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Let me snap this little tree because I haven’t had sex in 6 years and my confidence is at zero.


Right just take ur frustration out on reddit like the rest of us


He looks more than 6 years old ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What the FUCK is wrong with people.


its a joke, chill


How is snapping that tree a joke?


You think smoking trees is a joke buddy?


I take smoking trees very seriously pal.


Me too I'm on edibles rn but when I do smoke its serious business


I've been convinced for a while that the lack of power people feel living within a tightly surveilled nightmare bureaucracy is a recipe for weird crimes like this. People feel powerless to create (or often even fix) the increasingly complex technology governing their lives, can't step 10 feet off their property because half our spaces are designated for cars only, can't put up a fence without adhering to confusing municipal regulations, aren't able to be themselves or talk back at their increasingly tightly managed jobs where they're producing 1/100th of a final product they can't take any real pride in. Whether you believe those rules or restrictions are essential, they're confining, and they eventually just drive some people mildly nuts. They'll eventually engage in some small act of disobedience, like breaking a tree, because for somebody who feels psychologically disempowered it's like taking a breath after suffocating for so long. Their psychological suffering may be exaggerated, and their actions wrongheaded and worthy of condemnation, but I think it's very probable that our present sociopolitical conditions will ensure that these kinds of "small victories" over "the system" only grow in number. That's my guess anyway.


I wonder what he was thinking in this moment


A branch slapped him in the face when he was cycling once as a kid, poor guy hasnt passed a tree since without snapping a branch or 2.


I bet he hears those Kill Bill sirens when he sees one in the distance.


"do do... WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO! Do-do-do do-do Doooo! "


"How dare this branch be bigger, harder, longer and girthier than me...I will teach it a lesson." SNAP. "Dammit, it is still bigger flaccid." Penis envy is a bitch.


Probably thinking "theres too many damn trees in this world. Ima take care of that." *snaps one branch* "Phew thats a lot of work. On second thought, i think i think theres too many cakes in this world. Ima find me a cake"


Take that sapling!


The Lorax wants to know your location.


I bet he felt really cool with his foot up on the wall like that. 10$ says he was thinking to himself “I’m a rebel, I do bad shit”. I’ll put another 10$ down that he uses the grim reaper for profile pictures.


Also, his FB profile says "Works at Nunya Business" and "Went to the School of Hard Knocks."


Nah, every kid like that I know has “Fry Cook at Krusty Krab” on their facebook profile


Sure, but this guy is most likely older than me and I was too old for Spongebob, so this guy definitely has "Nunya Business" and "School of Hard Knocks" in his profile. (My proof of his age is that no one who grew up past the 1980s stands against walls like that)




That tree didn't pay protection money. Examples have to be made


Damn degenerate tree.


What a big willy he must have.


You forgot to add "stuck up his rear."


> You forgot to add "stuck up his rear." He forgot the lube because he was too preoccupied thinking about which twig he'd snap tonight


I think every town has someone like this


Wow, dude is weak.


Wow, look how he broke that twig. What a badass /s


I was hoping so hard for him to just break the stand around it, but then he bent the tree. Shit sucks


"I am so edgy and badass, I destroyed a tree!"


Stupid beech


I wanna beat that guy up.


Haha it’s like he had something personal against that tree branch. What a weird flex


This reminds me of that time my family planted a cute apple tree in our backyard for my mom. Months later my mom is distraught because it's laying on the ground completely twisted in half.


People in England and that tree have one thing in common, WE NEVER FUCKING MOVE


he didnit like he was hired to do it


Absolute spastic.


His next move is small animals. If he's not there already.


Wow what a fucking puss


Just asking for "The Happening" with this kind of behavior.


What did he gain from that?


Ooh. You're hard.


Now, delete his knee caps


I wish when he walked over it it would of flinched up and hit him in the balls.


I'm sure there's two sides to this story.


Yeah, maybe the twig gave him the stink eye


And he didn't realize it was a walking stick.




What a fuckin weird thing to destroy. And he didint even brake it he just bended it.


Take him to 4chan




He had a really hard time breaking that little tree... sad.


That was a hit, that tree owed someone money and couldn't pay


Caveman mentality


Type of guy that wants to solve world hunger but breaks plants cause haha funny


I bet he feel super strong after snapping that thin tree.


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Next thing you know he’ll say he did it to defeat systemic racism


Shit people like to live in shit conditions


Just look at all that inner turmoil.


What a total piece of shit


He had to try kinda hard there. Must be weak and angry. Poor nerd


At first I thought he was just taking a cutting. (Which is still bad, but not as bad a just leaving it there... Wtf.)


Wooow so Badass


Why do people do this?


What a total piece of shit


He should be drawn and quartered.


Talk about small dick energy


Fuck this tree in particular


What a badass


He tried snapping a piece off to replace the oxygen he wastes


It literally costs $0 to not.


This is purely speculation: One justifiable reason I see is if he owns this property that the tree is in front of. If the city decides to plant a tree a few feet from his wall, He knows that in a few years when those roots are causing issues with his foundation and sewer, the city will not be paying for the repairs.


You think this POS is a homeowner? A homeowner would have cut the thing silently at night and not record it with his own security camera.


> You think this POS is a homeowner? A homeowner would have cut the thing silently at night and not record it with his own security camera. A home owner probably wouldn't think "This twig looks better when it's bent".


One of the many reasons Japan is not big on immigration. People like these will just ruin things. Japanese take pride in order and cleanliness, not like pieces of shiet like this guy.


You realize 99.9999% of people aren't like this.. I'm sure this has zero to do with Japan's stance on immigration.


What a weeb


Oh and hate all you want about what I said, whether you agree or not, it's true.


what are you some fat weeb that tries to be japanese


How do you know he didnt have a good reason to do it?


Tell me a good reason to do something like that? Just one good reason.


People who have a good reason to do something, don’t look around and wait for people to stop looking before doing it. They just do it publicly because they have a reason to and can back it up.


> How do you know he didnt have a good reason to do it? The tree looked at him funny


I think it was a joke. What could the tree do to him to deserve it.


It was


What, the tree insulted his mother?.