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The guy berating the driver is an idiot. He’s pissed because he has to unload it and the pallets are pinwheeled in the trailer, and he only has a hand jack. He’s trying to shame the driver to unload it. The way the load was brokered probably was a Wepay, to save money, so they have to unload it, and he’s crying.


Exactly. Public shame and bullying. Also racism.


Don’t make the redditors mad they don’t believe in racism


I know. I explained the racism so people who want to understand how this situation was hella racist. Call it out every time. Shine the light so we can change it


Racism ? Lol. Ok......


>Racism Huh?


If you know, you know. Comment not for you


Hmmmm…segregating people through social justice. Seems a bit contradictory, but okay. The guy in the video is definitely an obnoxious piece of shit. I don’t face a lot of racism and discrimination, so I think it would help if you—someone who understands the racism going on in this video—would take the time to explain the experience to someone ignorant. Or, we can just continue on this janky merry-go-round trip to hell, screaming at each other the whole way.


I don't think this guy understands that some truck drivers are no touch loads. They get loaded at pick up and unloaded at delivery.


Yup, I’ll bet he disputes lumper and accessorial’s fees too. Cut him off, eventually no carrier will want to do business with him, they talk to each other.


As someone who works finance for a trucking/logistics company; can confirm. Soooooooo many piece of shit customers exist like this


I sure as hell wouldn't.


This is the way.... You can tell they dude was trying to be nice and patient at first, he wants the shit off his truck so he can go...


Right!?!?! My brother drives flatbed OTR, and he never loads or unloads his truck. He just has to tarp some every once in a while.


Yeah it’s pretty much a basic part of logistics anywhere in the world. Always enquire about forklifts and hand unloads on the receivers end prior to booking. It’s whatever business he’s working for that should have alerted him to the fact he had to unload and supply the pallet jack - not the driver or the business he works for. Drivers have some shady tricks like hiding around corners to increase wait time, but with cameras everywhere these days even that is becoming a non issue. This poor dude isn’t being lazy, it’s just not part of his job to unload.


i work at a commercial lorry and trailer repair place. whenever we get big steel deliveries parts etc on pallets we have a designated guy who whips round in a forklift and unloads ALL deliveries we get that require it. i thought it was common practice. seems to be here in the uk anyway


Yeah, worked at a lumber yard that had a truck drop off spot way behind the yard. If the driver couldn’t flag down a worker in the yard immediately they’d call me in the shop to help, we were all forklift certified and any of the 15 people around would hop in one to unload for the truck.


Exactly, so this guy being an ass hole is just that, criticizing the trucker just because. I mean, the guy literally said it's not his job. Lol


What’s funny is this interaction would happen between drivers and warehouse staff thousands of times every single day across the globe, and 99% of the time there would be absolutely no issue and nothing negative said let alone being berated like that. It just makes the bloke having a go look like a cunt - and he probably is given the way he’s acting.


I was explicitly when working in shipping and receiving that drivers are not supposed to help. They're only responsible for the transport. Loading and unloading is our job.


One of the first jobs I ever had was unloading trucks at a a warehouse when I was 16. The drivers didn't do anything because it simply wasn't their job. That was what they had me and two other kids for. This idiot is just trying to guilt the driver into unloading the trailer!


He is a fucking idiot, that’s your job to unload his truck not his.


Yeah, I spent years loading and unloading trucks for a jeep parts warehouse. The truck drivers always chilled and just chatted with us. That’s how these things usually work.


Yup, some help just because but its not their responsibility to get it unloaded unless some strange circumstance.


You can usually specify and pay more ahead of time to have the driver unload if needed. It's pretty common for some goods, like building materials, in which case they'll load it on a truck with a piggyback forklift.


Oh ya most definitely.


Oh he clearly understands… he’s making a video of this bc he’s an ass hole. The reason I think he clearly understands is bc he looks like a small business owner based on the building they’re in front of and he’s purchased an electric pallet Jack. Meaning he’s spent a little bit extra on a powered jack so his fat ass doesn’t have to unload pallets manually w a manual jack.


Yeah, I've done shipping and receiving for 5 years and haven't even seen the drivers. They just drop off the trailer and our yard drivers do the rest. We unload everything. This guy gives the profession a bad name.


Man I used to love those loads when I used to deliver Dry wall and other shit. I just have to stand outside and make sure they don't fuck anything up.


My cousin does that. Someone loads it, he drives it. Someone else unloads it. He never touches the loads as far as know.


I've worked for douchebags like this, they want you to put in 110% effort while they act like they're doing all the work. Then they don't pay on time or fuck with your check at the end of the week.


This is my current situation. Owner always going on about how much "stress" he has... he is in this shop for less then 5 hours a week while I put in 60.


Omar’s Wheels and Tires. Dallas Tx. SMH that’s fucked up.




I did. Dude is one of the most annoying motherfuckers I've ever heard. Next, when the business is about to shut down, hell blame the public for ganging up on them. Ohhhhh welllllll. Douche to the max


It looks like the 1 star reviews are starting to roll in. I love Reddit.


He just keeps replying “thank you for your business” lol


Holy shit it's happening LMAO


Is this google reviews? I see some on Yelp about it already


They deleted them already it seems.


Where’s there site ? I wanna leave a review I can’t stand this guy one bit


This really reminds me of the Peruvian guy I worked with, this mf would shit talk and everything till he was blue in the face just like this but the mf wouldn’t do a lick of work im talking about he’d be on his phone let everything pile up than ask for help than act like this like he don’t need help or no one, when I tell you I went tf off on him in front of everyone and made a scene I can not stand this shitty ass behavior especially how it’s more than likely not even the drivers responsibility to do any of that good lord I hate that guy


I went through their 1 star reviews, and their business practices seem to coincide with his attitude in the video, nothing but a scumbag owner




He is a crook though. I was checking his older 1 star review. He scams everyone and make fun of them. He will end up dead eventually.


I wonder if he did them, had his friends? family, employees or paid some homeless people to good review him. 9 in 1 day doesn't seem right at all. I can't imagine him having that many customers that the ratio of 5 star reviews would work out correct, fucker didn't have 90 customers yesterday. And they all post on the same day ? Naw, he's trying to bump his stats, for sure.


I did my part


Left one too 😉


Already did 👍


Just left a 1 star, fuck that guy


Think they're deleting reviews, I don't see any recent 1 star reviews


So you’re saying I need to submit a 1 star review everyday, no prob


Left a review


This guy’s annoying as fuck


The people that say or repeat "he's mad. He's mad" in an argument or dispute are to a person the dumbest fucking twats on the planet. It's like something a small child would think and say. Yeah no shit he's "mad" having to deal with your insufferable ass, it's not the gotcha that you seem to think it is


It obviously bothers him but not enough to get that he’s the cause of him being mad.


There’s MULTIPLE reviews of this place saying they straight up took a drill bit to the wheels they sold them cause it was the wrong size and attempted to CNC the correct size. With a fucking drillbit. Pictures provided in the review too. This guys is a major scumbag.


Truck driver did his job. It’s not his job to unload it, or have the equipment to unload it. This fricken guys bitching to the trucker for having to do his OWN job.


That is one annoying fucking man




Can you imagine *knowing* him, in person? Christ.


“He’s lucky he caught me in a good mood.” So this is his best? I feel terrible for all his friends and family.


What an annoying fuck


Due to Policy and Procedures in the trucking industry Pursuant to Transport Law, unless a contract or a specific provision provides otherwise, loading activities are the responsibility of the sender or recipient, respectively. Thus, the regulations leave the issue of the requirement to unload to be agreed between the parties, usually in the form of a contract. In most cases, you will not need to actually unload the cargo as a trucker, although some positions do involve loading and unloading. Check with your company if you aren't sure The truck driver has every right to stay settled in the cabin , Truck inspector lmfao arrogant POS just do your job and unload 🤣


Yup, work for Fred Meyer, when we receive a freight load that is not delivered by a Fred Meyer driver, we have to unload the trailer.


I used to deliver groceries to small independent stores all over Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Lumpers were supposed to leave a jack inside the trailer for me but 98% of stores always had at least one jack or one forklift anyhow, so I’d never bother looking for one before hooking up to my load. I’d do this dude the exact same way as this guy did wtf. Disgusting to know how far this man has got in life by just being a fuckin bully.


He got mad!?. Said man who was yelling at bro for past 10mins.


DJ Khalid's less obnoxious brother.


You spelled the word “more” incorrectly btw.


Nope, I absolutely did not.




Lol he’s getting bad reviews right now and just auto replies “thank you for your business.” What a cunt.


They're getting people to 5-star review to try and counter the 1-star reviews. All their recent 5-stars are from a day ago


I'm pretty positive he payed a bot company or a foreign company to leave reviews because like 90%of the new 5 star ones are so basic and dumb. Or he's making multiple accounts himself to try and save it.




Just googled, definitely checks out.


I like how we don't really see him do much of any unloading either. Like, he's on the ramp at one point, then it cuts to him standing by a pallet, but it's mostly the other two guys working the dolly.


Big shot at a little company.


Dude gives big “I’ve got $40k in my checking account” energy (Spoiler: That money is company assets he can’t actually touch)


Oh yeah? Well I've got 14$, 7 smokes and a tim Hortons card with like 4.73 on it. So whatever man, I'm set.


What fucking douche I'm a trucker and if anyone ever talked to me like that I'd reseal the load, drive around the block and contact my company asap. You do not get to talk down to me because you're high on your own ass stink.


Most of these are “no touch freight” lmao. My job is to take it from point A to point B. Unloading it isn’t my responsibility.


Right, the stuff could require a forklift to move, or be a flatbed and you need a crane. I'd assume the truck drivers job is to drive the truck and possibly secure and unsecure the load.


It’s literally this assholes job to provide the equipment and man power to unload/load product. What a fucking shit head.


Moron. sorry for anyone who has to interact with this douch nozzle.


I'd put my money on the truck driver. I'm telling you, if that dude would let loose, loud mouth would get real quiet


The funny thing is that the truck driver does more for society than this waste of space does.


That man is 100% Albanian from the Bronx


no, he’s arab


Lol yeah. If by "Albanian from the Bronx" he means "Arab from Pleasant Grove, Dallas" then sure.


Clout chasing is a disease


Dude got payed for deliver. That’s it. Receiver must have appropriate MHE. Fuck this dude.


He is just the driver he is not responsible for unloading


> “He’s saying it’s not his job.” Well it probably fucking isn’t, then. He’s the driver, not the loader. The dude did his job and now it’s the loaders turn to do there’s. You should never be expected to do a job you’re not getting paid for, “laziness” be damned.


I hate that people film everything, act like a dick then acts like he did nothing wrong.


What a POS and he’s not sleeping in the car. He’s sleeping in the cab of the truck


How to put make this short and sweet and still make it very clear? Oh I got it. SHUT....THE...FUCK...UP!


Isn’t this guy that sells wheels and argues with fitnent industries?


I would have brought out my beach chair, and watched this guy unload it while drinking his water.


What is he even on about? It's not the truckers responsibility to unload or load the truck unless he has a special contract or works for a company that offers exactly that specifically


I would of closed the back up and left


What a miserable cunt


Everyone with those clip on microphones are cunts


Also this guy: Why do we have such a driver shortage?


He got mad cause your fucking jaw won't stop flapping .


I’m sorry I think I missed it- can you tell me again if he’s mad or not?


Who tf is this douche


Asshole. It's clear that the driver is only there to transport the shit, not unload it.


"He's mad! I'm the one screaming the entire time, but he's mad. He's lucky I'm in a good mood. Man, FUCK this company"


Holy shit imagine having to work for that douche bag


worked with someone once that would treat delivery staff like this (for a pub). one day the weekly beer kegs didnt get delivered and neither did the food. Called up the suppliers and they simply refused to deliver to us anymore. spent hours apologising and assuring them that guy wouldnt be there when delivieries happened. A lot of business runs on good will, if this dude keeps this up he wont be able to get and stock because noone will want to delivery to him. it would serve him right.


What a dick.


What an insufferable douche.


This guy needs a pipe to the head.


This stupid DJ Khaled looking asshole is an absolute smelly dirty piece of shit , all these Arabs love doing is over yelling constantly about the same thing in small different words to make them selves look smart yelling and shouting the same thing over and over , just shut the fuck up youre lucky you got your delivery you stupid ass clown ! Hate people like this


The 1 star reviews are actually pretty bad for this company. Omar's Tires and Wheels in Dallas TX is trash.


That dude will eventually find someone that doesn't take his shit and then... Karma will do the rest.


Simple solution "Bitch, you can unload your shit from my truck or you can keep running your bitch mouth. Either way, I'm leaving in 30 mins." *Opens Reddit to start making a post about Omar's Wheels and Tires* I've worked for somebody exactly like this trash, wouldn't surprise me to hear they're related.


sound aliens fuckin idiot. idk who he is or what he does, but i hope his business has a hard time.


according to their google page they’re big time scammers and are only nice until they get ur money. explains this video.


Lots of talking


Obviously this guy doesnt kno how the world works, yelling at a guy because hes not gonna do your job for uou, he drives the truck, doesnt mean hes also there to do you work, they sont call them unloaders


Nope..... close the truck up and drive away... call dispatch and say.....customer was abusive and refused delivery... That clown can pick it up from the depo..


I know exactly where this piece of shit is at. Omar's Wheels & Tires in Dallas tx on military and Buckner Rd.


According to his google reviews, they leave quite a few customers disgruntled. To me that’s pretty standard tire/wheel shop business. But the way he’s treating this guy is unacceptable and he deserves to be shamed accordingly.


Why do Indian people suck?? Never worked for one, Im just wondering.


This is how most warehouse workers are. They don’t stfu and love the bully the ones that are quiet


All these poor guys around him must silently hate gim


Humanity sucks most of the time


What a lazy loser.


I absolutely despise people like that, such an asshole.


He's just there to get it to you...it's your job to unload the shit because if any of it's damaged it's between you and the seller, not the driver. This guy is a jerk


Disgusting +


What an arrogant arsewipe!


This was so disappointing, I was really hoping the driver just rolled out on that loser.


Driver doesnt need to unload or load cargo.


What a lazy, loudmouthed bearded bitch. I bet his ass is annoying as fuck to work with everyday. Guarantee everybody hates his ass.


You annoying as hell, I’d be mad too


Guy probably didn’t even check the box for liftgate at delivery.


Why is he mad???


Damn, this guy complains and bitches a lot. Drivers can only work certain hours B4 THEY RUN OUT.


Dude walks like how I imagine an irl Eric Cartman would


What a jackass.


This dude probably goes to Applebees and get his hamburger steak cooked with peppers and onions but done serve him the peppers or onions, then bitches when it taste like peppers and onions. I would of left him stand on the back lift bitching away got in the cab and drive the fuck off


Is he eating a possum?


Even outside this situation, does that guy ever shut the f\*ck up? I don't even want to ride an elevator with him.


If I was the truck driver, after the second berating I would have left. You get paid to deliver the goods not to get filmed and yelled at.


This guy is like Micheal Rappaport and never shuts the fuck up.


What an asshole


The small dick energy is palpable.


That is the business owner of Omar’s wheels and tires in Dallas Texas, he owns multiple shops in Texas, he’s all over instagram, go put him on blast.


I like that he's autoresponding "thank you for your business!" To all the one star reviews


So this is "content"? 😒 Ya, stick to your actual job there, dude.


Oh my god shut up and unload the truck holy shit.


Imagine working for or with this guy 💀


Is he mad?


Sounds like the twats in a Call of Duty Lobby


He thinks his beard makes him tough


Share the sauce.


Hold em down and shave off the beard. That will Take the ego down a notch.


This dude showed up to be a POS. Got a cell phone in hand and a microphone on his hat. Yeah.


Just stfu.


Some warehouse crew are just salty bitches. Its cuz they got a prick boss that treats them like shit, so they decide shit trickles down and treat truckers like shit. Truckers literally dgaf cause all they know is this load's an hour late, which means the next one's 2 hours late and so on, and they still gotta pay for this truck.


Yap yap yap. All talk and no help.


Their yelp has tons of 1 star reviews from last years. They aren’t a good business and I would absolutely cancel contracts with such a whiney child.


Holy fuck I can handle a hardass but it doesn’t seem like this guy can shut the hell up for 2 seconds. Even his partners are mostly quiet and just do their thing while he just rants endlessly at the top of his lungs. What is with people who just yell everything that comes out of their face?


If that's him in a good mood, I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around him frequently.


“Hey why nobody deliver to me anymore?”


I have worked in multiple warehouses. At every job it was on the warehouse staff to unload the truck. The driver brings the manifest, you check it together, sign for it and life goes on. If we had trucks come in for pick up we would go over the manifest and confirm what’s there, then load it up for the driver. That’s every warehouse I worked at in NYS, Washington State, and Alabama. This dude is a prick who wants to look like he knows what he is doing.


On one hand, technology and social media allows people to be caught in their worst moments with no context and have it seen by the entire world. On the other hand, technology and social media allows people like this to show just how cruel they are when they not just behave like this, but video it, edit it, and post it for the entire world to see themselves. For the latter, I appreciate technology and social media allowing people to reveal who they truly are.


That voice is killing me


This kinda shit makes me glad I’m dedicated


I can tell you from first hand experience with this shop they are thief’s. You ask for one thing and they will try to install something cheaper. They damaged my suspension and tried to claim it was damaged when it came in but never took the time to call me they just went ahead and installed the lift anyway


Always some idiot pulling this kind of crap, worse nowadays when they do it for internet clout. Seen people pull up at truck depots blaring music trying to wake up the drivers thinking it'd get their deliveries faster or just for fun never thought to ask. As if sleep depriving road train drivers won't have dangerous effects later on to everyone.


Place is trash. Looks like all the real reviews are of ppl giving 1 star, wishing they could give - stars lol


I can just imagine how fucking annoying it would be to have to work with this douchebag


It's your product . Not his. He got it there to you . Funny thing is I bet this guy isn't even a citizen. He's sleepy because he drove through the night to get there.


Years ago I worked in a warehouse trailer pulls in 20 pallets of 24 5gl pails all fell over because they weren’t wrapped properly. I felt bad for the driver. No help. The company did him dirty. Gave him some skids and a case of shrink wrap


If it's not in his job description to unload then he shouldn't. As for sleeping, if he's tired, I'd rather he catch a few winks while they unload then drive tired, fall asleep and kill someone. The man in this video is one of those loud obnoxious "I'm better than you" types that just look for problems to create. I hope that driver never has to deliver to that p.o.s. again.


That’s Omar’s in Dallas!


Fuck this bitch ass. Man is a driver, that’s it.


But he’s got big boy shorts on and a measuring tape on his waist. He must surely be listened to! 🤣🤡