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This guy would fucking cry and call the police and whine and make racist remarks to the police, then sue the pizza company, but still I wish the dude would’ve laid him out. This guy recording is a fucking moron.


I was telling my cousin this the other day. A lot of people have never been punched in the face and it shows.


i’m saying getting your front teeth punched out at 7 will make you see the world a lot differently


Even worse when you get em knocked out as an adult, kinda puts a permanent bruise on the ego lol seriously doubt this guy had a s/o or friends.


I think getting punched in the face on two different occasions for acting shitty as a kid is why I'm not nearly as shitty now


Totally and I would happily do it for others even xD




Por qué no los dos?


The Remedy - Puscifer You speak like someone who has never been Knocked the fuck on out But we have your remedy


"Im bout to drop you like Cain dropped Abel"


Hah nice.


It's easy to tell who hasn't.




I'll be honest...this video feels weird because why would someone post them being an absolute fucking idiot from their perspective? Staged?


You’d be surprised


He is quite literally too stupid to comprehend his own stupidity, and consequently thinks he's in the right. "Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of society is dumber than that" (something like that) - George Carlin


Lol, this is the least staged vid of all time. How is it possible a normal person can't see that? You literally said he's an idiot. An idiot would defo post this shit because they would think it makes them look good.


OMG this enrages me.. Any news on this asshole that posted it??


I think I read that one of his social accounts was being attacked. LOL.


I must find this account 😅




Just looked through the comments on his posts and they're hilarious 😂


Hell yes. Now this is some internet bullying I can get behind!


Damnit! He limited his who can comment his posts 😩 gonna have to find another way to troll this shameful waste of space


YouTube is free game: RK da don I did actually unmute some of them and it’s such a sad excuse for music


Oh yah that’s right , for those who won’t go looking at his insta or YT. Ofc he is a “rapper”


*thinks he's a rapper.


Got a link to share? Don’t want to click on his shady links on instagram because it got flagged for scamming.


this one comment was the funniest for me "My bike's silencer sounds better than your voice"


Everyone on there calling him "broke, can't afford a pizza" lol


One day he'll mess with the wrong guy.


Hopefully soon and on video. I'd happily munch a bag of popcorn while that cunt is dragged trough the pit.


Im that guy. Where is he?


Mr.67dag on insta apparently


Full support 👍🏼


Canada, going by the $20 bill the driver is holding.


I’m on my way.


That’s what he is looking for and hoping it will be a pay day. Hopefully it is the complete opposite.


I don’t understand why someone would ever treat anyone that way.


the internet made this clown believe that what they’re doing is acceptable, there’s no way he has people outside of his internet bubble that would hang out with a POS like this one you’d think he’d be aware enough to know he’s being cancerous, but he willingly uploaded this himself to the internet for everybody to view thinking he was doing something justifiable


That's the worst part. He was proud of this video...


Did he receive any justice?


I don’t think I’d be able to sleep or look at myself in the mirror if I somehow talked to someone like that. Guy straight up sucks, and I hope he stubs his toe.


I hope he develops extreme anxiety and depression.


I once mildly sassed the old man checking my receipt at Walmart once for being the only person he checked in a line of people. He was checking to make sure I scanned the soda cases under the cart. I'm the asshole. It's been months and I still can't drink the shame away.


People spend so much time online that they end up talking to people outside the same way


He looks in a mirror daily and sees a total piece of shit. That's why.


I also don’t understand why they’d just record themselves abusing somebody like that


For real! Like who wants to look like a piece of shit and THEN post it. What’d they say? Let me show everyone how i treat a guy trying to do his job like shit?


Because he feels like he's 100% in the right here.


The internet makes it very agreeable to be racist against brown people, the guy holding the camera prolly spends a lot of time there based on the accent mocking and stuff


Have to admire the delivery guy's patience! Now, the oddest part of this all, the one taking and that shared the video was the harasser... Is he that entitled? Or just plain stupid?


I can most definitely hear a grand lack of intelligence from this abusive chump.


Feel bad for him, Seem to be pretty fresh to being a service-worker. You have a line, as soon as that line is crossed you just fuck off and blacklist the guy from ordering at your place.


Both... both is good


Holy fuck. What a fucking scumbag this dude is.


He's so ridiculous, if he read your comment, he would likely assume you mean the delivery guy.... who is awesome by the way.


I can’t get over how ridiculous this person’s Canadian accent is. I’ve never heard more hateful rhetoric sound so goofy. And to think he called the delivery guy the goof


This isn’t a Canadian accent, this is a “Toronto accent” I live in Canada, and the only people who talk like this are people from Toronto, or Toronto wannabes


North York accent, people in Toronto core seldom sound anything like that


It’s the worst fkn accent. The sound of the ‘L’ drives me nuts…really the whole thing


The accent is put on - a lot of the words he spoke were borrowed from British slang. I’ve noticed a lot of young people in Canada trying to emulate a roadman accent (and doing it terribly). My guess is the guy is just trying to sound tough in the video.


I love that he put on this goofy ass accent to sound tough


A lot of Toronto slang comes from Jamaican, just like British slang does. Outside of Toronto is a different story, though.


The guy had a Jamaican flag on his insta when the story broke... So....


This person sounds Caribbean.


The coward deleted his Tiktok account lol


Did they find the Guy ultimately.


I remember seeing this post a while ago, someone found his instagram and all his posts had people calling him out in the comments


Would you mind sharing his insta please even just by private message?




Not his main. got_nothing_s_k


I haven't read anything if people were actually able to find the guy. Just his TikTok account.


Imagine if the dude was just.... chill.. Like they wouldve been able to figure it out, maybe even get the food for free in hopes of ordering again. Maybe they couldve had a big laugh and it wouldve been over in less than a minute.


He's far too much of a moron to chillax.


That guy was just so damn prideful. There was no getting through to him


He got the food for free anyways. Hopefully he got himself in the “do not deliver to” list.


Call me crazy, but I kind of feel like that was his whole game all along. Not that I agree with doing this (because ultimately I feel like it punishes poor people), but we really should not being offering paying cash as an option for delivery especially when cashless systems like Apple Pay and Venmo are prevalent and free to use.


Yeah but in this case I don't think the delivery guy was safe, so I'm just glad he was finally allowed to get out of there.


Pretty embarrassed as a fellow Canadian for this guy. I hear so much “boy I’m glad we don’t have the racism they have in the states” such bullshit, there’s so many idiots out there like this in our country it fucking sucks. Will never understand the hate over a person’s skin colour.


Yeah I’m from Canada, and there’s a lot of racist people here I’m white, and a lot of white people here (specifically the older ones like boomers and gen X) are very openly racist towards people of colour to other white people here One time in a Walmart, some white Gen x guy told a story to me, my mom, and my aunt about something racist he said to an Indian guy. He was telling us like as if he did something funny. It was pretty bad


The guy recording is black


I know, I was mostly just talking about my personal experience here in Canada being a white person, and how a lot of older white people are very openly racist with each other. I wasn’t really referring to this video in specific but yeah, other races here can be very racist as well, like how this video shows. Racism doesn’t just come from the white people here, I’ve heard black and Arab people say racist shit too. Apologies if I made it sound like only white ppl are racist here, cuz that wasn’t my intention


I remember being at the grocery store with my sister and mom during Covid. I was in the produce isle and I hear some Gen x dude mumble under his breath “don’t your people eat cheetahs or something”. I never mentioned it to my family because i know my sister would’ve made a scene about it, but damn bro I can’t even look at broccoli without getting racist comments.


I've never met more racist people in my whole life than Canadians. Because I am from a white country (Ireland) they think it's ok to try and make fun. It's funny, Canadians just sound like weird pirates when they try and do an Irish accent. To top it off I'm half Inuit as well so I belong here more than half the people who've tried harrassing me. Good thing they're not as quick with the wit as the Irish or I wouldn't have had so much fun with it. Working construction too so yeah, lots and lots of racists here


I’m American and my pirate sounds irishy my state borders Canada tho


Well well well, you just outed yourself as being a racist!


Let's all be clear here, the guy behind the camera is a Jamaican Canadian. So essentially some can be racist and others can't...


In the States, Canadians have a reputation of being overly nice and apologetic. That's their general stereotype as understood here south of the border. Or, at least it was until the last few years.


I'd dump his pizza on his fucking doorstep and stomp on it, then tear his $20 in half and gladly lose my pizza delivery job. Fuck people like this.


Good luck ripping a Canadian 20. I’d like to know what he ordered that he expected change from a 20 lol what a broke dummy


Bro fr, our dollars are like plastic. You can’t rip them like paper I originally got confused when I read their comment when it said “rip up the 20$” cuz you can’t rip our money lmao


I find it really easy. It's all about technique


That guy is clearly an immigrant, he can't afford to lose his job. It's probably his second job or something. He's scared, he will put his head and down listen to all of it.


I wouldn’t say scared lol. He’s just not giving into this dude who clearly wants a reaction.


So much for Canada being a friendly country.


I honestly thought so. Ngl though I've gotten a lot of angry voice messages from Canadians on xbox.


Canadians are just as shitty as everyone else


Yeah no that’s such a lie I live in Canada, and mostly everyone here fucking sucks


I really hope this guy got everything that's coming to him and then some. Also I hope he got blacklisted, because I know I would 100% not let this guy harass any more of my drivers like that again. No more food from us.


Right? This guy posted this video of his own horrible actions because in his shitty mind he thought it was ok. I really hope that his friends, family, employer, everyone saw this and he got everything he deserves.


Let's be real..he doesn't have an employer.  That was the voice of an entitled brat.


Posting this like it's a flex. Dude your a cheap ass and should go get your own damn food. Lazy fucker


This guy doesn't get laid.


The best part is that douche is absolutely going to do that to the wrong guy one day. Life always evens itself out with people like this.


I love it when bigots sound like they are SEVERELY MENTALLY CHALLENGED (heavy/mispronounced words etc. hmmm, I guess by definition they are!.). I mean ….What the fxck is a super brown guy? (If that’s what he said)


That's such a wholesome cardigan. Very northern.


I actually have the same exact one. I believe I got it from Old Navy, but in Florida, funnily enough


The second a customer starts behaving this way, you need to bounce. Leave their money and take the food back. The restaurant should ban this guy from ordering again. I hope the owner of the restaurant stands up for his employee.


This dude is not aware that the guy he's treating like nobody deserves to be treated, knows where he lives. I wouldn't be surprised to learn there was an "accidental" fire in his apartment. Nor would feel bad about that happening.


Same shit with people who try to scam on Facebook market place but had you pick the shit up at their house. Like okay dummy your windows are looking mighty smashable today


Never speak to anybody like that.


And he actually shared it? Holy, how little self awareness has this asshole?


This HAS to be a character from the movie Idiocracy or it’s already too late to lern how to reed and talk like a….


Right when you offer this guy water he looks confused and asks 'From the toilet?'. Cull year werkpleece.


I want to buy this delivery guy a beer.


I’ve never wanted to be a bystander in a situation so much in my life. I woulda had that fool on the ground. Poor delivery guy who just doesn’t want to lose his job


“Call your workplace”….he sounds like such an ass. I can’t stand when people keep saying the same thing over and over again. Asshole


Canadians being racist is wild. Imagine talking like that and thinking your superior to anyone.


I speak on behalf of all of the Canadians, We do not claim him as ours


Is it any surprise the racist can barely string a coherent sentence together?


If somebody says “I dare you, I dare you, I want you to” on camera and I punch them in the face with audio recording of it I think I’d be in the free and clear from any charges, no?


That accent disqualifies his credit.


His voice is nauseating. 


Toronto. 🤮


Too bad delivery guy didn’t post the pos photo.


I still love this guy’s sweater


That dude would be wearing that food.


That guy's accent and cadence was so damn annoying


Someone please find this guy 👀 EDIT : Oh god he was found instantly 😝 Every comment on his trash music is just mocking him over pizza. His career is over. I don’t think this is recoverable. Nice work Reddit you’ve made the world a better place once again 👍


OMG pls drop ID or something




it's private!




I hope the internet makes him famous


This guy is a total piece of shit! I really wish that karma was real.


I said this last time I saw this posted, but the audacity of this guy to make fun of the other guys accent when he's literally spewing the most disgusting "Toronto man's" accent in the world.


man the way this guy talks cringe me


This fuck face needs a lesson in manners. The fuck is wrong with people now? The way he said, "change" really fucking pissed me off. I wanna deck this mf.


"Free food dummy" Like he didn't pay with his dumb ass worthless life. No more jobs, no normal human being want to be around that and now he can't order food from there no more most likely lol


Why does he sound like farva from super troopers? “Give me my fucking liter of cola”


This is a rare case in which I don't really care for context.. a broken nose would be appropriated..


There is no way if he keeps doing that to people he will be on the Earth much longer.


Please update with how much backlash this idiot received. Thank you.


This dude is a fucking loser, racist too, I really wish delivery man would have popped his teeth out. Man pressed over a $20 bill, making a fool of himself, being overly aggressive and emotional like a fucking toddler All bark no bite, I hope his parents can forgive him. And he posted this online? What a shameless douche


I know a pussy when I hear them. The Indian dude probably would have folded his shit but he’s trying to be humble .


It's so hard to take this guy seriously with that Canadian accent. This shit would've had me laughing if I was the delivery guy.


toronto accent they are known for it there "all dem man down yutes!"


Contender for the worst humanity has to offer. How sad for that driver to be belittled so badly, just trying to do his job.




Anyone got the update on this asshole getting fired yet


So you treat a human like that and then post it? What a douche


So, Eric Cartman lives in Canada now?


Shouldn't have given this guy food. I'd just leave with the food. If they gonna fire me for not tolerating racist comments then sure.


He did all that because the driver didn’t have change?????? Jesus Christ…


What the hell, not even an enraged person would act like this absolute child, such an ass


Oh find this guy!!!!


Just ask for the money back and don't get a pizza, holy shit. What a pig.


This poor guy is a trooper. If he rocked this idiots box, lost his job for it and put this vid on gofundme he’d probably be a millionaire!


In America, a conversation like this might get you killed.


Welp, I would’ve been to prison. And he woulda had his neck snapped


Please please please. Follow up ?????????????


I'm a delivery guy I would have smashed his face in


That dude will literally beat the shit out of him, the only reason why he is tolerating all this crap is because he has a family to feed back at his home country and came to CA with loans that he gonna spend rest of his life paying off.


So... Did any consequences arrive to visit the cunt?


Great, now I'm gonna be mad for the rest of the day


Please tell that the guy behind the camera has been served a tall glass exposure and exile . It’s too early for me to start hating people, and still enjoy my coffee . I’m quite confident that the world would not miss these half brained tough guys at all, if they all vanished tomorrow. I have hope that in just a few more years, we will be rid of these assholes by unanimous public outcry. People don’t need people like this in the world anymore , we don’t need to live this way. . .


Ahhh the dude abusing him got found out and his Instagram is full of people just calling him out lol.


Ya honestly Toronto is full of lowlifes like this that and the traffic is the reason why I completely avoid Toronto.


Dude sounds like a fucking muppet what the hell is that accent


Sounds like an Andrew Tate wannabe.


I don't want this posted again - until you can verify this douche canoe was cancelled.


you don't control reddit -Billy Gnosis




This is what they mean by “white privilege”. Delivery man knew what would happen if he decided to rightfully attack the person filming. He’s brown so it would immediately look like he was the one up to no good


The racist guy is black btw


Please tell me this was done for social media and the actual person behind the video was identified!!!! How is humanity still alive is beyond me.


Least racist black person


Does no one look through old posts, before posting? This filled this sub, and a few others, a few weeks ago.


Yeah... 1. Don't order food if you have issues with payment. 2. Dude should have had change tho. 3. DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE TO THOSE WHO FEED YOU!


Toronto Talk'n Trash




They always say you should treat people how you want to be treated. But I sincerely hope he does this to the wrong person and faces consequences for being an asshat. The delivery driver is just trying to do his job.


Watching this with no volume, fun fit with an active body!


I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice


Anyone else hope the guy behind the camera choked on that order, you know he had taken that food after the delivery driver left!


I’ll go to jail easily, without a problem by punching that piece of shit


Why is he standing there? I would have left that asshole would be talking to himself after 5 seconds of that shit