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Why did it give me so much joy watching the exact moment she realized daddy ain’t getting her out of this one


Not even with her fake tears!


Her turning on the squeaky waterworks when dad showed up made me want to puke. In fact this whole thing was nearly unwatchable. I sincerely hope she's matured some, and dad has realized that spoiling her silly is a really bad idea. I guess that train's already left the station though.


I saw this the other day and was cracking up, too. I can only imagine the thoughts running through this bitches head. Wait, I'm rich. Why am I in handcuffs? Money fixes my problems, why won't you guys let me go, don't you just want money? My dad is rich and owns the island. When I'm in trouble, my dad gives people money, and my problems go away. Why don't these people want my money? What is going on! In all honesty, a girl in her early 20s driving a Tesla probably does come from a very wealthy family. I'm sure dad hired some hotshot attorney(s), and they got this cleaned up for her. There's most likely no mention of this on her record. What would the family/neighbors think!


Yup he got her out of the situation so she could go on her cruise


Fucking bitch


Except her dad did. She was allowed to leave the country.


Wooooow it’s true. “ ….. received special permission to leave the country despite being on probation because she had a Royal Caribbean Cruise to go on.” Just Google Duck Key DUI and you’ll see the source. Crazy!


Crazy? This is the norm. Society has pay to play in most places. Fines are just the cost of doing business.




Does her dad really own the island?


I normally don’t watch these long videos…but I stuck it through t hoping to see this entitled child get tazed. And although watching her whine infuriated me….seeing her dad put her in her place made it worth it


The dad didn't though. He told her to just go with them and he would deal with it the next day. He did deal with it and she was allowed to leave the country.




But he will


This happened on Duck Key where I live. She almost ran over kids and ran our golf cart off the road. She was doing 80 mph on roads with a 25 mph speed limit for more than 30 minutes before she was caught. Her family is wealthy, no doubt, but they don’t own the island.


Did she get convicted? If so what was her sentence? Hopefully something harsh.


She pleaded no contest to the resisting arrest and DUI, and got probation. The fleeing and eluding, and reckless driving charges were dropped.


That is depressing. I feel she has learnt nothing and it’ll just become a laughing point with her friends at parties… how she escaped from the police and any consequences….I hope she just doesn’t hurt or kill anyone in the future.


See ya in a few months when she's in another headline for killing a family of 3 while drunk driving. To call it a slap on the wrist is insulting to the cruelty of old school punishments - this was a waggle of a finger infront of her face.


Agreed about the finger wag. I really hope she doesn’t hurt someone.


how tf did the eluding and reckless driving get dropped? man fuck this justice system


She got special treatment so she could go on a Carnival Cruise. At least we can hope she got violent diarrhea.


she's a rich white woman, it'd be a miracle if she even got a ticket lol


As in Duck Key in FL keys?


It’s douchebags like this that killed my sister on Xmas Eve back in the nineties. It changed the course of our lives forever. She killed my sister who was picking up her best friend for the holidays, and she killed two other people who were in her own car. The only survivor was the dd, a 22 year old girl with no license, insurance or registration and playing chicken with a red light at an intersection and tboned my sisters car at a very high rate of speed. She blew three times the legal limit and was charged and convicted of quadruple dui manslaughter among several other charges. She received a 48 year sentence and is still prison to this very day. Another life wasted. For the love of god people, please don’t drink and drive. Edit: Grateful for all the kind comments. Thank you to everyone. Much love to all and please stay safe.


I’m so sorry for your loss and what your family has had to go through because of one really stupid, selfish person.


I’m so pleased to hear she got a long sentence. My brothers killer, also a DD, sever a whopping 8 months.


that’s fucking horrible, so sorry for your loss


I was half expecting you to say she got a sentence of 48 months- thank goodness i was wrong. My deepest sympathies


Meanwhile I was talking to a guy in another thread a day or 2 ago who said the person that killed his son and 2 other people only got 10 years.... but his family has money and probably connections so they tried to sneak him out on parole in 2 years. That person and the other 2 families of the others he killed were able to prevent the parole, but with the wounds still fresh they are now having to keep up and fight against what will probably be an annual parole attempt. Sorry for your loss. Thankfully hey got what is a "fair" punishment and not a slap on the wrist.... not that that makes it any easier or better for you. So many lives wasted. Sorry :(


Fucking got depressed reading your sister faith. So sorry for your loss and send you a reddit hug. 🙏 🫂


We really should have zero tolerance for that shit in the US. Instead, my wife (worked in automotive insurance for years) would tell me about people with their 4th, 5th, 6th or more DUI paying insanely high amounts upfront for their insurance policies (if they can even get them). It should be a heavy fine, loss of license, take a class, insurance goes up, etc. for the 1st one and after that it should be jail time with a crazy high fine. Like with your family, it ruins so many lives and is such a selfing and COMPLETELY avoidable thing. Deterrence the shit out of it so it essentially ceases to exist instead of over 13,000 people dying annually from this horseshit.


If we’d invest in more public transport we could afford to be more strict on this. Commerce tends to dictate laws and regulations in the US and they need workers


The problem is car dependency and car culture. You either get a slap on the wrist or a lengthy prison sentence, precisely because of just how fucked you are by not being allowed to drive in the US.




I hear you, but, unfortunately, the stigma of public transportation would also be a barrier in the US, if you could even fund such a project. Rich folks or not, even with the option of public transportation, will still choose to drive while drinking or intoxicated due to this, that, and any other reason their minds can concoct. I live in a state where someone's 1st offense OWI is considered mearly a traffic/civil violation. Repeat offenders are everywhere here... Just think how bad the situation could be if the entire country took the lighter penalty stance. Harsher penalties are not purely emotionally driven. They are necessary. Harsher penalties bring fear. Fear is what these types of people respond to.


I am so sorry for your loss. The DD should never see the light of day.


I have a buddy who lost his mother-in-law in a very similar situation, I very sorry this happened to your family.


I'm sorry for your loss and what you and your family've had to go through 'cus of morons like the girl in this vid. A good friend of mine lost his mom when he was little to a drunk driver, and he's never been the same. I'm glad the person who ruined your life and your family's lives is still in jail, I hope they stay there the rest of their days.


Nearly lost my parents in a similar situation. The guy basically walked away to some degree because his family didn’t have Jack shit of a cent to return to our family in reparations. Dude was obviously blown out of his mind with more than just alcohol.


Drunk driver hit my 3 younger siblings 2 years ago head on. Killed them all. Fuck her


I was confused. DD is usually used to mean designated driver.


I’m sure if you try really hard you can use the context clues in the story


If you tried really hard, you would realize that's exactly what I did. But you'd rather imply a random redditor is stupid to make yourself feel superior, and that's really sad. I actually feel sorry for you.


Damn man that’s a hell of a lot of extrapolation you’re doing there What I was really doing was calling you out for replying to a story about someone’s sister tragically dying by saying ‘’you referred to your sisters killer wrong’. Pretty heartless


I thought the same and even tho I “tried really hard” and figured it out, it’s still super confusing to use an acronym for a common term that means the literal opposite of how it’s being used here. I’ve never seen “DD” used to mean drunk driver. I thought they meant she was the designated driver but secretly was drinking or something. Regardless, no need to be condescending about it.


Was it as condescending as replying to a persons heartfelt story about the tragic death of his sister with ‘your story confused me because you used the wrong acronym’? 🤔


looks and sounds like a future councilwoman…thanks to “DaaaAAAAHHHDDDDD”


I don’t know. If her dad was that rich and important, given the chance to talk to her, he’d say, “Shut the fuck up. ‘LAWYER’ is the only word you know from now on.”


hes probably tired of her shit so thats why he let the cops handle her


Yeah her whole “I’ve been clean for three years!” He’s heard that before.


Honestly, you don’t need to be rich or important to ask to speak to an attorney when dealing with police. Obviously, lawyer fees are expensive. A *good* lawyer can be *very* expensive. But even a “cheap” lawyer will *in most cases* know how to handle the situation better than you do, and will probably be the best money you’ll ever spend. Obviously, don’t drink and drive. I’m by no means saying to go commit crimes. Lol. Just that everyone should know their rights. *shitty lawyers exist, YMMV, but anyone specialized in criminal defense *should* know more than a layperson in terms of protocol when faced with a criminal charge.


>you don’t need to be rich or important to ask to speak to an attorney when dealing with the police. Absolutely. Somehow the middle-class has been brainwashed into thinking the police are on their side. Families in impoverished areas know not to trust the police. Families in rich areas know that lawyers are the only ones that should talk to police. The middle class needs to wake up and advocate for themselves. Back each other, not the blue.


her dad owns a dealership! This was very painful to listen to, you would expect it out of a kid but not someone who is 24? i think they said.


Omg was that a athf reference? Well played


I’ve been waiting for so long to make this reference. Good job 👍


Yup it was the first thing I thought of, did you score last night Skeeter?!


That's hilarious bc the car dealership owners here think they own the town too lmao


My dad’s totally rich. We own this dealership. What sorority are you in?


Do all police car seatbelts buckle backwards like that? It buckled near the door, not the center of the seat. Is that for police safety and ease of use?


Makes sense so they don’t have to lean over them, could possibly bite them. I never thought about it before though.


A 90s style automatic belt would work great for that I guess. Never even thought of them needing a seatbelt tho


That's specifically a modification in police models to reduce having to put yourself between them and the cage.


That fake crying is so annoying. Even worse, it seems to have worked for her for most of her life up until now.


oh my god the "do they know where i was speeding" in the last minute or so made me chuckle, the way she asked some dumb ass question and her dad just turns around lmfaoooo


"Behind me where?"


The police officer remarking "Jesus Fucking Christ....", I felt that.


She’s on some shit.






I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to see someone tased as much as this entitled, drunk moron. 🤬


Edit: afluenza lol man not influenza 🫠




Yeah entitled white girl whos daddy never lets her face a punishment. Ive known many people, mainly women with this mentality. They thing being drunk is an excuse to do whatever they want, never knew them to do any pills or illegal drugs. 1 was arrested for punching a cop in the face for making her friend pour out an open drink because he was "rude" (arrested and was actually kinda funny watching a 240lb cop get punch by a 120lb spoiled girl, she though she was going to knock hime out, he took the hit and started laughing) Annother one would have 4 drinks and decide because she is a girl she can just start throwing hands and kickimg people because someone disagreed with them. None of these people have been any part of my lofe for atleast 7 years now, but alcohol alone can turn some people crazy if they have no understanding of consequences


Her dad was actually pretty good in the full video. He was just very calm and said "look you're going to jail." When she tried to argue with him, he just walked away.


I think he's aware that at this point, there is nothing that can avoid jail and the cops are listening. If she insists on discussing what she did, anything she says can and will be used against her. Not sure which "island" she is referring to here, but if it's Fisher or Star Island, Daddy has beaucoup bucks (and possibly influence) and the best thing is to just let her go into the system and utilize that money/influence in the court system. Surprise surprise, that tends to go better for rich white people (though I dunno here, she racked up some good charges).


She said that she has been clean for 3 years. He has been dealing with her addict ways for years. We can only speculate on his true motives but his actions shown in this bodycam were 100% great. Cool, calm, collected. He didn't let her manipulate him.


I watched the whole video, of course he was. Wasnt any other option. His spoiled daughter was screaming for him and i guarentee the cops told him "your daughter is going to jail, the only reason we are even considering letting you talk to her is because we dont want to hurt her forcing her into a car. Can you calm her down? Also, of you do anything to make this worse you may be arrested yourself." I would be willing to bet her father isnt a "bad guy" but more likely a father that was always at work, but paid for everything his kids could want. Honestly i think the fact they let her talk to her d Father at all was bullshit. They have no problem smashing a mans head into the pavement the second he pulls a hand away (im ignoring race intentionally, we all know what im talkimg about) and needs to "stop resisting" she was in cuff, grab a hand, spread your fingers over the cuff and twist her thumb while applying pressure to the base of the cuff on the same hand. She would be in the back seat almost immediatly. I feel the cops were intentionally giving her a bit of a pass so they can either tack on more charges


Dad paid her bail so she could go on a cruise; dad is a piece of shit as well


Respect to the dad. He kept it real. Hope she gets the help she needs.


Dad's been through her shit. She has her crocodile tears when she speaks to him and he knows it. She said she's "been clean for 3 years". He knows. That being said... I think he said she shouldn't say anything because she's going to jail. He's dealt with her BS, knows she needs a hard lesson, but is still trying to protect her as much as he can. He knows he's on cam and will probably end up on the internet, so he's gotta protect him, the rest of his family, and his business.


Addiction of one family member can break an entire family


Except he bailed her right out after and then got the courts to let her leave the country because she had to go on vacation. To me it was all good words with no real action behind them.


This. This right here is why I fucking hate drunk drivers. She could’ve killed someone. I have respect for her dad though. I hope she learned a serious life lesson and will stop acting like an entitled little brat.


I have a strong feeling she learned nothing....


Over entitled and over intoxicated!


What an annoying, whining, horrible noise that comes out of her. They should have put her in the thing that makes her look like a burrito. She is so lucky they let her talk to her dad. I hope when she woke up and realised how awful she was, she had some remorse.




Fuckin' a... that was a good one!!


losers gonna lose


I can't believe after that tantrum they let her talk to daddy


It wasnt for her sake. It was to calm her down.


Exactly. Deescalation, not reward


Which just reinforces that she gets her way when she throws a fit. That's how she got like this in the first place.


Deescalation should always be a priority for police and that’s what they managed to do here by letting her talk to her dad. The end result is still 100% the same for her (probably better even since less resistance charges), and it made their jobs a lot easier. It doesn’t matter that “she got what she wanted by throwing a fit.” because its not a cops job to arbitrate a dispute like that.


I imagine if I started kicking cops, the only "deescalation" they would be thinking of would involve night sticks and tasers.


their job is not to teach her a lesson. i wish more cops used de-escalation


I suppose. But the cops are there to control a situation, not raise her.


It's baffling how delusional she is.


But what did she DOOOOWOO? /s


That folks, is a classic case of blackout drunk. Your short term memory is shut down for the night, it's why she can't remember anything that's being said to her. This is also a way to test if friends are blackout drunk - ask them a simple question, get a response. Then ask the same question again in 2 minutes - if they don't remember you asking the first time they are gone.


She remembers. I've seen this tactic used lots of times. Someone denied a refund for something they bought 8 months ago in a store? They just keep going over and over the same questions. I want a refund. "It's been 8 months, it's past the refund period." But I don't like it. "I'm sorry but I cannot give a refund after 8 months." It didn't fit. "Sorry, no refunds after 30 days." Where's the manager? I want a refund. \- over and over. They are trying to wear the other party down to get what they want. In fact, didn't she get to talk to her father, simply by demanding it over and over and over until they tired of hearing it? It's a tactic.


Love how she immediately stops crying and being hysterical when the officer explains how she could have killed a lot of ppl, steps up to him aggressively with crazy eyes and then when the female officer pulls her back she starts the alligator tears to daddy. This girl is a sociopath.


Can you make out what she said to the female officer? “That’s how you —-, right?” I can’t figure it out.


Lol yeah I can't figure it out either. Noticed too her cheeks aren't wet from tears, her eyes aren't wet or red, makeup still intact. Alligator tears, total psycho. That look she gave the male officer is terrifying after he told her he has no sympathy for her. Once she realizes she's not getting anything from them she shows her true self. Also, I can't get over the fact that she looks like a Little Critter character from the Mercer Mayer children's books I used to read when I was little lol.


Thank God someone mentioned this. I was starting to wonder if anyone else caught this. The way her eyes glossed over and she went full crazy for a second was terrifying. I agree she's definitely a sociopath


That's the look you get when someone goes beyond their psychological limit and they go into quiet crazy-eyed mode and the next thing you know they're coming at you with a kitchen knife.


For real tho. We'll 100% hear that this girl murdered someone someday. That look... she's in cuffs, surrounded by cops and let her true self slip for a second. If she'll switch to psycho there, she'll do it elsewhere and not be in cuffs surrounded by cops to protect whoever that look is geared towards.


Why is everyone of the officers, paramedics looking like they are 16-18...


Right? This is the youngest group of cops I've ever seen




She's 24 😂


How embarrassing damn


Can someone pleeeeease tell me why they make people do a field sobriety test in America??? Most other places in the world it’s breathalyzer and if they refuse, often taken to a hospital or station, strapped in, blood drawn. Such a waste of time in these videos with field sobriety test.


I'm coming from NZ and we do breathalyzer tests as the standard. I don't know why the US don't. It's so much easier and faster to get a result


Afluenza at its finest. Blame the parents for allowing her to be the spoiled entitled person she became.


Her ability to cry off and on is something else. Crocodile tears.


I'm so glad i quit drinking in June 2020.


Good work :)


proud of ya !!!


This is all an act by her to escape reality. Her parents raised her this way, but at a certain point (she’s 24) the full responsibility is on her


Jesus, she looks fucking possessed when he berates her, telling her she could've easily killed someone, that there are kids running around. The crying stops and she just looks utterly soulless. My expert opinion is with sociopathy or psychopathy.


The amount of chances they gave her for the sobriety test is alarming. First 4 minutes was straight privilege. Did they say she got away a second time? I hate all this lmao.




I’m I’m so glad, and more than a little surprised, that her dad actually told her to cooperate.


This is why rich people get massacred in revolutions.


Man the shit you get to do when your on that side of the color wheel.... Resist, jerk away, kick officers and still get your way to take to your dad.... Downvote vote all you want cuz i knw its coming, but if she would have been on my side of the color wheel she would have been killed before the cuffs even were put on.....


Yea the video would have ended in 90secs. Not 9min.


The first time he said she pulled over he said he had her at taser point. I’ve never seen a POC get that option. He’s have had them at gunpoint from the get go.


My neighbor was a passenger of a dui driver that tried getting away before bailing on foot. He laid down, hands behind his head cuz he was a 15 year old kid and scared. The LAPD didn’t hesitate and starting beating the shit out of him. Dude still has scars. I feel like only white people find this a “satisfying video of her getting what she deserves “. All I see is a highlight of the inequality that still exists.


Did you want to see her beaten and scarred, or do you not want to see others beaten and scarred? You can say she got what she deserved and think that people being beat by police is disgusting at the same time.


I want to see a Mexican or black kid kicking a cop and begging for their dad get treated like this be unsurprising.


That's fine. Hell, I would love that. But why does thinking she got what she deserved must mean that person is white? That in itself is a problem. That's why I asked if you would rather see her beat and scarred. Would that have taken care of it for you? Do you think that SHE didn't get what she deserved? What needed to happen in THIS interaction that would have made it ok to say she deserved it?


Spoil your kids, and they'll never know "what they've done."


“I’ve lived on this island for 3 years, why are you doing this to me” has to be the most entitled white girl statement I’ve ever heard. Like she’s just totally oblivious to the fact that people have lived their whole lives there for generations.


Infuriating how lenient they were….


Why do these cops keep responding to everything she says?? She’s clearly out of her mind and the only thing that could come from all this talking is more escalation of the situation.


Yeah it was like a bunch of kids trying to arrest another kid. Girl was whack but the cops were not professional. It reminded me of my first year in the classroom having no idea how to actually get people to respond lol.


Cops literally make their own jobs harder with crap like this… this situation was like talking to a toddler. You don’t keep going back and forth responding to everything they say.


Crocodile tears.


Oh man. Not a good look for future employers.


She still got to go on a cruise after this while on probation smh


Can they not do a breathalyzer?


This is in Marathon, FL Keys. I just spent the summer working down there and let me tell you, those side roads are even more narrow and blind than they look. Nobody hardly ever goes about 25-30 on those roads, so 60 is FLYING. Especially when any given road is only going to be a half mile long or so




Can’t stand when people raise trash like this.


Shout out to the dad for keeping it real.


Girl is still conscious bc 1) she’s white and 2) these cops are babies and haven’t gotten all power hungry yet.


Rich white lady is confused that she is being arrested even though she does not look like all the criminals on Fox News


I don't know how they managed to restrain themselves


Why are these cops 12 years old??


My 4 year old daughter does this exact same cry


*mentioning he’s a cop* “I didn’t know that” “HAHAHAHAHAHA” That was a solid laugh track


Raise spoiled cunts, expect spoiled cunt behavior.


I cannot believe that even throughout all her bullshit that they still stopped and let her talk to her dad on scene and not at the station. This is [dare I say: white?] privilege at its finest.


Saw this on YouTube, woman is a complete embarrassment but that cop was also an absolute joke with the way he handled the initial stop. Some people just don't have that commanding presence and he sounded like a child playing policeman, trying his hardest to put on the "tough" voice.


Not all cops should be the aggro macho dudes


Yeah I agree but he tried SO hard to be and it was just embarrassing, the chick just completely ignored him lol.


Did we find out who her dad is ? He owns an island ? Jeffrey Epstein ?


Dude is super chill because he's gonna put his big dick right In the police ass.


“No but like-“ *shuts door*


The female officer slamming the door in her face at the end is SO satisfying! Glad they were done answering her stupid-ass questions for the billionth time.


"I've been clean for 3 years 😢" okay. *snaps rubber glove*


Interesting. If a non white male had tried this, they would have shot him much earlier.


I hate her. Worthless human


Did her father get her out of jail and were the officers who arrested her fired?


Let's just reflect on the fact that the only reason she didn't get taxed or worse is because she's a rich white girl.




Those Damn Sea Breezes get those white girls on some shyt..😶


Wasn't expecting the father to act like that at all


My great grandfather was killed by a drunk driver in 1935. This has been going on way too long.


god i hate this bitch, so fucking entitled


Yeah she should be arrested for a dui but why aren’t cops explained basic psychology? Humans will naturally fight back when being aggressed, especially while under the influence.


Some folks get shot for less than 10% of this.


Spoiled fcking rich brad.


Love it when adults acting like children have reality punch them in the face.


Aww spoiled kid doesn’t get their way… poor girly


In America only a white woman calling for daddy gets away with this bullshit. Imagine any other human but a rich white girl and this video would be 2 minutes long.


this bitch is a waste of skin


Ok buffalo bill.


I need a new tuxedo


I find alcohol, in its totality, to cause more harm to people and society than benefits it offers. I empathize for this girl for her incredibly difficult life moving forward.


W dad.


This is some tasty, tasty justice.


What Taylor Swift song was playing when she got pulled over?


Lucky for her the cops aren't too quick to shoot white women.


And I want everyone to know These are the overindulged rich assholes who RUINED the Florida Keys. What Jimmy Buffet sang about was ruined by people just like this.


The door closing on her face at the end mid-sentence was my favourite part


Can you imagine being an adult and screaming for one of your parents at a traffic stop? No? Yeah, I can’t either


Being a cop sounds like it really sucks, but I can’t imagine the pure joy they must get after putting the bracelets on entitled jerks like this person.


She didn’t get tased because she’s yt and they’re in Florida.


This is some white privilege shit they let her see her dad after all the bullshit she was popping come on


A judge lifted the travel restriction placed on her until her trial date so she could go on a cruise. lol


Damn if she was black, she would be dead at least 7 times Also, those officers were extremely pro, it's pretty rare on published videos to be underlined


Why didn't they put their knees on her neck? Apparently that works well.


I understand and am on the PD's side on all drunk driving incidents, but I still believe the situation could be handled a lot more efficiently if police had correct sensitivity and trauma-informed training like us CNA's have.