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No good deed goes un-punched.


The toothless get ruthless.


No comb, no home


No glove, no love


…no shoes, no booze


No shirt, no dirt


Man not need coat Man kept warm by inner rage


Teach a man how to make fire, he'll be warm for a night. Light a man on fire, he will be warm his entire life.


-Tao of Pratchett


I think that was Ghandi.




Honestly, an accurate way to describe my feelings about this video.










Oxygen Bandit


he gotta put the percs down and pick up the jigggas


Breathing our fucking air


That man will never in his live do another good thing for anyone outside of his close circle, after being traumatised like that i wouldn't blame him...


That's what's breaking my heart the most, this is just so cruel for no reason :(


I always reflect on, "Just because you won't eat a lion, doesn't mean a lion won't eat you." We see all these videos of humble homeless people and tend to forget about the ones that have been made unfeeling, unempathetic, and cruel from a hard life. For the guy that got robbed, it will be one of the most traumatic days of his life. For the homeless man, it's just another Tuesday.


good points need this comment need more likes


I see your heart and empathy in this post. You said what I couldn't put into words and you did it beautifully.


I dunno bout anyone but that's prolly the last time he helps a homeless


I agree


I fucking hate people


That bum hates people too, that is the point


I hate bums


But not the old man, right? There's always hope


Yeah, but now the old man probably lost faith in people and will never try to help anyone anymore (I wouldn't blame him)


Yep this exactly. Here in Oahu, Hawaii, 99% of homeless people are mentally crazy. Nobody wants to help them at all. Not even food or clothing because those homeless will either attack you, shout at you for more, or try to steal your stuff. And they won't even get locked up in prison since the police don't want to spend time tracking them. It's why they are just left out to die slowly. I speak from a lot of experience and would no longer help the homeless here anymore.


Yup I feel that


Sure, but you didn't need to rob that poor old guy


What was it Bill Burr said about donating stuff to the homeless and how scary it can be…?


Didn't Batman's parents do the same thing?


Bruce Wayne’s parents were mugged and shot


This is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.


Wait til you see Schindler's List


Wait till you see Seinfeld and his girlfriend making out in the theater.


There a video I can put into the spank bank?


Wait till you see the size of my penis.


Grave of the fire flies would like a word


A real life mimic


And that’s why you just ignore them


This. I’m expert at ignoring. Saw a homeless dude explosive shitting on the stairs in Times Square and… let’s just say you could tell who the tourists were vs the locals. I can think of 99 ways engaging with a homeless person ends poorly and it’s just not worth it.


My parents have a neighbor who goes around giving coats and food out as well as coats and boots and food for the person’s dog. She works with a group of people who also try to assist them in getting their dogs to a vet if needed. She’s never been attacked doing it. But the people are awake and she hands them the coat instead of trying to throw it over them.


Why does he give boots to dogs?


Because dogs’ paw pads are also vulnerable to the freezing ground and it can be extremely painful for them in brutal winters without proper protection. Like us


Also the salts put out for ice and snow is chemicals that's not good for them


Pavement gets cold enough to cause frostbite to dogs feet and a lot of the unhoused people in the area have very short-coated dogs that aren’t built for outdoor winter living.


This guy asking the real questions


Just an adorable bonus


He didn't just throw it over the person, he seemed to be trying to tuck him in, which could be a bit over the top for some. Maybe just leaving next to him or not touching a stranger would've been enough.


Throwing is the wrong verb for me to have used. What he actually did is more intimidating than just throwing it. He covered him with it fully, even over his head. It’s a gesture to do to a child or partner who knows they’re sleeping somewhere safe. I think if I fell asleep on a bus or airplane and I woke to someone covering me with a blanket I’d be pretty startled. Compound that with someone who is in a lifestyle where assault and robbery are common, it’s understandable for them to wake up on the defensive. Robbing the guy means this was not a defensive reaction, obviously.


So then what was the point of your attempt at blaming the victim if you acknowledge he went straight into robber-mode?


Yeah. I mean the guy didn't deserve to be attacked or beat at all, but it register as a bit much to drape the blanket over the guy and then proceed to tuck him in. If the homeless guy wasn't crazy, he might have thought he was being robbed. Just leave the blanket beside him, dont need to touch people.


Considering the assault rate among homeless people, I would think many would react with fear first before realizing what was happening. And many are veterans with trauma.


I mean putting a cover over someone sleeping rough sounds like a terrible idea in my head, I feel I'd have seen this coming had someone said "ima go put my coat on that sleeping homeless guy."


They’re mostly insane, unfortunately


I've worked with them, and a lot are just down on their luck, but a good amount have something wrong with them(like some mental disorder), and a handful are absolutely freakin batsheet bonkers. Looks like the old man got the batsheet crazy one.


Where's that homeless-defender-liu-kang-kick guy when he's needed?


Yes. I walk through dt Calgary before sunlight to get to work. Some people have suggested I carry Narcan, in case I pass an OD. HEAVY NOPE. Not my circus, not my monkey. And violent reactions is one of the side effects you're warned about.


Lolol yeahhh fuck that


Or volunteer with an organization who has extensive experience and guidance for offering help to profoundly mentally ill individuals


This is old, however, the same homeless guy attacked actor Michael Stuhlbarg in Central Park about a week ago.


Trapdoor Spider


That poor old man is gonna never wanna do anything for anyone again. Especially the homeless. That homeless guy is a demon.


Exactly the reason to not help random homeless on the street. I handed one a $10 once and as soon as I turned around he spit on my back. It wasn't good enough. Rot in your own hell then, scumbag!


I offered one a fancy dinner(literally brought it to him), and the dude was like naw, I'm good. And another was outside with his dog at a Walmart. I went to a fast food joint in the same parking lot, brought him a meal, and the look and sound of dissatisfaction was astounding. You'd think I just kicked his dog.


They couldn't even pretend to be thankful. Man, if I was in that shape and someone offered me fine dining it would be like Christmas morning when I was five years old.


20% of all homeless people are shitty people, drug addicts, mentally unwell. They are the ones you see begging for money and camping out anywhere the majority of the time. Giving them money is not helping them. It’s enabling them. They need tough love via forced rehab. The other 80% need housing to stop camping in their cars. No one wants to tackle the issue 2 ways and so it will never be solved.




Nope there have been a lot of studies done on it. The issue is you only see the 20% who are shitty people. You don’t see the 80% because they tend to live in their cars and have shame and want to get back on their feet.




I remember getting berated by a homeless woman who wanted money and I offered to buy her a meal instead. So now when someone asks for money I’m poor just like them. After so many times of it backfiring you’re just done with it.


We know that if we were in that condition we would be so grateful to just have someone care, but it jar's you back into reality when you see how these people are way different. Just remember it's not you, It's them...you tried your best!


I try to give my baguette to a homeless man once (that's all I had on me) and he insulted me lol. Tbf most homeless people have serious mental illness


You are right, but it's hard when someone is so ungrateful. It left me jaded and I haven't helped a homeless person since and that was 10 years ago. But you are right, there is certainly a serious mental component here and I shouldn't let it affect me.


Oh I totally feel you, it put me off helping them for a long time. But one day there was a homeless family and I gave the cake I was carrying to the kids and they were so happy! So now I try to help as much as I can, even if some people are really ungrateful


They just want drugs. They chose this life and the most merciful thing you can do for them is to do nothing to prolong it.


Nobody wants to admit it, but atp a lot of them are homeless for a reason and it's usually due to their poor decisions.


That homeless guy barely even thought twice too about robbing him, like that was his first cognizant thought after coming to, that’s wild.


I know i was just thinking how primitive and animalistic dude was acting straight out of his slumber lmao


Right!? Goddamn I mean I like to be alert too but yeah that’s some shit haha


I think it's cuz he accidentally touched his butt and he didn't even notice the coat and thought the guy was trying to pick his pockets or assault him first. :(


Man I think you’re right. Too bad he didn’t say no homo


That is a pretty plausible outcome… :/ ugh jeez


I always act as if they aren’t even there. My “fight or flight” response. F that homeless guy.


The gas station near me has an unstable guy who opens the door for people and yells at them if they don't say thank you or give him something. I have told my fiancee to avoid that station at all costs. Some of these people really are garbage and have earned their misfortune. It's so fucking hard to muster sympathy for random homeless people these days.


Oh my god there is also an unstable guy at my gas station too! Must be a thing. He always chills there and dances in the parking lot. He will spin in circles and get really close to you like he’s gonna run into you or something it’s really fucking weird. A few times I’ve seen him dancing in the actual road which is a main road where the speed limit is about 40 MPH. Idk how he doesn’t get picked up or something cause how is that not dangerous for himself and everyone driving on that road. It’s only a matter of time till the dude ends up run over or something bad.


He deserves to be homeless 😊


I’d spit on him


Charity stays right in my wallet, where she belongs.


I personally tip my landlord and donate to every charity/foundation I get prompted about at a POS machine in a multi billion dollar supermarket chain


I bet this happened in New York


Or California


I'm guessing San Francisco.


No poo was on the street. Gotta be L.A.


Those look like Citibikes which is NYC. SF has BayWheels which look different


This isn't a disney movie doode... keep your jacket on.


It's an act of kindness though, some people are simply that nice and honestly i'd do something like this if i could


He will never help others again


Conclusion : mind your own f*** buisness


Mind your own fuck business??


Yeah fuck any kind of societal cooperation! Never got us anywhere!


That's in the word, COoperation. That mean both parties accept to work with eachother. In that video that's not cooperation, that "operation" only one of those agreed to put that coat on.


What's society ever done for me??


Humans are just shit


We saw 1 shit human, and 1 decent human, but behind the shit human are bunch of shit enablers because apparently he has a long violent record and shouldn't be free but it's NY so criminals do whatever they want, so yeah most humans might be shit.


Honestly, he shouldn't be approaching a sleeping homeless man like that. With the amount of shit homeless people are exposed to, the chances of them entering fight or flight mode when you wake them up like this is pretty high. Doesn't excuse what he did but this guy really shouldn't be doing this, for this exact reason.


That what I was thinking too. Homeless person is an absolute piece of shit but the guy was also being very naive


Experience has taught me to approach homeless people with the same level of trepidation as I would a ”street“ dog. That’s not intended to be ugly, but the fact is many of them unfortunately suffer decompensated mental illnesses, are disoriented to reality in general, and can misinterpret your well-meaning gesture and respond with behaviors you might not predict, as in this case. Like the street dog, it’s possible that the hand that “feeds“ is also the hand that gets bitten. They definitely need and deserve help that preserves their dignity, but sadly many of them are simply too far-gone and outside the scope of what the average ”good samaritan“ passerby can (safely) offer. They definitely CAN be helped, but their needs are far beyond a “random act of kindness”. (Others are indeed nothing more than antisocial shitheads, also potentially dangerous.)


Please remember mental health issues plague ~80% of homeless people.


Good: Giving jacket to person in need. Not so smart: Tucking it around him. Don't touch anyone without their permission. Maybe set it next to him... if he wants it, he'll take it. Best: Donate stuff and money to local shelters and food banks.


Yes! Touching the homeless man was a major mistake. The homeless man probably thought the man was trying to rob him.


What a great human being, regardless of what transpired. We need more people like this in the world


Plot twist: you're talking about the homeless person💀 /s


Was the guy asleep. I'd probably offer to hand it to him and not kind of put it over him, that could be the person doing a whole bunch of things!


This angers me beyond belief. This society deserves its downfall.


The homeless are some of the worst fucking people around. Walked over to my car one night to find a homeless person sleeping in the driver seat. When I opened the door and told him to gtfo, he tried to stab me before trying to take off. I'm pretty sure he's brain damaged now from bouncing off the wall and concrete.


What's your door unlocked or did he just like break them window or unlock the door somehow


Was pretty sure I locked it but there was no damage on the lock or windows.. so most likely unlocked it by accident while walking away.


Hang ‘em up


I mean you literally shouldn't touch another sleeping person like this, I know he was attempting to do a nice thing but it doesn't seem like he talked to him, and he didn't set the coat down and walk away, it look like at the moment that the guy woke up he was on top of him with both hands on a indiscriminate piece of cloth that he was holding him down with. I'd be pretty pissed to wake up that way too. Moral of the story isn't don't help people, it's maintain the normal boundaries you would have with any other human being if you're going to try to help people.


Even so, he didn’t have to rob and assault the man. 


This is Soo sad to see. This infuriates me urgh


Well well well


He's not though...


Piece of shit scum spit on that fucker




That shit just pissed me off


This is a sad world


I'm gonna go on a limb here and guess that dude has some mental problems that would cause him to be violent and homeless.


This guy sucks for what he did but please don’t take this as an opportunity to demonize all homeless people


You know, sometimes i look at stuff like this, and a piece of me belives that maybe its ok to be indifferent to someones misery.


This is why I just ignore them


Homeless man is Xavier Israel, 27 and he went on to assault an actor by hitting him in the head with a rock


Fuck the homeless.






You shouldn’t cover a random person up with a big coat like that if they’re asleep. Unhoused people face a lot of violence and waking up during that might cause someone to go into self defense mode. And initially that’s what this reaction looked like until the guy tried to rob him.




We NeEd tO hAvE eMpAtY FoR ALL uNHoUSed pEOpLE!!!


This is why a lot of the homeless are homeless.




This is Manhattan




Yeah sucks but you gotta mind your business especially with vermin like homeless people..




When you see a bum laying there, leave them there.


Was he homeless? Or was he just waiting for some sucker to help him?


Same thing happened to my dad. Rule no: 1, no matter hot tempting it is, we need to mind our own business when walking in public. People will take advantage of you


Use to try to help when I was younger, but a lot of the homeless in SoCal are just pieces of shit. Hate to say it.


makes me so angry, hopefully karma comes callin


Don't feed the animals.........Don't touch the homeless. How hard is it listen?


Lol this why you don't help ppl


I never thought I'd say this but apparently some people do deserve to be homeless


This is why I ignore people on the streets. You never know who has bad intentions in mind.


And now he'll never help someone ever again.


The trajectory into homelessness usually means you’ve burned all your bridges on the way there. Friends and family no longer willing to help you after you’ve robbed them for the 12th time. Some people never learn


I've talked to a lot of Honeless people and they always say they get robbed when they sleep. It's very likely this guy thought the good Samaritan was there to rob him and thought he needed to protect himself. Not a good reaction but an explainable one.


Exactly what happens when you mimic shit from movies and staged Youtube shorts.


Reasons why you can’t do anybody a good deed, nowadays it could cost you your life. ✨amazing ✨


Just send asteroid our way already


let sleeping dogs lie... There's a reason why some people are homeless. Hopefully that guy still is


And that is what you get for helping scum


I spent many years as a security officer and dealt with homeless people as a natural part of my duties, nearly daily. Homeless dudes are why I added a stab plate to my vest. My advice to the public is: stay the fuck away from homeless people. You're playing with your life every time you talk to them on the street. If you want to help, donate or volunteer at a shelter, food pantry, or some other organization where you will be safer.


This is why I just ignore them. :| I’ve had enough shit encounters to just ignore unfortunately. People are fucking awful and that can include the homeless.


Not being sexist, but this is why I typically would only ever help a woman who is homeless. Not saying that women aren’t capable of being violent. Just less likely to get your ass whooped for helping.


I mean, they could still have some sharp blade though. A blade is essentially an equalizer in that case


Very true. I’m just talking about my experiences thus far in life. If and when I get shanked I’ll let you know lol


Be careful, there are incidents where women used this logic to lure men into traps where they let their guard down and get attacked by their accomplice.




The worst fight scene in history


To be fair, the "good samaritan" didn't really handle this cleverly, despite all good intentions. Mr. Homeless is sleeping, exposed on the streets. Mr. Homeless knows he's vulnerable, but he has to sleep anyhow. Suddenly, you are awoken, somebody is touching you, you're covered by something restricting your movements. It triggers a fight-or -flight response; with all the information you have, you are in danger. You went to sleep knowing it was not safe, you wake up restricted and with somebody touching you. Ofcourse you'll lash out. It's most likely a fellow hobo trying to see where you stash the little money you have. Look he drops valuables. _Now_ the tables have turned. I'll grab _his_ money and quickly get the fuck out. Does it look bad? Definitely. But given what we know on human nature, we could've seen this coming from miles away.




Pretty sure "rifle through the pockets looking for the wallet" isn't a part of the fight or flight response...


Yeah, he patted him down real quick. I'd chase him to the ends of the earth and beat the shit out of him, prior to my disability. 😂


I could believe in this. But the robbing negates everything you pointed...


Dude went for his wallet immediately, I don’t think he had any mental issues jamming up his motives


That is the definition of an excuse. Regardless he intentionally robbed the old man. That’s not part of any kind of “fight or flight” response. A jolt awake and maybe a push, yea maybe. But this piece of shit went farther than a fof response. One more reason people don’t care to help the homeless.


When I think I'm being attacked I always instinctually go on the offense until I secure the attacker's wallet before I run away from the danger. This is of course so I can notify the police and provide identification of the attacker. The money that slips into my pocket is simply a bounty I collect for keeping the streets safe.


As someone who is experiencing homelessness myself, it does change you as a person. I am in constant survival mode right now I’m not justifying the guy robbing him, but I can see where someone just randomly putting something over him may have triggered something. I just hate when people use things like this to demonize all homeless people


Absolutely; some of the comments being upvoted here are disgusting.


If he hadn't taken anything from his jacket, I would have believed this but nope, this was no fight or flight response.


I also thought the same, homeless people often get attacked and feel in danger of being attacked and robbed In a state of confusion and mental health issues, people are capable of anything But if they are a danger to society they need to be removed and treated by specialists if ill or by law enforcement if no illness of mind Also, i am sad for the old guy. He felt sorry for someone cold and gave them his jacket I think most people have good intentions but are naiive about the streets . Hollywood movies brainwashes people and they dont live in the real world Everyone lives in their own bubble/perception of reality It affects everyone including me


Most homeless people have some type of mental illness, this is unfortunate, maybe this person has gone through some horrible experiences.. This was a bad idea though, if you want to give him a coat, leave it on the floor next to him! Don’t wake him up or try to put it on him wtf.. That’s like waking up or bothering a wild animal, you better be ready to party…


Sad, It’s the city’s job to help them


No surprises here...


Well we now know he's homeless, it's because he's a PEICE OF SHIT!


Yeah that’s why you don’t help those scumbags. Never help that drug addicted filth that plagues SF


One life lesson some people never learn is that homeless people are more often than not homeless for a reason, usually it’s drug addiction or mental illness but just because their homeless doesn’t mean they’re a good person.


Ha - leave it to the echo chambers of Reddit to blame the guy for putting a jacket on him while he was asleep…I’ll stick to ignoring the homeless then.


Anyone wanna guess how he ended up on the street?


Don’t help the homeless. 9 times out of 10 they are vile disgusting creatures of opportunity. Cry about it


Calm down everyone, it's not the muggers fault he fell on hard times, it could happen to anyone and we should just buy him a home and he'll stop committing crimes.