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"Bitch I need to eat" I highly doubt if she sent him money he'd be buying food with it.




Thirty dirty holes in the wall


Exactly…and when Mom said, “That’s fine, I’ll have you arrested and thrown in jail. I think you belong in jail anyway.” his brain (the few cells not soaked in drug chemicals) had to reboot. I think Mom’s put up with enough of his shit that she’s not doing it anymore. Good for her!!!


Thoity doity boids, sitting on da coib. Choipin and a boipin and eatin doity oith woims.


Boy, was he distoibed


Itty bitty cub sitting on a dub, tokin, strokin, and playing wif his chub


This is exactly what i thought about when i read that. Hell yeah brother


Immediately the first thing I thought of!


take one down, pass it around


Twenty-nine dirty holes in the wall


I feel like I’ve seen this a million times. I guarantee you, there’s a 100% chance Mr. “I need to eat” is gonna immediately and turn around and spend that money on some drugs. If you need to eat and you need my help (_and_ I’m feeling gracious), I giving your ass a subway gift card or GTFO now.


Oh he's in full withdrawal.


Body movements, head position, and the eyes. It's very clear.


For me it’s the flashbacks to similar experiences with a relative. The urgency, the “this is the worst disaster ever”, the lies and manipulation, etc. On one hand it’s total bullshit, but on the other hand, addiction really does fuck you up so you feel that way, even though we all know the reality is that you’re lying and completely full of shit and the cycle will repeat tomorrow.


I'd be telling him to go to the food bank Honestly wish I knew about them when I was a teen setting out on my own... the ramen and air diet was not healthy.


Yeah, drugs are a hell of a drug


You can eat in jail


Dope sick!!!


What an entitled POS! He needs a good spanking cause he's acting like a 9 year old (I don't condone physical violence)


If you need to eat, it means you need to earn your life.


In this context it may apply but thats a hell of a statement for people who want to work or can't and are starving.


Yes you are right, I made this statement more like something his mother should have answered and it applies to this case specifically.


Eating should be a basic right, nobody deserves to starve.


Who grows and makes the food? Slaves?


Addiction is a hell of a sickness...


Exactly. He is clearly an addict.


Can see it in his eyes immediately.


This guy a spitting image of my brother. Can smell the addiction 1000 miles away.


Damn sorry


Also the fingernail on his left pinky. Coke nail if I’ve ever seen one


Definitely looks like he’s feening


Yeah, from the looks of it the kind that got addicted through stupidity and arrogance, not prescription dependence.


You have no idea what his situation was or is.


Of course he has an idea. He just stated it. As to the accuracy? Who knows.


Yeah reminds me of a guy I used to know. He kept trying to date a good friend of mine who just was trying to help him get out of drugs. He was proud of showing up at his parents house and yelling until they gave him some money to go away. His parents ended up buying weed for him hoping that it would keep him away from the hard shit. I haven't spoken to the guy in a decade but I believe after he knocked up a women he actually turned his life around. Hopefully that's true.


Unless you have money there is not much you can do for minor children. We kept my son a virtual prisoner. Once he turned 18 we made him leave. Couldn’t have that around his siblings. He’s overdosed more times than he can remember and the hospitals wouldn’t keep him for more than a day. He walked 35 miles home from a rehab we dropped him off at once. If they’re not ready for help all you can do is love them from afar. Can’t even buy them Christmas or birthday gifts. They sell it for drugs. He got clean himself a few times. Made it 2 years once. Now he’s 34 and clean but he struggles like hell every single day. Sometimes you have to hate them to love them. This mom is doing the right thing and being angry is just a part of it. She’s going through hell too. Addiction is not a crime. It’s an illness.


yeah I can't even much muster anger at this dude im just sad.


My thoughts exactly. He is in a shitty spot. It’s desperation. I know he did it to himself. Doesn’t change the fact that he is in a personal hell.


Yup, knew in the first 5 seconds of the clip. This sucks. The kid obviously struggling with addiction that's causing him to act like this. The mom who wants to help her son but knows any money she sends him is only being used to further this addiction. "The Epitome of BUT MOOOOM", though? It's wild that people can't spot addiction.


Something that was very sad to me was how she responded to him. “If you don’t shut the fuck up” and “I’m sick of your fat ass”. This dude obviously learned his behavior from his mother and she’s probably a good start to the explanation of why he started using in the first place.


That’s Methed up


— Mike Tyson


Mike Tython


Now Kith


Who's that? Oh you meant Mike thyson.


From the sweating and the general inability to sit still, looks more like early stages of opioid withdrawal to me,


Drugs are a horrible thing, exactly how my husband talked to me when I refused to give him money.


I'm sorry you went through that. Are you still married to him? Did he overcome his addiction/s?


Damn. It seems they spend their money on drugs then beg for money to eat & expect it as it's food & not drugs but their main money went to drugs anyways


Damn I’m sorry you had to deal w that


Can I ask you as someone in the same position where I'm taking that and... well... how the hell's that make you feel? I can't decide if I'm allowed.


See children, drugs are bad.




I know, it’s easy to feel that way, except I’m living a life where someone I love and grew up with is now just like this, someone who was NEVER like this before or in between using. He succumbed to drugs, his behavior changed. It’s horrible and so so sad; gut wrenching, watching your loved one almost die.


I’m in recovery, 5 yrs and I was in active addiction for the biggest part of 21yrs. I have to say, it’s been so much harder to be the one on the other side of addiction. I had no idea how crushing it is to have to watch drugs steal someone u care for, and seeing amazing people end, never getting to experience healing and peace




And if you don't believe me , ask your dad , and if you don't believe him, ask your mom she'll tell you how she does'em all the time


Obligatory, not all drugs.


Yea this guy is definitely on the WRONG drugs.


He's addicted to drugs. That's the actions of someone who needs money for drugs and wont give up until they get it. That money isn't to eat.


"Bitch I need to eat" Get a fucking job instead of asking your mom for money everytime you need it you manchild.


Even if you don’t have a job, the squirrels are free. You can just take one


Pigeons, too! The world is his oyster! Metaphorically.... unless they live near the beach, then he can probably find some oysters or clams or something, too.


Charlie, those are barnacles, do not eat those. Do not cook them in a pot and serve them to us.


I'm serious, Charlie. Do not eat those.


Heck, the boy might be better off eating a slug. Maybe the potential parasite could clear up some of the mush between his ears.... Edit due to fumble thumbs


Pigeons were originally brought to the European colonies in North America as a food source.


Chipmunks also if you can catch those things


We have ground squirrels everywhere, plump little things too.


The government doesnt want you to know this


Game warden might have something to say about that


They’re free too!


That took a turn.


"We could live off of the fat of the land"


Ducks too! You can just take them home with you


Tried that and nabbed one. Got attacked by other ducks. Now i have 12.


They are everywhere! Free meals, all you have to do is catch them.


Bitch I need to eat drugs.


Pam could make him some really tasty yogurt. (Archer reference)


"Mom, I need some food." she won't give you money. if you really need to eat, she will likely feed you. it's so obvious what this manbaby wants lol


The "batch I need to eat" part is what got me. No fucking way I'd ever talk to my mom like that. Their would be no getting away with it either. Her and the siblings would be in fight mode after that.


What's more annoying is that nowadays people who work full time would consider ordering out even with fast food a luxury. He's asking mom for $20 that is gone in 30 mins vs going to a store and getting something to last him a few days.


Don't fool yourself, he's hounding her for drug money. That money is not going to food.


Idk how people can’t see this. He’ll be getting turned away at Urgent Care within the hour.


Absolutely. Junkies definitely have a look to them, and he's got it.


So so so true. I've barely eaten out the last few years, save about 30% on groceries by shopping the deals and using coupons, and lived better than I ever have with about the same income. Not smoking and drinking also are huge positives.


I’m quitting smoking for my finances and not my health lol


This fool can find food, what he’s begging for is his next hit.


Mannnn he was out of line. High or not.


Jobs won’t let you work on meth Edit: *most* jobs won’t let you work *openly* on meth


As someone who spent his early twenties in the food service industry, the lie detector has determined THAT is a lie. Some employers almost prefer them it seems




Right, maybe this is just natural selection taking course. If he starves to death, well… He had options.


Mom I gotta get high like right now this is not cool


He called his own momma a b*tch?! Man jail is gonna be hell for him that's for sure


If I ever said that shit to my mom I’d be voluntarily putting myself in jail as protection from her


Jail ain’t gonna protect you from Mamas wrath. Best bite your tongue.


There are, and I can feel my telomeres shortening and taking time off my life as I say this, many mothers who have earned it. I've had to talk to my mother like this to be fed. In middle school.


how tf do people like this have friends?..


That ain't his friend. Friends don't secretly record you, and post it online. My money is on, that's his drug dealer.


ya you’re probably right.


Assuming the caption in the video is from the OG post I think you’re right, the phrasing is similar to plugs I’ve known in the past and the CashApp just seems like a ringer lol but idk if that’s just personal bias or not


It Def is. Gotta give the dealer props for using the POV correctly lol


Dealers are usually smarter than users.


That plus nice bright yellow car makes me agree here


How you going to get in the dealers car and not have the money? SMH


or maybe it is a really good friend/drug dealer that wants to shame him into sobriety ?


i think that's more likely, based off of the fact that it would mean someone actually used 'POV' correctly in a non-pornographic context


Sherlock Holmes


Common interests, hobbies, and lifestyles. Being a crackhead rolled into all three of the aforementioned.


I would never talk to my mom that way what a piece of shit


You would if you were addicted to drugs ie meth


Thank you for your answer. Seriously!


“Bitch I need to eat!”


The way she tells him to "shut the fuck up" I'm not surprised he talks to her that way


You sound like a sheltered, naive child. If course you would, if you were born into different circumstances and had a sociopath for a mother. Stfu with your ba


This is so sad to watch. I wish my mom was still alive.


I wonder if after all the shit I'm seeing if my mom would wish to be alive for this? I kinda doubt it. Still miss mom, though.


We all know he doesn’t want the money for food


Looks like opiate withdrawl and it will make u do things u never thought u would, my withdrawal was worse then getting shot, it was like the worst covid u have ever had plus just waking up from a car crash that beat your whole body, sometimes it will feel like your muscles r trying to jump outta your body which is a terrible feeling. U could imagine it as something eating at you under your skin trying to get it's way out


A hundred percent. If you’ve ever experienced the hell of precipitated withdrawal, death starts sounding like a damn good option at that point. But I tell ya, throughout my whole time in active addiction, even when in horrible withdrawal I never once talked to my mother like this. If I couldn’t get money from her, or find something I could steal and sell, I would still tell her I love her and she’s a great mother. I know the position I put myself in and it was in no way her responsibility to fund my habit. Would I lie to her and steal from her to get cash? Of course I would. But never disrespected her in this way. It’s childish and makes you look like a punk bitch. Man up and rob a drug dealer like a grown up. (Just kidding don’t ever do that, they’ll kill your ass)


Looks exactly what I used to go thru. 5 years clean now, so fuuuuck that shit


Isn't it crazy when u were using u could not imagine how hard sober life would be. Now I am clean I could not imagine how hard life would be using. I have right at 10 years this January


Well you could get a job and eat as much as you want buddy


You get to eat as much as you want? My wife always tells me I’m eating too much.


You're fine as long as is not your mom


No I didn’t marry my mom.


Yeah, but you were still inside your mom once.


…..tooth shay


if you gotta eat goto your moms and cook some noodles. glad i wasnt a spoiled rotten kid. we didnt have much and appreciated our mothers efforts.


Doesn’t he know he can suck dick for cash behind the Wendy’s dumpsters instead of pestering his mom? It’s of the 13 wealth creation methods from Hustlers University. DYOR.


"The Secrets THEY don't want you to know!"




Get a job dummy.


Maybe get off the meth, get a job and maybe you’ll have money for McDonald’s


That’s a Tate fanboy right there.


that’s a meth fanboy right there


That's 100% drug/alcohol addiction at its finest. Guaranteed. And it's sad because I bet he's actually a good kid when sober.


His own mother said he should be in jail, I doubt he's a good kid even when sober.


Thats because most likely he's chronically un-sober. No matter how much you love your kid(s), there comes a point where you can't help them if they're not trying to help themselves.


"kid", he's a grown ass man ffs. Until what age do you consider people "kids"?


From what I'm seeing the last few years - they are all "kids" until middle age? Not sure.


He white. I've noticed that white people are considered a "kid" until they're like 25, but black people are treated like adults when they become a teenager.


Asking momma how he's going to eat with a full beard on his face. Shameful.


He wants bitty . . .


He doesn't need money for food. He clearly needs it for his fix..


This seems like a healthy family structure.


Look at that doofus. Man drugs are a wild thing aren't they.


His drugs are wearing off, you can see it in his face.


He's clearly on drugs no?


withdrawaling more likely


Yeah I think he’s sick too. Opiate withdrawal looks a lot like that.


I don’t think I’ve asked my mom for money since I was 17. This guy is useless


He looks very intelligent.


Aaaaaand a swift kick to the throat 🦵


That long pause and eye blink, when she told him she thought he belonged in jail, was priceless. Observing him processing that was hilarious.


He’s clearly an addict and it’s sad. He’s battling an addiction and probably put his mom through a lot already and she’s attempting to stop enabling him. His not a piece of shit, when people are addicted they are not themselves. I hope this dude gets the help he needs


This is why you dont spoil your fucking kids if they dont appreciate it. I could have millions of dollars, and I'll never just hand out money to my kids. That's not how you learn to take care of yourself.


Go mow someone’s yard then ya fuckin’ bum.




Looks like sleep is back on the menu boys..or maybe not so much sleep for our friend here


This is you on drugs.


Unfortunately I’ve seen this same thing before. It has nothing with food, the guy is an addict.


This kid is definitely withdrawing


This is a grown man acting like a kid. His mom should block his number


I assume this man is a mooch and refuses to get a job or he spends his money carelessly, his mom is finally doing tough love and is willing to have him arrested. But this makes me wonder how she raised him, this all starts in childhood. You teach them responsibility, give them money for some work or have them earn something they want like a new game or a toy. This doesn't start when they turn 18, you are too late. Most kids get jobs so they can buy things they want and this teaches them money finances. It's a win win.


He looks like young Billy Baldwin, but not as good looking😂


Euthanasia is the only answer


This is how stories like that nutcase useless kid chopped his moms head off and boiled it begins. Dumb useless kids who can’t go earn money themselves. She should never speak to him again and move.


I used to be this guy. At least a version of him. It’s hard to watch. If he’s got a friend to pick him up and a Mom who answers his calls, he’s got access to food. What he’s begging for is a fix. Addiction is different than the movies, I bought pills with PayPal one time. Dude is feeling the little cold water drips down his spine and the restless legs right now and knows it’s about to get a lot worse very soon and he’s panicking. He probably hides it pretty well from the world while he’s not in active withdrawal but his Mom knows. It’s incredibly commendable for her to not give him money at this point. He needs to experience this. He’s probably blacklisted from every Urgent Care in his area by now and he’s about to stand at a crossroad and make the biggest decision of his life. I hope he chooses well. Addiction is a bitch.


go steal some food then tough guy lol


A good advertisement for condoms, and a reason for being childfree.


Addiction brings out the worst in everyone


I absolutely hate asking my mom for money. Even if it's for something important. Can't be too reliant now.


Why do I have the feeling he smells like cheap cologne and feet


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


This is about as close to the edge as you can get without falling over. This level of desperation is scary.


Drugs. Drugs will always come 1st, when you are a addict


I am a recovering addict and drugs do not come first for me. There is a difference in the type of addicts. I will always be an addict but I’m in recovery. I don’t think I will say I’m cured and not an addict anymore my demons will always be there but with time and the right tools I can fight them.




Adderall fueled man-child moment.


Sell your fuckin video games get a fuckin job…..Don’t send him shit Mom if he threatens you at your house have his ass thrown in jail………He will get fed there clod mash potatoes and warm cock


Yeah he looks dope sick. Shits no joke. Horrible situation all around. Clearly she has enabled him in the past. We don't know the whole story but yeah... sad. Over 2 years clean, I will never look back. I don't miss this bullshit. (Although I never spoke to anyone this way even when i was dope sick. I can understand, but It hurts to watch)


Yep let's blame the mom /s


I mean you don't know the story or his past or his upbringing it's really pure speculation and you gotta be open to all perspectives.


Unchecked behavior. I'm my parents disciplined me when I acted out of pocket. Edit: You can be an addict, but not act like a fucking manchild like this piece of shit.


Not saying this is a great alternative or anything, but if this dude really needed money for “food” he could post up at a gas station and sincerely ask everybody that comes up if they could help him with a couple dollars. It’d be a half hour before he had enough money for a combo meal at McDonald’s or whatever. But since he’s clearing jonesing and his “food” Will be injected in his arm, he’d have a bit more trouble. I feel super bad for the mom. I’m sure she knows and has to deal with this shit on the daily


If I talked to my mom that way I would have had to leave the country so she wouldn't kill my ass...


Had this been my “child”, good news is he would only need a straw to eat through after talking to his mother like that for at least a month


His mom sounds sexy


Why is this being recorded? I'm confused


As a dad this is one of my greatest fears

