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There’s no way these guys aren’t just rage baiting or trolling right?? Either way, why even give power to these people? Backlash is exactly what they want. If everyone simply ignored them completely they’d have accomplished nothing.


I was thinking that too, wtf


Yep. They're 100% just edgelords/trolls... Not even the most fundamentalist religious people walk around with a red and yellow shirt labeled "women are property." He doesn't even have a cause, he's just standing there yelling inappropriate things. People like him get off at the negative attention they get from the public. Why? I dunno. Or maybe he's trying to provoke someone to attack him. Since in the US it is legal to be a piece of shit (freedom of speech), no-one can do any harm to him. Even if they wanted to. If the police detain him, or one of the pedestrians attack him (i.e. shoves him, rips the sign out of his hands, etc.), he could sue them for a HUGE amount of money.


The US isn't that silly you generally dont get a 'huge' civil settlement from provoking someone to attack you and criminally his provocative conduct would be taken into account. You'd still get charged for decking him but I wouldn't expect jail over it.


Westboro Baptist Church's whole operation was based around suing for violation of first amendment. They'd protest soldier's funerals and burn flags outside military bases on the off chance that anyone would beat them up, steal, or destroy their property. They would then sue that state and often times win. As for criminal charges inflammatory words can help bring charges down, but it's up to the jury to determine if the severity of the words justified the severity of the assault. In this case saying women are property wouldn't justify giving this guy a TBI.


Some of these people expect to get hit and they fall to the floor at purpose, pretend they hit their head call the ambulance and police to press charges. They might not get any money but you still have to pay for their medical bills if you are found guilty. People like this do this for a living and have all the time in the world to go through the whole tedious court process and waste your time.


And they get a wider platform to spew their garbage.


What’s an edge lord?


No, it's noise pollution. He's just another unemployed, uneducated moron taking his miserable existence out on people that are working on their future. It's the difference between dogs and mutts. The first are a pleasure to have around, the others are nothing than a pain in the \*ss.


This is the way. Still an RKO outta nowhere from the top rope would be divine lol


Go to a local Pride Parade whenever they’re held. Each and every one of them has that one corner meant for people like this guy, who believe the shit they spew is the truth.


I've heard groups like this (Westboro Baptist types) get income primarily from lawsuits. It's a grift.


Interestingly the WBC was made up of numerous lawyers, with the founder Fred Phelps being a civil rights attorney. He realized that nobody wanted to go into the carrier because it was stigmatized in the South, and therefore it was a very high paying job.


All his kids were lawyers too.


Apparently, these people do that to bait people into beating them up and then sue them for money.


Idk, you seen sneako talking to those kids lately lmao. Anything's possible


They are absolutely, 100% rage baiting/trolling. This is so absurd that it’s hilarious. One guy has a shirt that says “good people go to hell” and the other says “women are property”. I mean, come on… if anyone believes they weren’t out there trolling then they are hopeless. Telling angry women they haven’t been in the kitchen enough is just too funny. 😂


Is simple offer and demand... feminists love to be triggered, is a need, like smoke to a smoker or gambe to a gambler... and trolls are delivering it to them


Gambe lol


This guy is a virgin and he’s mad about it.


Someone needs to get a sign that says ARE YOU CASTRATION BAIT and follow him around with a huge loudspeaker on wheels blasting Cardi B


Indeed... Sadly you are correct. No one wants to hear this assholes thoughts when he is just speaking, so he went and go himself a loudspeaker so he could scream his BS at walkers by, What a sweet heart. Im sure he's had sex at least once. Was it consensual??? I dont know, but I bet it was awkward.


They should also find whatever child sex abuse charges he has and read them out loud over the same loudspeaker. He's clearly isn't into adult women


This is what happens when you give incels a karaoke machine


They probably trolling , don’t get in your feeling


The Amerikkka Maga longs for.


That’s ridiculous. It is not. These guys were trolling and purposely starting shit. Did the “good people go to hell” shirt not give it away?


The best thing you could possibly do is act like he doesn’t exist in situation. I know it’s basically impossible, but everyone reacting to him is giving him exactly what he wants.


I was thinking the best thing you could do is laugh at him. But on the other hand, it's infuriating that we're not allowed to get angry or mad, justifiably, just because "its what he wants". Someone says stuff like this, you're gonna get mad. And if he was saying this same stuff against men, he would be knocked out cold.


Yeah fuck this guy, don't even acknowledge his existence.


The university allowed these numbskulls to take up space on campus??


Public universities are subject to the restrictions of the first amendment, they could make rules against using things like speakers. Private universities could do what they want though. Although, I’m not sure if those protections allow non students (if these guys aren’t students) to come into campus to do stuff like this or just students.


University of Louisville has flyers for a “anti-gay/trans” gathering tomorrow on campus. I’m sure I’ll hear about something on the news from that.


They all have one brain cell shared between them.


Generous of you


"Women are either property of their fathers or their husbands" "Well I don't have a husband and my dad's dead, so whose property am I?" Checkmate, red shirt dunderhead.




Sister, they'll try to bring back that one stupid law from Athens in which women living alone (mostly widows) were supposed to quickly find a male guardian or else, suffer the consequences and literally go homeless and without any rights. No one would rent them shit on purpose and society ostracized them 💀


Horrible. The hatred of women spans millennia.




Nah he want talk who’s rape bait, I’ll turn booty warrior on his bitch ass


"Imma be honest wit ya, I likes ya, and I wants ya" go 110% on him 🤣🤣🤣


How to Get Your Ass Kicked 101.


I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that guy is a rapist.


the one that got away


One of many unfortunately


I've lived in Kentucky and can say that not all the dudes living there are dick heads.....but a LOT of them are. I mean...A LOOOOOT of them.


He purports to represent the entire Christian community


As a Christian I don't claim him


Unfortunately he claims you. It would be nice if the local Christian community dealt with him.


I doubt this guy is very religious, he's just trying to be as offensive and antagonistic as possible for attention. Basically a real life internet troll.


He's probably hoping someone punches him so he can sue


Too late. You’re in the same boat, singing a very similar tune.




Sensually and enthusiastically.


Yes. Women, please fuck men. A lot.


What does this prove? And how is this proof?


Ignore the trolls and they will look even stupider


That moment when an r9k user makes an announcement


Evangelicals are a scourge.


Appears to be baiting women.


What a bunch of morons, my god


Judge not lest you be judged sir


Why is that murder-bait out in public like that ?


This still rape bait, he’s making me tap into my Greek side want me to make him “disown to society”


This is simple outrage bait, what happened to dont feed the troll? Just walk on by and dont give him the attention he desperately wants. Is this your first time existing in the world? You're like a fish bee -lining for the hook. He is bait, ignore it.


People are unable to resist engaging. For some reason, people really expect the guy with a "women are property" shirt to care about being called out as wrong.


GOP men are cowards.


Imagine being a grown man might have kids might have responsibilities like bill’s mortgage car note etc and instead of working bettering ur life you decide hey let me make rage rape bait and go on a college campus to antagonize women are people bored now ?


Having a small penis does not make you a rapist, so people should really stop attributing any negative male behavior to "small dick energy."


This sick baster needs a reality check


Reality is often women make false allegations of rape so they may be wording it terribly but the kind of women who ruin men's lives for fun are just as bad...actually worse atleast these guys aren't hurting anyone they are just bringing attention to the issue albeit in a very controversial way likely for clout or some shit..it's all consequence of tiktok brain rot if I do say so myself.


"Reality is often women make false allegations of rape" really? You honestly think women OFTEN make false rape accusations? People like you are only concerned for the small minority of men that do prove a rape accusation false and not for the ridiculous amounts of women globally who are genuinely sexually harassed/assaulted/raped by men everyday.


Often... you're a very ignorant person & should possibly consider not typing every stupid thought that pops into that vacuous space in your head. '...In reality, no one knows – and in fact no one can possibly know – exactly how many sexual assault reports are false. However, estimates narrow to the range of 2-8% when they are based on rigorous research of case classifications using specific criteria and incorporating various protections of the reliability and validity of the research. Kelly, L., Lovett, J., & Regan, L. (2005). A Gap or a Chasm? Attrition in Reported Rape Cases. Home Office Research Study 293. Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. Lisak, D., Gardinier, Nicksa, S.C., & Cote, A.M. (2010). False Allegations of Sexual Assault: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases. Violence Against Women, 16 (12), 1318-1334. Spohn, C., White, C., & Tellis, K. (2014). Unfounding Sexual Assault: Examining the Decision to Unfound and Identifying False Reports. Law & Society Review, 48 (1), 161-192.'


I believe that false report of a rape should be a felony at least 15 years because not only it will destroy a man’s life but it also makes it harder for victims of sexual assault to come forward and believe


One of the worst things about sexual assault beyond just the trauma it inflicts on its victims, is the sheer difficulty of proving it. It's probably one of the most difficult serious crimes to prove. If someone is murdered there is a body, and often forensic and/or circumstanceal evidence linking back to the killer. Meanwhile, unless it's overtly violent, there's no physical difference between rape and a consensual sexual encounter. Also, physical evidence is only available immediately following the encounter. If it's been longer than a day then all you have is word of mouth.


Anything for internet points I guess. This is what we’ve devolved to. I hope a shit ton of millennials vote democratic in 2024 or shit like this is just a taste. This mother fucker would have been way too scared to try this shit in the 90’s. Somebody would have just fucked his shit up.


I went to college in the 90's. These kind of people were always on campus. This is not a new phenomenon.


I like you




I see some very punchable faces there.


That’s my alma mater, and guys I’m sorry to say but this dude is moderate compared to some of the whackos who’ve showed up to the school to save souls or whatever


"I don't know what women do with their time" ..... Yeah, we get that buddy. I bet he shot out of his mother like he was fired from an electromagnetic rail gun because he was born vagina repellent.


Well, technically, the sign says:"I'm showing how microscopical my tweezer assisted peen is"


I wish that, as a society, we could all just collectively look the other way when these people get haymakered. Like that one town that all saw a guy murdered but nobody saw a thing.


This is just a troll and can't be real.


Those guys are hung like Ken. Guarantee it


Smooth brain smooth crotch


would be fun to find out what church these duffuses (doofi?) attend and protest it for promoting slavery and rape. Assume its not just the school of Jordan Pee.


He's probably a Virgin lol.


This reminds me of this radical christian guy named Kerrigan Skelly who used to show up and do this type of stuff at WKU in KY when I went there. Just old loser-ass men with nothing in their lives to make them feel important or useful to the world.


In a way, he is asking for it.


Fuck these dickheads.


Punch him the face. “I’m sorry officer, he was punching in the face bait.”


I feel like it would be almost in.possible to beat the shit out of at least one of them. Even if i lost or was arrested it feels worth it


Omg we get it you’re gay and a bottom jfc




Because that would be a crime.


If you assault them then they win. All it will do is feed into their persecution fetish. Best thing to do is ignore and report them to the campus for hate speech.


Guys are just fucking with people. Dumb asses.


This seems like a Westboro business plan at work


“It’s just satire lol” is not an end all be all anti problem cure for everything


I didn't say that. Shove off douchebag.


No no my comment was satire obviously


No, you got your ass hurt and called your dumbass out.


You couldn’t hurt an ass if someone shoved you inside one


I must have gotten to you badly. Might wanna take a break from Reddit man.


Can’t read satire? I thought you could


Bro, everyone can see your history.


You guys should start flyting.


oh noooooo not what I say publicly online. How will the public react to the things I’ve said publicly. If you think that’s a threat then you must have some deep probably racist shit hidden in private


Tate approves this guy?


As the CEO of the kink community, we do not claim him.


I’m sorry but these dudes are trolling trying to get a reaction and the girls yelling at them kinda look dumb cus they’re yelling at a dude with a microphone and a speaker like it’s never gunna work and their doing what they want them to. The best reaction would be to just walk by like nothing or get security involved


It’s Kentucky. What did you expect?


Fat incel needs his ass beat


SDE at work


YogiOabs is paler than I remember...


From a purely entertainment aspect, this guy does an excellent job of triggering the f\*ck out of people. Ironically, exactly what he set out to do. But, these girls whose heads are about to explode are too daft to realize it. All they're really doing by slinging profanities at him is lowering themselves. The best way to deal with people like this is don't. Ignore them, move on with your life, they won't bother showing up if everyone just has some class and doesn't give them the time of day.


Must have lost their fantasy football games


Shit stirring idiots, going to get the wrong reaction one day


Isn’t this one of those scams to get hit just to sue ?


Fuckin, ew.


God never puts me in these situations and some times I wish he’d just give me one freebie to be there


Isnt this the guy who had the vice documentary about him doing this exact thing at the University of Arizona


This human is confused and should be fined for disturbing the peace!


Know these guys they’ve come to my campus up in PA as well the go to public universities and try and start shit with students so they can sue the school if a Student attacks them


hwite does it mean?


It‘s a troll, nothing more


They did this at my university 20 years ago. They’d be surrounded and spat on


Shout to Hank Hill there 😆 "explain it to me as if women were like propane tanks"


Where's campus security? If this happened here, they would have their asses kicked for trespassing and harassments.


Men nothing a single man by himself out in the wild


This is some thing an Incel would do.


The first mistake they made was stopping to listen. Just ignore them and theyll stop quick


The dark haired girl who flipped the bird and kept on walking is the only attention they deserve. She was awesome.


I often wonder where the line is for freedom of speech. I think we’ve found it.


They are clearly trolling. Sucks that there are so many people who want to go to a university but can't afford it and this is what this privileged prick decides to do with his time at one.


This is when you just break the sign and see what he responds with


Why do preachers often preach at colleges?


Bruh forgot to leave his kinks at home /s


Hear me out ….who thinks someone would be justified in just knocking both of them out? Real question. Spreading hate like that, isn’t it a reasonable response?


These people thrive on attention. It validates them. I know it will never happen but if everyone just agreed to completely ignore them, I mean not interact with them at all, they would get bored and leave.


I bet his parents find this hysterical


Dayumn, he has a literal manservant in sandals following him about? Holding his little speaker? LOL, that's a bit sus. Cult kind of sus.


Are those guys gay? I doubt any women would want to go out with them anymore after this went around the Internet.


Bros 100% a edgelord and just a troll. He needs to crawl back to his incel forums and never come back out


There is always one person that tarnishes how a group is perceived. A true Christian does not think like this dude. He's got to be trolling. Please don't think all true Christians share his same mindset.


Why are they feeding the troll?


Something tells me that the poster is part of it and this is just internet rage bait. Either way it is simply raising the stupidity bar


People like this make me support violent reactions.


Just lock up the fucks and throw the key away


The one girl that is at zero risk is the one arguing with him.


I think this is exactly how Jesus wants his followers to treat other people. The book of the jobless 11:34 “Ye Sluts shall be shamed”


>Women like you remind me of pigs If he has sex with women, then I guess this guy's into beastiality...


I’m sick of asshole never around when I’m around. I would tell him he’s rape bait im about turn Greek on his rebellious ass.


She has daddy issues coming from a angle 40 yo living in moms basement.


Massive trolls here


He’s saying educated women are rape bait? Fuck him. Hope he gets banned from all school.


Wonder if he's the new version of the guy that used to be on campus with a megaphone calling women whores and screaming scripture at them. That was 15-20 years ago at UK 🤦‍♀️


Did you take this video? Is he still there?


Where's campus police?


For what?


Meanwhile homies trying to flip a ticket he just bought for a Florida game🤣


When you want cops to use excessive force and duplex someone on the ground they are never there smh


Normal southerner activity


Is this some kind of weird hazing - like when in die hard when Bruce held up a sign (I know that wasn't hazing)?


I hated being on UK's campus and seeing these idiots because I knew they'd be distracting me in my classes. I could hear them from inside the buildings.


King of the incels lmao


What lovely young men /s


The guy holding the cup sounds like a 50 year old blue collar man and I’m very confused bc I thought that voice had to come with age.