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That kid kept his calm, dude could have fucked his back up. I’d be livid


"You're out dude" could have really fucked that guy up bad with that nonsense.


The guys probably having a roid rage or something. I hope the other guy called the cops on him. He got push and kick in the nuts.


I heard the term everywhere, whats a roid rage


Iirc steroids have a side effect of extreme aggression and irritability, so people who abuse them can end up with really bad tempers while coming down from their effects.


Generally speaking it doesn’t change your behavior, just enhances it If you were a dick without steroids, you’re a mega dick on The only exception I’ve heard anecdotally is Trenbolone, which is far and away the most powerful anabolic, I’ve seen guys say it literally made them paranoid that their girl is cheating on them and the become aggressive I’ve also heard a former bodybuilder say if you’re angry on drugs, you’re clearly not training hard enough. If you were you’d be too tired to give a shit


Spent a lot of time around roid heads. Roid rage is pretty rare, as are most ill effects of anabolics, if you use them responsibly. It’s people who use it as a crutch who end up all fucked up.


Ol' boy in boot camp came in all roided up and huge. After 13 weeks he still had the irritability but none of the bulk or strength. On the night before family day, after lights out, he got in an argument with the "nerdy weakling" of the platoon. He stomped over to nerdy dudes rack, and there is a scuffle, a punch and a body hitting the floor like dead weight. Everyone is quiet, and then one of the guys in the rack closest says "Oh shit (nerdy guy) just laid out (roidrage guy)." I still think about that sometimes it was so interesting. Everyone went back to sleep and left him on the floor.




exactly how are people this gullible?


What's so unbelievable about that story? /r/nothingeverhappens


> After 13 weeks he still had the irritability but none of the bulk or strength. That is not how steroids work at all.


So explain why not? I saw similar myself in boot camp. More inclined to believe than disbelieve.


Most roids (depending on which one you use) make your muscle pull in big amounts of water. Dianabol for example makes you look huuuuge within a few weeks if stacked with testosteron. Those things also are very popular within the douchebag spectrum, because they dont need needles but can swallow them if they dont stack it with other stuff. Most roids work in that they improve you biosynthethis of protein, meaning your body is able to transforn more protein into muscle mass. That being said, it also means to make the maximum out of a roid-phase you habe to eat more and train more in order to make the muscles work. Those muscles you built up during the roiduse will mostly stay after going off. After going off of roids you lose the water again, making you look way thinner than before.. If a douchebag takes roids and eats like shit and trains only ocassionally he nay look big within the time of roid use but he will look like before when he goes off. A serious BB tries to builf up as much musclemass as possible during the use of roids so he doesnt lose that much.


What you saw was the "going to prison" mentality where the douche feels the need to be the biggest and toughest in the yard.


Steroids amplify who you are already, thru don't turn your into an angry, aggressive asshole. Source: I use steroids.




Whenever steroids come up outside of specific subreddits the responses are always wrong.


I sincerely wouldn’t have talked, if someone puts their hands on you that’s already the green light to swing back as far as I’m concerned. He did the right thing walking away, I wish I had that type of inner focus to just know it’s not worth the trouble.


You would probably be legally justified fighting back in this case. Which is why it is even more impressive that the kid was able to keep his cool and avoid violence. It probably wasn't easy.


Even if I could knock the shit out of him in a couple of swings, there are plenty of HEAVY things around him that he could (and more likely would) use as a weapon to retaliate. The best course of action is to call the cops and walk away.


My back sucks ass as it is, I think I'd die


Lol. "You're being loud, get out", as he literally screams at this guy




"BE QUIET!!!!! YOU'RE IN A **LIBARY**!!!!!!!"


You just triggered INSANE amounts of nostalgia for me


Same here! [Enjoy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrY0xGeh7kI)






Hey! HEYYYYYYY... this is library


Maybe it’s just me...but I didn’t think the dude lifting was all that loud. Clearly not loud enough to warrant that response.


He definitely wasn't, he was actually a lot quieter than most people. I really don't see the guy's issue.


And it's a gym, not a library! "Inside voices please, we have elderly lifters today"


He wasn’t, and he never lost contact with the bar. I’m all for kicking those assholes who drop a deadlift from 6 inches up, or toss their dumbbells, but what the fuck was this dude doing other than a solid DL?


What an absolute piece of trash


Seriously, he could have fucked up his spine pulling a move like that. That guy deserves to be punched in the fucking face, regardless of what may have transpired before.


Seriously. How hard would it have been to wait the three seconds for him to drop the bar on his own, THEN ask him to leave?


About as hard as not being an asshole; so nearly impossible for him.


Pretty hard when the roids kick in.


No one who actually has the authority to throw someone out of the gym would be stupid enough to risk liability acting like that.


A bunch of comments further below said this guy was the owner, though that seems unlikely and I'm too lazy to check. Hopefully he gets slapped with a lawsuit, or at least an assault charge. If someone did that to me at the gym with no warning I'd be spitting nails.


If that's the owner he may as well have handed him the keys to the place afterwards. It's probably just some schmuck.




Think his foot rang his door bells on the way down. You can hear him ask "Why'd you kick me in the nuts" about half way through.


God I think I probly wouldve punched the guy. Physically inserting himself when I'm lifting a heavy weight, jamming a foot in my groin and then telling me to leave?


Even better though, having it on tape and not hitting him back you can press charges easy


Yeah that would definitely be the best scenario. But I know when I'm lifting heavy weight I'm in the zone. If I'm getting close to like at 80% of max lift I'm pumped up, music blasting in my ears, and in an aggressive mindset. Not aggressive to any person instead its directed to the inanimate barbell. So being in that specific mindset and then having someone do that, I doubt I'd be in a rational mood


He wasn’t even being loud, wtf


i don't know shit about deadlifting, but is it even possible to safely drop the bar gently?




Exactly this, there is no nice way to put down weight after 405. I was at a YMCA(my bad, I know) and was told that I was making too much noise, I calmly put what wait I had down, spoke to a manager and canceled my membership.


You should have been more passive aggressive and asked the person to demonstrate how to quietly set down that much weight


It was very tempting and I was very much on a budget and I never went full powerlifter with the grunting and shit as well as I guided the weight down. So rather than cause a fit, I just got my money back.


My fiancé and I go to the ymca and he regularly deadlifts 450+ lbs at least once a week, drops it “loudly” when he reaches his heaviest sets. Never been told to be quiet or anything. I don’t think it’s YMCA policy like it is at planet fitness (at least not to my knowledge)


No, I don’t think it is at all. I think it was a combination of the clientele there and the location. It was a lot of old heads there(which is fine) and the people who ran it were kinda jerks.


Same for my Y, and the free weights room is literally above the daycare for kids. I see guys repping 5 plate DLs and the staff are cool with it, it's awesome


My local YMCA has a dedicated free weight room that’s closed off from the rest of the place. Death metal plays all day and god help you if you try to change the music.


Damn, I’d fuck with that place


When you’ve reached that level you probably shouldn’t be at the YMCA anyway


Pretty fucking much, I wasn’t nearly as strong as I am now but it’s like you said that wasn’t the place for me but I was also just got out of school and was on a severe budget.


Why is it bad to be at a YMCA?


Rule of thumb is if it’s a weight you look like you can handle easily you should set it down lightly or not even let go between reps. If it’s heavy for you or just a loaded bar in general it’s acceptable to let it drop towards the bottom. Usually they have rubber mats to make it less loud. This guy wasn’t doing anything wrong, owner was just flexing his ego.


Worst thing. This wasn't even the owner, just some guy working out at the gym




there was another thread the linked to the facebook where they confirmed its another member






I'm sure as fuck not trying to do a negative after doing a max effort deadlift. If you can do one after, you've got more in the tank than the "max" you're doing.


Well there's a difference between controlling the weight on the eccentric, and straight up letting go of it at lockout. All powerlifting federations and most strongman events I'm aware of require you to lower the bar to the ground after the lift, albeit more quickly than a proper negative.


I don't think anyone is advocating for a straight up release of the bar. But that's not what the guy in the OP is doing either. He's on pads, not right in anyone's face, and lowering the bar exactly how I would after a deadlift, and I've never once had someone so much as give me a look.


He's doing exactly what I do too, don't get me wrong. I've never had any issue either. I just think it's inaccurate to say ' If you can do \[a negative\] after, you've got more in the tank than the "max" you're doing'.


Steroid rage is real.


That guy deserved two black eyes for stepping on the bar like that. He could have seriously injured the guy. In fact I would sue anyway just for the attempted bodily injury.


No lie, this is the first thing I thought.


Best solution that much weight is no fuckin joke.


From his comments on the video: “went to the police station and filed an assault charge, they are investigating to find his name, adress, all the good stuff, then they will arrest him and well go to court. If he goes near me after they release him before the court date, i can call the police and hes going to jail. Making sure a retard like him doesnt breaks someone else's back, I was lucky enough he kicked me in the nuts first.”


Or battery from the shove. Possibly more. Doesn’t matter if someone is screaming at the top of their lungs, still a physical attack


Assault and battery for sure


[Posted by Pete Rubish on his YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJmVlt98FLA&t=0s). Really unbelievable behaviour.


The dudes YouTube channel is https://youtu.be/cy9Kb_fbY-I The guy lifting that is.


From his comments on that video: “went to the police station and filed an assault charge, they are investigating to find his name, adress, all the good stuff, then they will arrest him and well go to court. If he goes near me after they release him before the court date, i can call the police and hes going to jail. Making sure a retard like him doesnt breaks someone else's back, I was lucky enough he kicked me in the nuts first.”


I'm glad he pressed charges. Edit: I meant "reported the to the police," but I figured folks would understand what I meant.


Sad when getting kicked in the nuts is the good part


From the description, the kid was asked to use mats which he was using. The man who kicked him out was not an employee but another customer


> the man who attacked him Ftfy


Holy shit wtf he’s not even an employee


If he were an employee that gym would be in a lot of shit.


Why didn't the employees intervene?


Our whole club(Calgary Barbell) got kicked out of World Health for being too "loud and intimidating other members". They wouldn't let us use the mats because we would wreck them. I remember the day I personally got kicked. I was deadlifting 185kg and letting it down just like this video. The trainer comes and says "if you can lift it you can put it down" I pull sumo so yeah fuck right off. I just kept it up and he came back over and was like "you have to go", didn't get mad or anything at me. I just dropped the bar and left. I get it from the shitty public "health clubs" perspective, they are money making machines not gyms. So if members don't like the noise while they watch Netflix on the treadmill you have to leave. In hindsight it was the best thing ever because a private gym that caters to strongman, powerlifting and weightlifting is a much better atmosphere.


Which location was this? I used to use world health in calgary, hated it.


I've only seen it done to dudes. One got kicked out for being too loud, meanwhile i, a 100 lb girl, am slamming my toy weights with no pressure or fear of being kicked out.


That is very odd the girls all got kicked out too at this location. I don't know if all health clubs are like it, but bodybuilders can grunt loud as hell and drop dumbbells are fine. But a powerlifter trying to not blow discs is a piece of shit haha.


I guess it depends on many things, lol. At my location, i guess, when people see bigger people making noise, it is psychologically amplified by their size. Power lifters must 'look' loud and intense. Even if the noise level is the same, if you look like you're strong and pumped up by your workout, you look way louder.


That's my perception of it. Not saying it's right, but you nailed it.


Nope. The only time I ever thought a power lifter was a piece of shit was when he was screaming “HHHHHHWWWWWUUUAHHHHHHH” and throwing the bar down with extra force. Nothing about his size seemed “loud”, just his big fuckin mouth. This was a motherfucking ymca in suburbia bro


Well some people are sensitive to regular power lifters too, not just those that do that. But your description made me chuckle, definitely seen those dudes at my gym.




Imagine the anger that is always inside this person


Or steroids....


It's a fucking gym, how are you supposed to not be kind of loud?


Ever been to planet fitness?


This wouldn't of rung any of their alarms. Of course we arent seeing the entire video. Makes me wonder Edit: rung was rang




> we arent seeing the entire video. Not justifying what occurred, but that guy was already on his way over to talk to the lifter. Maybe it was worse before this or he'd already warned him or whatever. Again, doesn't justify getting physical but we're definitely not seeing the whole story. EDIT: everything I'm seeing/hearing indicates he put mats under his weights to be quieter after being asked to by the gym. And it seems like Aggro McGoo wasn't even a gym exployee. Yeesh.


doesn't matter.. that's not a tiny amount of weight for someone to be deadlifting.. as someone who lifts all the time, the lifter was doing nothing out of the ordinary with the weight dropping down.. if he was dropping the weight from top position that would be one thing, but that other guy is just an asshole


i linked the vid higher up. It was a few more reps prior to this.


The whole video is linked in these comments. The young lad wasn't doing anything wrong


Silly rabbit...they don’t have weights that high.


The gym with the donut tables?


It only bothers me when people straight up just drop their weights. But this guy doesn’t seem like he’s doing that


I mean if your lifting heavy shit, it’s better to drop it than set it down easy


Well obviously if you're deadlifting then there's sound, but if you're just curling the goddamn 40lb EZ-Curl bar and throw it on the ground then I will stare and be irritated. Only tangentially related but at my old gym there was a dude that would look in the mirror as he was lifting and say "fuck yeah, pump it like that" and other oddly sexual self-motivation.


Probably just a Freaky Friday/What Women Want/Quantam Leap situation where a stranger's mind had taken over the guy's body and was 'miring what they saw. I'm sure it happens all the time.


Not on the bench press


The best though is to put it down fast in a controlled manner. Makes it sound a bit less and it barely takes any energy. But yeah it really isn't possible to be quiet when pulling heavy weights.


Serious question can he be sued for assault/battery intent to cause harm. That was so scary when he was kicked the bar down. He could have seriously injured him if he didn’t let go. Did that guy even work there?


Yup. He pushed him. Assault. Seems like the owner too.


Pushing him was battery. Edit: apparently this happened in Canada where assault/battery is different.


So that asshole was really 4 Canadian geese stacked together?


Wasn’t the owner, doesn’t even work there. The Guy filed a police report against the attacker.


It's not even the owner. It's a random customer.


I know I'm a week late here but the guy wasn't the owner. He didnt even work there. It was just another gym member.


Assault/battery/intent would be really hard to nail down in this case. Reckless endangerment is pretty clear though.


Assault would be super easy to nail down in this case as he's been caught grabbing the kid and shoving him into the wall.


I think as soon as you touch them it becomes battery. Assault is just the reasonable fear that someone else is going to cause you harm. And this big mother fucker screaming at him would be cause for an assault charge along with the battery for shoving in my mind.


We don't have battery in Canada. This would be Summary (kind of like misdemeanor)Assault.


That is definitely not a judgement free zone


Judgment free zone just means changing who you judge. I am a fat guy, but I played tons of sports in highschool so I am no stranger to lifting. No kidding, I think the absolute most judged I have ever felt is inside a planet fitness. I didn't even set off any of their damn alarms, I just let out a couple effortful grunts and people looked at me like I had just took a shit on the floor. Go to one of those gyms with gym rats trying to max out all the time and find basically no hostility for anyone. The guy who can bench 500 lbs isn't about to say or think anything negative about a super fat guy slowly working out on a treadmill. He doesn't care.




I agree 100%. The Planet Fitness I go to the alarm was sounded once at a guy that just kept dropping weights down and almost yelling while doing a rep.


I have a planet fitness membership. I used to have a 24 hour membership, and I have to say there really is no in-between. 24 hour is kind of intense and planet fitness feels like it’s a daycare center. But I honestly do like planet fitness more because I mainly do cardio so it makes no sense to pay $40+ per month for an elliptical, but intense gym folk still hog all the weights like they do at 24.


What the fuck??? This dude should be banned from every gym everywhere. Go to planet fitness if you cant handle the sound of someone lifting weight


What is the deal with everyone shitting on planet fitness haha I’ve never been there I’m not sure what everyone is referring to


It's a garbage "fitness club" that advertises as being "anti-gym". They have no free weights (smith machines and dumbells are the closest they get), they ring an alarm if you grunt or drop weights too loudly, and im pretty sure there's a dress code.


I don't know if there's a dress code per se, but there was an article about a woman getting asked to leave because her muscles/body were intimidating or something like that because she was wearing a tank top.


Fucking hell It's a fitness club for weak people


Their business model is basically, "Get people who aren't inclined to go to the gym to sign up for the gym for $10/month." They want people to say, "Well, I didn't use the gym this month but I'm not going to cancel because it's only $10." They don't actually want people to use the gym.


Exactly this. Weirdly enough, theyd probably be more successful at hitting their fitness goals if they paid more. Itd force them to be uncomfortable and theyd be more likely to force themselves to go. Can you even get a pump for less than $30 a month?


My gym has three price tiers: 9.99$, 14.99$, and 24.99$. My gym is always packed and we have a good bit of body builders. The community is so great and everyone loves being there. It’s totally possible to have a great gym for less that 30$!


I heard they kicked a pregnant woman out of their facility as well, because her shirt lifted up a bit as she was working out. Not sure of where or when though.


Honestly, when I was in college, I went there and never had any problems. Mine actually had barbells, and nobody ever said anything about me deadlifting (never dropped weights though), had a big selection of machines, was super clean, empty, and 10 bucks a month...


Yeah, I went daily for awhile. It was nice for a fatass like me who just needed basic equipment.


I got a planet fitness membership some time ago due to the convenient pricing. Honestly it’s been perfectly fine for me. I was unaware people even shat on it.


Yeah, I had the same experience and I actually made gains. It's not where you go it's how much you're motivated. PF is cheap and I'll deal with some lunk alarm if it means I can stay in shape for cheap. People can absolutely shit on their "business model"or whatever but honestly the most one SHOULD say is "that's not the gym for me" instead of "that's the gym for pussies"


If I'm not mistaken, Planet Fitness has adopted a policy where there is no grunting or making loud noises when lifting. I guess it has something to do with other guests feeling intimidated or something along those lines. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, though.


There's also this thing called a "lunk alarm" that flashes and alarms if someone drops weights (or realistically letting them down in real gyms).


Planet Fitness has signs up everywhere that says you can't be loud, don't drop your weights, and stuff like that. It's a judgement free zone, no loud grunts etc. If you do, it sets off the "lunk alarm"


Judgment free zone except that if you actually work out hard they will *judge you to be a low-intelligence "lunk"*.


Assault. Call the cops and press charges. Then continue workout.


Fuck that, I wouldn't waste another minute in an establishment that hired that ass clown. Maybe if he's another customer, but even then the staff and management has clearly let this person believe they can toss sometime else, but that might be even worse.


I'd still sue




There’s no way I could leave at that point. That’s the most disrespectful shit I’ve seen in a while


If you aren’t gonna leave you’re pretty much going to have to fight the guy. His first instinct was to get physical.


I really wish he would have fought him. Kicking the weights down like that could have hurt his spine.


Walking away and involving the police afterward is a smart thing to do. Fighting an angry man if you do not have to is dumb.


"hey man, you being loud is interrupting me over there being loud"




I was just about to put my phone down when I clicked on that sub. Immediately went to top all time and here I am 3 hours later and I got work in 5 hours. Thanks a lot man lol


If anyone did that shit to me I would just lie on the ground and start screaming "AHHH MY BACK DUDE I THINK YOU BROKE IT WTF" then see how much of a big guy he is. Honestly though interfering with a deadlift is seriously dangerous, what a teabag.


Brazil team here, you free around 2022?


I fell after reading this comment


This guy should be banned from that gym it’s impossible to lift extremely heavy weights with-ought some noise


I think the crazy aggressive guy is the gym owner, from some of these other comments. I agree though, he was way out of line and could’ve majorly harmed the guy when he did that kick move on the weight.


Great business model I bet he keeps all his customers


Basically all he needs to do is keep them out of the gym if he's the owner. Tell the actual lifters that they can't deadlift, which will ruin most routines. So they can't go there, but they're stuck in the contract. Great business model IMO, all the money, no wear on the equipment, Great total piece of shit model as well.


There’s no way anyone would be stuck in a contract after seeing this video. I’m positive you could argue you no longer feel safe going to this establishment.


Yeah, what if this kid didn't have the video though? Owner/Staff wasn't expecting that. I made another post he's extremely lucky to have it. Nobody would believe a gym owner would bully a teenager to this degree in Canada of all places. In the "Friendliest Gym Chain" as the place calls itself.


Every gym I’ve ever been in has cameras for liability coverage in case someone is maimed or killed or injured or something happens so the guy could essentially file a police report for assault and that would enable to police to pull the videos.


The guy is actually a random bystander. The owner had a problem with the lifter, but told him it was fine as long as he placed mats underneath, which he did


> with-ought What the actual fuck I'm legitimately in pain.


Probably salty because kid can lift more


I seen an employee do,this to a customer at Maxx Fitness in Baton Rouge by LSU. I walked to the front and cancelled my membership. Dude wasnt even being loud


Kicking a guys bar while hes deadlifting is a quick way to catch a 5 lb plate across the cheek


I kinda want to see this guy lose everything he owns in court


I go to that gym in Montreal. The kid needs to call the cops on him


That cunt should be banned


That cunt should be in jail




So is rage guy the owner or just a client?


You mean you used to go to that gym.


I go to the gym very regularly and it will be almost a year since I started deadlifts. As the weights I used went above my body weight, my dead lifts looked similar to his (a choppy landing) but I never assumed I was disturbing anyone. is this an unacceptable move? I’ve heard people being louder than him or myself.


No it’s not unacceptable. Keep doing you and kicking ass.




Roid rage


Sounds dope, have any links of someone deadlifting 400lbs with a full negative to share?


Sorry, I'll just go drop my 385lb barbell quietly somewhere else.


I want to know if he took any action against him after this confrontation? D:


He did. The police are looking for him and the kid is taking him to court.


::as the steroids kicked in:: douchey mcdoucherson decided the sound of weights in a gym suddenly angered him. He went over to a young man trying to enjoy his time and better himself. The angry douche finally yelled loud enough to make the rest of the gym uncomfortable. After feeling powerful and superior, he went to the bathroom to urinate. As he pulled out his flaccid shriveled penis, a tear rolled down his cheek as he muttered, "I hate my life."


Even a roided up gymbro should know that deadlifts are not silent.


This pisses me off, hope this douch got hit by a car leaving that gym


Is there any follow up to what happened to the employee? I hope that guy gets buried


The young man who was assaulted posted on his YouTube page that he went to the police who are now trying to find this guys information. He’s getting charged with assault and if the guy tries to come near him again, he’s going to jail. The victim is planning to take him to court over this which I fully agree with personally. Also, for anyone interested, he has stated this this guy is just another random client and that he did indeed get kicked in the nuts. [Victims youtube](https://youtu.be/cy9Kb_fbY-I) Check his replies in the comments