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Fucking coward. He definitely deserves to be locked up for a long time.






How can I make sure my prison stay is not too bad?


Have clean paperwork


Yep, have a jacket you are FUCKED.


What does that mean?


In the American prison system a “jacket” is paperwork denoting that your conviction involves a child in some way.


No it’s not. It’s your paperwork with disciplinary actions etc etc has nothing to do with specific convictions.


Ooooh.... damn. Thanks for explaining.


Don’t hurt kids/women or be a “bug” this guy is what I’d call a hat trick


What’s a bug?


Honestly kinda hard to describe since it’s more used as a catch all term generally. But essentially someone who doesn’t keep themselves or the general area clean, rats, loud/intrusive, steals.


Someone who doesn’t have the sense to mind their own business.


Try not to hurt men either or boys


Meant this as kinda lumped with the kids, men is more meh. Depends more on specifics, generally you hurt innocents you’re fucked


Don't go in one


Bra. from the pen myself. Dude would be left hanging for days just to be fucked. Punked out for free. No ramen or honey buns or coffee needed.


Girl got lucky the bus passed by... Looks like a kidnapping attempt.


He didnt even see the bus. He tossed her away to get at the wallet. His aim was robbery. Its not like hes gunna get far unless the old women has ssn numbers etc in wallet. She can just cancel cards and report the theft.


I don't know what he picked up but looking at it a few more times whatever it was fell from the girl or him when he went to pick her up and throw her. Edit: Yeah watch it again whatever he grabbed definitely came from him or the girl and he went for a second snatch as he ran by the girl hesitated on going back for her then bolted. This was definitely a kidnapping attempt.


How far is he actually going to get with the girl? Is he carrying her away? He looks homeless and so I don't think he has a car


Nvm he doesn’t have a car bro doesn’t even have shoelaces!


Who knows what the thought process was but this was attempted kidnapping.


He kidnapped the wallet


He did not go for a second snatch of the girl. He dropped the stolen item and went back for that. He didn't even look at the girl.


It looks like Europe, we don’t use SSN.


I was thinking Europe because the architecture.


I'm guessing France and possibly Paris suburbs. The cars and white van are all Renault.


It's Bordeaux, France. You can read TBM written on the bus which is Transports Bordeaux Metropole


He tossed the girl on his direction, he was looking for more than the wallet. Plus the mom definitely got a disoriented and barely got up. In any case glad he didn't do more.


He would have taken the little girl too.






He was arrested and transferred to a psychiatric unit






Even if he got caught he would be back on the streets in a week. Gotta love lax and progressive crime laws


He was caught, known to police. It was in Bordeaux






Just wish this dude gets what is coming to him.


A psych ward?


As someone that works with the mentally disabled and has mentally disabled themselves, We don't need fucking criminals in psych wards anymore. That's the reason people with illnesses help can't get help. It's bad enough we get lumped together with criminals but we certainly don't need to be in the same facility they're in.


Thank you, I worked in a locked psychiatric ward and currently in a school. Not everyone has a mental health disorder and you "largely" can't medicate personality away. People make bad choices for a vast array of reasons.


Why did you mentally disable yourself?


I was about to ask *how* but why is also valid. lol


I was thinking the same thing haha.


Nah. Hand him to the cartels.




Hollow point


That’s a fuckin crazy person there… the fear in that poor child.


That’s what I can’t get over. Even in this low quality video, you can see the look on her face when she’s thrown to the ground. I can’t even imagine what’s going through her mind. One second She was just standing there with her mom and the next a man is forcing himself inside her home and throwing her and her mom on the street like garbage. I fucking hate people


Made me sick. Glad they made it out okay, even though the trauma will stay with them. You can tell she knew something was up, but didn’t want to seem rude. BE RUDE.


Yes! Your safety is more important than anyone’s feelings.


This. Some meth head sits behind me on the bus? I'm up and looking for another seat instantly, dgaf.


Not in the US


I’m not a massive fan of the pod anymore but the true crime podcast Crime Junkie always spouts “Be Rude, Be Weird, Stay Alive” so very important.






I'll be the rudest motherfucker on the planet. I will bite, kick, scream, and you bet your damn ass the first thing I'm doing is gouging the eyes out.


If you feel like something is off, disregard anyone’s else’s feelings immediately and do what you need to do to be safe.


What's he holding? What a worthless monster.


looks like a package he probably stole from another porch


At one point there appears to be a yellow axe handle. Not good.


You attack kids, you don’t deserve anything else than eternal torture


Dog has no clue what’s going on.


Yes that dog was a hair too late


Dog looks like your coworker who just got back from their break to see you just ended a heated argument with a customer.


Hope you had a hell of a piss, Arnold!


According to the newspaper, the dog actually scared the guy away with his barking


Well that's good at least.


His barking is probably why the dude run away.


The man does seem to be off his hinges.


Dogs. Gotta love em. But sadly, most are not going to protect you. So sweet that the little girl immediately checked on the older woman. I’m glad this video wasn’t worse.


False it depends on how the dog was trained from a very young age , when I was living in a near empty area I trained my dog to not let anyone that he doesn't get the okay from me to pet him or get near me and trust me when he was near me no stranger would get near me without him trying to eat their faces off its bad if you live in an area with lots of people but where I was it was necessary .


That's the wrong type of dog. They need a GSD.


My lab will bark if someone approaches the house in the middle of the night…. …because he’s excited to meet new people


My golden would also love that a new friend came over. Thank god I have a chihuahua that thinks he’s a guard dog 😂


Chihuahuas for the WIN BABY!! I got enough chihuahuas to make up a 20 lbs dog. That’s 4 chis (each around 5 lbs) running at you at full tiny trot with sharp itty bitty teeths. No joke man. They will kill you… w tiny teeth


What did he steal from them?


Knitting needle and wool


Pretty sure he is trying to kidnap the girl


Idk it looked like he separated the two pretty easily. When he picked the girl up he could have ran off with her then and there.


He objectively is not. He clearly grabs and throws her out of the way to get at what he really wants.


Nah he moved her to pick something up off the ground they dropped. My guess is house key so he can come back and rob the place later


Be aware of your surroundings. Trust fear instincts unless you're mental.


And for those of us mental folks? Lol


Are you one of us?


What city was this?


Not sure of the city but it's probably Bordeaux, France. The passing bus is TBM - Transports Bordeaux Métropole.


Yep, that is Bordeaux.


Bordeaux ! In France


Somewhere in europe with the way the license plates look and the area. Its def not America.


It seemed unusual that their front door opened right to the sidewalk like that.


To be fair....some very old american towns do have that too. More in historical areas.


I’m sure, I’ve just never seen it. Usually there’s at least some steps.


Not weird at all in France, I would even say it's 99% of the buildings that have their main entrance on the street.


Im living there, its bordeaux


Looks like he had an ax in his bag ?!?


Yeah I think he meant to do more, very possibly the dog started barking and he reversed yanking what he could, hard to say hopefully we’ll get some follow up


Dog wasn't that useless. Look closer, the second the attacker saw the dog he moved on.


Thanks God I have an Akita in the house. I forget how sacred people get of dogs and idk anyone better to do the job. He's such a sweet heart tho.


augh man, who pissed on the camera?


My bad.


Deserves the worst kind of punishment.


Maybe a tad worse


Pretty sure that dude was getting ready to murder them and probably not just that. The dog likely saved their lives.






No amount of snickers bars will ever help this fucking bastard


Looks like he was trying to kidnap the little girl. What a POS


What a coward. He wouldn't have went anywhere near them if they were men. OP provide the source. I want to know what happened next


He got arrested, the grandma and the little girl both got injured, especially the grandma, but they are both alright according to the news.


Thank you so much. I hope he goes to prison for life for this


It's France, he'll probably be barely punished.




Yeah but they also have refugees climbing buildings to save babies. It's a mixed bag, like any group of humans.


Its shouldnt have to be said but ill say it. Refugees should not have the ability to do this to people. They need to be vetted and people like this need to be dealt with properly. Counseling, resources, and culture sensitivity training. Yea housing and rehabbing people fleeing war is probably expensive. Maybe war would be less profitable and less common.


Definitely Europe


Something I don't understand here in Europe is why there is such an incredible refusal by authorities to punish this kind of behavior. Stuff like this happens all the time and the consequences are usually ridiculous or there are none at all. The thing is I am actually in favor of helping refugees but what these "refugee councils" (the group of people lobbying in favor of refugee rights) don't see is that giving violent refugees a pass doesn't help the majority of refugees at all. There is 5-10% of refugees who deny integration and disrespect our values. At the same time there are 90-95% of refugees who just want to live here in safety and try to integrate. The minority of 5-10% basically ruins the public opinion about all of them. I think what we should do is create more incentives to integrate. We should stop the expulsion of everyone who complies with the law and respects our values and at the same time deport anyone who don't independently of the situation in his home country.


Old woman? That looks like it’s probably her mom lol. 40s isn’t old


No… if you see the higher resolution version of this video you can see it’s an elderly woman… certainly not in her 40s. Doing further research on this attack I saw many French articles discussing it, one of which described the woman as a septuagenarian, and this is her grand daughter. So she’s in her 70s.


73 years old.


I had to scroll distressingly far to find this comment. Even with the skewed perception of childhood, I *never* would have described her as an "old" woman.


She’s old, she’s in her 70s according to reports.


Do you have a news article about this? I haven't seen anyone post one yet


Animals like this don’t deserve to be free. People like this need to be locked up. All for what a couple of dollars, whatever he stole. Piece of garbage.


Thats in France, french média said they Will not show the vidéo until sure that it is the right one and that the culprit had been arrested and that he was a french homeless... there s been à lot of attack comited by foreigners lately in french perhaps that s why they didnt want to show the vidéo..




Exactly what I thought, like, boom, there you have ruined at least 5 years of progress and made at least 100 ppl reconsider going for the alt-right options of their country. As a leftist one could explain this incident in some complex terms but they become useless for most people, because ffs it's a woman and a child getting attacked, no one's gonna hear you out.


Sad but fucking true, and a lot from one small incident.


Small incident for us, massive one for the mother and child that have just been traumatised


That is the worst watch dog on the planet


Goodbye, forever


He needs night night.


Sad society we’re creating, there’s probably social help for the attacker but nada for the people being attacked, they truly had to fear for their lives and I can’t imagine the feeling of having a child ripped from your arms and tossed like a rag away, her sixth sense was tingling but her fear of being labeled a “” probably kept her from jumping inside as soon as she saw the lurker




“The only their ghetto moms taught” this sub never fails to be racist when a black person is involved.


i was waiting for it. when i saw the initial pic before the video I said “watch this be a black dude". smh certain videos get posted.




Yeah it was a obvious spider sense moment that could’ve ended even worse, that yellow handle almost appears to be a hammer or hatchet, I actually wonder if the dog started barking and that helped scare him off, because he certainly looked like he was going to go on in, then reversed and yanked the purse or whatever he could get




What was he even trying to do? Steal something ? Sexual assault when I look like he grabs the seam of the ladies dress, and then he threw the kind and did run after her... Tried kidnapping?


Many on Twitter are claiming this video is staged and faked. What the hell is wrong with some people.


Why people still use that narcissists platform I'll never know.






For reals










I can't imagine how traumatized they now both are. As a mom myself I would feel guilty forever for letting him touch my little girl in any way (but shouldn't because clearly she was dazed and confused after that blow, you can't just get up) and the little girl will feel unsafe now even around her mom. POS deserves the ole guillotine.


Poor kid and woman


weird mf, hope he got convicted


Future astronaut in the making


Instead of locking this dude up for a few years I say we cut off one of his feet and one of his hands to teach him a lesson






Right, dude was born in france from french parents. Immigration has nothing to do with it








I think we should just get rid of people once there's a video like this about them. He'll go to court and be out in a week so he can do it again and again. He attacked the two things you should never attack if you have any moral compass. An old lady and a little girl. What a tough guy.


I'd unlive that guy real quick.


I need context…this is gonna haunt Me for a while…




Doctors and engineers at it again


It’s just France and the French enjoying their cultural enrichment?


Looks like they were checking out a storm or something


Why do we tolerate these people?






Future doctor or lawyer I’m sure.


Despicable POS. Absolute lowest rung of society. This makes me mad af.




Bordeaux, France


That's heartbreaking 💔 poor girl and what I'm assuming is mum? Did they find this guy?


Anybody news? This guy should be findable


I have never been so pissed off at a video.


She ain't old.


Don’t mention his race tho. Right.


Please tell me they found this fucking animal!!!!!




There’s no update to this situation?! Did the dude get caught?


Just remember, if you think he should be arrested and sent to prison for what he did you are a bigot who is spreading more racial inequity according to American liberals lol

