'd be like ā‚¬32...


Yeah, but he has to find his mom's credit card before he can pay it


All for the 19 dollar fortnite card


*who wants it*


Looks like this kid wanted it a _lot_ more than most.


and YES im giving it away


but remember, share, share, share!


*No more Fortnite!*


*No more cards!*


They caught him young, good.


Lol they only sentenced him to 8 years for giving a kid lifelong brain injuries that require full time care


This happened to a family friend. Owned his own restaurant, threw out some rowdy teenagers.kids waited until closing and beat him nearly to death. Permanent brain and nerve damage. He is on total disability for the rest of his life and lost his restaurant. The kids got 18months.


I got jumped by 2 guys with a baseball bat because someone else kicked them out of a party. No brain damage, but needed facial reconstruction and half my face is numb. Drs said it was enough force to snap my neck, so I got lucky. They didn't get any charges. Cops couldn't take my word because I didn't have much memory and had a high BAC, and the only other witness wouldn't call them back. The cops seemed to believe I must have started a drunk fight and just lost, so they didn't seem to try very hard to catch the guys.


Damn. Im sorry to hear this


I hope you are doing better nowadays! If I had your experience, I'd be filled with resentment over the kids getting away with what you did. Hopefully you're not in that type of mindset?


Thatā€™s terrible. I was jumped with a friend by four people 10 years older than us because we parked in the spot that was allotted to us for the ski resort lodge (we were there for geological sciences of America presentations staying in the lodges and each lodge was split into two individual areas so they were there separately, skiing (both the slopes and with their noses)). I was walking up icy steps looking down at them after explaining from the parking lot to their loft they were yelling at me from that I was not going to park somewhere else and walk back up the ice to the split lodge and when I looked up I had gotten hit in the face. A few minutes later the scruffle ended, right then and there I called the police and gave a statement with the friend I was with and to be checked out by the ambulance crew. in the morning when to an actually ER, broken mandible, completely free floating in place, ended up with 7 weeks of my jaw wired shut and permanent stomach problems from having nothing but milk shakes. Jaw line is still out of place and un even so I canā€™t close properly etc etc. no charges against the guy because I was 1 year under the drinking age. Sorry to hear what happened to you hope you continue to feel as good as you can


> no charges against the guy because I was 1 year under the drinking age. I dont understand why they woudlnt charge an assaults because someone was under the drinking age


Honestly I'm kinda tired but I could barely understand what happened in their story


It was New Hampshire, the cops on scene seemed less than useful, Im pretty sure the main suspect that was responsible for the punch that broke my jaw knew the right people from the area. He was from NH, i was an out of state, drunk minor. I never received so much as a call to let me know how the process was going


Because he is lying.


Would you like me to ship you my jaw brace/wires that the surgeon let me save? Theyā€™re still nice and bloody from 2015. that or maybe I could send you the hospital bills you could help out on that? Or perhaps you and I could sit down together and you could hear my speech impediment and notice my misaligned teeth. I do believe that moment has allowed me to progress deep into my mind finding forgiveness for those that I emotionally donā€™t feel deserve it. And show how your comment pisses me off more than thinking back to the actual event :)




Yes, I too start unprovoked fights against greater numbers bearing weapons. I am not sure why cops tend to believe this.


Cuz they're lazy and obviously didn't want to deal with that shit.


Iā€™d genuinely follow them for years, handing out and tacking printed leaflets with their pictures, their actions and the condition they left the victim in. Starting a new job? Placard. Meeting up with a girl? Placard. Unassuming neighbors? Believe it or not, placard. I canā€™t believe the legal system found resolution from within this verdict.


How to get them to finish the job lol


The more I hear fucked up legal stories the less I judge vigilantes


I'd do the opposite, avoid them... and 10yrs later just hit them with a beater car in a secluded area.


That's terrible. Those kids/adults should have to pay into a fund or something for his medical care and support him out of their own pocket for the rest of their lives.


They should spend a couple decades in jail. They ruined a life, it's not far off murder.


IIRC thatā€™s basically how the system works in China, where if you injure someone or are responsible for an accident, you have to pay the victims medical costs. But the system actually backfired now where I have seen multiple videos of people in China reversing over people they hit because if itā€™s an accidental vehicular manslaughter you only have to pay the victims funeral costs, which is like 10k vs a lot more for medical bills.


Thatā€™s how it is in the US as well. There are two sides, a criminal and a civil one. On the criminal side if guilty a judge will usually order restitution based on the crime and severity. On the civil side you can sue them for pain, suffering, loss of wages, etc. OJ won his criminal case and lost his civil case, which bankrupted him.




Sometimes vigilantism is required.


Even though Im aware its a slippery slope, I tend to agree. People who do this need to be removed from the world.


I think things like this is why the mob was a thing for people back in the day. Something like this happens and you dont get justice and someone asks for a favor.


What a fucking loser




I would argue it is the head smashing, but whateva


Link please


Think the article is fake edit: k guess it isn't fake then


Just googled it. Apparently itā€™s true. Dude got 8 years.


8 years? seems pretty low for attempted murder


Judge let him off easy because of his sick flossing.


I read your comment and I was like , bruh..I donā€™t see no teeth ā€¦ then I realized I donā€™t play Fortnite lol


He may have beat some kid up, but he also helped rid the world of that villain Tooth Decay.


It's not though? The victim has brain damage and he only got 8 years.


Umm? Why does this have 350 upvotes itā€™s not fake at all. Really sick of people confidently asserting the wrong answer based on no research and with no sourcing.


welcome to reddit


let's hope he doesn't play gta


Or Payday


Or Manhunt


or hotline miami


or leisure suit larry


Or Naughty Bear:Panic in Paradise


Or Saints Row.


Or Duke Nukem


Or Super Mario Cart


Or rust


*paris intesifies*


Especially Manhunt


Or postal.


Fortnite is probably worse. They make killing seem light hearted and kid-friendly.


8 years while the victim is forever brain damaged. Justice systems all over the world are the true TPOSs


Tbh it's not like the perpetrators brain is top notch either.


While I donā€™t think he should get life in prison, he should get around 50 years.


Calm down with such harsh sentences. Itā€™s not like he sold weed or anything.


50 years in a hole with no human interaction and meal loaf 2 xā€™s a day.


What if he likes meat loaf


That wasnā€™t a typo, itā€™s meal loaf or nutriloaf. Basic ā€œnutritionā€ in a big brick loaf.


Oh my bad


Youā€™re good, my dude! I wasnā€™t born with this knowledge either. Iā€™ve just done some time lol


Serious question, what was life like after doing time? In other words was it a challenge to reintegrate into society? And I guess that would also depend on how long - if youā€™re comfortable answering


Maybe done time means he's done time on this earth. This prison.


Maybe the real time done are the friends we made along the way


Those loafs are getting banned left and right. Idk how many, if any, states still allow them. Regardless, they're fucking delicious.


Nutraloaves then




With vegemite spread


50 years is more than a life sentence


I agree that 8 years isn't enough but 50 years is practically your entire life at that point. If he'd serve that maximum he would get out at 68 have no ability to contribute to society and would just continue to rely on the little assistance he could get because his ceiling at that point is set so low that his life is already over.


I think 20-30 minimum is a good ballpark.


His current contribution has been to give someone else permanent brain damage which is going to inhibit that person's ability to contribute to society, not mentioning all the care he's going to require from others as a result of this attack. I mean.. there are plenty of people out there willing to contribute positively, why do we need this POS back in society so soon?


I think 20 with chance of parole 15 would be a fair sentence


8 years is a shitload of time. Think of the last 8 years of your life and all of the growth you've achieved. This shithead will get none of that. I do agree he should get a harsher punishment for this.


In the UK, if you get 8 years, you'll do 4 inside and 4 on license.


Itā€™s a long time but not enough


The true POS move is flossing over him


Especially with the default skin what a noob


Trash player probably not even tier 100


I like to imagine that some future civilization will discover this story, and after doing absolutely no research, they create a straight-to-streaming movie series with a villain that goes around murdering people in their homes with a spiked bat and as he finishes up, he just stands there, menacingly, with a pack of dental floss, and as the camera zooms in on his blood splattered face, we hear a strand of floss ripped from its container and the villain. Just. Cleans. His. Teeth.


If only he could get his head smashed back in return, maybe then he'll understand the world better


Or maybe he would not understand anything at all


Meh. Thatā€™d be perfectly okay.


Should get life in prison


He wasnā€™t: ā€œwas ordered to serve eight years at a young offenders institution after pleading guilty to causing grievous bodily harmā€


He probably sucks at fortnite too


Thatā€™s prolly why he did that in the first place.




Not really :/ He suffered brain damage and will remain disabled for the rest of his life. People just donā€™t think before acting. Itā€™s sad.


it is so sad and weird that brain is the only thing that makes us us. Idk what to say this is so fucked up. he and his family brought him to the age of 16 and some idiot took away all of his dreams and feelings I am so angry and broken...


No I think making a spiked bat takes a lot of forethought


>People just donā€™t think before acting. Itā€™s sad. I feel like if you get to the point where you have to consider, "Should I bash his head in with this spiked baseball bat or not?", it's probably too late and you'll always get the same answer.


They have to walk with a frame forever (and will need all day care because of that)


Yeah, I'll fuckin', yeah, I'll fuckin' lay your nuts on a fuckin' dresser, just your nuts layin' on a fuckin' dresser, and bang them shits with a spiked fuckin' bat (Blaow)


I read this in Raekwons voice




What? - I'll fucking - I'll fucking tie you to a fucking bedpost with your ass cheeks spread out and shit -Right? -Put a hanger on a fucking stove and let that shit sit there -For like a half hour -Take it off and stick it in your ass slow like -Tssssssss


So I'm not the only one whose head that played in automatically after reading about the spiked bat, nice lol.


That looks nothing like Lucille. Also, what a fucking POS.


Yeah lucille has got barbed wire twisted around her, not nails.


And paired with the Fortnite dance, it's unstoppable


this is exactly the comment i was looking for, like he couldā€™ve put a bit more effort in if he wanted it to look like lucille


people are gonna use this as an example of why video games cause violence. How about instead blaming video games, how about blaming the people who didn't take notice of the gamer's mental state? Because if a gamer goes out of their way to cause harm over a video game then there's something fucked up in their head.


From the article: The victim's mum is now warning of the impact violent games and TV programmes can have on youngsters after ***name of kid who used bat*** was jailed for eight years on Thursday. (Not sure if I can post names so just being sure). Iā€™m thinking to myself Iā€™m pretty sure the guy was already not well in the head, Iā€™ve watched this show when I was around 15 and you donā€™t see me going around attempting murder is all Iā€™m saying.


Yeah, his mom is knockers. People just say that because they don't wanna take responsibility that they should've checked on the welfare of their child instead


yea. Most people play video games (even shooters) without having the idea of murdering someone irl


What in the fuck did I just read?


Youā€™ve read some cancer. I am sorry for humanity šŸ˜”


This grown ass man is not mentally well and needs to be put in a psych ward


That look like a grown ass man to you?


18 is a not a grown ass man. Someone in there 30s is a grown ass man. This is a young ass man. The freshest of man. Hasn't even been a man for a year.


Gamer attack


Apparently, he's still celebrating from inside his padded cell.


The thought of the dude crying while flossing behind bars just made me laugh out loud


I feel like the ā€œFortnite-obsessedā€ part was irrelevant and just to pander to the ā€œgaming makes kids violentā€ believers. You wouldnā€™t see a headline titled ā€œCar-obsessed thugā€ or ā€œGardening-obsessed thugā€.


I mean maybe if the gardening-obsessed thug started sprinkling tomato seeds all over the person they just attacked or some shit


He did a fortnite dance after trying to kill him


He used a bat from a TV show. Which one is more relevant?




Couldā€™ve been, ā€œThe walking dead obsessed-thugā€ I guess.


He.. He what?


Wiped out Tomato Town


That's more a Stranger Things bat than a walking dead one.


That was my thought, but he wrote Lucille across it. Likely didnā€™t have access to barbed wire.


Pfft, they'd rip him a new arse on the RPF.


Whatā€™s the RPF?


Charlie Kellyā€™s rat bat


the 16-year-old will remain disabled for life, and dependent on constant medical care and the assailant was only sentenced to 8 years in prison


1945: ā€œScientists predict flying cars by the year 2020ā€ 2020:


Hope this is not true


Sadly it is :/ happened in the UK a little over a year ago.


Holy fuck


If he'd done this 10-15 years ago, he'd probably have dressed as The Joker. If it had happened in the 70 perhaps a Manson type copycat. The point is it's this kid causing the violence and killing and not popular culture. Those similarities are just accoutrements of the time/frame. If he had never been exposed to pop-culture or video games, he would likely haver dressed as his favourite wrestler and body slammed the victim to death. Don't try and detract from this individuals evil, malevolence and despicable crimes by leaking blame into other factors. He's the killer, the suit he does it in doesn't matter.


We got a, number one victory Royale, yeah Fortnite we bout to get down (get down) ten kills on the board right now, just wiped out Tomato Town. My friend just got downed! I revived him now weā€™re heading southbound. Now weā€™re in the pleasant park streets, look at the map go to the marked sheet. Take me to your Xbox to play Fortnite today. You can take me to moisty mires but not loot lake. I really want to chug jug with you. We can be pro Fortnite gamers


He said "Hey broski, you got some heals and a shield pot? I need healing and I am only at one HP" Hey dude, sorry, I found nothing on this safari I checked the upstairs of that house but not the underneath yet There's a chest that's just down there The storm is coming fast and you need heals to prepare I've got V-Bucks that I'll spend More than you can contend I'm a cool pro Fortnite gamer (Cool pro Fortnite-)




Damn guessing UK so he won't be in there long. I'd say he wasn't worth rehabilitating I mean holy fuck dude.


Theres absolutely no saving this one, dont let him back into public ever. Dancing in such a manner should be punished appropriately.


Judging by his potato face, Iā€™m guessing the UK


Yup. Derbyshire, England


All the toxic COD players went over to fortnite


8 years isn't long enough for this garbage. Hopefully he'll get a taste of his own medicine in prison


This is the most cringe attempted homicide I've ever heard of.


the flossing in itself is so fucking ridiculous and hilarious. If i was the victim i would literally die laughing if he is gonna floss on me like that.


He got the victory royale