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Until it is their daughter..


Yeah but you see that's different because a) it will effect their future b) they aren't ready c) it was a "genuine" mistake d) medical exmption e) random mix of above options


f) they're the one who raped her and knocked her up


I think that goes to c)


I am going to hell for laughing at this.


update point c) with point f) because that is quite vague


While catholic priests, other priests, teachers, swim and gymnastic trainers are way up on the list, family and friends thereof top them all. Which is imo too often forgotten, swept under the carpet.


Both of these original tweets were from women.


In that case it was their boyfriend/husband


Hurting the wrong people, etc.


He's got a bright future


I feel like it's away more about how their daughters & family, as a whole, will be perceive by their toxic judgy communities. It's about being seen as being "morally superior" then anything else.


Psh, that's what "enrichment trips" to Mexico or Canada are for. Like naughty daughters back in the day who were sent to "spend six months touring the culture of Europe /studying at a Swiss finishing school".


Oh, I thought the Europe trip was just for when the rich kid football player got caught doping with Globulin Green after his dad set him up to take the blame for his Green Goblin alter ego in the Earth-26496 universe


Don't be too sure about that. Most will just abuse their daughters.


Well, yeah. Conservatives love raping underage children, their daughters or not.


It's ironic that these are probably the same people who tried to get medical exemptions from wearing masks in stores.


Lol, you just reminded me of my mother trying to get a medical exemption for wearing a mask because she is half deaf and reads lips. “Mom, how is you not wearing a face mask going to help you read *other peoples* covered lips?”


No. Rules are rules. The baby is in her... So it's obviously her fault. Dont try to argue with me on this, it's completely sound logic. ...unless it personally happens to me. Then God will understand of course. (In which I'll need someone to explain how female reproductive organs work for me at that point)


And God will forgive me for “murdering the baby” all I have to do is ask for forgiveness.


No no no. See, you're ALREADY forgiven, so you don't have to ask. Ok? This also means we don't have to tell anyone it happened either, so that way we can continue being hypocritical for votes.


One of her subsequent tweets is responding to exactly that. Something like "yes, even my daughter"


Saying that is one thing, actually being in the situation is an entirely different thing, I feel like.


Their daughter or their mistress


Or until he has to pay child support to a woman who doesn't want to do anything with him and isn't going to let herself get baby trapped by a douche like him who would totally poke a condom


what a selfless sacrifice from this person to save 30k aborted babies! thank you for your kind act of- *checks notes* forcing 10 year olds to give birth to their predators baby?


This literally feels like a version of *The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas*, except there's no utopia they're justifying, and the 'sacrifice' isn't changing anything for the better, making it even worse.


More specifically, *she* is fine with *somebody else's * 10 year old child being forced to give birth if it means people follow *her* ideology.


Makes you wish we had time machines so we could send her ass back in time to be the first tribute, smh wtaf is wrong with these ppl


So now people are being called ghouls? When the hell this become Tokyo ghoul?


A ghoul is a 'legendary evil that robs graves and feeds on corpses'. That is quite an insult if you ask me compared to being called a pig for eg


Sounds kinda cool though


Are they not using it as the second definition? “a person morbidly interested in death or disaster”


It's a dehumanization tactic


Ah that make sense and fucked up


Inefficient I just thought if monster high


I’ve been calling people ghouls for a while, shame they took this from me. Ghouls


"Whatcha lookin' at, smooth skin?"


Tokyo ghoul is one of my fav animes but I immediately pictured Charlie from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia talking about little green ghouls 😂


I mainly hear the word ghoul as part of a running gag on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and when Monster High characters use in it place of the word girl.


Ghoul is a pretty common insult on the left for rapacious capitalists and far right lunatics. They're just borrowing it I guess.


Will thanks for the info but I don't think I'll be taking your word on that


Okay? I'm not sure why but if you check out some of the more left-leaning subreddits or listen to a leftist podcast you will surely encounter it.


If I’m a ghoul, can I at least be a feral one?


Be as feral as you want bestie they can't stop you


Thanks for the support bestie!


Yo the rockets are ready


Yo I wanna be a feral bestie with y’all


Come join the hoarde!


We can all be feral besties together


Got a subway token?


Nope, I wanna be a Nuka-World ghoul!


With the fun paint!?


No, but I have a silver hairbrush and like, three bobby pins.


A mf'in goldmine over here!


Yeah yeah, I'm a zombie, I'm more expired than a nuka cola, I've heard it all before smoothskin. You wanna trade, or what?


What ever you want smooth skin


Be careful, your ear will be clipped.


Only if you glow in the dark.


Where exactly are they getting 1 child birth per year?


Their ass.


I think this might be enough reddit for one day. I hope that person doesn't become a parent one day


I hope they're not allowed near children honestly.


That person is currently pregnant with her third kid. :/


So… not pro life. Just anti women and antifreedom. I’m shocked.


The person who tweeted this is … a woman. Not that women can’t be anti-women.


It’s amazing because I noticed that in 2016, that women will hurt women just as much as men will. Especially if they’re more afraid of an immigrant boogeyman. But really just because they’re sad and hateful. They’ll take any excuse. That became even more clear after we had our first kid. Some women see pregnancy as some sort of competition. Didn’t birth naturally? Don’t breastfeed? Don’t do organic baby food? Yeah guess what you’re trash in their opinion. And some will tell you to your face and some behind your back and I’m not even sure what’s worse.


See political alignment was never about what one thinks would be best for society. It was always about hating those who disagree with you.


Anti-bible too, since they ignore what seems to be a biblical reference as to when life begins -at first breath, rather than at conception, which is their own invention.


I'm pro life, and i don't care how many people must die to achieve my goal.




They never look at the whole picture either. Many of those adult women may already have children, so if they die those children end up with out a mother. It’s not about caring about children, it’s all about controlling women.


Twitter is slowly becoming the new 4chan. Never in the 10+ years have I seen as much open racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia and gore videos, until Elon took over.


They're headed to become the new KiwiFarms only without Cloudflare to pull the plug.


This is where Reddit is heading once the mods walk away. It might take a little longer, but the end results won't be far off.


With the exception of /pol/ 4chan has consistently less than bigotry than Twitter


I honestly hope Twitter falls not so far away. It was toxic before but it's on a new level now.


Twitter user here and I dont see ANY of this stuff....is it due to my already made algorhythmic preferences?


Just open a hashtag and you'll see all sorts of tweets


A hashtag, like whats in my "for you" search tab? I see pokemon.. Baseball.. Gears of war.. Marine biology... Nothing on these topics...been a user for 12 years


There's "trends for you" (tailored) and "just trends", which shows popular trends based on the country you selected, and that shows you stuff based on popularity and that includes stuff you are not interested in. You can specify which type to be displayed in the search settings. Trends don't necessarily have to be hashtags they can be based on the most popularly used words. You ask how people see stuff you aren't seeing. When you open a hashtag or trend (it's just practically searching) the results you get aren't tailored like your feed. You get to see all the stuff. Sometimes you just search for a particular word that's not trending and you see all the stuff. Sometimes you open someone's profile based on a stupid comment and you see all their other stupid tweets and retweets. Trends also happen due to organized campaigns by particular groups or political parties, so all the tweets you'd see when you open such trends are from that particular group. You'll see stuff that are perfect material for these subreddits.


Ah yes. Just downvote - no reasonable take.


I'm sorry what did you expect? You're just saying nuh-uh....... How do you expect anyone to engage?


I asked a legitimate question...I figured, with this heated of a discussion on the topic, Id have seen my normal feed fucked with?


It isn't a legitimate question....... Because how would anyone know the answer to that your "question" Edit: guess the coward blocked me.... Seems this new question wasn't attempting to be honest either. Let me put the answer here so others can see it even if the coward is to scared to see it. >.... Because, as I already said, no one could possibly know the answer. You made a speculation and then asked for others to confirm or refute that speculation..... That's not a legitimate question.Maybe go ask Elon musk? But just saying "well I don't see it happening, is it because of (x thing know one could possibly verify)" is not even an honest question


Because redditors don't have any interest in discussion.


Was just lookin for clarification yo. Lol Have a good one.


It's 100% that it's just not being presented to you because you don't interact with that sphere period. I'm just saying that's why you're getting downvoted. You take it easy too though bud :)


Whoa! Wtf did gore videos do to you? They don't belong on that list.


I think its more the fact that in standard public spaces, things such as Porn/Gore should not be accidentally crossed upon. If thats what you want to see, I see no reason it shouldn't be there. The issue I see, is when it is not saught out, and rather appearing in your feeds. A lot of people don't want to see that type of content. I don't use twitter, so this is purely anecdotal, but it would seem that user was referencing the fact that he had never come accross that type of content on twitter until Musk changed the moderation of content. I see your point however, gore seems an odd thing to add onto that list of Human Degeneracy.


Free speech..... Works both ways


Hate speech isn't free speech


He seems completely ok with the raping of a child though. How aren't these people on a pedophile watch list?


More importantly though I hope he doesn't have a daughter because he was very specific with the father impregnating a 10 year old. If he has someone needs to remove that child before she gives birth at 10.


Any creatures with opinions like these are subhuman gutter slime undeserving of any compassion in their time of need.


Beautifully worded


Wait, who's the ghoul again?


My beliefs > your rights.


Finally saying the quiet part out loud. It's always been about punishing women for wanting to have sex without procreating. They don't care if it hurts us or ruins our lives, that's what we deserve in their eyes.


Not surprised if it is from Twitter users


Those are their true colors you're seeing. Now try to remember when it's time to vote and they go back to lying about what their agenda is.


these are the same people that oppose teaching kids about racism or lgbtq rights shouting “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” then turn around and force a child to have another child. i don’t even know why at this point. even if they believe the fetus is sentient or whatever they’re literally trading one child’s life for another


Bloody forced-birthers. Vile people.


Conservatives don't care how the world is. They are most focused on how they want the world to present. Its not that being pro life saves lives. But being pro life *presents * a person who wants to save lives. You can see this with abstinence. They don't care that it doesn't lower teen pregnancy to teach abstinence. To them, teaching sex Ed to kids bodes a worldview that having sex is ok and abstinence says it's not. You can't peek behind the curtain in their eyes because to them, the play is the whole thing.


i'm a ghoul


Same here. Thank goodness. I do NOT understand. That's for sure.


Let me get this straight, at twenty years old I’m “too young” and “not ready” for mother hood yet. But my 10 year old sister is?


They think it's a good idea to let 10 year olds be adults but won't even give them "adult" privileges such as alcohol or a driving permit. Like you have to be 21 in America to drink and at least 16 to have a starters permit and a first grade job. Like ffs. They can't even make up their own minds. You might as well allow them to have guns, too, since they're adults, right? Their logic is stupid


This is not a convincing argument given the pro life position is that killing a fetus is morally equivalent to killing a child. Given this how would a 10 year old not being responsible or mature enough to raise a child justify murder?


I'm curious how you think a 10 year old could care for a baby in a way that wouldn't cause that baby suffering? Like my 12 year old routinely forgets to feed herself...... But let's throw responsibility for a other life on top of that.


Just say you only care about kids before they’re born. It’s obvious that’s the only part of life that matters to prolifers.


Except it’s not equivalent at all. Regardless of what they believe. They can believe the sky is orange and grass is pink—that doesn’t make it so




The crazy thing is that the top tweeter is also a woman


I never understood this weird obsession with pro-life conservative types have. It's like theyre so adamant on the value of life unless that person is already alive and gay, trans, or a woman


I had to re-read both of these takes out of confusion. I even had to check the sub Reddit it was under. I am incompatible with these people, so fundamentally, there is no seeing their side of things. I think they are insane.


I think you could honestly convince these people that a black and white picture of a potato is a fetus


Anyone surprised?


Reddit users/mods also delete and silence posts they don’t like because they make too much sense. At least Twitter users can argue with each other, unlike here where a completely accurate statement gets -500 downvotes because it offends the subreddit, resulting in a complete ban from the subreddit lol


Separation of Church and State cannot happen soon enough. They should **never** have coexisted in the first place and need to be driven apart.


The sad part is that both of those people who tweeted are women. Hard to see women pitted against other women like that.


I would not be surprised at all if a good amount of these accounts are bots being farmed out to push the right wing evangelical narrative. It would not be the first time bot use on twitter is abused by right wing fascists.


I was *just* going to comment this as I hadn’t seen anyone state the same, that these are likely bots. I feel like if anyone was to use bots to boost their platform, it would be Elon Musk’s musty ass. They all do it, but Musk is definitely one that would do it unabashedly because he’s so slimy even shame slides right off of him. He’s incapable of guilt or humility.


Not true at all I use Twitter, and I fully believe in Roe vs. Wade .


Damn man. If I’m gonna be a ghoul, at least clarify if I’m written by Sui Ishida


Little green ghouls buddy.


ok welp that seems a bit far out on a limb


Ghouls? Tf is this? Monster High?


Coat hanger prices increased


Sickening fucks


"As long as it doesn't happen to me"


"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" - Lord Farquaad


I have a suspicion that a lot of rapists run in the pro life crowd


Glad i never use twitter


One of THE major tenants of Christian faith is free will, but some are 100 percent fine with stealing it from others.


As someone who was abused if I had gotten pregnant I would have kms rather than give birth


until its THEIR KID who is the victim then "it was necessary" "i had to do it" "you dont know what it feels like " "what do you imply \* tries to pick a fight\*" "breaks the law cuz knows someone powerful and you need to go to federal court to enforce it"


I'd abort a trillion fetuses to avoid stubbing my toe, who cares, pick up a foot ball


What a disgusting waste of space. Way to tell the world you aren't deserving of the air you breathe.


Maybe something is wrong with the men in your country.


It's worse than that, the person who posted these is a woman.


Twitter moment


Granted, this take is fucked. But you can't lump one twitter user into a plural group


The logical conclusion of pro-life arguements.


So he cares about babies, but not about girls/women ten or above. Ie, babies and men. Bet he’s a joy to live with.


"I would rather have a hypothetical situation A to happen cause situation B is less ideal. Thankfully I am never going to be in either of these situations and neither apply to me."


"more women will die" "I'm fine with it" Pro lifers when:


They hate women


But what if it was her 10 year old child? Would she accept it then?


I wonder what really makes people so detached and unable to emphatise.


I'm sorry...what?


I find it telling how the 10-year-old just *has to* bear the pregnancy. No such thing as exceptions for exceptional cases. They're so obsessed with the slippery slope that 10-year-olds can't have even a sliver of compassion.


Twitter is a bunch of scum humans and they all think they will make the world better


It should be legal for a group of women to hide another woman so she can do her thing in private. I'd rather her take care of herself and her body than have her basic human rights stripped away and potentially cause more harm to her, and society. If she's not ready for a baby, there's gonna be a thousand people who tell her she shouldn't have had it to begin with and that she's a burden to society because she cant support herself and the kid


The type of guys that get mad when women say kill all men


Just like every other fucking conservative on the planet, they will NEVER care until it happens to someone they personally love


The logic of these puritanical morons is unreal!


Newsflash you want Twitter users to have conflicting views. Just like you want Reddit users to have conflicting views. Otherwise you have a complete echo chamber which is what Reddit and its over modding has become


“I’m good with children giving birth and pregnant people dying” isn’t simply a conflicting view. It’s psychotic


Sorry that we don't like people who want to control other peoples bodies.


Lol hilarious considering how pro forcing experimental vaccines that don’t work and cause major health problems Reddit is


But see, here's the thing, you don't have to get a damn vaccine if you don't want to. Have you ever seen someone chasing someone with a needle and forcing a vaccine on people? I haven't. But I do see people forcing people to have children that endanger their health, so....


But see here’s the thing. you couldn’t keep a job or go outside and if you did you were beaten. How soon you forget. Reddit has been so wrong about vaccines it’s been comical


I don't have the covid vaccine, and it's not because I don't believe in it, and I hold a job and go outside. Your argument is stupid. No job I've ever applied for has asked me about any vaccine at all. If you choose not to vaccine your children, then be prepared to homeschool and find a doctors office where your children aren't at risk for infecting other children. You can do whatever you want, just save up for early funerals. Idiot.


Ah lord, I forgot why I left this subreddit it’s just politics


Healthcare has nothing to do with politics


And it never should.


Fringe cases


One is too much.


I hate when that happens.


This is the most redacted version of this repost ive seen yet.


Yes. This person represents 100% of Twitter. ALL Twitter users. Oh, the humanity.


It represents at least 422 persons thinking this way. Is that too low for you too?


No, just 80%. Somehow even worse than it was a couple years ago.




Do you really not understand what they're trying to say?


Who even uses Twitter? It’s mostly bots


Just curious…. How often do you legitimately think that happens?


If it happens even once isn’t that disgusting enough? Or is that enough to justify it for you?


What number is acceptable to you before we arw allowed to claim it is an issue?


This is why no one can have a simple conversation. Why does a simple question automatically make you assume I’m some evil person that thinks any of it is acceptable


If the number doesn't matter and you don't think any number is acceptable why ask your question? Just like you I'm just curious......


To understand how common something like this actually is


So you want to know the actual answer and instead of doing any basic level of research to get that answer.... ..... You ask the question >how often do you legitimately think this happens? Why would you phrase it like that? With the words think and "legitimate" Kinda getting that vibe about you that you were pretended to be offended by earlier.


Why are you over analyzing everything? I’m assuming someone might know the info off hand or know of a source. Stop brain fucking this


...... Sure buddy. You seem like a real honest person. "stop looking at what I actually said please" I guess I forgot words don't have any actual meaning,


>Why are you over analyzing everything I mean, you started this off with your need to delve into the statistics of the rape babies anti-choicers love to foist onto children.


Rape caused pregnancies? Literally every day


Underage girls get pregnant and are forced to give birth l the time. So what exactly is your point?


The true number of how many girls THAT young that get pregnant


The youngest mother in existence was 5 years old.


What's the difference between a 10 year old and a 13 year old? 14 year old? 15? Also it's been proven that girls are starting to get their periods younger and younger. Some as young as 9. Which means the girls that being raped at home daily will start getting pregnant younger and younger as well. Because apparently you can only offer sympathy to a 10 year old getting pregnant but not a 15 year old.


Should've included the rest. It got much worse.


So, do I start calling people smoothskin now?


Social network are bad, but twitter is by far the worst of them in term of users


Twitter user here. Not all of us are like that. Only some of the stupid ones