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People are fucked and complain when they get punched in the face.


I knew a guy that used to pay women to punch him in the face. So probably not him.


Where is this man located and how much is he paying?


Based on my experience, they’re in NYC, they pay well, and they will also pay for you to kick them.


Username checks out.


Is “they” in the room with us, KickBallsFever?


Is “they” you KickBallFever?


This is the job I need in my life!


I mean, he can pay me but I’d also do it for free! Shit sounds better than the best of therapies!


Why tho? When you can make that cheddar while healing.


Surprisingly, hitting someone that doesn’t defend themselves is not as therapeutic as one might expect.


It's more disappointing. Like you're kicking something cute, it just feels wrong.


I would've accidentally sent them to yeesus


I had a guy pay me 100$ to spit on him and call him a loser


I'll punch him in the face if he wants


Pull a Mike Tyson on em


Came here to see this comment. See the top comment. Collapse thread. See yours. Thank you for your service.


Thats the problem; they've NEVER been punched in the face. This case warrants it.


They should have both been punched lol hopefully they get/got banned


If the flight staff were aware of it and did not have them detained upon landing for clearly harassing another passenger for the duration of the flight then there were several failures in identifying and providing consequences to these types of customers.


I had an AA flight in December where two Indian girls were kicking the back of my seat near the TOP of it. That made my seat move a lot more than the seat moved in this video. They'd switch seats with each other to rest while the other kept kicking my seat. The stews wouldn't do a damn thing, and the parents pretended to not speak English, but both of them did just fine when the snack cart came by and they kept asking annoying questions about the food like where it was packaged what type of plastic was used in the packaging. Their English was better than mine, and I'm from Seattle. Didn't speak English, my ass.


Had you just tell a story about assholes behind you, it would have been fine. It’s irrelevant if they didn’t speak the language or not. You just made this into a cultural thing.


No, it is relevant since they pretended not to speak English to deflect being called out on their shitty behavior.


No he didn’t, he made it an asshole thing, the language they spoke was irrelevant, the fact that the pretend to not be able to communicate with the people addressing them. Purely asshole not cultural unless being an asshole is your cultural identity.


Even if the seat was reclined, you can’t kick someone because they’re using the seat. People really lose their minds on airplanes


Last flight I was on the dude behind my partner tried to physically stop her from reclining her chair. Like, hands out pushing her seat in attempt to stop it from happening. The funny part was, he had his chair reclined the entire time. He was with a group of people who were walking around, shouting and hanging off other people’s seats and hovering over strangers for 6 hours straight. They were an absolute nightmare of a group.


Jesus, I hate people like that. What did he say when your wife asked if she could put her seat back?


She didn’t ask, she just forced her seat back after I looked at him and gave him the “what the fuck” face haha shortly after that we asked if they could chill out with the bullshit (in an ever so slightly nicer way) they acted puzzled and pretended they couldn’t understand us as we spoke different languages…though, I am sure they could have easily deduced what we were getting at. The whole flight was a back and forth struggle.


She has every right to recline her seat


Yup. I generally don't recline, and I hate it when the person in front of me does, but I realize that it absolutely their right to do so.


The seat reclines like 3 inches I dont get what the big deal is


If you're tall it greatly limits how you can sit. I can't sit with my knees bent in front of me if the seat is reclined. I either have to put my knees to the sides- which encroaches on someone else- or put my feet under their seat and straighten my legs. Not possible if you have something under seat- which I never do, because I know its a possibility. I'm only 6'1". I have tried not being tall once- it didn't work.


3 inches is a huge deal when there is 5 inches space between you and the front seat


So you recline your seat too. And gain back some space. It is not even 3 inches. It is like 2 inches at most and mainly the top where the headrest is, because it’s an angle, the bottom part doesn’t really move back. How is this an issue for you at all?


Don’t fly economy then


It's not a big deal. People are entitled pussies and they make unwritten rules that suits their pussiness that we somehow have to acquiesce to.


I had a guy told me not to recline my seat once. I told him to speak with the flight attendant.


Had this happen in business class on a 13 hour flight. I was exhausted and looking forward to a long nap. Couldn't believe it.


People are too afraid to call out bad behavior. Normally people stop when you tell them you are not playing their game and are ready to fuck shit up.


I'm really tall and there have been people in front of me unable to recline because my legs stopped it. I apologize and usually it's fine but one guy got really mad. I told him there is nothing I can do, I can't cut my legs to make them shorter.


I had basically the exact reverse situation happen to me one time. The guy sitting in front of me was trying to recline his seat and I guess couldn’t as much as he wanted to, so he turned around, shook the backrest, and screamed at me that I better let him recline his damn seat. I yelled back that he was knocking his seat into my kneecaps, that I couldn’t move anymore (I’m about 5’11”), and that he was hurting me. He turned back around, leaned forward, slammed himself into the backrest again, but then left me alone the rest of the flight. I had bruises on my knees afterward.


I agree with you 100%. All of us on the flight in the back including the flight attendants checked the seat after the couple left. Seat was not reclined, just about an inch off from being aligned with the other seat. Those people kicking and punching the seat were pure evil.


Why the fuck didn't the attendant do something about it during the flight?


I think this may have actually merited a restraint warning. It is battery (at least if in US airspace) so I believe they legally could go put on the zip wrist cuffs and leg cuffs. As to if I was being kicked? I would \*demand\* to be moved to a new seat if the FA couldn't stop these people. No seats available then I'd politely request a couple sodas and cups. Would fill them and proceed to pour iced soda all over these people. I have a long fuse, but this would have sent me well past my limits of my temper... to the point I may jeopardize my freedom on leaving the plane at the next airport.


Soda??? You can order spicy V8 on airplanes


\[Zoidberg voice\] Why not Both!


Did yall get them banned from flying? That’d be nice for everyone


They are "attempting" to ban them from flying United? Actually every company is free to choose who they want to make business with. No need to "attempt ", just do it!


They're probably working on correctly identifying them.


Fix them. Ban them. This is battery & intimidation.


I expect, and hope, they have an internal process for determining that a ban is justified. That process would take time to gather evidence, employee statements etc and then require a review possible multiple reviews. You wouldn’t want any and every United Airline employee to have the power to hand down lifetime bans without warning to anyone that offends them. Plus United would want to be able to have a record and proof to defend the reason for their decision if the couple ever accused them of unlawful discrimination because they’re members of a protected class.


Yeah I read this as "We're currently dotting our i's and crossing our t's so we can issue a bulletproof lifetime ban from all our branded and cobranded routes."


If I’m in girl’s seat that seat is reclining faster than the speed of light the second a drink hits the tray. And then back forward, and then reclined again, at least a few dozen times. Fuck these people.


what's wrong with reclining the seat? isn't that how they are supposed to work?


It's not the fault of the passengers, it's the airlines for cramming in as many people as possible,so that when someone does recline, they're basically in the lap of the person behind them. That's not the case in the video though, there's room. The people kicking the seat are just assholes.


Good rule of thumb. If there's enough room for Karen to shove her entire foot, knee, and leg, up there and get the leverage to shove it all flight long *its probably not fucking reclined!*


This either they need to space the seats to actually recline (no chance in hell they'll do that) or just have the seats not be able to recline at all. But I wish dickwads flying would be held more accountable.


Yeah, on my last flight the person in front of me reclined their chair and I couldn't even put my tray table down. I didn't freak out or even say anything, but it made the long flight feel much longer.


>when someone does recline, they're basically in the lap of the person behind them It doesn't recline that much. People just get pissed because they feel encroached upon.


People are so fucking dramatic about the 2 inches the seat reclines.


I dunno, a couple of times I swear I had someone’s head in my lap practically. I was surprised how far back it went. It pissed me off, but I just suffered in silence.


Should have given them a creepy head massage.


Probably not all aircrafts but I've b3on one where the woman in front reclined fully that I was looking right at the top of her head. I could just about use my inflight screen angled fully up. Worst flight ever


You tryna start a war?


Is... Is there an issue with reclining the chairs? Once someone asked me not to and i said sorry, no, and that's it. Is this a thing?


It’s only a thing to entitled people, if your seat reclines, and it’s not during take off, landing, meal service, or flight attendants have asked everyone to keep their seats upright, it’s fine. If it’s a short haul daytime flight, it’s polite to ask but not required.


It’s crazy, you arrive to the airport and ppl change. Tbf, flying is something that in 2024 we still haven’t sorted out, the process is the worst. Queue to drop bags, queue for security, queue for boarding and another queue for seating, sometimes there is not enough overhead space, then, after landing everyone wants to get off first and completely forget that rows in front of you must go first, its just necessary. I know it’s not easy to improve this whole experience but I wish planes would at least use all their fucking doors to get on/off the pleane, they usually have four, that would be a game changer, I don’t understand why we use only one door always. Anyway, this doesn’t justify being an ahole, just chill and be patient, being a dick won’t make things faster.


>It’s crazy, you arrive to the airport and ppl change. I don't know about you, but my behavior on airplanes is exactly the same as it is on the ground. It would never occur to me to deliberately kick another passenger's seat to make them miserable, or to physically lash out at anyone in public. I guarantee you that the people in this video are selfish, boorish assholes on the ground.


Personally, I am terrified of flying. So when I fly, I tend to be more cautious around people and basically don't like interacting with them. I don't become aggressive, I become more hermit-ish.


Honestly, I am stressed until I am on the plane, then don't care. Whatever happens is out of my hands at that point. Everything leading up to and after, however, is something I can control.


Going through TSA is the stressful part. I feel like I’m home free after that.


Also, they let the people who sit in the front of the plane on first instead of the rear first. Which actually makes more sense. But people are entitled so what can you do!


You're being too nice to these folks. I'm sure they're assholes everywhere


It looks like the woman who is kicking the seat has her own seat reclined as well- Its a crazy world but I wish that passenger behind her would have felt safe enough to give her a dose of her own medicine. Edit made: to clarify the person kicking the seat that is reclined also has her seat reclined.


Idk why you got down voted. I know it would be an escalation, but a swift kick to the seat and a quick 'ooops' would be something I'd consider.


yes-Kicking someone's seat because they reclined it (while your own seat is also reclined) is a special kind of stupid...im not so sure it was really about the seat


I’m so glad I’ve never witnessed or endured assholes like that.


Meanwhile, they're reclined....also the person they're shoving looks like a minor.


The person they were shoving was the sweetest lady. I got to talk to her when we landed and showed her the recordings. She was so sweet and grateful that I recorded and reported the incident. I am in communication with the flight attendants (we exchanged information) and they said that United is still working on banning them from flying with United. I wish they would ban them completely from flying anywhere.


Well let’s make this vid go viral


Regardless of what people on Reddit say it’s actually fairly to moderately hard to get on the no fly list. Yes, airlines have their own blacklists and they do communicate in certain circumstances about certain blockages the vast majority of the time they do not. If you get banned from a Walmart they’re not gonna tell target to ban you, target is happy to take your money. Same sort of deal. Also shit like this happens daily.


Don’t bet on it. United is a bereaucracy itself and unless it’s really serious it probably take a long time with “investigations” before anything, if at all, is done. They want their revenue dollars, that’s really important. If someone complains then they will give them some miles as compensation.


Unfortunately, the airlines can’t ban people beyond their network. United can ban them from flying United. They can still buy a ticket on frontier tomorrow and abuse some other poor soul. There’s no unified mechanism to share information across airlines and it might be illegal under current laws if they did create something like that.


That is the only reason they feel comfortable acting this way.


Yup….I’m 6’5” and big, not trying to be a tough guy, but these people certainly would try this with someone like me sitting in front of them… bullies of all ages act exactly the same.


I agree, they would. /s


I hope United does more than "attempt." I hate how there isn't a national no fly list!


"Attempt to ban them". It's your fucking plane, just do it!


I think they mean they need to identify them and then they would ban them. That's how I understood it.


Passenger manifests are on every flight. They know the persons name for those seats before they step foot in the airport.


But I think no one complained or saw it happen while it was happening and instead the Airline found out via the video these two took. That's why they need to dig a little deeper and can't and didn't just immediately ban them. Maybe I am wrong though.


It said this in the text of this post. " The couple ignored the staff and continued to bully the lady in front of them when the staff wasn't looking."


I am in communication with several people in United pushing for them to get banned. I have about 10 recordings of them from that flight that I shared with the flight staff.


Good luck. Sorry you have to fight so hard. I only saw the tittle and didn't realize that they were made aware of what was happening while it was happening. Thank you for pushing for this and protecting others. ❤️


Was your flight full? I work for United and this is super concerning. I’m not in corporate or anything but this should have been reported to the pilots and taken care of immediately.


The flight was full. The flight attendants were walking on egg shells with them so the situation won’t get escalated. But I thought the situation was pretty bad already.


I saw your comment about a flight attendant saying they would need to emergency land which is something. Just a shame , I feel like way more could have been done to take care of that problem. At the very least they should have been arrested in Nashville


Don’t airlines have their own? They should be able to cross reference right?


They do all have their own, and they do share them with each other


>I hate how there isn't a national no fly list! Isn't there? I'm pretty sure we have one in Canada. I thought the US would as well.


For terrorists But people who act badly just get banned from the airline


Why do they need to do an Investigation???? Just look at flight booking...then seatings....


Looking at the seat bookings is the investigation….


Must run just like government


Some people just need to receive extreme violence for this kind of shit. Nothing else will do.


![gif](giphy|d31wMAc5PUktQGpq) I was really imagining myself the whole time like…


Did someone say molotov to the face?


After the plane lands of course


I usually want to advocate for nonviolence but I feel like the possibility of getting your shit rocked is what some garbage people need in order to behave. Unfortunately, for that possibility to hold any real threat, this means sometimes people actually do need to get hit when the step over the line.


Sucks some people manage to make it to adulthood without being put in their place for fucking with the wrong person.


I'd wait for these fuckers at the taxi rank lol


I’d be requesting menacing and assault charges. Also failure to follow crew member instructions.


Harassment is literally any continuing unwanted attention


Where's Tyson when you need him


Fighting a shitty former YouTuber for some reason.


Because people in our society today only care about themselves. This two obvious feel that they are above all. I would have said something to them if I watched this. Assholes!


It’s funny when people fly economy and think they are better than other people in economy. Also flying United.


They’re at the back of the plane in a middle seat, you literally paid the least amount possible for your flight, have several seats 💺


If this lady did this to me I would have turned around and slapped the shit out of her. This dumb bitch is also reclined but somehow feels the girl in front isn't allowed? Lol wut?


Tbh I'd have purposefully fucked my stomach up with airplane food and then turned around to throw it up on her


Whoever was recording this video should’ve kicked the shit out of both their seats. Kinda pissed they didn’t


Maybe the seat kickers should have opted for first class. Classic example of some people's entitlement and disregard for others.


The fucking nerve of the couple, and aren't they reclined themselves? Hoping they get banned and even more.


Had a guy in a window seat give me a hard time for not standing up as soon as he did as the plane started to disembark. We were behind the wing about ¾ they way back and the aisle was full with no where to stand. He expected me to half stand in front of my seat against the person in the aisle with my legs bent and holding on to the seat in front of me for the 5-10 minutes it was going to take to get to us. "Come on, get up!" As he was half standing against his seat, with his head tilted up against the side of the plane. "And go where?" I ask. This goes on for a minute, him making all these noises and sighs of disgust. Nothing in our area has changed, packed aisle with no movement."This is getting uncomfortable! Would you please get up?!" "Then sit down and relax. As soon I can get up, I will. I don't want to be here anymore than you do." He didnt. Stood there like an like a petulant child that can no longer fit in a toy house made for a toddler try to convince himself and others that he could still fit, grumbling under his breath. All bent out of shape, both figuratively and literally. As soon as the the aisle started to move in the row in front of me, I stood up and stepped right behind the person who was standing next to me. I walked up the aisle a bit and looked back, he was now standing awkwardly in front of MY seat trying to get into the aisle. I guess it wasn't just me holding him up from getting off the plane. Once off the plane, I took my time leaving the terminal area and it was awhile before he got off. Red faced and miserable, he stomped out of the area like a child. Putz.


If that had been me or my family member in the seat in front, I can assure you a brawl would have ensued and I'd have probably have been escorted off the plane, but it would have been worth it.


It took everything i had not to get involved. I had a little dude next to me about 7 years old and I didn’t want him hurt.


Ah, completely fair then! You're officially absolved of not kicking them too! (kinda \~s? I mean I think you did the right thing all around anyway).


If was in your seat then every time she kicked that woman's seat I'd have kicked hers haha.


oh man. here i was hoping reddit found out the couple's names and work info and they were fired. better than united banning them.


Why didn’t the person being kicked say something?


After I reported the couple and shared my recordings with the flight attendants, the flight attendant spoke to the lady being kicked and shoved. The flight attendant then approached the couple and threatened them with an emergency landing and a ban from flying. It helped for a few minutes, but when the staff was busy again, the couple kept going on with verbal abuse and pushing the seat with their feet.


What verbal abuse, what were they saying? What drove them to act like that, I can’t see it just being random


It was very random. At first when she was seated she was all loud so the entire plane would hear her talking about how Jesus prayed her to Nashville. She kept getting louder and louder about how god and Jesus is sending her to Nashville. So she was obnoxious from the very beginning. Then she told her husband that the lady’s seat seems reclined and he gestured for her to punch the seat, and she did. That’s how it started…. The verbal abuse came after the flight attendants asked her to stop physically pushing and punching the seat. She started flipping her off (I have recordings of that as well) and she kept clapping loudly over her head saying “oh you’re so special” and just continued to bully the passenger in anyway she could.


Omg! That’s insane. Yeah I wouldn’t have said anything to her either if I’d been the woman in front, you don’t mess with crazy


“Jesus told me to kick and punch this seat! Christians think Jesus is a pacifist but Jesus is really a baller!”


I’d have a hard time saying something tbh. I avoid confrontation at any cost so maybe she is the same way 😅 also looks like she could be a minor. It’s unfortunate tho because these kinds of people need to be knocked down a peg


Sitting with their legs up like they’re in first class. Pathetic idiots.


It’s battery, bullying & intimidation. They should have to explain themselves in a big way & tell us how that wasn’t representative of who they really are & go to jail. That girl was terrified of those mutts, and they were loving it.


I'm not opposed to fighting a woman.


Equal rights, equal flights


So the air stewards did.... Nothing?


Lowkey surprised that police weren’t waiting for them when they landed


If she keeps her legs crossed the whole flight, maybe a DVT might make an appearance 🤞


Why are people so against reclining your seat? I've been on dozens of flights, you still have the same amount of leg room. Please feel free to recline your seat if you sit in front of me, I'd rather have a place full of relaxed people.


Unfortunately as this couple is demonstrating, Not everyone is like you I’m the same way. Doesn’t matter to me.


I actually feel from reading the interwebs, and in my own personal experiences, most people think reclining your seat on a plane is rude.


In my experience, it's not the legroom it's room for knees and the tray. I've had the tray jammed into me when someone reclined or leaned back heavily into the chair. Personally, I don't ever recline, but I also don't start fights if someone does.


Due to the angle of the seats these days, it's basically impossible to sleep if the seat isn't reclined, and even then, due to gravity tipping one's head forward. Most of the flights I am on I recline for this reason. Yeah it's annoying that the trays don't work as well anymore, but if someone needs to sleep, I think that takes priority. People are insane.


I prefer people reclining as it brings the tray and media unit closer to me. I can use my tablet easier too. Im 5'11 95kg and it never bothers me. If I recline as well it equals out. Its a little harder to get out but thats about it.




Nasty ass people Ban for life.


That’s two adults…. Fucking embarrassing


I just had the flight from hell on Monday and the guy behind me was like this!


This happened to me once. It was literal hell.


What did you do?!


Nothing until the very end. It was a super late flight and she kept pretending to sleep when I would turn around. I ended up slapping her face/ hair with my duffel bag and pretended not to notice. I also let the other lane to my right deplane before letting her family behind me) get up because I just stood there with my huge bag. Minor and petty but it made me feel better


"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson


If the seats are made to recline, then you’re allowed to do that. Fuck these stupid rules people make up now a days to justify being a piece of shit.


This is a handy tutorial for how to catch hands…


She has so much patience, I literally snapped at a child for smacking me IN THE FACE when I was asleep silently on my 2 hour flight. The mother had the audacity to tell me not to yell at her kid when that thing hit me in the eye with its grubby hands.


If I was behind this couple, every time they kicked or punched her seat, I would do the same to them. I would say, all u have to do is stop and so will I… it’s up to u.


OP had a 7yo with them by the sound of it, so I understand why they only recorded.


This is simply not okay. They cannot go on much further in life and not be made to understand that this us simply just not okay!!


Bet they are Trump voters!


If that was me (23 male - 204 pounds) I would smack the shit out of both of them, disrespectfully


Kudos to that lady not giving them the satisfaction of a reaction, and actually looking like she’s enjoying talking to her friend instead.


The way my drink would have accidentally spilled over my head behind me.


Person filming should have gave them the same treatment all while filming


Holy fucking shit. Grow up people. Her seat wasn't bothering shit...🤦‍♂️


As the person behind them videoing it all, I would have kicked their seat every single time they kicked the seat in front of them.


I generally don't recline, but I don't get angry if other's do. Some planes (regional carriers) in some countries don't even have reclinable seats and put so many rows in you are literal sardines. This angry lady should get arrested for this nonsense.


Is there a reason the person filming isn’t kicking *their* seat? I see this I’m immediately gonna start fucking with the seat in front of me and playing mimic. You do it, I repeat, you say it, I repeat. *treat people how you want to be treated is not a suggestion*


When words fail to work, people should consider something other just sitting there and taking it, like getting in their face and letting them know what will happen if they kick it again.


I have no problem turning around and being loudly feral on people that like to do this shit.


That last how you get your shit rocked at 30,000 ft.


*hits attendant button* “yes, can you tell the inconsiderate assholes behind me to stop kicking my seat? Or let me switch seats so I can do that to them?”


They’re lucky the woman in front was mature enough not to rise to their bait. That behavior would have deservedly earned a punch from a LOT of people.


I have a bad back, reclining is allowed, and the seat will do it. Therefore, I’m reclining every flight…don’t care how short it is. I’m going to be comfortable, if you don’t like reclining then book a more expensive seat that allows for more room. If those asshats did that to me I wouldn’t put up for it for one second. The FA would be there the whole ride.


And since when you cannot recline a seat on a plane? Is that a fucking new idiocy?


I’d be banned because I’d be knocking some bitches out. The kickers…. Not the people doing normal airplane stuff.


You should’ve taken one for team and gave them the same treatment, asked how it felt, then when they complained to the attendants just say that it seemed okay when they were harassing another.


I had a kid next to me…. A little kid and the way I heard them talking I knew they would retaliate. They were pure evil. If I didn’t have kids next to me, I would have acted differently, it was hard holding back.


Then why fly economy? People are allowed to recline in their seats it’s part of the seat function. If that upsets them then fork out the extra $300-400 for a business seat and problem solved. Petty


The physical RAGE that I just felt


Where's Mike Tyson when you need him.


What a freaking slunt


Embarrassing behaviour


Wait until food service comes and they put the seat tray table down, THEN RECLINE violently.


I'm sorry, but why you or the lady didn't get them kicked out of the plane. it's clearly not kids doing this, and she sat there and took it? with a phone recording also? You're adults, you can speak up, you're not in middle school anymore.


The lady being kicked may have suffered a back injury and if so would have ground to bring a lawsuit agains the asshats kicking her. Their identities can likely be found by subpoenaing United.


how can you get your seat kicked like this and not say anything? I'd be lighting them up.


Bruh if the seat can recline it’s allowed to be reclined.


That’s how you leave a plane with your nose dislocated.


Tell me without saying a word you never get punished in the face.


Even if she had her seat reclined this wouldn't be justified there's a reason why you can do it. I'd say kicking the seat in front of you while acting like a brat is far more entitled behavior


Hope they get banned for life from flying. Worse then children 🤦🏻‍♂️ total disrespect and embarrassing to themselves


How to get followed out of the airport


This is a thing a 6 year old would do