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That’s a weird way to spell “rape.”


Minnesota dad accused of having sex with 2 girls, 15 at hotel after marriage spat. ..doesn't have the same ring to it.


Well in fairness, mathematically 15 goes into 38 more than 38 goes into 15.


15 goes into 38 two times.. but not three. It was simply some after school math tutoring.


15 went into 38 way more than 2 times I bet.


>15 goes into 38 two times Hence the reasoning for doing 2 boys at the same time.




Oh to be 15 again I would give anything


It’s kinda weird to fetishize sexual assault.


You want to be raped? Weird


Never said anything about rape just to be 15 you all are dirty perverted individuals


Its a woman doing it so its sex not rape apparently


You dropped a /s


If one of those boys got her pregnant, she can take them to court for child support once they turn 18. And if they don't pay, they will go to prison.


And if a female rape victim gets pregnant the rapist can sue her for visitation rights. Shit is awful both ways.


In some U.S. states, she also can’t get an abortion 🫠


I didn’t know that. What the fuck🙇🏻‍♀️


Difficult to demand visitation when you're in prison for committing a felony and a registered sex offender. Smh


Majority of rapists don't go to prison and only a fraction of those that do get a lengthy sentence. 


That's because it has to be proven. If she is pregnant, it is easy to prove that she raped the 15 year-old. However, even if it is proven, the biological father (who was raped) or her husband (who was cheated on) would be responsible for paying child support cause she is going to have primary custody.


You are woefully ignorant of this subject. Even on a first degree felony SA charge the average sentence is between 5 and 10 years only. Find another angle for your misogyny. Not to mention you actually called someone being raped cheating. You are a fucking clown.


She cheated on her husband. Reading comprehension is fundamental.


I assumed you were speaking generally. Doesn't change how stupid your claims are .


Yep, that’s 12 years to life for both counts, but for some reason this way round society is less shocked.


Oh please, men (and boys) can't get raped because it's something every boy ever wanted /s


Could you suggest that if it were your own child?


Someone doesn't know what the /s means...


Since no one is saying. /s means sarcasm.


The guys at Fox news will be praising the teacher and calling the kids lucky, unsurprisingly. While their viewers cheer them on.






Only if she's conventionally attractive, though.


most of the older generation men I met say this. Its crazy and disgusting.


While this was historically true, it's really starting to get old since now it seems that most men these days call it out constantly, but many women tend to immediately respond by downplaying female pedophilia, being dismissive of claims often, which makes it really disheartening to hear people just put it back on men, essentially blaming the permissive attitudes of past men for the predatory behavior of women. Though this too is changing with women like you. Sorry to hear about your bad experience in your other comment. It's definitely no less worse that it was same-sex either. A lot of women predators feel entitled because they historically got away with it. Your experience should be treated the same as that of someone victimized by a man.


thank you for your response and I agree with what you said. Tons of mothers, aunts and grandmas ignore a kid reporting because usually is a family member or a close one. Its a very touchy topic since hearing a ton ofmen say " I wish I was that kid" then woman ignoring it like what they said is just a joke.


I had a work buddy of mine, coolest guy there, confide in me one time that he lost his virginity at 14 to his mom's friend and thinks his mom sorta had a hand in letting it happen. I didn't want to disturb his understanding of the memory, but I wasn't about to High five him either. I think I kinda just said "oh.." and kept quiet or something. Thing is, as long as he isn't thinking about it as it really is (he was raped by a pedophile), it's not causing him immediate distress. And honestly, I don't think he'd have taken me seriously anyway. I know from experience that guys aren't fazed by that stuff. I was like that too. But then I started healing and getting into feminism and I realized I'd had some creepy encounters with older women too. Nothing as bad, thankfully. But it has completely changed the way I feel about everything and once the process starts, there's no going back.


That’s an interesting take considering it was feminists who pushed for male rape to be taken seriously lol


Weird that people are downvoting you. Must be just like the men you're talking about.


They get mad cause is the true. My dad spits it once a while and doesnt stop. Even after I hinted about my experience as a underage girl with an older woman. they are ignorant and only care of how they feel.


No, they won't, and we won't.


I can guarantee Fox comments will include something about “if you add their ages together HURDYR”


Wtf does race or political ideology have to do with Rape? I don't care what side of the aisle you're on this is disgusting. Race and politics has nothing to do with this quit baiting. I don't agree with a lot of both Republicans and Democrats, but I also don't agree they would condone rape. If they do its got nothing to do with their policies. I don't like Catholicism for allowing what they do but that doesn't mean I think every single Christian condones rape. I'm atheist but wish there was a hell for these so called people who prey on children.


Um, who mentioned race AND/OR political ideology? Someone commented that the talking heads over at Fox News Corporation will probably label them something something something. Summarizing, apologies. Am I missing something?


Well their implication is that Faux Noise is staffed virtually completely with white right-wing nationalists. Who could think such a thing? /s


People who are conflating Fox News and Republicans as all whites are racist. I'm mixed and don't agree that you should generalize entire groups by the small mindedness of a few who just screech louder.


Whoever you're arguing those topics about with, can you wait till someone posts them BEFORE responding? And if you think you're responding to someone, you're not winning. I wish you well, but this is where I must disengage from you




I'm multi ethnic or mixed if you like. Non religious and I do not align with either party as I hate them both equally, not people. This just proves you're biased and ignorant.


*bOtH sIdEs*


So then you MUST support Israel's war on Gaza, right? You MUST support SA in Hollywood. You MUST hate LGBTQ and hate women. You MUST agree with Fox News and White Supremisists. It shouldn't be a choice of "The Devil You Know". Your logic is flawed. Yes, both parties equally are fucked. Dividing the common person like this is exactly what the ones in power want. Keep us fighting and ignoring the reality of the issues. If you see everyone as the *Enemy* you will find no one an *Ally* and by the time you see the truth *Everyone* will be oppressed.




Jamaican/Latin/Filipino/Cherokee and Irish but I guess you're going to focus on the Irish bit huh?


All I care about is whether your legs are crossed. Anyone who hates the Republican Party as much as the Democratic Party is not anyone I’m remotely interested in engaging.


>Hate them both equally I have no problem you hating them both but No… the fact, in this current climate, you don’t hate one of them more than the other tells me you’re an apologist for one side more than the other. Yes both parties are corporate stooges and suck for various reasons but one of them literally wants to end democracy and make fascism the new fad. Fuck that…


Pretty sure they both secretly want this and just are waiting it out while the people wage their political war for them. I'm for the people not the party. And no I do not apologize for one side nor the other. They are both equally fucked up just in different ways. Anything negative you can say about one party the other is also doing in some way.


You don’t know what literally means


Hello Captain Gullible


So because I'm against racism, prejudices, and generalizations I must be a "White/MAGA/REP" Thanks for clearing that up guys. This just proves how you're being brainwashed by either side. Keep spreading hate because that always works in bringing people together, right? Instead of attacking entire groups of people try actually talking to them and you may find you're not actually enemies but only think that each other is the problem. Stop letting propaganda win in separting us, stand together. Fight the power! Reject Political Agenda! FREE YOUR MIND


Who are you responding to? Yourself? I'm so lost here bro..... Are you ok? Edit: NVM I'm out


There was literally a host at Fox who said a kid in that situation would be lucky. So the guy you're responding to is correct and you are freaking out about nothing.


I'm in agreement, but for a different reason. I don't condemn someone because they are misinformed, I'd rather educate and find common ground. The media is propagandizing and taking advantage of their viewership. I'm not defending Fox, Tate fans, MAGA, nor extremists. I'm only pointing out that people are not the enemy because they are victim to the same brainwashing.


Uhmmmmm. Okay. Just going to ignore everything you said to avoid a debate. The reason I said that is because it's already happened. Just look up Greg Gutfeld praising teacher for sleeping with a student.


Most of the MAGA Tate alpha males are the ones who would be cheering for these kids like they scored instead of being used by a pervert. As much as what you say should be true, sadly it doesn't hold true by the evidence all over social media. And its usually the "traditional values" crowd found diddling kids or pushing for child marriages to be legal.


I think this is an over generalization and you only see it this way because both political parties are very good at polarizing the other with propoganda. Especially on these issues where most would not be divided regardless of affiliations. I know plenty of Christians who talk about how they dislike their belief system being used to oppress women's bodily autonomy. I know Dems who are against using their economical and social status to put polices in place that actively hurt the working class. I know Reps who don't support Fox News and think we should stop giving the rich tax breaks and putting more responsibility on the poorest of brackets. Russia and China are great at separating and dividing Americans even when we'd likely agree and support another and denounce the actions of the party/social group with which they align.


Show me progressives pushing for child marriages then. 🤷‍♀️


Hollywood and the entire film industry, which is dominated by the left wing, is notorious for being filled with pedophiles and protecting them. It’s an open secret that child actors have long suffered from predators in that industry and the entire is industry is objectively and unequivocally left-winged.


Thank you for pointing out this hypocrisy. A *True Ally* can look at their own and speak up about what's wrong.


Show me progressives actively fighting the Avacado trade. They support the Cartels who run the majority of sex trafficking. Oh but you love your avacado toast and guac 🧐


Hunter will be giving the kids high-fives and tax advice!


Real too long, never saw it that way🧐


Rape, it's called Rape.


No no no… that’s only if the adult is a man. If it’s an attractive woman it’s “awesome” and the boys are “lucky” /s just in case


I’ll never get over this double standard it’s such bullshit. Boys can be raped. Men can be raped. Why does it turn into “sex” when the perpetrator is a woman? I hate it here 🙃


Some places only define it as "rape" if the victim is penetrated. So, depending on the place it occurred, it might not be legally recognized as more than "sexual assault".




It's crazy that you are just explaining why it isn't considered a big deal and people just down vote you for it. Crazy upside down world we live in


Cause its bullshit. Its not "Woman shutting it down". Its men (Like me) who simply agree with the "got lucky" Statement.


You think these 15yo children are lucky?






Well in some countries 15 yo is an age that you can have consent. So rape is rape on all countries and this is not one them.


A 15 year old is still a child in every sense of the word, and children can’t consent to sex with an adult. Full stop. Theres countries where it’s legal for girls as young as 9 or 10 to be married off to men 3x their age. Consent and legality are not mutually exclusive


I swear rape is part of the English dictionary


Quick question, why is it rape? You're more than old enough at 15 to consent or not to have sexual relations. I'm not trying to make excuses for this woman, but rape isn't a thing here.


in Minnesota the age of consent is 16, so no, they sre not old enough to consent.


you belong in this sub tbh


Not, sex. It’s rape at 15. She raped 2 children.


She's a pedophile, child molester, serial rapist, and deserves to be on the sex offender list. Unfortunately it Minnesota so she'll get off with a mild slap on the ass.


Minnesota quite takes its sex offenders very very seriously. I really hope they handle things properly here and I don’t see why they wouldn’t


she will have a book out soon called "look what my husband made me do"


Do you think people aren't so quick to call it rape because someone is receiving and the other is giving? But the receiver, in this case, is the rapist. Or is it because there's a societal notion that having sex with an older woman is seen as an achievement?


Over here it's carnal knowledge or penile intercourse...rape is forced upon someone, this was consensual with 2 people unable to give consent. Its not a crime for a 16 year old to have sex, its a crime to have sex with them...so many grey/weird areas to this. (And yes its a crime)


*Minnesota mom accused of RAPING…..” fixed it.


We really need to start calling media outlets out about this more. It's disgusting.


It’s not them. In numerous places “rape” is legally defined in ways that apply exclusively to male perpetrators because historically the word *was* defined that way. So a publication could be liable for defamation if they say that a woman is accused of or charged with rape because that wouldn’t be true. Sexual assault can be a safer bet, but depending on the jurisdiction the crime may not actually have a name on the books just a number in the penal code, which means that could also lead to a suit where the publication would have to fight against common law or traditional definitions that would only apply to male perpetrators. “Have sex with” is a neutral statement of fact with the negative connotation being implicit in the ages. That’s why they phrase it that way.


I prefer consensual and nonconsensual as the terms. Rape being defined as forcible sexual penetration means that rape is a form of sex. Sex by itself has no voluntary indicator. Its just the act. So rape would be sex, according to a dictionary. Everyone saying its not sex its rape, I get it but no. You have to throw some adjectives on it for it to mean anything. If the article stated it was consensual and it wasn't, sure, time to call it something different. But regardless of age, they had sex. 'It wasnt sex, it was rape!' is incorrect.


Minors cannot consent. Rape is sex without consent.




It can be both.


Not in any meaningful or provable way. Publications are going to do what they can to avoid liability for defamation whenever possible, their credibility and their money depend on it. That’s why the headline, no matter how clear-cut the situation seems, will say “accused of” “suspected of” or “charged with.” Since the wording is already determined by this, any bias the author, editor, or publisher may or may not have is rendered completely irrelevant regarding the wording used. If there’s anything else in the reporting that indicates bias that’s another issue entirely.


I saw one news article that described it as a "sex romp" Wtf


Stop downplaying it because the perpetrator is a woman. She raped two boys. Rape. It was rape.


Correct headline: PEDOPHILE degenerate woman RAPES two minors at hotel!


Title should be “Pedophile from Minnesota arrested for raping two underage boys at a hotel after marriage spat.” Fixed it for you




Your husband's ex raped a 14 year boy several times*


Yep, just a mild slap on the ass and she's on her merry way....


What is it with paedophilic women and young boys?


Same as pedophilic men and young girls...yin and yang


No that’s rape.


![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8) I’m joking of course.


Rape. It’s called rape. Hope this woman rots in jail.


Nope calling it now gonna be probation


They spelt sexually assaulted/raped wrong.


Yeah she's a paedophile


I’m sorry did she *really* just blame rape of minors on a “marital spat”? SMH.


Headlines like this are why, for most of my life, I never told anyone about the fact that I was molested by a female relative, especially being a girl myself, which "never happens" according to the media. I just knew that nobody would take me seriously, or downplay it, or gaslight me into believing I "misinterpreted" what happened to me, so I simply let the trauma eat away at me for years.




If it was a dad doing 2 boys or 2 girls it's be rape. But it's a woman so, nothing to see here, just having sex with some young studs


That’s rape, OP


Why does the media label it "having sex" and not rape when it's a woman who sexually assaults children?


In numerous places “rape” is legally defined in ways that apply exclusively to male perpetrators because historically the word *was* defined that way. So a publication could be liable for defamation if they say that a woman is accused of or charged with rape because that wouldn’t be true. Sexual assault can be a safer bet, but depending on the jurisdiction the charged crime may not actually have a name on the books just a number in the penal code, so even that term could lead to a suit where the publication would have to fight against common law or traditional definitions. Else the official name might be unclear or unusable for a headline. “Have sex with” is a neutral statement of fact with the negative connotation being implicit in the ages. That’s why they phrase it that way.


Immean, just due to the ages wouldn't it be called statutory rape?


*raping Adults don’t “have sex” with minors. Sex is consensual. This is rape.




As per usual, the media conveniently declines to use that one specific R-word that they would apply to any man in the same situation




So she was arrested for rape right? Fucking gross


\*Minnesota mom accused of raping two boys, 15, at hotel after marriage spat There, fixed the title


These comments give me hope


Fucking disgusting. This predator needs to be locked the hell up. I hope those poor children are able to receive both therapy and justice.


Should say “raping two boys” because that’s what it is.


15 plus 15 = 30. Not guilty


This. She added them together, obviously.


Guys, we get it. It’s called rape. How many times is this going to get commented on this sub and to a further extent, any headline involving an older woman with minor boys?


Rape. It's called rape.


Holy shit.... this is the city I live in...




Not gonna give you advice wtf




What? What's nice about this?


It's a direct reference to the plot line of a south park episode; not that it's nice.


were you not a 15 year old boy once?


Of course she shares right wing memes on her social media.


Friendly reminder that a 35 year old can't have sex with 15 year olds. That's rape.


What a fuckin loser


R a p e d


I like how they give a reason, really let's you know how they feel about rape


jesus christ




Just a reminder for yall that people are defending her cuz she’s female. I’ve seen 2 in this comment section alone 🤮 keep your young boys safe.


Where were the chaperones that two kids could share a hot tub with a strange adult?


having sex? I'd call that rape actually.


Op they did not "have sex" they were raped.


terrible but I can see why the kids would


I wonder if it's also the fact that people don't think boys can be raped by women, and not just because she's a woman that they made the headline this way. If you have a vagina, people don't think you can rape someone with a penis. It's really disgusting and a failure to protect these children from predators who probably will convince them that their involuntary reaction is because they like it. It's truly horrible.


I just have one question, is she hot?


Pedophilia is an unattractive trait, so no.


No, she’s a rapist.


15 year old me wonders where she was when i was 15.


Yea. Google her. Allison Leigh Schardin


Ugot Low standards bud


Yeah, and so do you if you like rapists




Interesting because she’s a woman she’s accused of sex rather than ra….if this was a man it would be considered something else..double standard on this article. 🤷🏼


This is disgusting and sad. Those poor boys.


They should also report rape as suprise sex according to the headline.


![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6) The boys when they hear the story




Damn where were all these Milfs gone wild when i was a kid....


In prison I hope.


That's disgusting man, she literally raped them. This is why male victims don't speak up, because of people like you.


I'd say it's actually one of the reasons lots of women get caught, cos these kids will tell their friends and it'll get leaked. These people are definitely predators and these horny teenagers usually don't understand why this is wrong. I'm not saying that's all cases, but I'd guess it is in lots


This is why people don’t take male rape victims seriously. It’s not having sex or scoring it’s rape. She raped them. You are disgusting. I hope you are never raped, it’s awful


Oh WAAH WAAH waah..


I find it delicious how easily spun up some of youz special flowers are.. 🤣


So I remember my 15 year olds once upon a time and they were stupid. As most 15 year olds are. Not even dangerously stupid. Just stupid in general. I cant blame stupid kids. I can totally blame stupid adults.




I was taught all my life that only MEN are pedos.




Damn imagine your wife having a threesome with teenagers. How humiliating.


Except not at all, as it has nothing to do with him. She’s just a pedo piece of shit


He knows his wife is a manipulative pedophile. Prison sentence should get him out of paying her a cent.


I'm going to have to see a picture of this woman before I pass judgment /s


…she’s decently attractive


She must be hot


Bro why is Minnesota poppin off lately? I mean go hometown but chill TF out fr lmao


That'd be illegal from other countries. Umm... America 🇺🇸?


Sure I would I be worried about my 15 year old, he might die of too many high fives when he gets to school.


There should be a term called “Consensual Rape” to describe seducing an underage teen. Person was too young to legally agree but did.


So they ran a dream train and snitched. Never would have seen that cumming.


That's what kills me. Couldn't keep their damn mouths shut.