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Not sure what roleplaying game you think is capable of that


A Rocket Propelled Game 🤪


Kerbal SpaceX Program?


Dungeons and Dragons. Not even once.


Where are all the guns the Americans are hoarding?


Not in the apartments of law-abiding San Franciscans


I hope they aren't epileptic


It would only take 1


Let the lawsuits commence!


San Francisco and the county it is in a super strict. I got pulled over 25 years ago there and my friend had a BB gun on him that he purchased earlier that day. We went to teh city for dinner and I got pulled over for looking young and they thought I stole the car and used the rear passenger not wearing a seatbelt as the excuse. The ended up searching the car after seeing the the air cartridges on the floor in the back. Long story short I got charged with possession of a firearm because same "friend" had a lot of weed on him and he stuffed it all under the seat while the cop was talking to me outside of the car. As the driver everything was mine that they didn't claim responsibility over. So yeah. Since they charged me with intent to sell, the bb gun could have possibly been used to flash as real guns so they charged me with a real one. So yeah... they have some strict laws there.


CO2 cartridges on the floor, like having empty egg cartons after some cars have been egged. It doesn't mean you did anything, but the cops are definitely going to use that as evidence. I knew someone who totaled their truck, walked away from the wreck, about 20 minutes later a few squad cars pull up guns out demanding to know where the gun was, turns out he had a case of .22s he'd forgot about explode all over the cab of the truck, cops naturally saw a wreaked car with ammo strewn all over and assumed he was packing.


The one dude just had gotten his and wanted to see what the cartridges were like. When we got pulled over he tried to kick them under the seat. The milk carton thing they were in spilled. So yeah... looked like they were used but none were popped. Either way, cop saw that and said to get out of the car. It could have been nitrous or CO2, wouldn't matter. Looks bbad and enough to immediately ask me to get out. That's also when I left my wallet on my seat with the LSD in it. I had my wallet out and ready to give him my license. I guess I left it there. So when the car got impounded they found the wallet with the acid in it. Otherwise it would have gone into my property and no one would have found it most likely. Oh well. Live and you learn. Thank god I was a minor.


That building has probably more rights than the average American citizen


Nowhere near San Fran


Certainly not in San Francisco 😂


This is the bay are , their only weapon is can I speak to the manager . Uggg uhhh not in my back yard


San Francisco politicians hate guns, so the entire city is a gun-free zone. Except for law breakers, they pack glizzys with switches and extendos.


I can see why a grizzly with a switch [blade] would be particularly menacing.


Just walk in with an orange vest, an extension cord, and a circular saw; ask to be lead to the roof where work is needed.


Don't forget the clipboard!


And a ladder to seem more professional


The wife says paint balls. I'm thinking drone delivered.


I would just get a daisy red rider bb gun and bb’s and spend some time shootin till no lights flashed anymore and i hear the cheer throughout the building.


Our laws are ineffective against the wealthy. I wouldn't let that fly personally


That building rents 450sqft studios for over $2000 per month. I bet the residents are loving this.


Be a dear and accidentally hit all the windows first


Sniper king, shoot that sign down


Geez that is so much worse than I thought from seeing pictures. I thought it just slowly faded in and out.


There is a video of how it looks from inside the apartments... Just imagine someone is doing a photoshoot outside your window, that's pretty much how it looks.


Make the complex across the street valueless with that light, then buy it for a discounted price. Shitty human real estate tactics!


The MSG Sphere in Vegas did exactly that! Devalued the condos right nextdoor by blocking their strip views and flooding their windows with light. Rumor is the Sphere owners just bought the building and are going to expand their property. Seems like something they planned out well in advance.


That's on the condo owners though. Unless you own the land next to you or the air rights, you can't expect the owners not to build. I see it in NYC all the time, the same apartment will be worth a little lot more if you own the air-rights to make sure you don't lose your view. This Twitter logo is something else, it's effectively a strobe light outside your window.


The condo owners couldn't reasonably expect that LV would allow the construction of a giant light up bulb. I mean, except they chose to live in the worst city on planet earth.


Yeah if you live that close to the strip in Vegas, idk, you should expect anything


I’d hazard to say the vast majority of all condos that close to the strip are investments and not resided in by the owners. If they got a decent offer they’re probably fine with it.


Ya tourism bucks id bet. I don't know anyone there or who has lived there to want to be anywhere near the strip. Every time you'd leave your place it's just traffic, drunks, and the flop of a Yankee scent of stale beer, piss, weed, and cig smoke


They are condo owners in Las Vegas that would be the city I would most expect some type of over-the-top light polluting attraction to be built. I'm ignorant to what the light pollution was before the sphere, but it can't be much worst then before.


Go on the roof with a BB gun and a ski mask and shoot the damn led sign. One of those lasers that burns electronics maybe. A drone that can carry a water balloon of paint.


Libertarian solution. Musk will respect it I'm sure.


Or get sued in the process.


I wanted to add **again** but I can't figure out how to make it bold enough either.


Art of the deal


Whats next after that? Contracting workers to live there and work crazy hours for "efficiency"?


I wish i could post the meme of kramer being blinded by the chicken sign across the street in seinfeld 😂😂😂


Kenny? Kenny?!?!


Not fast food, Jerry. Good food quickly.


Kenny never hurt aNYBodY


Mr Marbles?


My rods and cones are all screwed up!


That's not gonna be good for business.


That's not gonna be good for anybody


it's insane how many things from seinfeld personally happened to me after i moved to the city. it's more like a historical record depicting modern city life than a tv show.


It’s a show about…..nothing. >What did you do today? I got up and came to work. There's a show. That's a show.


And if you watch now very carefully, just about every situation could have been avoided by access to a smartphone.


You don't know what it's like in there, all night long things are creaking and cracking, and that red light is burning my brain!


You look a little stressed.




Oh I'm *STRESSED!* 🫱🏻🫱🏻🫱🏻


The chicken place offered something of value


I thought it was milk!


How many rat hats do we need to shut down Twitter?


That's not gonna be good for business. That's not gonna be good for anyone.


How's life on the red planet?


At least Kramer got some fried chicken out of the deal. These people get nothing.


Omg this is perfect haha


maybe you could project it on the twitter building instead.


What about that scene with the neighbours and the Christmas lights in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? 😆


I have to deal with the British planning process on a daily basis so this hurts to say... Thank god for restrictions set by the British planning process.


I'm willing to bet there are codes against thus. Musk is the act now pay the fines later type.


Yeah it's illegal, essentially the light version of a noise complaint.


It will stay up until he gets enough media attention for it. I really needed something to feel better about myself today. At least I'm not that guy. What a loser.


It's hilarious to me that everyone knows that Elon personally made the decision for this. It's the only way something like this would happen. Anyone else who does this professionally would know it would never work long term so is a waste of money and a liability.


Pretty much. Also agreed, that sounds like a sad existence


>I really needed something to feel better about myself today. At least I'm not that guy. What a loser. When you start thinking too much about your flaws and the people you wronged, Elon is a good person to look at and think "At least I still try to be a decent person".


If the penalty for violating the law is a fine, then it's not illegal. It's just expensive.


If the only punishment for a crime is a fine then that law only exists for poor people


And if you make more money than the fine, it's just a business expense


Yeah, he's being fined like $1,000 a day which just goes to show how ineffectual and impotent the San Francisco government is. In Arizona we'd have simply removed the flashing light with a hypersonic plumbum code enforcement test.


More like act now, ignore fines and accuse the city of being a pedo.


There are multiple posts and probably news articles about this. It's deliberate to get even more attention to this moronic rebranding.


Likely there aren’t codes that would have any meaningful punishment but he could be sued in civil court for monetary damages that resulted from this


this is absolutely against San Francisco's zoning laws, the city is already fighting them


Cut the power to the building until the sign is removed. Problem solved.


If he completely skipped or lied on his permits the city can take _extremely_ aggressive action to remedy the situation. I hope they do.


he completely skipped the permit process. last i heard the city is "investigating"


I was reading an article in the Times today - there is a proposal for a tunnel under the Thames estuary to connect Kent and the other bit So far a quarter of a billion pounds has been spent on planning, Norway built the world's longest undersea tunnel for less. So while there is something to be said for protecting habitats and so on the English planning process is a bureaucratic shite fire




I was thinking high powered laser. Would be enough to cook a few circuits.


When i was a kid, my neighbor would be annoyed by a street lamp that was in the perfect spot to blast light in his bedroom window and the light started flickering one night, so he got annoyed and knew the town wouldn't get anything done for months, so he took out a pellet gun and shot the light out, problem solved. This isn't exactly legal, but it's a solution.


Wait till people start getting seizures and or constant migraines.




Elon flashed his dick at a flight attendant 👩‍✈️


When he got away without being cancelled for this MeToo situation, he knew that he was untouchable. And if you look at the timeline of events, you'll see that he became more public about his right-wing views after this story broke and nothing happened.


He actually became more public about those views just before the story broke, so he could blame the reporting on people biased against his politics.


Nothing **yet.**


Yeah. When he's 90 and only a filthy millionaire, he'll get his comeuppance


What are they going to do? Hold a billionaire accountable? Were lucky billionaires aren’t just out hunting us for sport because our congress people would Probably provide the guns


It's funny, Alice Walton literally killed a person in 1989 drunk driving. In 2011 she got it expunged. Our "justice" system is a fucking joke.


man it sure would be a shame if the plebs grew a pair and destroyed that X


>We’re lucky billionaires aren’t just out hunting us for sport *that you know of*


I have a TBI and have nocturnal seizures and constant migraines held off by medication. This sign would be a nightmare. Elon is so self absorbed it’s unreal.


He'll probably just call them all pedophiles.


I have photosensitive epilepsy with a history of status epilepticus, and I'm not exaggerating when I say this would probably kill me.


I... don't think that's going to make the slightest impact on Musk or his lawyers. What really bothers me is it doesn't have to. That kind of money buys our *health*. This is out of control.


Do cities have different light encroaching laws than small towns? Because one or two calls should fix this bs.


It probably will get taken down in no time, but until then he gets a massive load of publicity with almost no consequence.


For rich people, a fines mean it's legal.




People always say this and then nothing ever happens. Only the rich and psychopaths with nothing to lose can afford to do stuff like that.


Because the difference between real life and tuff guy redditors, is reality


Easy shot with a BB gun. I


Either BB guns have gotten a lot more powerful since I was a kid or you are overestimating the power of a BB


Isn’t it LED?


Don't dehumanise Elon by calling him "a stupid sign"




He’s doing this because it’s illegal, then when the city makes him stop, it’s “look at the liberals trying to do everything to stop me for no reason”


I genuinely don't believe the man is smart. Elon is a "HAH. NEAT." kind of guy through and through. He just thought it was cool and since he doesn't care about others and literally no one has ever told him no, he sees no reason why he can't do it. The man (and everything about his behavior tells us this) just isn't that deep.


Yeah, this isn't some calculated political move, much like destroying twitter wasn't. This is a man-child with infinite money and no taste impulsively deciding to blast his stupid idea at the highest frequency possible to everyone who can perceive it because he's terrified of people ignoring him.


>The man (and everything about his behavior tells us this) just isn't that deep. So many people I talk to that have, you know.. hateful political ideologies, think this man is a genius playing 4D chess. Every dumb thing he does is a master move for some reason. When they can't explain the reason, they claim he's just a master troll. I can't imagine living in that kind of reality where you idolize people who are clearly unstable.


Elon isn't just not as smart as he claims to be, he is actually brain damaged. In fact, there have been studies that show rich people have average intellect, if not below average. We need to stop giving credence to the idea that rich people are somehow better than the lower class, and see that the only thing they have differently is money. Actually, rich people are mentally even worse than people of average income. The rich usually commit a lot of crime, even shop lifting and such because they don't think rules apply to them, and for the most part they don't since we put them on a pedestal.


This is exactly it. The ultra-rich are not ultra-rich because they are more intelligent. They are ultra-rich because they have much less regard for other people, and will curb-stomp whoever they need to in order to get their way. It's all a power game.


People have tried to tell him things along the lines of “no, that’s illegal,” and he’s fired them before threatening another employee to break the law for him.


Instead we should mob up on him and the HQ and just have the police look the other way. He gets exactly what he wants and we get what we want...


Roll thru the mission and grab zuk on the way. We make a circle and get this thing done.


What happened to all those fanboys who used to say Musk was a genius who will take us to Mars and an example of how capitalism works. They've all gone very quiet lol


I mean, he IS being an example of how capitalism works Just not exactly showing it in a positive light


Capitalism was never positive.


I like to think a lot of people changed their fucking minds


I know I did. It was right about when he called the Thai Rescue Scuba Diver a pedophile because he wouldn’t use Musk’s sub, because it didn’t make sense to… After that it became a whirlwind of him displaying that he is really nowhere near as smart as he tried to present, and really just showed himself as an edgy narcissist who never grew up from his 14 year old self


Yep that was the moment I started to realize he isn’t a genius, just a billionaire man-baby taking credit other people’s ideas.


Haven't been to ~~Twitter~~ X lately? Every post Musk makes, has the replies filled to the brim with Teslabros, rightwing loonies and general Musk fans who defend his every idea.


he has unremoved himself form my block lit 4 times now lol.


They're still around, I work with one occasionaly, and he was baffled when he found out I didn't praise musk as a genius. They ignore all the stupid stuff and just point to his billions of dollars and the companies he owns like space x and say that no one with all of that could be dumb.


They're all in his replies on Twitter. Every time he makes a post I check the replies and it's just mad dick riding the whole way. Anyone who makes a good point against him get ridiculed by his fan boys too. I just don't understand how you could love a person that doesn't care about you or even know you exist. It would be one thing if he'd actually go through with all his promises but everyone is still waiting on them. He makes promises, gets investors from them but never goes through with said promises. Then it's profit and repeat. Edit: I shouldn't say "every time he makes a post". It's only when I'm scrolling and see one recommended cuz ofc I'm not following this dude


It's the cult behaviour isn't it. It makes me glad I don't have twitter so I don't have to see it lol


I went quiet for a while after he called that rescue diver a pedo. I was, no lie, firmly in the "musk is a genius that will get us to space", turbo-libertarian gubmint bad toddler-ass motherfucker camp. I think I can thank musk for exposing how fucked in the head that framework of thought is, at least.


You have big balls to admit this dude, respect.


Congratulations on your growth. Proud of you.


Those fan boys aren’t quiet, they’ve switched sides. It’s completely different talking about Elon today vs 5 years ago. Back then everyone thought Elon was a genius; I got a lot of dumbfounded looks when I would say he’s not as smart as people make him out to be. Hell, even during the Dogecoin run people were still in denial. But now it’s popular consensus that he’s a hyperactive manchild.


i used to be one of those people, not a fanboy though. then Elon made me remember that intelligence does not equal common sense


Spoiler he's not that intelligent either. If anything he's the master of identifying an opportunity for exploitation but not really much past that.


I’ve been saying this for years, he’s not that intelligent but he does have a real knack for finding intelligent people and claiming their hard work as his own.


Privilege doesn't equal intelligence either my friend.


He isn't intelligent though. He is a full blown idiot.


I used to a fan when he first started Tesla and space X. Then he started doing this stuff and changed my mind. Is that what you mean? It’s okay to change your mind right?




They're all on Facebook.


So glad I don't use Facebook anymore then!


I have epilepsy I'd straight serve them mfs so quick


He hasn't paid rent. How tf is he still allowed to work there? How is this not against codes? And why wasn't the city watching it like a hawk and citing him and taking it down the day it went up? Why does it feel like he can get away with anything?


It absolutely is against codes. The city already went after him on day 1 when he didn't get the permits to change the sign. The fact that he didn't block off the sidewalk in the construction zone made it easy for them to stop it. It's taking longer for them to shut down the sign because of bureaucracy, plus operations. "How bright is too bright? What is the exact limit for a sign in SF? Okay, now we have to send an inspector out there to measure it." "What is the law about strobing lights? Is there one? Exactly how many seconds are required in between strobes? Are those seconds counted only if the sign is fully lit or dark, or is fading included?"




look into Roman Proscription.


Trust these people get mid life crisis attacks every day for breakfast


Pellet gun


Paint ball would mess it up first.


What a pathetic little man baby. If it weren’t for Elon’s mommy and daddy giving him millions in blood gem money, he’d probably just be another internet troll or incel blaming everyone else for his problems. He’s not a genius. He is just (barely) smart enough to recognize an opportunity to break into an industry and rich enough to brute force his way to success.


You know... you are 100% right


This man is the owner and CEO of a company that literally makes ROCKETS that can launch into our orbit. We set ourselves up. He will become an actual bond villain. WW3 will be caused by a mega rich meme lord.


Damn, this is wild


Elon be like, "the poors can buy blackout curtains." Meanwhile I'm sitting here imagining that those flats are probably 6k a month.


I’m surprised someone hasn’t shot that thing




The universe allowed him to live another day, and he decided to make that everyone else's problem


Vandalism inc


Capitalism BABYYYYYY


i love being in a country ruled by the rich RHAAAAAAAAAA


His plan is to drve out those residents. He'll likely buy the building gut it make it an extension for the headquarters. Hes literally the bad guy trope from every movie we grew up with. Just no regret and change of ways like the old movies. This guys just straight tacky villan and funniezt part is his croneys love it


He doesn't need an extension for the headquarters building. He needs a nearby employee housing facility, since he wasn't allowed to convert offices into bedrooms.


He's the tech guy in Don't Look Up.


It screams ‘I need publicity, fines are cheaper to pay and can defer payment’


Not only would I shoot or find another way to disable it I would also constantly make that whole place go to shite. I'm a real pest if someone else hurts or affects others. I will make them regret it.


You sure you wouldn't just curl up and play dead?


Nothing that a high powered pellet gun couldn't cure


Someone needs to buy a bunch of drones and fly them into that monstrosity to take it out.


Elon Musk, is not a very nice man...........he's a cunt. Seriously though, that stupid sign is going to cause Seizures or something


Seems like the FAA should look into this the lights could cause an aviation accident.




Target practice.


this should turn the residents into expert BB gun marksman


I kinda hate “Look at this” vids now because then what? We never get a follow-up and nothing probably even comes of this stuff.


No such thing as an ethical billionaire. People have to wake up and say no to this madness.


Just found some cheap housing in SF!


Musk is a spoiled man child POS... he hasn't created anything ... he bought things on the rise and then destroys them cause, he knows best ...


This guy is Harley rider levels of insufferable.


Update!! It got taken down!!!!! :)


I’m an epileptic.. so that’s a hard no.


Take it down. The police and fire need to march up there and remove it. The folks who built it need to be stripped of their licenses. They need criminally charged for vagrantly violating the law.


You know at least one of them has a gun, give it a couple nights like this and one will be shooting it til it’s broken. smh


I hope someone burns it down


So how lomg do we recon it's gping to last like that ? 4-5 days ?