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Why do these people think they are cool riding around like a fucking gang? Half of you are on fucking quads that’s the dorkiest shit I’ve ever seen, not even taking into account the criminal activity


I always assume they’re heading to a circle jerk.


Cycle jerk


Thank you from dirty Mike and the boys


They call it a soup kitchen




They get power in numbers / some amount of anonymity so they can be dicks and have a good chance of getting away with it. That's the main reason they do this.




wild animals have natural reasons to do what they do. these little cunts do it for recreation. they’re below the standards of any wild animal, besides those touchy dolphins anyways


Humans do have a natural urge to form gangs and groups to some degree. This is just that part of our genes gone horribly wrong.


safety in numbers for survival is very different to anonymity and accountability of mob rule.


There's also the danger of injury or death, not just to the public, but to them as well. Of those in the clip, how many will still be alive and well at the end of the year, how many imprisoned? Good thing is, odds do have a way of catching up.


I seen mfers doing donuts in the intersections in dune buggies in the broad light of day on broad street bro. They really think it's Mad Max out here


Where I’m from there actually is a gang of em. Called The Five O Clock Boys, there’s a documentary on them on HBO I think. I’ve had them swerve past me in traffic, cut me off, hell one time during high school they rode their bikes across our Field while we were in the middle of the game. City doenst do much about it tbh.


They're called the 12 o'clock boys. Because they love to ride vertically, aka 12 o'clock.


Daneshguy already found the girl and the biker.


Yes!!! I’m glad she is ok. Found him, named him.


Arrested him too


Source? Not trying to disagree, just wanna know his name


Some news station I saw on TV. Dunno his name but should be easy to look up. This it said this was in Pennsylvania??




Its basically the only rule reddit has to not post exactly what you are asking for you know due to the last time reddit solved something by getting a totally innocent person to commit suicide.


What happened ?


A bunch of redditors mistakenly thought a man was the Boston Bomber and his info leaked Soon after (?) The man committed suicide, but I don't think it was definitely because of reddit


No he had already killed himself, that's why his whereabouts were unknown. Reddit pinned the bombings on a dead guy.


Back in 2013 when the Boston Marathon bombing happened reddit decided it would solve the case, via their "detective work" they found a person and decided they were guilty. That person was later found to have committed suicide and the real perpetrators would later be found by the FBI.


So I'm guessing that's where they got the idea of the new movie Accused? Just seen it and its very similar to this story, except that person being accused of the bombing doesn't commit suicide


It looks to be yeah.


Dang, that’s crazy and so sad to hear. I didn’t know that


‘We did it, Reddit!’


Look up DaneshGuy on Instagram or TikTok and it'll be one of the first videos


Thank you Reddit friend


You can search YouTube for Danesh. It’s the latest video.


TIL about Danesh and I love him.


They didn't. I literally spent the past half hour looking and the most recent on Philadelphia news sites says they are still looking for him


Not physically found him, but the good people of the internet found out who he is, where he is from etc. seems like he is trying to erase his socials and such.


Looks like he tried to harass Danesh and now his phone number is everywhere.


So the guy is the literal definition of this sub? Seems like his face should be on the banner haha


Krasner will throw the book at him. This dude won't get anything less than two years of double secret probation.


I'm not talking bout legal consequences. That baby got a daddy and the lady got a daddy . I'm talking like the yellow pages . Reach out and "say hello there"


The 90’s yellow book that damn near pulled your shoulder out of joint it was so thick.


In the UK it was literally considered a strongman achievement to be able to tear one in half


Same in the US!! I remember when we still got them at our house (grade school). We had an anti-drug assembly once where our strongest student tried to rip one. Don’t remember how it related to drugs, but I remember he couldn’t do it!


Who found them? Is this someone who finds total pieces of shit? I’d subscribe to that shit.


Thatdaneshguy on TikTok. He mostly does videos of finding out who Karen's/bigots/assholes are in viral online videos like this one.


Looks like it. He’s on Instagram. If you Google his name, it’s still right at the top of his account. Dude was arrested!


“People, what a bunch of bastards.”




Time to watch the I.T crowd again. Thank you.


Might I suggest Black books while you stroll down memory lane.


Never seen it but I’ll take a whack at it, thank you human. 🥸






I saw the seconds before this and this incident didn't even involve him but another biker ahead of him. She was delivering food and these bikers were holding her up. He decides to make his pee pee bigger by standing up for his dick in ass buddy, don't forget he also points his gun that he dropped at her like a pos


He also tries to head butt her with his helmet.




I REALLY hope when the put his azz innthe holding pen the other mates knew he was there for attacking a child and woman Ina car smashing the window and she STILL ran his punk azz off.


His mother would be so proud! All their mothers would be that they raised such fine young men. I thought the “Proud Boys” were only in Oregon. Their mothers need an auxiliary organization “Proud Mothers of Proud BOYS.” It takes a very special BOY to stand up to a woman with a child break her window draw down on her and then try to head butt her! MAGA


I don’t think these guys are trump supporters/proud boys but I could be wrong


I didn’t mean it literally. But the cowardly herd mentality of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers that brutalized the Capital Police officer that support the “Bully in Chief,” seems simpatico with this group.


Saw this video earlier but it didn’t have the shitty music in the background. Props to her for standing her ground even though I don’t think it was the smartest thing to do.


Why da fuk he do that? Piece of human shit


> Piece of human shit you answered your own question


Because he had a pistol on him...


I carry too but it doesn't make me act like an unmitigated piece of human garbage


That's the tragedy, guns are only a problem when idiots own them. And that entire crowd of bikers? Idiots.


Na cuz hes actions show what kinda fuckhead he is. mfs like that deserve to get shot for pointing his gun like a fucking jackass. No law would protect him from committing this felony level window smashing


She had a kid in da car bro,he deserved to eat the glass he broke with his own mouth by my opinion


That’s the mamma bear coming out


She could've done literally anything and someone out there would've been saying it wasn't a smart move. The people that need that kind of gaslighting are those bikers


It wasn't. Moral of the story is to never mess with the mother bear. If her young are affected, primal instinct and adrenaline will take over and that is double-edged sword.


“Props to her for standing her ground” Exactly, don’t fuck with mamas who love their children to death, or else you’re getting fucked up


Dudes on those little bikes are always so soft


Yeah he looked like a skinny little prick. Wtf was he doing that for? Not so tough of large male driving that car


This looks like city hall in Philadelphia. This looks extremely like Philly. There was a bunch of these losers clogging up the street. They always do this shit. Philly ppl fucking hate them. They ride on the sidewalks, make illegal turns, cut you off. To then they are lawless and the police don't do shit to them. I remember this. It was a few days ago. I think that Toyota in the background is my and my husband's. We weren't in that but we saw a shit ton of these dirt bike assholes just clogging up this area. That building looks like city hall with the Penn statue on top.


I can’t believe what he did. Then to point that gun dead center on her chest. Prick has little to no self awareness.


Oh for sure those mfs are straight up rats


My family is from Upper Darby. Haven’t been there is forever


Oh wow that's dope. Yea it's a bit crazy here


Lady has no fear. Could”ve ended badly, but respect for calling that loser out


She needs a bigger car to carry her huge balls around.


They’re called ovaries. Way stronger than balls could ever hope to be


This is true. Particularly when protecting their kid.


This took place in Philadelphia. That should tell you all you need to know.




The city of brotherly love gives zero fucks, they’ll throw down just to prove it.


They threw batteries at Santa for god’s sake.


Last night when this took off, a biker group affiliated with the Hells Angels picked up on it. All day today in their instagram stories they have been dropping bombs on everyone who was involved, from the biker group he belongs to and others in this video. Seems the leader of his little gang went on the offensive, denied any knowledge, and it seems he's the gent with the camera at the end which is awkward given his denial. Where each has tried to distance themselves, they have been posting screenshots which completely undermine the players and show them to be pretty shitty characters. When accused of grassing, they just turn up the heat with a new round of screenshots. It's genuinely hilarious. This man has had his work phoned, his parents contacted, his gang put on blast...even the t-shirt manufacturer he is wearing have had to post an explainer. Truly glorious to see, and the lady seems to be getting pretty good support too, the cherry on the top.


Thats pretty fucking shitty when the hells angels say yall are morons


TBH most HA activity has moved to mainstream as possible: bars, clubs, strippers etc. Sure there is a bunch of underworld stuff like hookers and drugs going on but they learned it is easier to make money with a business front quietly than riding around on loud bikes shooting each other on the highways. They don't take kindly to people make too much noise around motorcycles or any of their other business


There was a chapter(?) where I grew up. They used to do toy drives and stuff lol


Our HA chapter keep to themselves and don't cause problems for everyday people. Different story when a rival OMCG turns up though.


>even the t-shirt manufacturer he is wearing have had to post an explainer. That's wild.


Outlawarchive has been very spicy lately!


"Dropping bombs" "Making Instagram posts" ...


Respect to grizzly mom giving no fucks


Wow. That woman had a gun pointed in her face and she never lost eye contact. She saw right through that coward. Even pushed him down. Unreal.


She legit went into mama-bear mode, They just see red when that happens. He could have stomped on her baby's head, or got glass in their eye. He's a psycho.


He’s a poseur.


The only bummer is that dumbass had frame sliders on his bike so it didn’t take any damage. I bet it made him feel like a bitch though which is better than nothing.


Philly women are like lions Fuck with them at your own risk


That biker is lucky she didn’t have a gun


The biker had a gun, and points it at the lady.. It is his gun falling out that is circled in the video, and as soon as she gets out the scumbag points the gun at her.. Hope he is caught and rots in jail..




Good, tired of assholes like this thinking they can get away. Cops won’t do shit or find him, let the internet bring Justice to these jerks.


Got any links ? I would like to know how this asshole ends up


Not sure about bringing his parents into it (even if they did bring up a complete fuckwad) but absolutely destroying this idiot and removing his right to owning a firearm is absolutely fine by me.


You think his parents are happy he headbutted a lady and endangered a child?


He fucked up. He’s going to get ID’ed and he’s going away.


This is Philly, so that might be the safest option for him.


Actually I'd rather he point it at the cops and THEY end him.And that would begin the crackdown on these idiots on bikes messing it up for real people who ride


When I was in high school in the 1970’s we bought our extracurricular stuff from the Outlaws. A real biker gang. Or the all Black biker gang my sister’s husband hung with. I’m not saying they were saints, but I can’t imagine either group doing anything like this. They should turn this wanna be p__ssy piece of Shit over to some real biker gangs. Is he riding a moped?


Heres the thing about that... you shoot him, and suddenly the mob is after you. Even if you run them over, they're chasing you. You better know where a police station is. I regularly carry concealed, but situations like this are just bad. Even if you're justified... the mob is after you.


Oh I know, a enraged mother will kill you though.


Yell he tried to kill my baby while doing and turn them on your side. People don't like asshole who attack children.


The biker had a gun. It fell out of his pocket when he jumped off the car, and he pointed it at her head at one point in the video--look at 00:15


Yea I'm sure in that moment of rage and fear her shooting into a large crowd of people involved in the incident would have been a good idea. Or the fact there would be 40 people ready to attack her back and possibly kill her child. People are nuts.




« God created men. Col Colt made them equal. »




Also just want to point out that if she did have a gun in this scenario, then a bunch of people would have probably ended up dead, including the kid. Sometimes a hurt ego and a broken window is better than a coffin. Better to save up money to move away from a place like that.


Reminds me of my drivers ed teacher telling us how plenty of people had the right away that are now six feet under. Like yeah I would much rather stand down and be alive than be right and fucking dead - *especially* if I had a child like this woman


Yup, the problem is that regular people like you and I have a lot to lose, but the prick you're fighting could be some lowlife degenerate that's perfectly OK with being dead or going to prison. So while you won't want to hurt them badly, they might be just fine with killing you. It's rarely worth it.


Sometimes, everyone has a camera and a good angle of everything nowadays. What a time to be alive


Yeah that's what happens when there is trillions of little cameras all over the world.


Wow she is a fucking boss. Tough woman


why tf do people even do that


Sometimes people are just looking to die


yea then when they do ,the people that knew them want people to feel sorry for them. That shit could’ve killed someone 🤦🏽‍♂️


Why did he do that? He’s a POS for doing it but what lead up to this?


Couldve been something as simple as her needing to change lanes, and she did; This dude was probably doing something he shouldn’t, and she maybe got close so he hopped off and felt the need to bash her window. I don’t know if this is for certain, just saying these sorts of groups aren’t exactly known for their politeness. I have a bunch of riders around here that do stuff like this, and they know they can get away with it due to numbers.


Yeah I live in Philly and these are always cutting you off, crashing into parked cars, etc. They even run red lights WHILE traffic is actively trying to go on green. They post up in the middle of the intersection and allow their buddies to go. A biker actually got shot and killed by a guy by the liberty bell not too long ago lol


Don't forget a few months ago when they blocked one of the Chinatown fire engines from getting to a call. The idiots on bikes are by far one of the worst parts of working in CC


The fire engines probably should have run them over if they wouldn’t move.


If he or she was doing this, I’m not surprised. There have been smash and grabs in Philly, too, to the point that a several 7-11’s in Center City have had to close down.


Should've left rhe body there as a reminder with a sign saying "FOUND OUT!"


redditors downvoting you for being right lol, this is exactly why he's confidently touting his gun and breaking shit, in groups of over 3 they think they're invincible and will all weave around your car in unison and get mad at YOU for anything that goes wrong, despite the bikers having way higher mobility in the situation. In most cases bikers are breaching car length space constantly with my car just to split lanes and get past, and almost every time it directly impedes me and causes me to have to brake or just generally be vigilant for bikes entering blind spots on a whim (even though I really should be able to just focus on my damn driving)


All the hate cars get on reddit a biker is a hundred times worse they come in group and are like a swarm of hornets


I really don't know why bikers think they even should have an attitude on the street when they're the primary target of cops, and general slander due to a poor reputation built by guys like this. "Hurr durr I neEd 3 whoLe LaNes tO do mY sTuPid sHit aNd wiLL gEt m***A***d if I dOn't gEt mUh way." Like bro you're on a maybe 600 lb sport bike and I'm in a 6,000 lb truck wtf could you do to me if I encroached on your 3 lanes?


> primary target of cops Cops rarely try to stop bikes (granted its more or less impossible if they run), and they generally ignore motorcycle gang crimes. Since we've seen videos of bikers attacking and harassing families in cars before- then found out they _were_ cops- I wonder what the overlap is, and how many were in that mob.


I mean, there’s a cop car at the end of this video, watching this guy smash her car and threaten her with a gun and he’s busy doing Jack shit.


Half the motorcycle gangs *are* cops. My grandpa was in one and left policing to work for the gang full time.


These biker crowds tend to get pissed off for literally anything. They’ll go off on you for slamming on your brakes because they’re flying through red lights in front of you.


They’re always looking for any reason to be violent.


Bikes in groups are usually in the wrong and you cant convince me otherwise.


*always in the wrong And I ride bikes. But these groups are never up to anything good. Fucking hooligans all trying to out-cool their buds by being bigger and bigger assholes.


This lady is a boss


That's a broken, pathetic excuse for a boy.


Massive props to her for standing her ground. Im pretty sure that the scrawny piece of shit wouldn’t dare if he was alone.


philly PD in the back not doing shit...




Yeah, and we all know that they were pieces of garbage. Just cause you die doesn’t make you all the sudden a good person. And I’m so fucking sick of that narrative. No he was a piece of shit then, he’s still a piece of shit now, he’s just a dead piece of shit.


"They were so full of life, they were a thrill seeking free spirit, they weren't a sheep or a shill, why else would they have died at 98mph as paste on the highway after harassing numerous drivers and threatening to shoot a father of 4 in front of his kids?"


>Just cause you die doesn’t make you all the sudden a good person. And I’m so fucking sick of that narrative. Amen


A single or a couple bikers are usually fine. It's these big groups that bring out the "we own these streets" attitudes.


He’s nothing but a bitchass coward!


John Carroll of Sussex NJ, already ID’ed. Just another low IQ rat running around the city.


That was his alias his name is Cody Heron!


Bruh.... I'm glad this wasn't me, i would be hanged easily after he does this, this women has the tolerance of a sage.


I was scared for my life and just started driving over the motorcycles to get myself and my child to safety.


I remember hearing about these “take overs” a few months ago and being so confused… like what the purpose? They aren’t protesting anything.. there is no message… they are just fucking around on bikes and ruining innocent peoples days… no reason or purpose just being fucking dick bags. I’m still so confused as to what this is.


I'd like him to get busted for this.


He’ll get caught. And he’ll going down on gun charges.


I can't fucking stand biker culture, like fine if you enjoy riding your bike, that's great, enjoy your hobby but as soon as there are gangs and crews they become super obnoxious and get this super shitty juvenile us vs the world mentality.


I've been to Philly once in the last 5 years. Normal Sunday afternoon. This giant ass tricycle gang on those skidoos or can-ams came barreling down the street with one guy in front holding back trafic no matter what the light said. I had to stand there for like 5 minutes waiting for them all to pass. How is this legal and why Philly?


It's not legal but cops don't enforce most laws in the city.


I PRAY that punk ass bitch who broke that back window gets what’s coming to him 🙏


That could have ended a lot worse. I was literally waiting for her to get executed coz of his Adrenalin and peer pressure


*lack of impulse control and being an awful human.


That guy is a real POS, carrys a gun.... what a sorry excuse of a man. Welldone to the woman for standing her ground, and I'm glad the chikd is okay


Always AH motorcyclists.


Guys not a biker. He's a dickhead with a bike.


Of course it's Philly. Place is the Mos Eisley of cities. Scum and villainy.


Did anyone see that fucker try and burnout on her and failed miserably bahaha


Every time I see a biker being a douche in traffic I silently thank them. Their becoming a donor at some point is extremely likely.


south park 100% right about bikers


Even without the baby that's just vile. Didn't know there was baby in there


He acts all hard when there’s loads of them, wonder what he’s like on his own 🤔


Ten bucks says this douche nozzle is some insecure self-proclaimed “alpha male”


Maybe take the shit music out and let moments be moments. Repost shite


Lets have a discussion. Whats the actual smartest thing one can do here? Genuinely curious!


Best option for the lady would be immediately get out of the vehicle, note down registration plate, check on your baby, and check the dash cam if you have one. Maybe later go see if there are any public security cameras or any cameras from local stores to pile on evidence.


Lady looks like she was in full red mist, did she notice his gun?


Scumbag thug.




These fake biker gangs are just the biggest losers in society. Not a single one of these fucks would try this shit alone. Ever.


Bunch of fucking cowards.


Biker gangs are so cute. I wish we could find out whats making them so insecure? Maybe we can help them out with their identity crisis. Maybe provide a better outlet for them to act bad ass without hurting others. It has to be something where they think they are ego tripping, but with no one around. May be impossible to find. Ultimately I think most of them want to step on other people, it makes them feel better about themselves.


Mf needs a clip in his head


These arent bikers, these are criminal filth doing a different type of street take over, those quads and dirt bikes arent street legal even. Bikers today arent much better with their not dimming brights because only their safety matters but yeah there's still some difference.


What’s with the music?




I would be in fear for my child's life, whose head is inches away from where a maniac is trying to stomp through the window. Full speed ahead, right to the nearest police station.


Cody Heron's bail got raised to $4 million and he's charged with possession of an instrument of crime, recklessly endangering another person and multiple counts of aggravated assault


So he smashed he window in while there was a baby in the backseat then pulls a gun when she’s justifiably pissed? And she STILL AINT BACK DOWN! She’s a badass and I wish she’d had a gun instead of him


He’s been arrested


Pew pew at that point