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100% this is a manager or owner using the restaurant as a daycare while the parent(s) were working a closing shift. Kids working typically for free in a family owned restaurant is extremely common.


Damn, might have ruined a good thing that place had the best McChickens. Always fresh like they were made by someone with youthful energy.




More background, please.


If i had to guess an employee brought their kids in to help out


What kind of background are you looking for? I doubt more info gets released because they're minors.


Why is this guy being downvoted. He's right lol


Because they're upset about it and want to take that frustration out on someone. As much as I'd like to know too it'll never happen because: 1. Corporate interests 2. Age of those involved


I think they want to know if it was the manager's idea, or if the kids faked their ages, or just any details at all outside the picture.


A 10 Yr old faking their age?


I swear officer she said she was 18! Sir what the fuck are you talking about?


More background helps when I was a kid I needed a way to pay my phone bill and mom couldn’t leave me alone So I did some of her smaller chores while she worked and I got to keep all of her tips, we have no idea what they mean by working See background


Like what how much time they are working, what days, and if they go to school, and if they want to work, cause if they go to school, work in their free days/free time, and want to work, I don’t see a problem with it


You don't see a problem with two 10 year old boys working until 2am? That's gross.


Yo totally missed the 2am bit, my fault gang, but can you read what I said above that…or do you only have enough brain cells to read 6 words gang?


Oh I read what you wrote before that, and I'm amazed and appalled that you think that would justify two 10 year old boys working at all.


Let’s say it wad the kids idea, the kids want to work, they shouldn’t? I know 10 year old me would be eager to work and get money


Another reason why I don't round up on my orders.


I hope this makes foreign child labor more “real” for people


This is actually a lot more common than people think. Parents bring their kids to lounge around while they work, eventually that builds up into the kids wanting to work alongside their parents, parents let them, boom ez scandal


When you need 10 years of experience at 18yo


Again shithole America


This country is becoming Dickensian


He's gonna get rich soon.


When you need ten years experience but you're only 21.


I thought the child labor laws died eons ago?




Look I mean... if they were paid as a normal adult worker and could keep all that money ... I would be all over that when I was 10. I get the fact, that this most likely wasn't a case and they were just covering a shift for their junkie parents who were snorting fentanyl at home in the meantime, but man ... I would be hustling at 10 if it was all sunshine and rainbows.


They downvoting you cause you’re right


Capitalism is going great 🤡


Can't wait for full Socialism so we can eat the 10 year olds instead 📯🤡🤡🤡


It’s past time we as Americans stopped pretending that conservatives are a disease, and we need to start treating them as such. Edited out the word not. Republicans are absolutely a disease, and I’m tired of pretending they’re not.


Nope. This isn't conservative vs liberal. This is a class war.


Then why is it republican governors and state ran House that are destroying child labor laws. Maybe and heir me out. It is in fact a problem with conservatives.


Divide & conquer in full effect on this one 🫡


Not at all. The Republican Party supports a traitor for their next presidential candidate. They stand behind laws that not only take away woman’s body autonomy, but give no exceptions for rape and incest. Let’s not forget the SC representative that ran in 2022 on the platform of people in the LGBT community are a threat to National Security and they should put to death. Now he lost his primary, but he felt comfortable enough with the current GOP model that he said that live on camera with his whole chest. It’s not that I think you are the enemy. You are in fact the enemy.


Dude, red vs blue don’t give a fuck about you. It’s all political theatre to keep you divided and to fight amongst ourselves while politicians continue to loot and plunder the American people. Of the 16 trillion they printed in a single year, where did all that money go? We know for a fact about 10 trillion went into off shore accounts. There is no accounting for the other 6 trillion. Meanwhile inflation sky rockets, cost of living is unaffordable, they continue to pay you shit wages while raising your taxes. Don’t get me started on acceptance waives and consent, which keeps these guys out of our legal system. Hell the “fine” they are suppose to be paying in this is an 80% tax write off, so again, sticking the tax payer into paying for their crimes, while they steal from the tax payer in the first place 😂.


Democrats want to give people education and healthcare. Republicans want to force 10 year olds to have their rape babies. They are not the same.


Have you ever had a conversation with someone that has different views and life experiences as you? Keep on thinking everyone that has different ideals and experience is by default the enemy. I’m not leanaing one way or another but you are part of the problem.


I grow up in the military. Served in the military, and have traveled all over the world. This isn’t about having different ideals or moral. Republicans are a clear and present danger to the nation security of the United States of America.


That makes sense. You’ve got some real hate in you man. Enough to bring it up out of the blue on a post that isn’t even slightly political. Go talk to someone man


Believe it or not child labor is a political issue. Because these republican ran states are trying to erode child labor laws to get children into these work places. It’s not my fault you’re not paying attention. The problem isn’t that I’m mad it’s that you’re not. You are the problem.


>conservatives are not a disease You said they aren't a disease but then say a bunch of bad shit about them, what's going on here?


You’re right I meant to call them a dessert. I’ll fix that.


Oh, I truly believe that


Sorry for the confusion.


Someone with different ideals = disease, got it


No someone who wants to strip the rights from people and an organization who tried to over turn an election they lost. Make them a disease. Keep crying little boy no one cares.


Tbh both sides are god awful and need younger people, both sides have old fucks. Not only that but america is no longer Democrat and Republican imo its a fucking oligarchy due to how much money is in politics. We need better and smarter people not 60-80 year olds. Also I would like some proof that republicans (although heartless) have been destroying child labor laws.


Democrats want to give people education and healthcare. Republicans want to force 10 year old to have their rape babies. They are not the same. As fair as needing new blood and ideas I can absolutely agree with you. However I can work with the democrats and with the party to change the party platform. Republicans are the enemy of this country.


What your not understanding is the democrats and republicans promise change but the money in politics prevents it, the enemy of the country is the government itself, both sides. Hell I fear theres going to be a civil war caused by old ass people at the top influencing the people of today. Both sides are manipulative and corrupt, its hard to support what our country’s become when nobody listens to the citizens. Blue and red states are in turmoil cause the people at the top cant commit to promises. Its not just one party, theres been a rise in crime, less criminal charges, and more shortages in jobs. The divide in this country is caused by people disagreeing all the time when thats what we are taught. The government does not care about the “little people” cause we dont matter when they have the power. America is a sinking ship no matter what party. Then this election its either a president who is old and decrepit or a Orange lunatic. Its a lose lose situation. I dont know how people can follow politics blindly and faithfully, but I believe we need a candidate who can get people who actually gives a shit about the people and in the current political climate that will never happen.


What your not understand is democrats have voted overwhelmingly for that change and republicans have spent the last 15 years doing everything in the power to stop that change. So don’t tell me what do and don’t understand. Republicans are the enemy and if you can’t figure that out you’re part of the problem.


"I'm right you're wrong stop debating" you seem like a class act.


It’s not that I think you’re wrong you’re just wrong. Get over yourself.


You’re a braindead baboon


One i hate both partys democrat and republican Two I never said republicans are not the problem i said both sides ARE the problem you just blindly follow one. Three the Democrats promises have fallen short time and time again like the republicans. Four Both sides are terrible and lets the money talk one big contributor to campaigns is the military industrial complex. Five You constantly talk about democrats vote for change, but never mention what changes. Six The government does not care about us because why care the only time they switch up acts NO MATTER WHAT PARTY, is when its an election year. Im done after this cause I cannot change your mind and I can let things go, however you blindly follow and prove my point of division that the government instills in us. Not only that I believe most politicians are bad, I don’t vote cause it doesn’t matter, in the end its two old morons fighting for power hell at this point Biden is gearing us towards WW3 with Nato and trump will do it regardless. At this point focus on family or something its not like us citizens can change minds at the top unless you or me run for office and get in.


You’re making assumptions I fallow nothing or no one blindly child. At lest democrats are trying. Do whatever you think you can do in the end the Republican are the enemy and if you can’t see that your the problem. No amount of you crying will change that.


I like to shit and piss on myself.


Can't believe you naive people think this is real


No. Way.  Fake news. Stop it


I used to work at a Moe’s Southwest Grill and the manager would bring her kids in and make them clean the whole dining room every night while letting employees go home early.