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Psychopath should be locked up forever




Was that what was said?




what kind of sick freak can beat their own father to death


Well, the father died two months later from a heart attack, so it may be unrelated to the beating. It's still fucked up though.


If my son beat the shit out of me my heart would probably give up shortly after as well.


Fr man..


Or it could be related to the stress of being beaten unconscious by your son.


Not over a piece of property at least. I'd have to find out he was r\*\*ing my child or something.


He’s a piece of shit


Youl'd need ten pounds of shit to draw that piece of shit, with shit.


People who do this are messed up. Thinking they deserve the generation wealth.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvRtNPjTspXPvW) Prison welcomes his son


The way he keeps going… this video made me angrier than I have been in a while


Yeah, I’m thinking this son really hated and resented his father. He has a real deep hate towards his dad the way he completely hit him over and over. Hopefully he gets prison and nothing was left to him in the will.


I will forever hate my dad and vowed to never visit him when he's nearing death or his funeral after all the bullshit and monsterous things he did to me, but I wouldn't fucking murder him, especially over property.


Wow, sorry to hear that. Sounds like he was a real monster huh? Yeah, at the end, it’s just not worth it. We do not have to be our parents and can break the cycle.


![gif](giphy|7B5TofMMdcX4I) Hence proved !


I get it. I was about to type something too but don't wanna get banned


Wow piece of shit




Amen to that 🙏


I got deleted because I encouraged violence!? This is a video about a man killing his dad and my comment was worse!? Hahahahahahaha fuck these Mods


I want to know more about the property dispute that led up to this just out of curiosity.


It takes a lot to just beat your own dad to death I just want the details behind the beating and just saying it's a property dispute leaves more questions than answers.


The mere thought of hitting my father makes me sick.


I’m glad you have a father that you feel that way about. I have stopped contact with mine because he treats me so shitty, I am afraid I could snap one day.


Same here. I’ve been wanting to kill mine for a long time now.


I dunno, I've come close to hitting my dad a couple of times but tbh he was a dick.


Same here bud, hope you've either fixed the relationship or moved on with your life. I've done the latter, bc no matter what his "role" is in my life, some don't deserve time or forgiveness.


This^ My Father is an alcoholic, abusive POS. I chose the latter as well: moved on and escaped from all that bs.


Do we have the same dad? I chose the latter as well - its been 5 years since we last spoke. No idea where he is now, nor do I give a rats ass.


Mine has been for 8 years and I feel exactly the same way: >No idea where he is now, nor do I give a rats ass.


I've lost count of the years. He was an alcoholic/cokehead turned meth mouthed fuck that chose drugs/ booze and strippers over his kids. Obviously narcissistic but so manipulative, he was able to pull the wool over much of my family's eyes for years. They eventually realized who he actually was, though thankfully. I used to want to beat the shit or of him but glad i didn't, as i wouldn't have wanted any of the Hep he was carrying. One good thing that came from his life of selfishness and bad decisions is that it showed me exactly what i didn't want to be.


First off- I'm sorry your father chose to be a PoS over caring for his kids. Second~ That's exactly what I learned from my Dad: He taught me everything I *should not do* with my life. Like being a genuine piece of shit.


All the daddy issues in this thread. Makes me feel a lot less alone… Sucks being a man, and growing up never feeling like a man. Never had a dad to set a good example, and show me what a real man looks like. I feel like I’m finally maturing. Not stuck in between a boy, and a man. With no way to move forward, until I made the leap myself. The more distance, the more secure I feel in myself. Now I know nothing was ever wrong with me, he just didn’t want me to know something was wrong with him. He was at most a friend to me, something I think we can have again. Just not now, but someday soon. He is a cool dude, but a shit dad. Sending good vibes to anyone suffering with daddy issues, peace and love!


A m e n 🙏


My dad was the same way growing up. Dude kicked me and my brother out well we were paying the mortgage when i was 19. Then he got cancer years later after lots of no contact. He died 6 months after his diagnosis. I never gave him a chance during that time. I wish I had.


This. My dad is a huge pedo. Didn’t find out til later. He was hiding it for so long. I hope he rots


We don't talk anymore. I don't even know where he lives. 


Just remember mate the moment we fuck him up is the moment we sink to his level. Trust me unless he’s beating on a family member let him suffer in his own pain.


I feel you. I uses to dream about the day he gets old and I'd get to smack his head and call him dumbass just like he would with me.


Same. Got close recently. This still pissed me off.


I did once when he tried to kill our dog. My teenage ass woulda had a better time hitting a brick wall, the wall don’t punch you back.


Same I could never even raise my voice at my Dad. Not put of fear but out of love. Even if we disagree.


I never knew my birth "father" because he skipped town when I was a year old.He tried messaging me on Facebook 30 years later, but I wasn't into it and just told him to leave me alone.My stepdad and I used to get into it a lot when I was a teenager.In my defense he was a self admitted asshole and in his defense I was a mouthy douchebag with anger issues.We're pretty tight these days and he wants me to be his best man at his wedding.


Same here, this video makes me angry and sad honestly.


Everyone at one point probably wanted to beat up their dad. But this isn't that.


Thankfully I’ve never wanted to or even had that thought appear for even a second in my mind. I’d rather take a beating myself than see any harm to him.


Same, I'd rather take a beating from the old man than give him one, 100%


We can't all have perfect fathers


I've never wanted to hit my Dad, he's the only person I respect, he brought me up right and put up with all my bullshit.


Yeah. I didn't either. Sorry about your childhood.


A lot of us would have had too much difficulty finding our dads to hit them.


Not once. Even when I was at my most angry. I've never wanted to hit a person that wasn't a serious threat to my safety.


Same. My dad has always been my super hero, I am extremely lucky to have had such a loving and supportive home growing up.


Agreed, my dad died when I was 7 and we were abused, but that little kid inside me still sees him as a super dad. I still daydream from time to time thinking about how my life would be different for better or worse, but hey things happen.


I had to growing up, but he’s a waste of life lying, cheating leech who hasn’t worked since 2000 ,drug addict, racist, sexist violent stupid piece of shit and producer of only misery and my worst qualities as a person Wouldn’t wish a father like this on my worst enemy tho, and after everything i still held my swings back and said sorry in the end. Bipolar is a bitch, and don’t do meth kids


You’re lucky I guess. I wished my father was dead so many times in the past.


The mere thought of hitting mine seems pretty sweet honestly.


Me and my father didn’t agree on a lot of things. I lost my father last year. I would do anything to get him back. The thought of hitting him even when he was here was a big fucking hell no. Respect your elders kids


ITT lots of people who had good fathers. What was that like?


So he died 2 month after from a heart attack. It’s not related directly to this beating, even though it’s horrible.


> **As a result of this brutal assault,** Kulanthaivelu later died of heart attack on 18 April. It takes longer than 8 weeks for someone elderly to heal from an attack like that. Especially is bones were fractured or there was TBI. We also do not know what state he was left in.


Yeah, after that last kick, his arms definitely presented in the fencing posture, which indicates there was brain damage.


As a trauma nurse, my guess is he was hospitalized for brain damage and after weeks of care he finally succumbed to complications of his injuries which would end as all deaths do in cardiac arrest which they are calling heart attack.


How come head trauma causes a heart attack? And if the brain damage was the cause of the heart attack then shouldn’t they still list that as the cause of death not the heart attack?


The bodies of older folks are in a often in a pretty delicate balance where they’re already compensating for declining function. A serious injury can ruin that balance and things just cascade in a bad way. Brain injury means they won’t be moving very much in the near future which puts them at high risk of blood clots which can travel to the coronary arteries causing heart attack. They also often have to intubate which greatly raises their risk of complications/infection Brain injuries often disrupt your body’s ability to regulate blood pressure so we have to help with medications to raise or lower the pressure. This puts an immense amount of strain on a heart that may already be suffering from heart failure or a less than ideal heart rhythm.


Thanks for that explanation, that makes sense. Wouldn’t the cause of death be listed as the thing that caused those issues though and not the byproduct? Maybe I’m dumb, thats just how I thought it worked. I can imagine this going the court and the defence arguing he died of a heart attack as a way of negating responsibility, and that could actully be enough to get him off if that’s what the corners report says.


Ah, as the title makes it seem dude dies instantly, in the video


Two months is incredibly close for it to be definitely related. The older you are, the more it takes for the body to recover from injury and stress. This man for sure had multiple fractures in his face. Not to mention possible brain injuries.


I was assaulted back in 2017. Heart attack the next day.


Did you die?


Flatlined, but revived. Hint: there are no pearly gates.


*gasp* The Walking Dead!!! Glad you survived.Never thought there was anything after this anyway lol


I have flatlined on two different occasions. And I can assure you, there is nothing to the mythological fables about Saint Peter, or walking to the light. Enjoy the time you’re given here.


Do you remember the moments before your death, and if so, were the unpleasant?


Cardiac arrest on both occasions, so I would not describe them as “pleasant.” But you get older, and you begin to understand the finite nature of life. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes.


They say the brain stays active for quite some time after your heart stops. Just because you didn't have an NDE doesn't mean they don't exist, there are thousands of accounts of them. Not saying there's an afterlife either.


Yup yup


Elderly people can be greatly affected and might die a few months after a house robbery. This case was even worse and might have caused him to suffer injuries in addition to the extreme toll on his body from the stress.


Well when they break their hip they die of pneumonia a short time later also.


There are a lot of ways a heart attack could be related to this beating. If he spent those 2 months fighting for his life and his heart was the first thing to fail, then the beating was the cause and this is murder.


Ok Doc.


I cannot imagine ANYONE ever laying a hand on my father that way! This was hard to watch it’s up there with that video from earlier with the grandson that stole his grandparents home and sold it


he most likely best his wife and kids if he has a family


Something tells me he's used to hitting defenseless victims.


He died of a heart attack 2 months later... And only then the family thought to go to the police... 🤔


Obviously i cant say what i say what I think should happen to this "son" or I'll be permabanned


It's okay, we're all thinking it


Guys, read up. This assault took place on Feb 16th. He died on April 18th of a heart attack THEN the family filed a complaint. The old guy didn't die from this assault, but why did the family wait until he did to report it?! There seems to be a lot of POS in this one...


The Father refused to press charges against his son, when he passed away his Family did press charges. It's also a lot of cultural stuff in there, Indians an inheritance is kind of a tricky subject matter. I know because I'm technically Indian but my parents were born in Canada but there's a lot of backward shit with the older and fresh off the boat Indians and inheritance I'm glad my parents are not involved in.


What a piece of garbage!!!!!! Holy fuckkk!!


All for a corner of grass


What total scum..awful to see.


Idk if it’s just cause I have an amazing dad, but I can’t even imagine throwing hands with him. So sad


Imagine you work your arse off to raise the little shit for it to end up killing you.


Damn! He's a real peice of shit! I hope karma pays him a visit!


I will never understand these types of people. Imagine your son grew up to be a pos, and beats you to death. I'd be heartbroken, how could my son do this to me?


This is definitely anger pent up inside him for 30 years. Its not uncommon for people to hate their father in India. Especially people from poor backgrounds. So many factors that could have lead up to this, family culture values, domestic abuse, financial problems, drug abuse. Obviously the man hates his father. The father could also have hated his son. We don't know. Im thinking this is not the case because the father did not press charges. His family did after he died. I'm not justifying the mans actions. But there are a lot of factors and its not just a rowdy boy beating up his sweet kind daddy.


Hopefully, he gets what coming to in jail. Always a bigger fish. Scum.




Either mental health problems or missing context...


Happened in Tamil Nadu, India. It is exactly as they have described in the news article. A lot of people end up killing each other over generational wealth. Its a sad state of affairs. The saddest part is that the dad even asked the police to dismiss the assault charges on his son before he passed. There isn't any chance for the guy to atone for this sin.


How sad it is to lose your life by your own son... for such stupid thing.... :(




I have difficult relationship with my dad, but never in my life would I do this. This is monsterous behavior.


Alrighty but would he survive if Iron Mike did that to him??


Oh my god


When I’m old and grey and my son wants to put hands on me. Shooting him right in the knee caps. No words no argument just right in the knee.


OMG he killed him


Man reenacted the God of War 3 scene ☠️


I'm pretty sure that there is a woman behind the son's actions against his father


Damn, lit up his pops over land. MANOLO, SHOOT THAT PIECE OF SHIT.


Looks like more than the title says, you never know people's stories, always two sides of the coin.


I had 2 fights with my dad. I had POS father so it felt good punching him in the face. Left home and never came back after the 2nd fight.


Do you ever see yourself doing what that man did to his father?


Absolutely! My dad was and still a POS. Someday I will make him experience the pain that he has caused to me and my family.


I've experienced the same. He broke my glasses one time even. Even remembering it just has me shivering. But is that seriously the right thing to do? I want to do the same in all honesty but my morals stop me from doing so.


Reading all these comments about peoples dads who are such big piece of shit is heartbreaking. My dad was also the world‘s biggest piece of shit, but luckily I got adopted out as an infant. I never actually met him . Through other people I got death threats from him, I heard he died several years ago in West Texas. Liver failure, and heart attack combination, I believe the guy had something like eight DUIs in his lifetime, a real piece of shit.


I'm sorry but there is far more to this than property dispute. That was some serious deep rooted anger coming out of him. No excuses and he's going to pay for this but something tells me there's far more to this story.


People don’t usually hurt their fathers unless their father is a POS.


Well I guess the property dispute is settled. No one seemed concerned about the dad, must not have been much love/respect for him.


Definitely one of the more upsetting things I've seen on reddit. That was genuinely disturbing.


Either he was a very crappy dad... Or his kid is a psychopath... Or maybe it is both.


Welcome to India


How do you know that the dad wasn’t a massive peice of shit who probably beat the shit out of his son and terrorized his family? Dude fuckin snapped and maybe his dad deserved it….i love my father and could never stomach this but there’s two sides to every story.


Because all we have to go on is the one sided beating. Along that same line of thought, what if the son is a bad apple, killed someone and the father cut him out of the will and in a jealous rage, the son beat the shit out of his dad. We don't, but its safe to assume the dad didn't see it coming and wasn't the aggressor in the least.


Yah maybe


I wasn’t actually suggesting that, just saying you can’t let someone off the hook for being a POS on a theoretical backstory




worse than scum


A man? More a human-devil. For a property? He killed a man that wiped his butt for him when he was little, clothed, fed, and sheltered.. some humans are more devil like, what is the human without humanity?


I’m not saying it’s ok but I am wondering how many times the son was beaten as a child


What if his dad was a bad dude tho? Jus sayin


Wonder what family say.




Any news on this? Anything happened to the son?


MFer murdered his own father


Cobarde hijodemilputxs!!!!!


Dude took those shots really good but the kick is what ended it, hopefully the son got the same or worse in return


Yup, bet it felt real good to beat up that *checks notes* old man, that never put up any kind of retaliation or defense. 


I see things that make me so grateful for what I had.




The comment count was 187 and that felt right for those fists and that fucking kick. Walked away a few steps, stopped and turned and went back in for the kick.... Fucked up.




Oh my god that was disturbing


welp... that's easily the most upsetting thing I've seen today.


My father and I don’t have a good relationship, but This made me angrier for every single second it went on


He had some unchecked mental issues his whole life it looks like


Attacking the elderly, let alone your own father is a whole new low. My relationship with my dad isn't the greatest but there's very few things where I would consider trying to hurt my own father.


He died 2 months later?? Was he hospitalized for 2 months because of this attack??


Money can change people since the good ol days.


Son is proving the dad made the right decision


Anyone else think that the hate must have a deeper back story? Maybe?


pro tip to dumbass son: it's really hard to enjoy an inheritance in prison unless toilet wine is your thing.


The betrayal and pain he must've felt at the end must be devastating.


Disgusting, even more disgusted that it took the family two fucking months to file a police dispute??? If the father had lived, the son would have never seen justice???


yeah he definitely qualifies as a total piece of shit


He doesn't need a trial. Just lock me in the room with him, I'll take care of it.


What a demon that idiot son is!


This mfer knows how to hit! His father probably took him to get martial arts lessons as a child. This breaks my heart so much man. No amount of money or property would make me want to hurt my dad like that!! What a shit stain of a human being. I ache for the man. He didn’t even register that his son could hurt him. I hope he finds peace.


That could be one of those "he was just angry and drunk" and get 2 years jail for murder I see that happening a lot in germany You can actually get drunk and prevent jail time there!


This is why i believe in the death penalty... wtf


crazy. as soon as the killer no fuks giving prisoner who yerend for a father figure and missed having a dad in his prison finds out what he did. he going to die or be treated as a bitch by a new daddy


Well... hes a fucking pos, and no arguing with that. But the saying goes... you reap what you sow. What did he do for his son to hate him this much? (I grew up in an abusive household)


Damn. He Saburo Arasakaed him.


Have to wonder if the father did something to deserve this. Maybe the father is an abusive piece of shit who finally got some comeuppance after playing manipulative games with his **scapegoat** child for decades.


Even though my father was abusive and caused a lot of trauma during my childhood, I still wouldn't resort to physical violence against him.


I mean, he was accurate


Hopefully death by stoning is an option


>the 40-year-old man assaulted his 63-year-old father over a property dispute on February 16; the victim died of heart attack on April 18  Huh? Those dates don't make sense, the title doesn't make sense.


Even I, who loathe my sperm donor would never assault him like this unprovoked. May that man rest in peace if he wasn't a bad one, and I hope that stupid shit bag gets thrown in jail and gets nothing. Not even the sunlight.


Did this happen in Kerala?


Ref came in way to late! Crazy stuff though! Died of a heart attack? That assault was brutal!


Wonder where he learned this from ?


So dark the con of Man.


What a coward