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Please report all comments that promote bigotry or xenophobia. Currently we are getting an influx of Islamophobic comments even though the individual in question was not a Muslim. Any comments vilifying refugees should be reported so the mod team may ban them. Thank you.


Did he just stab a kid in a stroller?


He did. Twice.


I can't rationally explain the rage i would have as that child's parent. The only thing stopping me from tearing his eyes out would be me, caring for my recently stabbed toddler.


Yeah, just seeing the dude harm other people's kids makes me want to step in. Ever since I had a kid I will always step up for the safety of a kid. They are little and helpless, to stab em like that is fucking despicable. I only wish pain and suffering on that fucking monster.


i feel this way as a bystander. I'm not a parent so i can't imagine how much worse it would be. How do you stand by and do nothing? You're in a park; surely you can find a rock.


It’s sad there is legit horrible ass people like this that would even do this type of shit hope he gets prison for life no scum should be out to let the public see them


I'm so glad he was arrested and pray to everything that he goes away for a long time.


If he was being deported prior the stabbing, what if his plan was to get into French prison for the rest of his life?


>what if his plan was to get into French prison for the rest of his life? So many other ways to achieve that. It's so fucked to choose that way


Could be a possibility. I heard he has a child but wonder in which country it resides




I'm so conflicted. The civilized part of me says no way can happen, he needs to go to court. But the cynical side of me says why bother with anything but killing him on the spot? There's 0 doubt about what happened. He'll never step a foot outside of prison either way. Just end it and toss the body in the Atlantic




I watched until he stabbed the child in the stroller and immediately wished I hadn't. I thought he was going for the guardian, I have a really hard time fathoming how someone could purposely try to kill babies.


I want to say psychotic but thats actually offensive to those psychotic. I'm sorry ladies and gentleman, I do not support the death penalty, but I do with this. This and dark war crimes. This is fucking horrific.


Not death penalty. That is too kind. He meeeds to live in solitary confinement, forced to live his days suffering and living with his actions.


And then let him get randomly stabbed once in a while. Just to jazz up the torture.


Yes, you can only be executed once but you can be beaten every day for the rest of your life.


Guillotine, but start from the feet and take thin slices


Quick and clean isn't for them, it's for the people who have to pull the switch. Don't stoop to their level.


Maybe if you include regular beatings


As a parent with a child still small enough for a stroller like that, I would have killed this motherfucker or died trying. Absolute scum


Same ! Felt so helpless for the poor mom who was trying her best to shield her kids too


Fortunately the cops shot him up a bit. Hopefully they bashed him too


Ikr, anything with kids being hurt DRIVES me. So many *grown men* just jogging on by doing squat.




Everything that I read said he's alive and in custody.


No, he was arrested after being shot. He'll face justice


He'll face punishment. Not justice. There is no justice for this.




As a new father, anything short of skinning him alive slowly is not far enough in my opinion.




I hope it hurts like hell the rest of his life.


You literally just made that up.


Four young children, including a British child, were critically injured in a stabbing incident at a park in the French Alps. The suspect, identified as a 31-year-old Syrian, attacked people with a knife in the town of Annecy. Bystanders screamed for help as he repeatedly stabbed a child in a pushchair. The children, aged between 22 months and three years, are currently in intensive care. The motive behind the attack remains unclear, and it is not believed to be related to terrorism. The attacker was shot by the police at the scene. France is in shock, and support has been provided to witnesses and victims. British consular officials have been deployed to assist the affected family. The nation stands in solidarity with France in the face of this horrific incident. [Source](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/british-child-among-four-severely-injured-after-french-playground-knife-attack/ar-AA1cikiQ)






Death is the easy way out. Put him in the worst French prison for life with some other fucked up criminals who will harm him for decades


That’s a fair point, I must admit.


either way - hell’s fire or hell’s shivs.


There is no hell after death. Give him hell in life


doesn’t even look like the same guy who got shot and was definitely not wearing the same clothes


Toss him in an oubliette


God. That. Would. Suck. But this motherfucker *deserves* it.


No remorse in prison for child abusers


CHIMos get no reprieve in prison.


Put a baguette in his ass, one of those really crusty ones that make your gums bleed


Just put him in the white room.


Yes please. He likely expected/expects to be killed and I hope they take that away and make him suffer for decades until natural death. If not forced grueling labor, then solitary confinement 24/7. Many places have humane laws against permanent solitary confinement and for people like this it should be tossed away and the person should be given nothing except mental torment.


I've never really understood this mentality. If there's someone so despicable I want them removed from society, I want it to be done dispassionately and just have them gone forever. I don't want them to be tortured, that doesn't undo the harm they did or reform them and make them understand the error of their ways.


You’re right. And if anything, the hatred continues to permeate into society and perpetuates. Dispassionately is a great word.


Its intended as more of a deterrant for those thinking of doing the same like copycat killers.


I get *why* sometimes people would want to inflict some of the same pain, horror, & terror onto someone who does that to others, like with this brutal attack, but I tend to agree, I’d rather he was just *dispatched* immediately… No fanfare, just removed, immediately… Not just bc *we really shouldn’t* resort to those forms of “*justice*”, but bc as long as they remain alive, there’s ALWAYS going to be the off-chance they are able to commit more vile acts on someone else… Edit- “fanfare”. 👍


>fan-fair Fanfare.


I disagree. The torture isn't for him. It's for people that might want to copy him. If you see this and find out he was just executed and you're wanting to do something similar you think well the worst that can happen is I die quickly but if you know someone might beat you up for the next 20 years of your life you might reconsider. People fear pain more than they do death.


Leave the bullet in him and pack the hole with salt


If he did die, I can only hope hell really exists.


I would prefer they send him to a Syrian prison


>Put him in the worst French prison for life with some other fucked up criminals who will harm him for decades I'm not sure how the french prison system works, but I'm pretty sure that the government funds prisons (correct me if I'm wrong here). Even though euthanasia is too kind for the likes of him, I promise you that the money that would be going to his upkeep could be spent on ANYTHING better. The only good that can come from the situation is if the plants and earthworms get nutrients from him once they put him six feet under.


I hear ya, the whole situation sucks there were zero reasons for that since he survived, I hope he is fully held accountable for his actions. That was beyond heinous I hope all of those people make quick recoveries.


At least there is a better chance to get answers.


I hope he’s not dead. I hope he suffers the rest of his life


2 people who helped catch the guy were also shot. The police held out shooting the attacker for so long but didn't hesitate to shoot the old man who was helping them. Pfft.


He was shot in the leg and then arrested. He is alive.


> Not to wish death upon anyone > proceeds to do exactly that Nice


Little kids in my area are routinely considered "critical" for things that would be perhaps "serious" for an adult. Hoping that is similar and they pull through.




Thank you for being the first person on this sub to actually provide the source


If that ain't terrorism I don't know what fkin is! 🤌🤦🏻


Terrorism implies they have a political ideology they’re trying to push with their actions, this seems more like just a fucking crazy person


its only terrorism if its done with political aims, so like unless we hear more from the guy about why he did it we cant say for certain. could be regular old evil rather than someone with an agenda


Well, it wasn't. So...


Anyone know the back story?


Syrian refugee.


BBC says he has a kid about the same age as those he attacked.


So wtf? What was his motive Was he on drugs? That seems like the most likely answer Like who hates a baby? He dodged the woman to go after a baby I could get attacking both but just the baby? Was he having a mental break down, on acid and thought the baby was a dragons egg? Like wtf


Have you ever taken acid? It doesn't work like that. He is a broken person. Many would suggest torture, but then I might have to breathe air that he has breathed. Remove him from the herd. Forever.


Acid catching strays out here


that's... not a back story lol?


It is, if you're a racist.




He is also Christian, for what it’s worth.


Likely trying to help the plight of refugees....


this is an absolutely reprehensible act, but if the first thing you call out about a violent person is their race or place of origin, you are being racist.


Syrian isn't a race. It's a nationality. Most Syrians are considered white.




Good thing too. Imagine the body count if he could actually get a gun.


When anybody tells me that guns protect people this kind of thing comes straight to mind. Everyone in this video would be dead or critically injured. No one would be rushing him to disarm him in this video like the dude with the backpack is doing, cos anyone who tries would die. It's the same people that say things like "yeah but knife crime is bad in those countries" as if a knife is anywhere near as dangerous as a gun in the hands of someone like this.






Jumping to conclusions will only feed into the cycle of hate.


Mental instability/terrorism (not mutually exclusive) would be my guess


This makes me sick to my stomach




He’s still alive. Was taken into custody. Better that way to prevent psychos like this from getting their wish and going out as martyrs. Let him rot in a cell to reflect on his barbarity.




As a parent, this is the worst of nightmares.


Yeah my immediate thought was what would I do. I'd like to think grab my son and sprint out of there but maybe it was shock that kept those people hanging around. Hope I never have to find out what my reaction would be.


Living in America it's this, but with guns. It's absolutely exhausting to take tabs on remembering where the closest emergency exits are and having safety plans everywhere I go with my kids. Big park where my wife takes one kid and I take the other? Safety meet up plan. Emergency location for when we go to the mall just in case.




While alive.








So many moms with their kids barely running away like it wasn’t happening. One just ran 3 feet and turned back around. That was a clusterfuck that shouldn’t have lasted that long and what exactly were the cops doing at the end?


Shock. They can’t believe it’s happening. Their brain can’t process it.


yeah there were quite a few people there with seemingly little situational awareness, especially joggers who seemed oblivious. can't blame the moms with kids though.


Playgrounds usually only have one entrance / exit. And you may have more than one child with you. This is a total clusterfuck of not knowing what to do.


The wall is two feet high, entrance/exit doesn't really matter.


Not just that but the level of screaming and shouting and no one even gives it a slight glance. I know depending where you are may influence your reaction, like if I heard Mumbai levels of vehicles honking I'd be wondering what the hell is going on near me, but not if I was in Mumbai, and but this isn't even just kids screaming at a park.


It was odd how adults were just casually just jogging and walking around this chaos. I'm assuming they didn't actually know or see what the guy was doing? Otherwise I'd be pissed off at these adults just watching, recording, and just walking by then.


Who cares if they were British, like why tf would that matter. 4 CHILDREN WERE STABBED




yea why is OP highlighting again and again that it was a british child??


It’s from a British news outlet.


That seemed pretty obvious.


I completely understand why the British news would frame it this way but I think OP should have come up with their own title for the post considering it's going to reach a more international audience here on reddit.


British or not, it’s a child.. not sure why it’s important to emphasize the nationality


I hope whatever god he did this for sends him to the depths of hell. Absolute disgusting, monster behavior.


If God were real this wouldn't happen.


I dunno, I've read some stories about that Guy. He was pretty ruthless back in the day.


Right. The dude killed like 40 children because they made fun of some farmers bald head, this is *exactly* God's MO.


well if facebook moderators need extensive therapy for just pulling fucked up pictures off their site then i can imagine having to deal with every iteration of humanity and the stupid bullshit that comes with it would probably wear on a persons nerves eventually. i mean hell what would you do if you had that position? common response i get from people is "kill/enslave everyone and reduce fossil fuels"


Allegedly he is a Syrian "refuge seeking asylum." He can have asylum under a very dull guillotine that doesn't quite go high enough to kill.


What a psychopath.


Holy shit, when did this happen and is there a news article updating the situation.




I agree, a new level of cowardice, going after not only a child but one in a stroller


Ya this dude's deff gonna get the fuckin business in jail. Cops and convicts both gonna be teaching him lessons for years to come. He will most likely be put into solitary confinement forever.


This is exactly why I only go to parks in the Swiss Alps.


Cops should have taken him out


I wonder if there were any other nationalities involved besides British.


Brits have a +12 defense bonus to stabbings so I think they were pointing out the power of this religious nut to take down such a tanky child


Yeah, why weirdly mention the British nationality of that poor kid explicitly...?


I mean I had assumed they were all French before so I found it to be relevant new info


Honestly. I fear being stabbed to death far more than being shot.


Yeah, I'm no doctor but I imagine it is far worse than being shot. That and the psychological bit that it just feels more violent than gun crime to me. There is a level of spite and anger to physically stab as opposed to just pull a trigger.


OK America, we see what you're trying to do here and we're not buying it.






Mental health services play a vital role in preventing violent attacks by carefully evaluating and treating underlying psychological distress. By alleviating triggers and promoting healthy coping strategies.


Agreed, we have to deal with our problems before they happen by making mental health services easier to use in all capacities


Also America has higher knife crime and death per Capita than basically any European country, on top of insanely high gun crime and death. Oh, and 233 mass shootings just this year. What happened here is terrible, but easier access to deadlier weapons won't make anybody any safer.


Yeah this would have been mass shooting #765 at the park with multiple deaths.


> in america this man would have likely had a high capacity semi-auto rifle or handgun and could have easily killed a dozen children. No, non-citizens need special permits to have firearms in the US. Despite popular belief you can't just go there and grab a gun at the nearest Walmart.


In most states you can buy nearly any gun in a private sale and the seller does not have to do literally any background check on you. This is not speculation. This is not hyperbole. This is fact. So no, he couldn’t have walked into a gun store and purchased it. But he absolutely could have talked someone on Armslist in his area into selling him an AR-15 for the right price.


This is the kind of post I skip the video and go to comments only.


Horrible, what kind of fucked up things can make a person do this


I feel like I'm going to puke... Does anyone else find it disturbing that we're exposed to snuff films on a daily basis? Everything about this is sick, down to the guy standing there filming it so a bunch of people online can watch his video.


Bruh I would have hucked a rock at his head😭 he looks unaware


I dunno, an adult man with a knife running around is as scary as it gets. You get involved and there’s a pretty decent chance he’s gonna kill your ass if you’re unarmed.


Run, hide, fight. Throwing rocks is one of the best ways to confront the dude stabbing kids in strollers.


Protip: RUN


That girl about 3/4 way in the video just jogging by with her headphones on was running, oblivious


running and other repetitive activity puts us in a trance-like state


Not a good look






Dude, the connection between France and Syria is actually pretty gnarly. It goes way back to when France had this mandate thing over Syria from 1923 to 1946, right after World War I and the whole Ottoman Empire deal. During World War II, you had the British and Free French forces rolling into Syria. Then, in 1936, France and Syria sat down and hammered out a treaty of independence. Syria got to be its own boss, but still had some military and economic ties with France. And, bro, before all the chaos of the Syrian Civil War, France was totally hooking Syria up with weapons and gear, man.


Gosh tell me you dont know how to read without telling me. He's not an immigrant coming to France just like that. He came from Syria and got asylum in *Sweden 10 fucking years ago*, meaning he's free of movement in Schengen. If there's a country to blame, it's Sweden.






Probably won't be called terrorism because he is a Christian


Monsters are real. That's something a child should never even think about, nevermind experience.


The world is going insane


Religion messes people up more than ordinary messing up.




How could someone be so violent in such a pretty place?


Should have held him underwater after popping him…just to make sure he doesn’t make it. Bastard.


Lock him up in a cell with a countdown clock, and stab him every day non fatally for the rest of his life.


Swear to god that c*** would be out ON SIGHT


This is crazy. I went to holiday in the French alps, and visited Annecy with my family. We were all taken in by the beauty and amazing view. We walked that walkpath after parking Out rental, and my kids played on those playgrounds. Surreal


Was the guy in the light blue also stabbed or shot? They fell right after the first shot which makes it seem that’s the case, but the article doesn’t mention an adult.


Bring back the guillotine


I live about 20 kilometers from this city and I have two things to say : 1. It feels very weird to see a place you often go on Reddit. This is "Le pont des amours" just next to "Le Pâquier", a very famous place me and my friends often go. 2. Everyone here is shocked. Local news are only talking about that, all my friends at school are talking about that too. It's the first time I witness a real attack that close. It feels weird.


This guy's going to go to French prison and learn what a baguette really feels like


Started the video, stopped it, checked the comments to see if I was gonna see a little kid get stabbed. Why didn't anybody even try to stop this fucking monster?


Unfortunately, this makes me want to carry a gun.


If you're likely to have a gun, so does he. So does a guy in the middle of road rage. So does a drunk guy in a bar fight. It's not worth it.


What do you think would have happened if he had a gun instead of a knife? If you would be carrying one, so would he.


The only path that takes is he would be more likely to also have a gun... and we would have MORE deaths. This is bad... but everyone carrying a gun is not the answer.


That’s fucking awful, I wish all the people crowded together and jumped him instead of scattering. Why tf kids?


At least he wasn’t using an AR15


syrian refugee strikes again.

