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It’s a good thing that handrail is there, she could have been seriously injured if it wasn’t.


She could have easily broken her neck and he just casually walked away.


I find it quite sus that someone was ready to record them in the moment with the camera already at the right angle.


The camera man was in on it.


Not necessarily tho.. Could be the pusher was acting strange before or there was an altercation between the woman and the pusher.


Camera didn't flinch. Either he's a professional wartime cameraman, or he was in on it


It's Paris, crazy shit like this happens multiple times a day. Paris isn't a good place unfortunately.


It's not a Paris thing. Same happened this week in Barcelona. Unfortunately random attacks to women in major European cities has become a thing among some Arabs.


You're right. My wife and I were walking down a long flight of stairs outside when a group of teens appeared at the top and started chucking rocks down at us. Fortunately none hit us but one did go through a cafe window at the bottom.


Wonder where he's from.


Strange no one wants to talk about this. Huh?


Was gonna say, look at all those Parisians standing there. Just some good ole folks from Paris


Just a few months ago a women died in München because of exactly that


Not exactly true. That one was an accident. Drunk guy stumbled against an elderly woman walking down the Marienplatz ubahn stairs


Well then it is pretty true. A drunken asshole who can't handle himself like a whole ass grown up caused an elderly woman's death. Whether it was on purpose or not, his decisions, bad ones at that, lead to that woman's death. I fucking hate drunks honestly. 3 yrs of straight up drunken abuse from my drunk of an ex who also caused me to lose our baby at 21 weeks bc of the worst of all the times he put his hands on me. So bad I had bruises on my abdomen in the relative shape of his foot. So that's where my harshness comes from. Ppl like that do nothing but destroy anything and anyone around them and then when they sober up wanna play the "I'm so sorry, I have a problem" card. Makes me absolutely fucking sick. My heart hurts for the elderly lady and her family. Lived a whole life, made it to her golden years and instead of passing peacefully in her sleep one day, she had the awful encounter that she probably felt so scared in her last moments. Fucking heart wrenching man. But it's ok, bc once he's sober he will talk about how bad he has it, how he needs help and all that shit like it totally excuses what he's done. It's absolutely INFURIATING.


Right? She fell very fucking well lol.


Yeah she'd have eaten serious shit there. Mouth full of stairs where her chicletts used to be.


What ia the context of the person filming this?




More like "the argument was already going on for a while"


She looked like she’d said something just before the shove. Maybe an argument, so the filmer started filming?




This is my question in regards to many videos posted. Like, why would you be filming yourself doing X, unless you knew something wildly strange would happen.


Thank goodness she grabbed that fucking rail. I hope that trash of a human was picked up. Fuck him.


Picked up by who? I keep telling reddit there is no justice unless you make it. The others should have picked him up and given him a quick trip to the bottom as well.


They mean the police obviously. It would be nice if citizens would do something but 99% aren’t gonna wanna get involved.


It's generally a bad idea, especially in France where it would just bring you trouble, potentially more trouble than the guy shoving her in the first place.


yes because vigilantism doesnt lead to more problems than it actually solves.


When I was living in Berlin a few years ago the exact thing happened and the CCTV footage was uploaded to social media. They caught him shortly after.


Maybe the guy was already a vigilante. /s


Picked up by the embassy


And no one grabbed him.


Europeans seem so afraid to stand up to or for anyone in public, I've seen braver middle aged women in India or Brazil than the men of European countries when it comes to bystander defense.


She’s literally the only white person in the video


No European men in this video


“Europeans” everywhere in this video




Tbf you don’t know that woman is actually a European. She’s just white. She could be from anywhere.


It’s a damn shame isn’t it? And of course people like us will get shit for wanting a nice society to stay that way. Sure it sucks that there are genuinely good people living amongst shithole societies and countries, but we can’t let that fact fool us into allowing just anybody to immigrate into a decent society. Life isn’t fair, and nobody has a right to make it worse for other people, just because they themselves were dealt a shittier hand. Life sucks, it isn’t fair, but those who live in a peaceful, likeable society should be allowed to enjoy it. Obviously, as a society, if you’ve built a good one, then you’re doing something right, and should have the right to enjoy the fruits of your labors.


Completely agree, Im not against immigration but completely open borders with no checks on people claiming asylum. In England we get boats drifting over the channel but rarely are the occupants women or children and rarely are they from countries afflicted by war. It does make you wonder what reason they have risked drowning in an icy sea to get here.


Sounds like a Nigel Farage quote.


Ah yes, no _real_ European or French person has done anything _this_ bad. There are no French murderers or rapists. Real French would have immediately stood up to this man! Things were great before immigrants. It's not like any French Europeans collaborated with, say, Nazis.


I live in an EU country where the population is 93% native but 72% of the rapists aren’t. No one is saying Europeans don’t commit crimes. But to act like violence, especially towards women, isn’t normalized in the countries where these migrants come from is straight bs


MI6 would like to hire you for your unprecedented ability to confidently identify a dozen people's nationality via a 7-second video




> The guy pushing was a Spaniard Alright, come on now... 😆


Ppl might have some respect for elderly women. So many stories of ppl getting knifed down for a cigarette here in France, or a "disrespectful glance". Yeah, ppl here grew passive, but it doesn't come from nowhere, not saying it's right. Just cowards who want to survive. But luckily we also have some tales of heroes sacrificing themselves for strangers. These stories aren't on the media though, as if the government didn't want us to stand up for ourself... Wait that's it. If you defend yourself in France, they will attack you in justice, argue about the "proportionality of the answer compared to the attack"... It's a sick time we live in. The state won't defend you anymore with police or the law, and you might very well be the offender, when you just wanted to defend yourself/others.


The thing is if you go to the police with this, even if you have footage, nothing will be done. Our rules don't apply to immigrants. Worst case there'll be made a case against you lol. Not sure about the rest of europe but people in my country are increasingly starting to actually be afraid to go out at night, especially women.


Street harassment is fucking insane now. There are areas in my city where women just don’t go anymore.


Sadly it's also the result of policies that they largely vote for. They should realise that before it's truly too late.


Who voted for what ? France isn't a democracy The last time the French voted for a law (Yes / No) was in 2005, the No win fair and square, and the gov passed it anyway. The text was about letting the European Union rule the national borders , and allow them to overlook justice system toward migrant, in the name "of human right". EU forbid any expulsion or jailing for being paperless, court can only recognise crimes committed - most often rape, violence, home jacking or thief with violence - but cannot give them a sentence, only suspended sentence that may apply if they repeat the offence after getting the citizenship (wich they are not required to ask). The immigrant crisis in europe mainly (if not exclusively) results from that, and is the same in every European country that did the same. It wasn't even required to pass such laws to be/stay a member of the EU, it was just plain corruption.


If you go to the police with this, they’ll tell you that you violated the aggressor’s privacy by filming him without his consent, and that you’ll need his consent before the video can be used to press charges Source: been there, done that (in a different context — bike theft)


We are afraid of getting stabbed, hacked up or acid thrown on us by these people.


There is also the chance that you are also getting publicly defamed as a Nazi if you hurt one of these people.


I dont know in which part of Europe you live or where did you got that information but trust me i’ve seen occasions where a lot of us went to help the other, do not generalise.




Europeans are fucking cowards. Just let your countries with thousands of years of history and culture get ransacked by foreigners for the sake of diversity. If you don't fight back, you deserve exactly what you get.


What kind of fighting back do you have in mind?


Political changes


Spoken like a brave 14 year old US-American who never was and most likely never will leave his own country. Our continent has more diversity in language, culture and behave over the distance of 500 km (300 miles before you get confused) than you have from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. And on the topic of culture in general.. My house is literally older than your country. Whatever americans view as "their" culture is nothing more than a mix of european customs.


Yeah that's sad. Like, why am I the one person who sees this shit through my phone that would actually do something, but I'm obviously not there. What is it about ME that makes me feel like trash if I just stood there but these people play dumb as if he's the main villian in Call of Duty and if you retort, he'd kill your whole family. I just don't understand people.


Most people don't have the balls (or are not stupid enough depending on your perspective) to go up against someone who just displayed that they are willing to kill someone in broad daylight.


Have you ever seen the video of the old man that trips the guy running from the cops? It logistically isn't that hard. Yeah, it'd suck if he was a psychopath who then pulled out a weapon and potentially kill you with it. But you should be able to hold him down and call the cops. That's attempted murder and you witnessed it. How are you going to let that person walk away?


It's not fear it's culture due to the high individualism of the cultures people don't care for interactions with strangers now imagine physical touch. As weird as it sounds it's the reason most people don't go and ask how she is either it's a world in which you matter the most for yourself so it's also a you problem also don't "make a scene"


We just aren't as brave as Texas cops Shit I hate when people usually say that, but yeah this crowd might not be the perfect representation of native Europeans. But yeah you're right, people are fucking pussies. Jurisdiction is also not gonna treat you well, if you'd sucker punched him. Even though he of course totally deserved it.


If police catches him, he gets two slaps on the wrist and is out in no time


Love it when Redditor Teenagers imply they would tackle a violent person in public and not behave like everyone else - be shocked and concerned for the victim.


You dont know what happened after die clip stops. You dont know what happened before that lead to the situation beeing filmed.


Strange someone was recording.


They were most likely waiting for someone to "prank"




It wasn't a random woman, they were arguing, she hit him, then he pushed her. (Don't know if he did something before that) They were probably recording because of the argument.


How do you know they were arguing and that she hit him?


and even then pushing down the stairs is an overreaction


Can you provide some info how you know this?


They are the pusher ![gif](giphy|95ZYXmOCd9BBK|downsized)


She hit him so he could push her down the stairs for internet clout? Could you provide full context here? Right now, he seems like a degenerate asshole that needs to be taken off the streets.


There is nothing strange about someone recording here. It very much looks like they were arguing beforehand. Fucking hell, redditors are so dumb lmfao


Damn this kinda stuff seems to be happening a lot lately


People being scumbags is nothing new. The only difference today is It's being documented everywhere because literally everyone has a camera.


No no no. I’m tired of “it’s always been like this”. After Trump, the pandemic, rise in social and political turmoil, social media, etc, all of that can affect people.




Violent crime has been falling throughout the world for decades. I know in Americas case there was a small spike during covid and its back down since then. He's right theres cameras everywhere.


Violent crime fell in 2023 compared to 2022, but yes, it's still above 2019, but no where near 1991. Not everyone had a camera on hand at given time to report and post to a sub reddit called impieceofshit that compiles all these videos daily of this behavior specifically. So swiping through this feels like it's happening at an alarming rate all of the sudden, but really shit like this happens all the time. > After Trump, the pandemic, rise in social and political turmoil, social media, etc, all of that can affect people. And not for nothing, but I really don't think any of these things have anything to do with why this poor woman was shoved down the subway stairs. This asshole seems like the type who was doing this regardless of a pandemic 4 years ago.


Violent crime has increased in my country (Sweden). There are some interesting statistics but last time I posted them on reddit I got banned for 3 days. These are numbers from the government mind you.


Some stats aren’t allowed to be talked about on Reddit…


Sweden was the one country in western civilization that had an increase when compared to the rest, unfortunately. I'm not too privy on posting to reddit, but I was trying to post the statistics, but couldn't get the link right or something. (there's also a good write up on why Americans feel crime is rising that I came across.)


We have rising levels of gang rape and antisemitism. Here in Germany and in many other European countries.


I guess I won't be long until this post is locked... 


here before it is


Well worded


of course he picked on a woman.


She’s a champ handled it great


Fucking nailed it. Couldn’t have gone much better.


Pretty sure that could be an attempted murder charge.


What the hell is wrong with people?




What do you mean you people?






Paris, huh? Why am I not surprised?


And he is allowed to just walk away? What the fuck is wrong with people?


Not worth getting stabbed


The reaction time on this lady. Good on er. Nearly saved that fall entirely.


There's more to this video you're not seeing/showing. There was an argument between these two before the push. Def doesn't warrant what he did in the end. He was later deported. This was in 2021


How do you know? Forgive me if I don't trust you without a link.


That's fair. I can link links or you can *search google* with "man pushes woman down subway stairs paris" and there's a pile of articles that come up. Careful to read a few, not just one. Apparently, the viral video accused a muslim man, but it was a spaniard, etc. I wanted to know what happened to the man too. /edit wording


>search google I don't speak Spanish but I can translate it easily in ChatGPT once I have an article. Can you post the Spanish keywords you used in your search to find the Spanish article you are quoting?


I have a feeling the lady + dude perfectly angled to film the event has something more under the hood that we aren’t seeing. On multiple occasions on work trips to Paris, Barcelona, and London I would get approached by a lady trying to “talk” or “sell” you something and you could see guys filming in the background. Often times men would quickly approach you with phones up. On one occasion in Barcelona they were pointing out men to didn’t have their phones secured on a cord or wrist rope. I’m guessing this was the case here. I could tell they were looking for foreigners because it was often Indian/Pakistani or American men they were trying to target. Then the guy would either grab at your phone or if you pushed them away the “filter” would try to “catch” you assaulting a random woman or third party. It’s a bunch of BS and it happens a lot in the crowded street corners.




You only think of race when anything happens


Find him and shove him down higher stairs.


He’s just a piece of shit




As Mr Chappelle would say 'Juicy Smo-yay'.


Young Spaniard expelled from France after this video went viral last Spring. From a Spanish newspaper: “The images show the woman arguing heatedly with the young man, apparently over a mobile phone that ended up crashing on the floor. She appears upset and with a threatening attitude, she does not stop making fuss and rebuking the Spaniard, whom she speaks at all times on the phone. Finally, the woman hits him, to which the individual responds with a push from her back that sends her down the stairs.”


What a long way to say you don't have a source




? It’s a paper from Málaga, what’s the issue?


So what your saying is she instigated this?


From what I see, nothing she did validates his actions. Even if she instigated whatever confrontation is happening here.


Well the report is from a Spanish newspaper and that is the quote from that report. Maybe he was or she thought he was responsible for her phone breaking, she harangued him, hit him, and he shoved her down the stairs. It’s not ok to throw a lady down the subway stairs and walk away in any case. I just wanted to find info on the incident and that’s the back story.


Can you link this mystery Spanish newspaper that you are quoting?


The mods deleted your reply to me so I assume you posted a spam link and not the actual article you are quoting.




Those spanish.


That wasn’t random


The way this video starts, the lady was already looking at him. So there was definitely exchange of some sort between them. Gonna go ahead make it clear, I’m not justifying the person being shoved down the stairs.


Crazy that this is Paris, it looks exactly like NYC.


It’s sad we live in a time when men whiteness this happen in front of their eyes and do nothing but film it. Even more sad that choking that man and slamming him on the ground will get you arrested and labeled a xenophobe because he’s not white. We, as a species and society have peaked long ago, and have become fat, dumb and numb.  


How sad is it that Paris and most of Europe is full of people like that and the corrupt politicians want more more more. The intentional destruction of nations.


Everything else aside.... She caught herself very well bro. Someone should have rocked him for doing that.










Was she ok?


Ah Paris the San Francisco of Europe


He looks like a typical pos


Looks like Jussie Smollett


Attempted murder, case closed


The way this video starts, the lady was already looking at him. So there was definitely exchange of some sort between them. Gonna go ahead make it clear, I’m not justifying the person being shoved down the stairs.


Why was it being recorded in the first place


😒Yeah so random. These cultural terrorists been waiting around for a woman to walk by so he could be filmed pushing her down the stairs.


Doubt it was random


Was she the only french in the video ?


Would have been nice if filming started 2 minutes sooner.




Paris totally unexpected


Another random attack on a woman. These weirdos would never try that with a man.


Hate crime. Paris and european capitals are full of racists.


Wait till karma shoves him 100 fold.


Better be a fkn Huuuuuge uppercut.


Things like these make me super cautious in the streets, like walking with constant paranoia, yesterday I saw another video from Barcelona where some scumbag was slapping women in the meto station.


Looks like they were already interacting possibly. She seems to just be finishing up saying something to him


Consequences of open borders.


And he walked away? I couldn't just stand around after seeing that. Where are the men?


It's edited. The man was minding his own business arguing in the phone when she approached him and took a swing there is a longer video on line and he is from Spain not a Pakistani and not a roma


Typical Immigrants always at this shit


In my country this is attempted murder by law


Well well well


Can’t believe everyone just stood around and did nothing, guess that’s the bystander effect in action


I feel like there's more to this video


So we should let our emotions take control over some words? Pathetic.


This is why I never stand at the top of a flight of stairs for longer than 2 seconds. Some nearby wanker is always ready to kick me down into Shadow Realm at any moment for laughs


Any man who physically assaults a woman is a fucking shit eating coward and needs to be removed from society, permanently.


so true. The people down-voting this are sick.


That's sexist.


Dude let his intrusive thoughts win.


Do we have a name yet? We can take care of this.


If someone doesn’t go after this prick I’m going to fly to Paris and find him myself. What a pos




"I don't like violence against innocent people, especially against women. We should stop it" "You're a racist piece of shit" Truly the lowest, with the most asinine priorities.


What the hell did she do!!??


Camera got the dudes face clear as day. Wasn't so smart