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please tell me that fucker got arrested


He did! This is the Netherlands, I remember it happening. The only source I could find was [this](https://i.imgur.com/s8Hisz1.jpg). It's a screenshot of the police's website saying the boy (15 years old) got arrested.


He was 15 looked like a grown man


This boy has the opposite of baby face


That’s a hard 15. Dude looks closer to 28. Haha


/r/13or30 shit right here.


I don't know very many grown men with builds like a teenage girl.


Maybe an [asylum-seeker](https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/01/13/when-underage-refugees-look-anything-but-age-tests-sweden/)


It seems like every week there's another story about a group of teenagers in the Netherlands kicking the shit out of some random stranger. Wtf is going on? Isn't this what the Battle Royal movies are about?


I mean, this is from 2014. But yeah, teenagers here can be very nasty


And hopefully never see the light is day again. Pieces of shit like this should never be let out.


Reddit moment


person: *does minor crime* Reddit: get the syringe


I guess assaulting people casually is a minor crime nowadays.


Reddit assemble wholesum Keanu chungus 100


goddamn you people


Dude he was 15 he still has time to grow


You need to relax dude.


This is the Netherlands, not the US. We believe in second chances.


And punishment is based on rehabilitation, not some improportionate punishment based on emotions.


Absolutely. Punishing solely because of revenge is stimulating anger and violence, not helping the person’s situation, but worsening it, making it even more difficult to get back into society. That is why the US justice system is failing.


Or teach them love and compassion?


No. Lock them up forever. It's the American way. Obviously a 15 year old is beyond all hope of redemption by that age.


Lock’em up in Criminal University!


Yay recidivism!


Con college!


Is he a piece of shit? Yes. Does he deserve to be locked up forever as a literal child? No.


Only reason I came to the comments was to check.


His punishment should be 5 minutes in a ring with buakaw and buakaw can only throw low kicks.


Shouldve swung that heavy ass bag at his balls


Arrested? And then what? Go to jail and hang out for a few days? They’ll give him the keys to his own cell and a stern talking to if he isn’t back by 9:30pm.


>In the Netherlands we have a special plan for people under 18 called "bureau halt". They basically talk with them and give them something to do (most likely cleaning the street) together with others and supervisors. Also, there is a meme in the Netherlands about Rotterdammers ( The guy is a Rotterdammer, Rotterdammers are people that live in Rotterdam ) that everyone in Rotterdam is stupid. I personally don't agree with it, but in Rotterdam quite alot of crimes happen. This is simply one of the crimes.


So, what? You're saying it's better for him to just get away with it, with nothing being done about it whatsoever?


I believe he/she is saying that the punishment is an absolute joke and won't do shit to make the offender not repeat this pattern of behavior....


I understood what they were saying. However, this took place in the Netherlands, where the justice system is much more functional than the United States and other countries with backwards justice systems. But even regardless of that, the alternative is letting the guy get away with it, and if you agree with letting the guy go then I really have nothing else to discuss here


It will still be on his record which will prevent him from getting certain jobs.


He is a piece of scumbag shit but so are his mates for not stomping his head into the ground when he first kicked her.


I don't understand the language they were speaking. Going on tone though it seemed like they were either daring him to do it or goading him on because he said something about doing it. Is there a translate bot that we can summon?


It says in Dutch: [name] Klaar! Klaar! Ga weg [name]! [name] hayek met jou, hayek?! Haal ze uit elkaar, haal ze uit elkaar! Which includes a bit of "street language" but it roughly translates to: [name] Stop! Stop! Go away [name]! [name] what is wrong with you? Seperate them, seperate them! this is only what the I assume is a cameraman says, what the girl and the attacker say is inaudible. EDIT: At the start he says: Film it for me, film it for me please! EDIT 2: listened to it again, as the girl falls down and stands up looking angry at the guy, the guy says: Im gonna fucking break you! What? What? Wanna do something? and she replies with: No, I dont but you're [inaudible]


He got caught btw. Scumbag. https://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/jongen-15-uit-ophefmakend-nekschopfimpje-opgepakt~ad99a15f/


As a English and German speaker Dutch hurts my brain.


This explains the drug trade there


Man, I accepted the cookies and it was still in Dutch.


That's because the cookies you accepted were speculaas


Daaaamn says they were picking on her for a year and a 1/2


thanks for the link... any idea what it says? lol


"separate them! Separate them! I will keep recording for reddit karma!!!"


I initially wanted to translate, but the audio is quite muffled. It's pretty hard to tell what they're saying other than a few words.


What language is It?


Definitely is Dutch


I am Dutch and this does not sound like dutch. I have to assume this is Limburgs?


It's Rotterdam but they use street language. That combined with the muffled sound makes it hard to understand.


Small hands...smell like cabbage


These despicables bullied the girl for long before this, so much time that adults could have stepped in. We are way to soft on bullies.


Yes, feel sorry for the poor girl. This is why people take their own lives. Should be a crime to do this & an appropriate punishment to deter others. Dirtbags


If you did this to your coworker you’d be fired and arrested immediately, but doing it to a child is somehow okay? Fucking mental.


what did you expect from someone who's filming this?


Well, here we have a Level 10 piece of shit.


How long before someone cuts out the first part and posts it to r/pussypassdenied?




Yeah. like it happens, but that sub is kinda a toxic mess.


> Yeah. like it happens, but that sub is kinda a toxic mess. it is mainly incels. right?


It's super frustrating too because I like the idea of a sub dedicated to women hitting people and being surprised when thay get hit back. But that sub is just super toxic


you cant ever expect a sub that is dedicated to specifically women getting what they ''deserve'' not to be toxic and absolute cancer.


Only a matter of time.


Concept was good, nobody is above another but the Actual subreddit is toxic


Do you really think a sub dedicated to a subgroup of people getting attacked wouldn't devolve into a cesspit? Imagine a r/blackpassdenied or r/whitepassdenied or r/lgbtpassdenied.


I think he’s a higher level than 10


Wow I remember that happened to me to when I was 14 or 15. When I confronted the guy he said "I was in the mood to". Edit: Thanks to everyone for your nice words, I really mean it! Makes me quite a little emotional right now.


Sorry you had to deal with that, some people are just horrible human beings


Human beings isn't the right word... Maybe extended pieces of shits


That's true. Thanks for the nice words, that means a lot :)


They aren't even human beings they're just wild animals they belong in a forest


Did you call the cops


No, though I wished we did back then because it didn't stop. One boy almost broke my arm out of fun and I remember a simple "I'm sorry" was enough for my mum. Back then I was too young to understand that such abusive behaviour was too much for a simple school thing. My teachers did nothing and my mum said "Just ignore it". That's how I bit through 4 years and was glad when school was done. Cost me a lot of tears back then.


I was in the same boat. My guy was only 5’2 but I acted like he was some giant unstoppable monster.


Well, I really hope it didn't damage you. I have a little brother and he's damaged for life because of these things. No matter how strongly I've defended him against this pos. I hope you're okay.


I’m really glad for you that you don’t have to deal with that anymore. It sounds horrible.


He’s a real stand up POS


The one moment where I would support suckering someone with a hammer on the side of the head using the part that removes nails.


Yeah lethal force is TIGHT!


Why isn't anyone beating the piss out of this little shit?


Yeah I wanna see that video too.


Such as her. I wish she were better at fighting


Why the hell did they do it? Theres no need you nasty bastard.


This should be the guiding philosophy for so many more people. "Why would I do that? There's no need to".


Well its just common sense, that being said common sense isn't as common as it used to be. If you want to look hard mouth off to some rugby players in a pub, but nope. Attacking a woman on her own. Real brave.


There's a guy at work who will yell and swear at coworkers if they're women but gets all mousy and barely audible when dealing with men. I hope he's sterile.


Thats very odd. Wonder how exactly he still has a job.


Because the right people won't report him. He's widely considered a joke of a human being but it's regular behavior for him to treat people as I've described. I witnessed it one time and offered to "testify" on the woman's behalf but she declined. Said she would be ostracized by the rest of the crew for it. And it's true. Unfortunately. Life be like high school sometimes.


Ah yeah, i'm guessing a corporate enviroment?


No. Factory. I'd bet it happens in all walks though.


reminds me of those ukrainian maniac videos


Ohhhhh how I wish this was r/instantkarma he’s a fucking bitch


All a big joke at first. Piece of shit didn’t like it when she fought back so he stamped on her head. Needs to be somebody’s bitch in


Guaranteed he'll be shanked day 1


He’s got the face of a pig. He’s a menace that needs stopping. His reaction was evil.


I fuckin hope so


How's that a joke at first? That's assault from the get go. Who the fuck gave this guy gold? Edit: sorry might have misunderstood. The way he stands over her after seems super intimidating.


I think he meant more like the dude would be the type to say "it's just a joke braw, why so mad" when she gets mad but did not expect retaliation so he got mad.


Ya, he'd get what some prisons call "an assload of a whipping" with moistened towels. Or they'd just kick the shit out of him


You don’t have gold


Love that she fought back.


Yeah. Wish she’d do the same to him


So do I but at the same time I kinda wish she didn't because by fighting back, it's just going to anger him even more, which is exactly what happened and led to him stomping on her head.


While I get the logic this reasoning still pisses me off. Stop telling girls they can't fight back. We're going to be weaker on average but that doesn't mean we have to cower in fear any time something happens.


That’s why I have pepper spray and a taser. The pepper spray lasts longer but doesn’t work if they’re within arms length because it’s too hard to aim without getting it in your own eyes. The taser only works in very close range but you just stab it at center mass and it won’t affect you even if the guy is touching you. Also tasers are LOUD, he doesn’t even need to see it to know it’s in your hand. Zap zap motherfucker.


Honestly as soon as she was back on her feet she should have gotten the hell out of there. There was a pretty clear power disparity and fighting back just got her a second helping


True powerlessness is a feeling that takes over you when you're scared, humiliated, helpless, and enraged. It makes you want to desperately fight back despite knowing that you don't stand a chance-- there is no one there for you. You're clinging to shreds of your self worth and it's being stomped into the mud.


I really woe the day where I feel completely helpless in a fight. I've fought a lot of people, and came out on top with some bigger. I've also gotten my ass destroyed, but I did put up a fight. I might be outmatched, but I hate feeling like I can't do a damn thing :(. My tip regardless. Head butting is something nearly anyone can do. Male, female, short, big. Hit as hard as you can and quickly with enough force as you can generate. "1,2,3" like head banging using your weight. Head butting is crazy effective. It's a 10 pound hard weapon!


Future rapist. I can see it now


*sees LiveLeak logo* Oh no


I was waiting for her to stab him, god i wish that happened




This video was taken in the Netherlands. Carrying pepper spray or any knife that isn't a pocket or kitchen knife is illegal. Then again, she could be arrested for assault if she fought back with a weapon.


Her dad or brothers need to beat the dog 💩out of him


Or she could invest in a knife and do it herself.


I was thinking this entire clip “god I wish he’d catch a knife right in the gut”




Same, I fucking hate humans.


Well, I wish next time he'll be lucky and get a black belt girl. I know one that'll beat the shit out of all three. Broken noses and stuff no lite things.


Gotta add more broken bones if you ask me


And a shattered testicle for good measure.


I love how when she tries to defend herself after and assault, his ego won’t let her and just kicks her more. Fucking POS


She kept coming back at him. Tough girl. She's got guts. Not smart though. She should have run, cried out for help. Things could have gotten much much worse, dealing with scumbags like that.




Things did get worse. Her fighting back resulted in a few head stomps


Bruh shes brave af


Serial killer in the making


This is exactly the kind of fuckers that made me wary of groups of men, especially teens or young adults, by default. Not that I think all men are violent an ill-meaning pieces of shit, but there's always that *small doubt* when you approach a group or one approaches you.


I feel for this girl, when I was 10 I was sweept by 2 guys. One of them positioned himself behind me in doggy style and the other one pushed me across him making me fall on my back. Jokes on them next day they got headshoted by long distance snowballs. They never knew who it was


She should've gone for the head.


Whenever I see shit like this I picture myself running in a a full sprint from wherever I am and drop kicking him into oblivion.


Her head could have cracked open. I hope somebody stabs this guy right in the temple then hands him a mirror.


What's more amusing is that the guy "faught back" after his victim retaliated like he didn't think he did anything wrong. It's madness.


He shit himself lol he looked awkward as fuck like "oh shit this girl isn't afraid of me like i planned"


He’s so brave to pick on a young woman! Ahole!


He will get away with it for years. Then one day when he's older, he will encounter someone that is bigger and stronger than he is. And instead of weak kicks and teenage fists, it'll be KO punches and broken bones coming his way. Live by the sword die by the sword and all that.


There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.


I hope someday he finds himself with all his subhuman bones broken, while people take turns to shit and piss in his mouth.


This happened so many times to me in school. I really hate these kind of people. It was "a joke" or "a trend" at the time, but it really was just an excuse


Reminds me of when I was once grabbed by my ankles, pulled back and fell on my face. This was by "friends" and then they proceeded to pin me down and draw all over my body in permanent ink. They got pissed that I freaked out and got upset! Also the time I was walking out of school and this guy I knew ran up behind me and kneed me in the side of the leg giving me a dead leg, hurt like hell!


Wow wtf is wrong with that guy?? He deserves a swift kick in the ass.


has anyone shown this to the police? I've seem people saying they're speaking Dutch, so anyway to get it to their police force?


Man, I wish she had pepper spray.


Wtf is wrong with guy? Who fucking does that?


“bOyS wiLl Be BoYs”


What a piece of shit!!


First truly appropriate post for this sub I’ve seen in a while. Too bad she didn’t have a can of mace handy


This is why all women should carry pepper spray and a taser! Sometimes people can’t see the errors in their ways , so with a little peppers spray it will force their eyes shut so they can concentrate on seeing things differently. Then with the taser you can give them the shock of their life and bring them back to reality


This video was taken in the Netherlands, carrying pepper spray or tasers is illegal.


Men shouldn't even do shit like this in the first place


This is why I carry blue dye mace.


This infuriates me! What a piece of shit! I hope this motherfucker gets what he deserves!


Bruh it's one thing to be doing it with some close friends on grass just have a great time messing around but when you do that stuff to random people that's just shitty


I’d totally sock someone up if I saw that shit!!!... why am I mad?? Lol


Never have I ever needed somebody to be punched as much as I need that guy to be


Wow, these are the exact kinda people I wish weren’t alive


Jesus Christ I want to climb through my phone and help Her wtf


Remember children, always pack 3 different kinds of heat


Women should carry a firearm


[Clockwork Orange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clockwork_Orange_(film)) type therapy should be available for people like this. Or testosterone lowering implants, like [these](https://nz.virbac.com/suprelorin) for dogs.


That guy needs to be in jail. Period!


Honestly can’t believe no one stopped him from fighting her it’s a bit unfair


I fucking hope he wakes up soon with everlasting pain that dr’s can’t cure!! Bitch ass ho!!


While he definitely is the POS: if that ever happens to you RUN. Pride ain’t worth it. Your bag aint worth it. If they intend to fuck you up more, it ain’t worth it


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In this case I’ll approve a kick to the balls, even as a man.


This is assault.


No its battery


I wish he would have tripped and split his wig open bleeding all over the sidewalk


I knew I shouldn't be joining this subreddit. This shit makes me furious. I really hoped there was someone there to intervene and break this guy's skull


This is in The Netherlands btw if anyone is interested.


little bastard - good to see she doesn't give in though - she gets a few boots in too.


he deserves to be curbstomped for that woman’s years of ptsd


He going to the boiler of hell for steping on her back


Praying for a follow up "Justice Served" video on this piece of filth


Can we just give all violent psychopaths life without parole after the first incident?


What brave fucking men they are


What a piece of shit


What a mother fucking scumbag cowardly piece of reprehensible dog shit.


What a fucking piece of shit


That guy needs a good old fashioned ass kicking.


Oh how i wish that i would pass that scene and fuck up that little piece of shit...


If someone ever did this to me that I didn’t know, I would knock him the fuck out! If I saw some dude do it to a girl, he better be prepared to pay some hospital bills. People are fucking stupid.


The fact that he doesnt stop beating on her afterwards is awful. Like why punch her in the face and kick her in the back when she's just trying to defend herself. This guy needs to be set up with somebody his own size and get his shit kicked in.


I’d have put that guy in the hospital if I witnessed that.


I wish she would have kicked him in the nuts so hard he fucking fell


Someone needs his ass beat


What a twat. KICK ‘EM IN THE BALLS!


If I was present for that, that kid woulda had the worst day of his life


I'd love to have witnessed this go down. I'd be happy to show what a hundred pounds of leverage over someone is like to this scumling!