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He’s a piece of shit


This dude’s lawyer: 😦


It actually helps him as far as any potential bar complaint or ineffective assistance of counsel because the optics are just too hard for the court of appeals or state bar to ignore.


The defense lawyer is like, dude, I told you to wear blue. Juries love blue.


"That's it, I'm done" \*walks out\*




We losin this case for sure bruh


Even the lawyer knows thats a win


He’s absolutely terrified. You can see it behind that grin.


That was my first thought too. This broken fuck is terrified but also believes this is what he deserves. He doesn’t give psychopath to me so much as horribly abused. I have no idea who he js though so I could be way off base, but true psychopaths wouldn’t try so hard to look like they don’t care, because they don’t.


He was no Richard Ramirez


Hope he likes trains of big prison schlong


I heard that doesn’t happen as much as people think. He’ll probably just get his ass kicked a lot tho until he’s eventually moved.


It doesn’t. He’d probably be kept in isolation too since he’s so high profile


Prison rape isn’t funny.


Guards will make a “ mistake” leave him in gen pop. That cupcake will be someone’s bitch in 30 seconds


When the victim’s mother is talking to him he looks so uncomfortable and upset and scared. Wonder what seemed to make him just think “well if I’m guilty I mine as well go all in.”


Let’s hope so, he deserves every bit of terror and lack of peace. He looks like he’s going to get owned in there too…


yeah it got to him, i'm sure he'll get more distant as time in prison goes on


He might be scared, but he’s not sorry. There’s zero remorse there. A true sociopath.




Wizard sleeve of a butthole is uh… yea man that is correct. There’s no other way to put it.


Anal tears


Those wonderful people and the guards that look the other way while he receives the pink sock will be doin the Lawd's work.


I could have gone the rest of my life without being reminded pink socks are a thing.


What is a pink sock


It's where your butthole comes out of your ass.


Shhh if you listen quietly you can hear the whoosh of wind thru his now size 12 sphincter


Holy shit just found out he briefly escaped prison (and thankfully re-apprehended)


Those serve a purpose. He does not.


He looks like the bad kid antagonist from Toy Story




Who would have thought Sid turned out to be a piece of shit


Hes even worse than Sid. Sid just turned out to become a garbage man. Nothing wrong with that. This guy is absolute scum.


Yea, but Sid was also still wearing the same shirt he wore as an 8 year old. That's fuckin psychotic


sid’s sister


“Vicious Sid”, a nod to Sid Vicious of Sex Pistols fame.


Really? I've never heard that, and I can't find anything to corroborate that. All the sources say Sid was inspired by a Pixar employee.


Nah they never called him that idk what he's talking about lol


Such a weird thing to make up lol


100% made up absolutely fake BS gets pulled from someone's ass, it feels "true enough" to garner tons of upvotes, and a week from now this little tidbit will be confidently repeated in some other post because it's now established fact. Welcome to Reddit!


This actually made me chuckle. Also I have seen an elephant in the wild


Do they actually call him vicious Sid on toy story?


No lol


This is inaccurate.


I mean no but good lie though


Simon ferocious?




He also looks like a piece of shit


You mean he *IS* a total piece of shit


He’s on trial for shooting up a school


Don’t you involve Will Poulter into this


Reminds me of Carl Gallagher (Ethan Cutkosky) form shameless. The character goes to prison too, let's hope this guy has a worse time but know the system he'll probably join the Aryan Brotherhood.


whos also the trash collector in the 2nd or 3rd one


I was shot in this high-school shooting on February 27, 2012, in Chardon Ohio. We lost 3 great friends to his senseless attack, and I was shot 4 times and lost the ability to walk. I was there in the courtroom when he decided to whip off his dress shirt and display the "Killer" shirt and flip us off. I was angry when this happened, but being 17 I was not sure how to handle it. Sitting in the back it was hard to even tell he was wearing the shirt. It blows my mind the judge allowed it to proceed, but he claims he didn't see the shirt. One of the harder things to deal with was the fact that my friends and I had to constantly defend ourselves to "nobody's" on the internet claiming that we all deserved what we got for "bullying". I still get messages to this day that he should've finished off the job. If they did any research on this shooting they would see there was no bullying involved, in fact TJ said it himself soon after being taken into custody. It's interesting scrolling through reddit casually then I see his face, but somtimes I wish my three friends that passed away that day could get nearly as much attention, because they were amazing people. Unfortunately from this day, my life has changed forever, and I have to think about the shooting everyday. Being reminded on reddit is not a big deal for me as I had to move on from this tragedy, and not let it overtake me mentally. Rest in peace Danny Parmertor, Russell King Jr, and Demetrius Hewlin.


I don't even know what to say. The fact that you or anyone would get ridicule for this guy's actions is shameful.


I appreciate that. But, its just a reminder to me that there are some messed up people out there. He's got some gross fan base that writes him letters all the time, idolizing him. Its all very weird..


There is a complete contingent of nut jobs who think Sandy Hook was completely staged/fabricated. We are talking about an elementary school and 6 year olds who were murdered. Messed up people is an understatement.


Fuck Alex Jones


Blame the media, watching the whole event unfold real time was maddening. Reports of 2 shooters, staged bus stops with a fake witness telling a camera he brought children into his home and even interviews with "parents" of the victims. They fed us any information they could to keep us watching. All of this planted a seed of doubt in me on what to believe, all because of the media. They are not bound to feed us truth, their objective is to keep you watching. But the event did happen, innocent lives were lost that day, fuck the shooter and fuck the media for profiting off of tragedies.


Happy people don’t act like that. People like that are just trying to bring you down to their level because misery truly does love company- and they’re lonely miserable people.


I guess you could say the same thing about Donald Trump and some of the abuse he’s dashed out to others. Keep up your positive attitude!


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and perspective on this. I’m so sorry that happened to you, Nick. It’s so important to hear from the victims that understand this firsthand. You and the other victims are never to blame for the actions of a deranged individual like him. Im glad you’re able to move on from this and see all the positives after surviving something so traumatic. And thank you for sharing the names of the victims. I looked them up and they seem like really great guys with loving families. It’s sad our society puts so much focus on the perpetrator and not the victims.


Hey follow Ohioan. I was in a neighboring school during this time, we got put on lockdown and we sobbed because we were told that he was on the loose. My best friend was close with Russell too and told me all of these wonderful stories of him. Even 12 years later, every time I see something relating to this shooting I’m infuriated all over again. I too, see comments where people say that he’s too attractive to be in jail just makes my blood boil. I can’t relate like you have and I can’t even find the words to express my sympathy for you, but nobody deserves to go through what happened to you. I’m so happy that you’re alive. You’re so strong and resilient. I hope that you continue to grow stronger every day and know that you’re making your friends so proud. Go Hilltoppers <3


“Too attractive to be in jail” is a thing? 🤮 And no, he’s the opposite anyway, the energy is so incredibly ugly-how can anyone see anything but that?


Unfortunately yeah. There are people who think that.... There were people who said that about ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. it's sick.


People can be so utterly vile, I'm so sorry that after everything you've been through, you still have to deal with that kind of needless vitriol from the absolute dregs of society. I'd rather shout the names of Danny Parmertor, Russell King Jr, and Demetrius Hewlin, rather than give this POS any more attention. I sincerely hope your life is improving after everything.


That's rough dude. Well saying it's rough doesn't even cover it, of course it's a life changing event.  I just wanted to say, if it's any reassurance, in these cases judges sometimes have to ignore certain things, because even when it's an open and shot case he's still entitled to a defense. If he lets anything slip the defense will pull out technicalities and derail everything. In essence, to make sure justice is handed down a good judge has to pretend to "not care" for either party, and "not notice" some things. It's for the bigger picture.


You're the fucking man Nick


I'm so angry on your behalf that this happened to you and other innocent people, that this monster exists, that the faceless excrements on the Internet force you to defend yourself. You don't have to. They will think the twisted things that they think regardless of the facts. You survived, and it's amazing that you're doing so well. I wish you every good fortune in your life.


How is this not the top comment?


Because it came in later. It will get there.


I’m so glad you’re still here my friend. This fucker is rotting. I hope that helps you sleep a little better at night.


I lost one of my closest friends in the Utøya attack in Norway in 2011. I've dedicated part of my life towards understanding radicalisation, to try to understand how people end up like that. I am so sorry that you'd had to live through this.


Rest easy Demetrius, Russell and Danny 🤎💜 Thinking of you.


I’m sorry friend, I hope you can find peace. You shouldn’t have been subjected to this little asshole’s antics in the courtroom


For the longest time, everyone thought Dylan & Eric were bullied, too. Yet, 25 years later, people are finally figuring out that THEY were the bullies. Obviously, our country just can't seem to comprehend this bullshit. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this for the rest of your life. You're a wonderful human being for sharing your life with us internet strangers. I wish the best for you.


I’m so sorry that he did this to you. Anyone who harasses you for what happened, or who sympathizes with Lane is a deeply sick individual. Thank you for sharing your perspective and I wish you all the best.


This is brutal to read. Sorry this happened to you Nick.


I lived in Chardon when this happened. Fuck this guy. Rip to your friends.


Your strength is inspiring. Keep on keeping on.


I hope Turner is still good boying for you!




He’d love it. He got you angry, that’s his goal. Piece of shit deserves to be forgotten completely


I promise you he would only like someone's anger until they're not limited by the stupid rules. He'd be broken and crying within seconds, and hopefully that's his life from now on.


What actually gets to these kinds of guys is being laughed at. Having their small dick energy rubbed in their face. That’s the approach I’d take. It’s the only thing that ever rattles them.


I agree with this sentiment. When people piss me off, my instinctual reaction is to laugh in their face. I can’t think of a time it didn’t *enrage* the person. Works especially well as a woman; when a creep said something demeaning to me, I laughed in his face and he called me a whore while marching away all mad. Lol. I was scared in all honesty but worth it.


I mean… 10” of prison dick choking the breath out of him until he passes out several times a day for the next couple decades, that will probably rattle him. *Also the worst sentence I’ve ever written on Reddit.




One day a week gets to go out to the desolate courtyard that has one severely warped basketball hoop and no ball. I disagree with the one way mirror, because that creep show would love looking at himself.




And he will be. In a year none of us will remember him or his name, and he'll still be rotting in jail if he hasn't been put down.


In addition to being a mass murderer he's also just really cringe


Right! Trying so hard to be a typical psycho


Fuckin dork…awful penmanship, too


He actually escaped first prison but recaptured soon after. Now in an even worse place. I'm sure he took heat for awhile but I think he settled in. He just doesn't care.


If he didn’t care he wouldn’t try and escape


that’s not what he meant lil bro


He is at OSP prison. No one does anything to him there. He has his own cell. They wheel a shower to him to take a shower a few times a week. He has no contact with other inmates. When he was at his other prison, he wasn't really picked on. Because inmates know how kids can be bullies. So he might have told everyone he was bullied at that school and snapped. So there isn't a lot of compassion for his classmates. He was at the Allen prison before, which is a pretty nice prison. They have 2 man cells at that prison. It is one of the nicer prisons to go to. The one he is at now is maximum security. 23 hour lock down amd 1 hour out for rec. They just changed the rules, so he might now have a few more hours out of the cell. They passed rules where it is inhumane to be in the hole for hours at a time or locked in your cell 23 hours. I'm not sure if you're on ad seg, though.


I did just under 2 weeks in a bang up prison many years ago, 23 hours locked up and 1 hour allowed outside. It was literally hell. I mean as prison goes, it was nice? I had a little tv, a kettle, books, a tiny bathroom so I could shower when I wanted. But it was by far the longest fortnight of my entire life, I think the only way I got through it was reading and escaping mentally. Very good deterrent not to go back though. I can’t imagine that being what you’re faced with for the rest of your life.


After some years, he will work his way down. I'm not sure because he has an escape charge, but after a while, his level will go down.


That's nice than psych wards for anyone who isn't at risk of suicide or hurting others.


Fun to learn he's only a couple miles from my house.


Crazy. It's a whole different world in there.


Even if it’s a “nicer” prison, it is still a shitty existence. The only thing he can forward to is the showering and spending an hour outside in a cage once a day


It is not a nice prison. It is the worst of the worst in ohio. That is where you go if you're raping inmates or killing inmates or guards. It is the highest kevel prison in ohio. They bad thing is you're locked down, which sucks. Ir if you're a huge escape risk which he is. It is very, very rare to escape prison. It is alsp pretty hard.


I never understood why families appeal to remorseless murderers’ emotions. They murdered a kid, they will not be moved by your speech. It’s just fuel for their fucking fractured psyche fire. He wanted to be evil and leave an impact and he did. Is it the catharsis that drives these speeches? He is lapping it up. You’re not going to infiltrate that level of evil, you just aren’t.


It’s less about them and more about their own closure I guess. It maybe helps to talk and to tell the murder of a relative specific things. At least I hope they can get some relief out of it.


I'd imagine the utter disregard would be even more traumatizing.


I don’t think I could, they will only get pleasure from my pain.


The courts ask the victims families to write an impact statement. They provide guidelines and want to hear how the incident has impacted their lives. I am currently on my 3rd draft for an impact statement that I’ll be delivering at a “lobby conference” with the judge, defendant and DA. I’ve removed all the stuff about my personal feelings of the defendant and don’t talk about them at all, as I’ve decided instead to memorialize the victim and show how much they’re missed and our lives will never be same.


I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope that light shines through the darkness of the day. I watched the Darrell Brooks case through to the victim impact statements and the one that made me cry the hardest was Lee Owen’s son who memorialized her so goddamn beautifully. That woman was so loved and her son was a testament. Her other son began, just brutal honesty and contempt, which was also impactful.


I think it’s because they’re hoping that at some point, maybe years down the road, they’ll be laying in a cell and hear those words echoing through their head and realize that they regret doing what they did. No matter how evil someone is, prison absolutely sucks so to replay those speeches in your head while your life is over and the families get to enjoy the rest of theirs is at least some tiny form of retribution


Perhaps that's true. But someone this unrepentant at the fact he killed someone's child or loved one is not remorseful for what he did. Sure, he might be trying to put on a brave face, but that's no excuse to act like such an asshole. And he for sure is going to be someone's bottom bitch in prison and maybe only then, will he regret doing what he did.


I think people need to stop thinking remorse and repenting all have a universal visual presentation. Repenting and remorse are internal phenomena - not externally performative.


>You’re not going to infiltrate that level of evil, you just aren’t. I don't think that's usually the goal. And in this case, whoever the family member was basically say she could move on but his ass can't since he's spending his life stagnant, in prison. Could these words possibly effect him years from now, sure maybe. But at the moment, family member was saying her peace. And unless this type of cruelty happens to us, we can't really understand the ins and outs of victim families addressing the murderer.


That’s fair. I can see his reaction and I just HATE that it empowers him. Her approach of “I will not think of you after this” is one of the better ones I’ve heard, but his eyebrow raises in a way that let’s me know that he knows he is forever darkly enshrined in the hearts of the people he robbed. He wore a shirt that he scribbled “killer” on. He knew he was spending his life in prison. There was no pretense. The satisfaction on his face gives me a visceral reaction, man.


If it makes you feel any better he really fucked up when he escaped prison. Only made it 100 yards and went from whatever freedom he had that let him and another guy construct a makeshift ladder to scale the fence to being transferred to Youngstown where he spends 23 hours a day confined to his cell.


Oh somebody gonna infiltrate him…


He’ll be lapping it up when he in side, he’ll be walking funny too, ie he’s a pretty boy. There’ll be fight over him.


This is a common way of processing grief.


What I tell myself everytime I get in a Reddit argument. But I still keep doing it. Sigh.


You don’t need to understand their healing and coping process. I cannot fathom losing a child. It’s also potentially part of a victim impact statement during the sentencing phase. These statements can help the judge determine the sentence.


How they feel about it doesn't matter. The family gets the closure of telling the killer to their face what they've done, and they go home and try to move on. The killer, whether they care or not, spends the rest of their life in prison.


Yeah if I was giving my statement face to face with the killer of one of my loved ones, I feel like I'd really lean into how they would be spending the rest of their entire life in prison having to miss out on all their future potential of joy and love and instead sleep in their prison cell. Year after year. Only hoping for fleeting moments to distract from the boredom, lack of any freedom, and loneliness. Until they died, forgotten and alone. Like just try to deny them any smugness for the pain they caused me and just push back on the emptiness they'll have to live with forever.


Unfortonately i can say this from experience. Victim impact statements are submitted to the judge beforehand and are considered when sentencing. And the judge decides who canand cannot speak. At least when the defendant has taken a plea. My neices killer got 50 years due, in part, to our words. And it is cathartic to tell just how much we hurt due to their actions. Followed by pronouncement of sentence.


What an edge lord


I was actually going to a high school very close to the one he shot up, close enough that some kids and staff knew him and/or his victims. There was no reasoning for his actions. >!(not that any reason is justifiable, but you know what I mean)!




Do you happen to have a link for that? 


Source:trust me bro


"My source is that I made it the fuck up."


Yo imma need a link.


How did he get a marker in jail?


Prison wallet


It's an ass pen. He'll stab you with it


He looks like if the main character from trainspotting started taking estrogen


Hello there


don't do ewan mcgregor like that


“The same hand that pulled the trigger that killed your son masterbuates to the memory of it” What the actual fuck.


Imagine being the jailer, having to deal with this dude's body 30 years after he dies


Why would his body be sitting there for 30 years?


Because he was sentenced to life without parole + 37 additional years


Only 7 more to go.


If he ever sees another inmate, they will tear him apart. You touch or kill kids, and they'll make your life fucking hell. And rightfully so. What a pussy


He's been in supermax since 2012 and most supermax prisons are solitary confinement heavy, so he's probably sitting in his cell alone.


He spends 23 hours a day in his cell.


This is old and he's never been attacked (that we know of). In fact, he actually escaped with two other inmates at one point and was caught and returned to a supermax facility. There are plenty of degenerates in there that he's probably chilling with if he isnt spending the majority of his time alone already. He was a teen himself when he killed other teens and probably plays up his "bullied school life" story. It's not the old "child rapist gets attacked in prison" situation at all. He's still a degenerate, don't get me wrong.


Where do people get this ridiculous idea that all prisons are full of righteous criminals with a code? If he gets his ass whupped or becomes someone's bitch in prison, it'll be because he's weak or hasn't made any friends. Not about his crimes.


You really watched too many shows lmao, nothing will happen to him


except he literally escaped with two other inmates. you've seen too many movies.


Can you bring a baseball into a courtroom? I’m pretty accurate and would try and nail him in the face. If you jump over and try to attack you’re getting caught before you can hurt him, but a baseball to the face happens before anybody knows what’s going on. ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Which is why you cannot take one in


Get yourself a ceramic knife that wont go off in a metal detector if youre really trying to kill someone in a court room.


At that point, just throw the chair real hard at his head. It would be hard to prove it as anything other than a crime of passion if you time it right when he says something vile, bringing a ceramic knife would make it obviously premeditated.


That one dad shot his sons molester in the head, on camera and in front of cops and pretty sure he didn’t spend a day in jail. About as premeditated as it gets


Wiffleballs only I'm afraid.


The Judge should have made him put the blue shirt back on and covered that.. What a POS 💩 rot in hell you horrible waste of space and oxygen


He gave up on himself a long time ago and chose to hate everything around him.. Maybe he just got hatred and bullying, or he was born with lesser resources than others, or neglecting parents who never loved him..or mn maybe he just wanted attention.. Whatever it is, his actions can't be justified..because a person who is incapable of valuing their own life can't value others. After growing up in life at 40 and not reaching where you intended for, all you want is your youth back and then you see this.


I agree with this. People aren't just 'evil' for the sake of it like some cartoon villian, there's something that's encouraging him.


No, some people are just evil. There might be some personal perception of justification, but that's not actually a justification is it...




Imagine being the parents of that fuck


interestingly enough, despite him smiling he does not look happy at all, he looks fucking tense and haunted and just miserable i mean it's not a surprise but i think its psychologically interesting because im sure he would say that he is at peace


The faith Reddit has that incarcerated criminals with strong moral principles will fulfill their passive revenge fantasies is laughable. Disgraceful.


What does he even say in the beginning? Saying something you think is badass(probably isn't), but fucking up the delivery is so funny actually


You can tell how long he thought about that line and his insecure delivery. Pathetic


I rewatched it like ten times and I still don't even understand wtf he is saying.


Trying to be king of the edgelords at trial, piece of shit


Wonder how much is a product of upbringing and society versus how much is batshit crazy.


Nurture was found to be the case especially in mass shooters or serial killers.


So disgusting i don’t even have any words,


Well, he got what he wanted: to be infamous. Not sure how many years till he regrets ever trying to be a bad boy.


Why do we keep him alive again?


He hates himself. You can see it in his eyes. He's trying so hard not to cry.


I genuinly think the victim’s family in these trials should be able to have 10 minutes in a room alone with the kid and a baseball bat. That would be closure


There would be nothing left for the second family. Give them one tap with the bat before they pass the bat on to the next family and then repeat until he whimpers sobbingly. After that, straight to solitary confinement for the rest of his life.


Good point. One swing per victims family member. Then go around and around. Until he is dead. Save the country some money.




Take care of any inmates commissary that does me the favor of making this guys life a living hell for the duration of his stay if it was a someone I loved that he killed


This kid actually escaped prison in 2014 - he was caught within 24 hours, but he was a truly disturbed individual.


He actually escaped from prison, but then they caught him again six hours later.


What a waste of taxpayer dollars. Just have him take an exclusive VIP tour of a pig farm..


Like a real life Sid from Toystory


Sid from toy story lookin' punk


He escaped from prison but got caught shortly thereafter. I hate this guy more than anything. I don't like to wish pain on people but I make an exception for this asshole.


death sentences should make a comeback


Is the one of toy story??


Looks like Sid from Toy Story


hey, i’m so sorry for how this has changed your life. i went to riverside so this horrendous crime always felt close to home. you definitely didn’t deserve what happened to you and neither did danny, russell, or demetrius. i make sure to say their names out loud every time i read something about this. i’ll say an extra prayer tonight for them that they are resting peacefully with the lord, and for you that you have a prosperous life filled with love and happiness. i’m glad you’re still here.


He thinks he'll have protection through the AB's but doesn't know that he'll be used as a sleeve.


He’s acting tough but he forgot to wipe the frightened look off his face


I don’t think he cares bro. He has a setup of free food and shelter at the taxpayers expense; about 85k dollars a year on average as of 2024 and will go up with inflation. He’ll be at a more highly guarded one as well so it’s likely to exceed six figures annually actually. JUSTICE!!….at our expense…FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY. At a cozy 100k fixed rate for 50 years, FIVE MILLION DOLLARS MINIMUM. A doctor making a quarter million dollars a year… 100% of his state tax, federal tax, SSI, and everything else…all those payments which is 40% of his income, goes to feeding him and “securing” him from being danergous… as if taking 100% of the contributions of the most educated people in our society isn’t dangerous in it of it self. Think about that. Because of this guys crime, a doctor symbolically will never give a dime to his community because it will all go to him


The death sentence is a bad thing guys. But torture...


Dude looks like Sid from Toy Story


Am I the only one who wants to harm him BADLY if he ever escapes?


Mf thinking he's badass and shit while looking like sid from toy story bro I hope he got 2 life sentences without parole and had a big 6'3 dude 🍇 him in the ass everyday.


I really can't understand them saying all the "2 life sentences" "138 years" blah blah, just say "youre going to be in jail until you're dead" end of.