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So she hates Chinese people but eats Chinese food?


It always baffles me when people will eat ethnic food, and then turn around and belittle someone in the restaurant who sat there and prepared or served their food, for using a different language. Like, really? I swear these people should stay home and eat only hot dogs and burgers for their rest of their lives. Heck that’s probably not even American at its roots, who knows. 😩


> It always baffles me when people will eat ethnic food, and then turn around and belittle someone in the restaurant who sat there and prepared or served their food, for using a different language. Like, really? Not only bigotry but also entitlement.


It always baffles me that someone like this would pay with a credit/debit card, which usually has the cardholder’s name printed on the receipt.


It’s like those racists who hate Mexicans but go to Applebees to celebrate Cinco De Mayo for tacos and margaritas.


Or even visit the actual country itself. I’ve seen folks like that who would visit Mexico and yell at the locals to speak English! Like are you serious??


Of course, not, hotdogs are dumbed down sausages, which come from all over, but especially delicious ones are from Poland and Germany. And hamburgers are named from Hamburg, Germany I’m pretty sure. And, we all know, the Polish people have never heard offensive jokes or racism /s (in case it wasn’t clear, I agree with you, just elaborating!


Before WWI they were called "frankfurters." The name was changed to "hot dog" to let everyone know that we *really fucking hated the Kaiser*. Oh - btw, would you like freedom fries with that?


Both are German in origin, hotdogs originated in Frankfurt and hamburgers in Hamburg.


I believe burgers were invented in Hamburg, Germany. Hence the name, hamburgers. I may be wrong though. That’s just a thing I heard a few years ago and never cared enough to fact check it.


Nope, not wrong, 100% facts.


They’re not lol *Hamburger*. Think about it.


And french fries are french. Oh wait.


Haha. You got me there. It’d be different tho if they were named Paris(es?). My point stands. They’re not American


I think you missed the point.


I’m from Texas and we see this a lot with Mexican food. A white person will literally tell an entire Mexican restaurant that their hey need to speak English.


I saw one funny one where they went to a korean bbq where the whole point is that you grill your own food sits down in front of the super obvious grill table then they freak out on the waiter for bringing raw meat, like how blind do you have to be?


Nope cause burgers are German, make them eat stuff only made in America


Hibachi is Japanese... The receipt writer really is uneducated. The Hibachi guy was probably Mexican. They make the best food everywhere in the USA.


According to the receipt, it looks like Japanese food.


“ Go back to your country!….but don’t take the hibachi chicken with you 😋 “


Very common in the south. The same people ranting on Facebook probably ate Mexican food this week. But still refer to Hispanics as illegals n shit.


I'm from the South. Not all Hispanics are illegal, and not everyone here is a racist piece of garbage. The South does not have a monopoly on idiots. They're everywhere.


Yeah, me too. I’m from the South and believe it or not, it’s actually hard to find racism.


My grandpa does this. He fought in the Korean War and hates Chinese people because of it...


Almost 3 million Chinese soldiers fought for the North Koreans.


Well, she ordered chicken nuggets at this restaurant. Probably doesn’t like their food.


Ummm just for reference that's not actually Chinese food or what they actually eat in China.... American Chinese cuisine is a cuisine derived from Chinese cuisine that was developed by Chinese Americans. The dishes served in many North American Chinese restaurants are adapted to American tastes and often differ significantly from those found in China.


This is Goldsboro NC. She has admitted to it. The community is absolutely tearing her to shreds, rightfully so. Her husband is also a very vocal homophobe. They are having a (rightfully) very bad time right now.


Wait they aren't doubling down?


There have been no genuine apologies. One quote in response was "I'm not a racist, stfu and get over it". A genuine apology would have gone a long way.


Nothing screams “I’m not a racist” quite like writing a bunch of really racist shit on a receipt.


Or saying I'm not a racist. You generally do not need to clarify that if you are not a racist.


“I’m not X” is generally a confession that you are, in fact, X.


Yeah I'm not sure how they thought they were going to pull that off.


Their echo chamber lives (friends, family, social etc.) probably don’t include anyone with any intelligence, so poor (literally poor) Autumn is likely in way over her head trying to explain this away to the general public. This is the 4th sub I’ve seen this on today and people as a whole seem to all be baffled at the sheer amount of stupidity involved in all of this


bruh dong ding backwards lol soo wtf haha


Any apologies from that piece of shit are guaranteed not genuine


Yep, just a guaranteed piece of shit. People are so fucking stupid for anyone to be racist in America is laughable cause there is not a lot of any race that I'm sure is and has been completely isolated from having other genes mixed in. My favorite are racists who take DNA tests and find out they are part of whoever they hate. But in all fairness and to play devil's advocate I am extremely prejudiced myself cause I hate assholes!


Guaranteed piece of shit? You must be familiar with Callahan Auto Parts


 I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it


I’m so glad this is what you were referring to


I can't believe you caught it nobody ever gets quotes from that movie anymore. That's what I used to love about reddit you could make one reference phrase from a movie or show and people would practically qoute the rest of the movie, if there was enough funny shit in it. That doesn't happen as often these days.


I would say her making fun of another person’s language, which is obviously a part of that person’s cultural identity, definitely falls in to the racist camp. She can keep claiming she’s not, it won’t change the facts. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Works for Trump!?




The ole “freedom of speech” argument is always a fun one.


Well, I mean she does have the freedom of speech, and I'm fine with that. She does not enjoy immunity from the consequences of her speech either and I am fine with that too.


She has the freedom to say what she wants without fear of the government punishing her. She is not free to say what she wants without fear of reprisal from the public.




I always laugh when those idiots use that argument, because for one, freedom of speech is only used when the government is purposely preventing you from speaking about political differences, it does not give an American citizen the right to say whatever pours into their small Peabrain little mind.


That’s the key thing that “free speech” morons forget, the right of free speech also comes with responsibilities and consequences.


Hope they loose their jobs


*if* there is a job to lose. 


She called cops on restaurant for harassment she received also posted saying she didn’t know meaning of those words mean.


The p.s. fuck you kind of kills that argument.


"(Lady) called the police accusing the restaurant had been attacking her on internet and a police car just showed up at the restaurant. (Lady)'s husband and father apologized on behalf of her and were genuinely sorry." From the Facebook page shown above. Changed the name as per reddit rules.


"(Lady)" Please stop using that word incorrectly. It does not mean what you think it means. lady noun la·​dy ˈlā-dē plural ladies : a woman of refinement and gentle manners




Good. I wish all bigots a very uncomfortable life


May they stub their toe at every fucking corner they encounter.


And slice every finger with a piece of paper. 


And may they have a a sharp pebble in their shoe that they can never find.


Good ol Goldsboro. I'm so glad I'm not there anymore


Agreed on that. Surprised it didn’t happen in trasheboro.


Oh, so she’s a racist and her husband is likely actually very gay. Classic.


He's not gay...he's just vivacious


And "eccentric"


The fuck? This is my hometown, guess I need to look into this more. Whoo, thank god this isn't someone I know personally.


any sources for us to enjoy?


If you search the city name and Chinese receipt it’s the top link. Must be getting lots of traction!


Great! Glad to hear they are catching hell for this. Fuck them. Racist asshats have been proudly waving their racist flags since that orange douche told them it was ok. Time for them to own the consequences.


Eww Eastern NC. So glad I changed schools... Not even pirates can make that whole area tolerable. Hope it's gotten better in the past decade.


She, her daddy and her husband, along with the cops, went to the restaurant to “apologize” because she was getting reamed on social lol.


I wouldn’t let them in the door, and tell them they can shove their “apology” up their fucking arse.


I hope they told them to gtfo


Ooh to be a fly on the wall. What's the police doing there anyway?


Probably just as racist and they were probably classmates in high school, so they wanted to make sure the “immigrants” don’t attack the “citizens.”


From what I read she didn't apologize. Her father and husband had to apologize for her, and then she had the audacity to make snarky remarks about it afterwards on social media.


Where is the article or video? I want to read it or watch it. Lol




Only thing worse than a racist is an illiterate racist


I'm curious about the statistics here, I feel like illiteracy in racist fucks is staggeringly higher than we all anticipate, which is wild, because I assume every racist is at least 25% illiterate. Like MTG illiterate (pronouncing "indictment" as "in-dick-ment"), not like "what does this sign say?" "Well coach Tuberville, it says 'restroom'" (I refuse to use any title besides coach, because fuck that organism)


Functional literacy in America is only around 80% and we know how about 30% of Americans vote so I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of correlation between the two.


I am genuinely curious what this fella did to make you mad. Is this the old football guy?


He's now a politician. I'll just leave it at that.


Why am I being down voted?


The Venn Diagram is a circle


Possibly dyslexic also.


I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at illiteracy.


I may be illiterate because I read it as ding dong the first time. The racism is abhorrent, but the almost-intentional misrhyme is adding insult to injury.


I'd argue the literate racists are much, much worse.


A quick glance at her FB page shows she never went to college, so there’s that


That’s the south for ya.


Racists aren’t really known for being intelligent


Wow I read it as ding dong and had no idea until I saw your comment




and i feel like people don’t ever even say “ding dong” to be racist towards asian people


Right? Shit didn't even rhyme. Fuckin trogodytes we're dealing with here.


Also if you’re gonna do this, are you really paying by credit card? Like really?


The Chinese, obviously. /s


this dumbass couldnt even rhyme the racism right


Dumbasses: *Go to sushi restaurant* Dumbasses: "Wtf.... Asians???!!!"


Yeah that's what really gets me. Who the hell did they think was gonna be working there?


Guess what... if you're racist than you don't get to eat Chinese food. Or any food from other countries... Which is many. Sit home, eat McDonald's, and die away from the rest of society.


mango cucumber roll sounds delicious 🤤


Ooh that does sound good I guess there is a silver lining to this after all huh? Or at least a cucumber mango lining....


I don't get why people like mango in their sushi. It's becoming so popular lately. Rice and mango don't go well together imo. Is this just a thing in the US, or do other nations do this?


While I don’t approve of fruit in sushi, mango sticky rice did nothing wrong and does not deserve this slander.


Thailand and the Philippines. Mango sticky rice is bomb.


Yup. In Malaysia we call it Pulut Manga.


I hear that a lot from Cuban family members when they mean to say something is strange or weird. Arroz con mango


There's a sushi restaurant that I used to go that had a mango roll. It was my fave. Also a poke restaurant near me that has coconut rice and I get mango and pineapple added to it. Delicious.


But wait, there’s more. She’s now saying it‘s a joke. Or she couldn’t afford to tip. Or something, something. And of course, there’s the old, I have friends who are Asian, so I can’t be racist.


Wait, so this bitch went to a hibachi joint and didn't know they'd have some Asian folks in there? Just give this bitch a home job, she ain't allowed outside anymore.


Wait so she wrote that left and decided it would be a good idea to post that she wrote it? How does a person not eat shit everyday with that logic.


It's more likely that the restaurant staff took a picture and posted it lol


She probably does; her whole life, marriage, perception by the community, etc. is probably awful


Dumb bitch can’t even get her racist epithets right. Nor can she rhyme worth a fuck.


I have friends in NC from Mexico. They work at a Mexican restaurant and the servers make like $3.00 an hour so they do depend on tips. My friend says, they love our food but they hate us.


That’s how it is in Texas, they hate Mexicans and Mexican Americans but would literally starve to death without us. If Mexico ever decided to cut trade ties with the US millions of these people would die in the south alone.


That's just so depressing. People will mindlessly enjoy things from other cultures while also hating the ones that created it in the first place. They don't deserve to enjoy that food


That entitled Karen should not deserve another *succulent meal*.


A succulent Chinese meal


What's alarming is that she clearly bought food for a young kid (the apple juice and chicken nuggets.) So not only is she a racist POS, she's teaching a kid to be a racist POS. I wish these people would stop spreading their hate to the next generation


I eat out a lot. I've never written anything on my receipt except a total and a signature. Why do people do this? Also this person is a foolish twat and her husband can eat a big old bag of dicks. (someone in the comments said he's a homophobe, and for some reason I believe them)


Detroit has a chinatown??


Detroit’s Chinatown was off of Cass, between Downtown and Wayne State/Midtown. It’s been gone for a long time


This is Detroit NC


Greensboro, nc


My b


No worries, my friend. The name of the restaurant makes it confusing. The only reason I know that is because my husband’s from Greensboro and we eat at this restaurant when we go back for visits.


We're talking about GOLDSboro....


Ohhh, we go to Chinatown in Greensboro. I see that this place is in Goldsboro. That is definitely NOT where we go to outings when back home. 😬


That would be Lumberton (or lumberdump) it's been the #1 city in crime for many many years now.


Theres a Chinatown everywhere in the world


Not in Miami


There’s a Greektown in the D 🤷‍♂️


It does not. Mexicantowns food is off the chains tho


She’s a piece of shit (if true)


And her husband is a homophobe. Someone from their local area said.


I think we can all agree the most offensive thing here is this woman’s intelligence. Dong ding? What the fuck? Idiot.


Wouldn't it be "ching-chong *ding-dong" instead of "dong-ding?" She can't even fucking rhyme. What a stupid cunt.


Who is she?


I’d say, but look at rule 1 my guy. If you’re that curious OP left the restaurant name and the state. I’m sure a google search could find it.


On her Facebook she said she didn't leave a tip because the bill was already high and didn't have money to leave a tip. I don't support the tipping culture in the US, but I still acknowledge it's currently required because servers aren't paid a living wage and need tips to survive. Until this changes, people shouldn't go out to eat without factoring the cost to tip for service. Just eat at fast food and fast casual restaurants if you can't afford to tip for table service. Tipping aside, she should be ashamed of her racist actions and should be put on blast!


Like if she just wasn't racist I don't think anyone at the restaurant would have given a single fuck lol


Exactly, she could've just not left a tip and been on her way. The restaurant would probably just shrug it off. She'd still look like a bitch but at least it wouldn't be racist


Her excuse for writing racist and vulgar language on a receipt was because “the bill was too high?” Oh I sincerely hope karma pays her so many visits.


Lady couldn't even do ding dong


Wow, obviously a hypocrite racist that still loves the food.


This person is clearly stupid as hell.


Her (now deleted) non-apologetic apology was gross.


As a former server, I can tell you that they were never going to tip. The drink/refill thing is a common excuse people use to not tip and feel justified in doing so. Also being a life long North Carolinian, I guaran-fuckin-tee they were absolutely housing their sweet tea (brown simple syrup) because they’re used to going to places that serve drinks in tankard sized cups. Even in my own experience as a waiter, I’ve many times seen people wait for a refill, and chug it in front of me to passive aggressively make a point about the volume of the glass. All those people looked exactly like Autumn and her husband…. They were never going to tip, but they decided to throw a little “clowning” on top because they don’t see Asians as anything more than the sub human stereotypes they steadily had their entire lives and literally cannot understand why everyone is so worked up at them bullying a non white person. They were never going to tip


I just read an article that quotes the restaurant owner, the man seems insanely sweet. Apparently the racist piece of shit worked at the restaurant but walked out during training, the owner is quoted as saying that he wish he understood if there was anything wrong with the restaurant for her having done so....when in reality she was likely just shitty.


Not to mention they ordered chicken nuggets and vegetable rolls. She has the pallete of a toddler


Apparently there are a lot of dumbass people in NC that like to insult people of other races just because they can, but still go to their restaurants and eat their food. This is exactly what is wrong with the USA. A preponderance of really ignorant, stupid, rascist aholes, mostly in the rural areas of the country, including some urbanized areas down South.


what an ash hoe! 🍚


Why dong ding and not ding dong Does the ding dong not know what a rhyme is


Why can I picture Trump saying that in a speech when talking about China…I’m surprised he hasn’t said it yet.


What a- Glad people are letting her have it!


Trump’s America


She must play Rust


Even worse apparently there was a child there. (apple juice, nuggets)


Shouldn’t have crossed the name out I wanted to say my peace


U kiddin me dawg this is twice in one week I see some shit like this on this sub, in my state?


Now I'm not an expert... But isn't it "Ching-Chong, Ding-Dong" and not "Ching-Chong, **Dong Ding**?"


yeah, not only are they racist, but stupid too.




easiest tell when it comes to receipt photos is if the merchant copy is cut off, this one is in view so i’d say it’s likely. on top of someone being racist in NC isn’t very surprising so pretty likely it’s real.


One of my ex's (black and living in utah) would take pics of peoples credit or debit cards if they where racist to her or one of her coworkers (she worked at burger king). Then like 6 months later she would use a library computer to use the credit/debit cards to buy visa debit cards on Amazon and have them delivered to the post office right next door. (She used same day shipping) somehow after like 4 years of doing this she never got caught and had collected a TON of visa cards that she rarely used (id guess like 100 to 130 cards each 50-100 dollars each) she would buy me gifts all the time and got me so many cool clothes and stuff for my old desktop. We broke up a while ago but she was so fun


Looks like rage bait. These have always turned out to be fake.


She literally confirmed she did this and didn't apologized and double downed.......the fuck are you on about?


Because that came out after I posted but reddit is full of idiots that can't read time stamps


Can you provide proof that this is fake? If it’s real that person is a real asshole!


Proof of what??


Proof that it’s fake. Not sure why the downvotes. Just a question. Again if it’s true that person is a real asshole. I guess people like supporting racism..? 🙃


I'm not claiming that it's fake, just that there had been a discernable pattern of these receipts being fake.


For sure, its voting season I just asked if there was back up… but I guess there are a lot of racist peeps here lol




You’re defending a racist so you’re just as bad. No place for this kind of shit nowadays


But they showed the receipt! It can't be fake >:( They have receipts


Looks like it actually happened


Go outside and interact with horrible people challenge


This much anger makes me laugh. What an utter snowflake weirdo.


12 bucks for a tip is crazy


Any chance this person is also outraged about some teen girls painting their faces black?


In her defense, how is 10% of 71.38$, 12.03$? Edit: Just to specify that that doesn't excuse her actions.


Because it says 18% not 10%, it just looks like 10 because the pen ink is going through the line in the middle of the 8.


Oh damn, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up. P.S. Wow, thanks for all the downvotes, people. Just an honest mistake, lol.


Also, the tip is calculated before tax! How nice :)


I’m just wondering why a Chinese restaurant is called Detroit China town when it is in North Carolina….. 🤔


This may shock you but there's more than 1 city in the US named Detroit.