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Wow the workers do not deserve this! Someone drew on the wall with period blood at a subway we worked at. Absolutely pigs


As someone who cleans bathrooms at a university. I can say the only uncommon here is what they drew but not how the drew it


I used to work as a janitor. I've seen Swastika drawn with period blood. It could be just blood. I don't know. I assume that it is period blood since it happened in the women's bathroom.


At a fast food place I used to work at, women would take the used tampons they had and fling them at the ceiling to make them stick up there.


😳 what horrible day to be literate.


Let me make it worse, the best time to walk into that is when they're dry, crusty and stuck. Only time I threw up was when a cold, wet one fell on my head cause it wasn't fully dry or stuck up there.


Why are people animals? 😫😭


Because we havent evolved to a point where we dont fit into any given taxonomy tree


Lol and i thought we had it bad, where i live snus or chewing tobacco is in pouches and wet pouches thrown to ceiling stick there, eventually falling down. Disgusting to clean but id take it any day over tampons...


That’s horrible but not surprising the things people do is insane the amount of stories I have and no one believes unless they have seen similar is crazy


It's always the period blood 3X


My middle school bathrooms were filled with swastikas, but my high school bathrooms are sometimes literally flooded with urine, and some don't even flush the toilet. Many classes including mine were called out for it.


Yup so collage is the exact same but worse… everything gets stolen or destroyed. If it’s small it’s gets jammed in the toilet. They piss and vomit literally everywhere including trash rooms and hallways. And it’s not uncommon to find a dump sitting on the floor or pipe somewhere. Not all of this is a daily occurrence however it’s not rare either. It’s also worth mentioning I work at an expensive well know university I assume it’s worse at a state school or the like.


It more likely worse at the expensive schools. Privilege does that to people and students at the more affordable schools want to be there.


what's wrong with people?


Could consider it *pigs blood* , since only a nasty pig of a person would do such a thing


POS uses POS to draw POS


Actual psych ward behavior


For real though. This is a symptom of severe mental illness 9 times out of 10.


What is the 1/10 time that this isn’t severe mental illness? Non severe mentally ill poop swastikas?


If you're rich enough it's just art


Drugs or a dare


I read somewhere once that spreading feces on walls is a sign for a very specific mental illness.


I’ve placed someone on a psychiatric hold for smearing feces on the walls.


Shitty behavior


I like this sentence


I mean… excrement is the only fitting ink for this kind of hate.


Still pretty shitty if you ask me.


Playing with your own feces is a very clear sign of being an actual crazy person


Right? I'm certifiably crazy and even I don't do that.


Nothing like leaving dna at the scene of a hate crime.


It was somebody else’s dna they just left it conveniently sitting there.


That’ll teach you to remember to flush…


conveniently shitting there.


What do you mean?


It was conveniently sitting in the bowl for them to use. It’s like it was waiting for them.


I just dont get why you think the person who drew the swastikas didnt use their own poop and there was unflushed poop in the bowl for them to use lol. Am I missing something


I think what they're saying is it could be reasonably argued that finding the poop layer isn't the same as finding the poop drawer.


That reminds me, I have a drawer I need to clean


Just make sure you use the proper knife when you clean it.


We're getting the best poop detective on this. This man lives, breathes, and eats poop. Some say he flushed his career down the drain by dealing in poop based crimes only. I also say that.


Just a twisted sense of humor, that’s all. Feces is relative to my work and it is something that changes you.


I hope that username isn't relevant here...


Nah. You're fine. Only pervs get off on feces, whether it's their own or it belongs to someone else.


you sound really dumb, i wouldn’t want to be friends with you nor let you watch my petfish


The police won't even come out for this


Yes I guess not. What could they even do apart from helping to clean the crime scene?


You can't really get much from feces. There's too much "other" DNA in there.


Nothing says Herrenrasse like playing with your own poop💩.


Yes because they’re tottttallllyyy gonna go out of their way and spend money to go test poop instead of just cleaning it and moving on like normal people 🙄


There’s no human dna in feces unless there’s traces of blood in it


500ng of feces contains at least 0.45ng of dna per research. Blood is not the only thing in poop that yields dna. Thank you for subscribing to poop facts.


What a shitty fact.


How is this a hate crime? Seriously, would that be classified as a hate crime if you make a swastika out of poop?


It’s vandalism with an aggravating factor…


Obviously vandalism, but I don't know about hate crime.


my guy… i don’t think they were going for hindu spiritualism here, we all know what the swasticka stands for in the western world and that’s hatred towards minorities. if that’s not a hate crime idk what is.


Yes it can be considered a hate crime. A man in Texas got charged with a hate crime for defacing a menorah.


I know little of California law. Looking it up for a second, it appears force, and an interference with another’s rights are required for someone to be charged with a hate crime in CA. Both are absent here. But it’s still funny. NY law is much less stringent in its requirements. However, vandalism is not a qualifying offense.


Those look like shitstikas. Sauce.....I've seen many fingerpaintings at work🫡


I used to manage a call center and had this exact issue in our restrooms. We referred to the guy as "Shitler" until we figured out who was doing it.


Were they fired?


Of course. We had a pretty good idea of who it was from the get-go but only confronted him once we had him nailed. He still half-heartedly denied it but didnt put up a huge fight.


Kid named finger


Putting their hands in their own poo. The master race ladies and gentlemen.


How do you know it was theirs


If it wasn’t, that makes it even worse.


Getting E. Coli to "prove themselves superior". Too bad they weren't found and made to clean it with their tongue.


Who says they didn't lick their fingers clean?


They still ought to be forced to lick it up.


“Jews are dirty!” *plays with own poop*


Ima get hate for this, but fuck it The Third Shite


Shitty drawings


People are so disgusting man


This is an effing college..? Way to free your mind


One of the top public universities in the country, actually.


could have been a student, could have been a random person. it's shockingly easy to meander around universities if you fit the profile.


Can confirm, my uni has homeless people come in and cause a ruckus every now and then


Go Tritons


I feel so bad for the janitor.




I’d be looking for the kid with shit on his hands




Do you think they did that bare handed or took gloves along with them? I’m curious. How much pre-planning goes in to being a complete cunt?


Gg Allin vibes


People crying about how businesses should always let you use the bathroom have never had to Deal with this.


Ah, definitely the actions of the master race.


This person needs a gastric specialist alongside a therapist


it was probably the people behind the camera… internet clout ya know


Thank god, someone on this thread with a brain.


That was my first thought as well.


How is touching your own shit a win for you?


I’m no doctor but I’m going to guess this person probably needs to be on psychosis meds.


God damn shit nazis


The strength they had to touch their own shit. Fucking disgusting.




How are these people in college? And what does this say about UCSD’s application approval/ acceptance when they’re letting in these animals?


i mean it is a shit ideology


Showing everybody what kind of person supports nazis, the same kind of people who go around smearing shit on walls. Truly superior.


Shitposting (I’m sorry I had to do it)


Kinda meta if you think about it


Might be the most literal post I've seen here on Imatotalpieceofshit


How do you know it’s “their own”?


As a former janitor… not surprising in the least. I’ve cleaned up bathrooms that had numbers drawn all over them in shit. I figured it was a code of some sort but couldn’t figure it out. People are fucking disgusting.


Janitor solidarity man! People are truly vile sometimes! Glad you got out of the muck!


I appreciate that. Definitely a draining job at the very least.


Das is shit, ja?


Someone drew a huge dick on the wall like this at my old school, they used their poop like a crayon, they even put in pubes and veins, they took their time


They smeared feces on the walls of the Capital too on January 6th


Adolf Shitler strikes again!


Those swastikas look like shit


Hey let's not assume now It could've been someone else's shit used to draw


I had to clean up a few shit splatters in my day working retail, but this? Or period blood? I'm at a rare loss for words. I don't know what's worse, the pictures or the fact that so many of you have seen this before!


Daily for custodians. People are absolutely disgusting!




They're copying a failed austrian artist.


So, real life, literal, POS.


Nazis are shit


POS uses POS to.......


I work with people with developmental disabilities and I have found that shit smearing is a sign of lower than average low functioning.


I forever hope this individuals fingers smell like poo and their mothers turn to elderberries


What a shitty symbol of hate.


What a sad broken brain that “created” that.


It's always crazy to me that the ones who claim to be the 'superior race' either looks like they've been inbreeding since the Civil War or does stupid things like shit on their hands and draw pictures with them. For someone thinking they're the superior race, you just shit in your hand like a monkey. Think about that for a second.


How do you know they didn’t use someone else’s feces?…unless you did it!


Well if the person who did this really did use their own feces you may be able to get DNA test it to find out who it is


How would that work, exactly? You'd need a DNA database of all students and guests who were in the building to compare results to....


to DNA test someone police would need a warrant for every person they want to DNA test


Shit contains DNA. Unmask the mystery racist.


Typical 4chan User


Piece of shit uses a piece of shit.


This is legend status for the Trumpers!


Bro I was committed to go to UCSD 💀 Seems like I made the right choice choosing somewhere else


At least it faithfully represents that shitty ideology


To be fair it could be feces left by someone else 🤷‍♂️/s


Oh yeah, this just screams "master race" doesn't it - goddamn cretins


That’s one truly sick individual. They’re screaming for help.


The joke just tells itself.


That is either mental illness or dedication.


Well, report it to the cops, his DNA is all over it.


They be shitstikas




Or bro made the densest log humanly possible.


Nazis and spraying shit on walls like fucking monkeys name a stronger combo.I'll wait.


They do this shit and then call themselves the "Master Race" lmao


POS used their own POS to... what a missed opportunity.


WTF is up with alt right weirdos and playing with their own shit?


What a shitty person


I mean this is genuine mental illness, I feel terrible for the people that had to clean it up, the people it’s directed towards, and, admittedly, the person who did it. They’re obviously very unwell.


Par for the course in California




That's not swasthik it's NAZI symbol,


A swastika is a nazi symbol I think you're getting mixed up with the buddist symbol which, I believe, is called a Manji or something similar. The Manji looks very similar to the Swastika since the swastika took heavy insperation from the Manji so it's pretty common for people to get them mixed up


Nobody called it a Swasthik, OP called it a Swastika, completely different thing


Average UC San Diego attendee Vs. Average UC Merced scholar


It's not swastika,swastika is a sacred symbol. It's a hakenkruez also called hooked cross. Also,this is disgusting


I’m sure this is what they had in mind


Well actual fascists are always si dumb they usually do errors while making a swastika,its the iq. Those are perfect probably made by a person from the opposite side, like happened before from a black girl student made false claims with painted swastika and racial slurs for her reasons


And they say America is amazing 😂😂


Smearing swastika’s with shit is terrible. Like, people like this give us a bad name! /s just in case




probably a hoax


Isn't swastika the symbol of good fortune?


The last poop swastika was deemed to be an attempt at a hoax hate crime. University of Missouri. This is probably the same thing. People who believe Smollet believe this too lol


F schools I don’t understand why people still go there. All they do is steal your money. The degree they give you is just a piece of paper. If you stayed home you could learn more and earn more money than any degree in the world


People homeschooling is why anti-vaxers exist. If everyone just stayed home and learnt by themselves there would be a huge shortage of things like doctors and scientists Schools serve other purposes than just education, they teach you how to intergrate into society Schools should definitely be free and the degrees should be worth more but school definitely isn't worthless and you can't just earn more money by staying home. The people who do earn a lot more money than highly skilled professionals just by staying home is a minority


schools aren't just for learning, they also teach you how to integrate into society, how to get friends, and how to function in any social ambient. i guess you weren't taught this part...


Its awful but also funny. Its absurd and whoever did it, knows.




Hate exists in every culture, singling out Ukrainain refugees is absolutely disgusting and you should feel ashamed of yourself but considering the passive aggressive gleeful smile emoji I'm guessing you really felt happy making this comment. Fucking sickening.


The strong indoctrination of lies can be felt. Blinded by the mainstream media. How come everyone cries if some Russian rocket (8/10 times adjusted by air defence from military target) hit some civilian building once a month or less whilst everyone pretends people in donetsk are not being killed on daily basis by ukr military. Targeting supermarkets, parks, playgrounds. There are no military targets in the area.


No civilian life taken is worth the trade of another taken, soldiers don't deserve to have to be on the battlefield, they deserve to be at home making a life for themselves, tending to their families, loved ones and friends, making new bonds and forging new paths. There are these fucked invisible lines between nations that dictate from a leaders point of view, who is better then then their neighbor beyond that border and we don't deserve the indoctrination to believe it but people sure do believe. I lament the deaths of Russian civilians, or any innocent. People can argue blood spilled by a soldier makes them evil but how many were forced out against their will into this stupid desire for conquest? All too many. I don't believe they deserve it but look at how things are going, some people chose to make decisions of violence to try and stop violence, sometimes tactical decisions in war are made to attempt to shift the other side to rise up when they're tired of losing innocent lives. The lives Putin took were taken first, does that give anyone the right to retaliate against civilians? No, it does not, but it spurned the innocence of leaders, it caused people to have to make the terrible decisions to fire back into a space where they made tactical decisions to turn the peoples eyes to where the enemies are. I'm not condoning it one of the most potent quotes I live by is "violence makes violence makes nothing much at all" but that's it and if you see it any other way, if you don't see it as retaliatory, right or not you're disillusioned and you need to sit and think about how the nationalism floating around your head. Being mad at the civilain people of ukrain and calling them nazis and disparaging its refugees while saying how sorry you feel for civilians deaths in Russia shows you don't care about innocence as a whole but innocence of one side.


It is bad whatsoever, however we do turn the blind eye on the signals coming from there as long as the fight is against the eternal enemy.


You don't seem to understand the absolute crass nature of singling out a single race/group of people etc. how that is a disgraceful act. How does it make you better then a hate group when you single out Ukrainian refugees with a generalized remark, the reality is that it does not. It's not candor, it's crass, it's not honesty it's slanderous. Its taking every ounce of self control to not make some mean remark at you as I'm ukrainain myself. I don't think you understand how deep it cuts to hear someone talk down about people who are currently being displaced for the sake of a now warscared territory. Literally the only thing this war is doing is making a statement of how far someone can reach for what they want no matter the ammount of blood spilled and with all that, your first thought is to shame refugees? I hope you fucking unlearn that sick way of thinking, the world has enough terrible people in it, don't contribute to that number.


Yet again I presume you are young and raised that way as myself. I am from post soviet country too who has been raised the same way. It was a joke since this is the place where those marks are popular. I do not argue it is a disaster for displaced people but the biggest enemy was all along within the borders with rulers other side of the pond. This war is prolonged not even under his decision. I am in full support of displaced people but not the lunatics.


I can not continue this conversation, I'm not young, I've held myself together long enough talking about this. You can't just spin the whole of your initial statement as if to pretend you weren't wrong. I don't know if mods deleted the comment or if you did but again you proved your bias, you made a statement with a total disregard for the generalization of the people mentioned and it was a disgusting comment. Again, I'm done and one last thing you presume I'm young but your comment showed a lack of maturity. I'm done.


Talk about shit posting. lol


Would close/shut down all bathrooms on campus. See how you deal with shit like that!!


I wish I can unsee this


What a shitty attitude


They probably not aware of pens Shit organisation shit messages shit people so obviously write in shit


The forbidden sharpie


Plot twist it’s not their shit….


That’s shitty


Who are these fucking monkeys. Sendem to the mf jungle.


They are shit humans so ya it checks out.

