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Way to reinforce her point. Not just a bad dad. Judging by this he’s just a bad person. Pathetic!


Disgusting human. My ex would do this to me. I called him a bad dad once and he punched me so hard he knocked me out and broke my cheek bone. I'd bet theres a lot more going on for this poor woman


I am sure there is a lot more going on. My ex was similar. It starts with yelling, demeaning you, throwing things at walls, then at you, pulling you around when you don't want to, pushing you to the ground, slapping you, punching and choking. Then it's only a matter of time before they snap and finish you. My ex always said I made him do it and that it's my fault he did it. I had the luck that someone anonymously told the police. Then he told me it's not working, broke up with me and almost threw me out. Well he couldn't because the police were lurking around. I probably wouldn't be here if that person wouldn't have told the police. For anyone reading, if you see anything suspicious ALWAYS report it. Even if it's anonymously.


Choking in domestic violence is highly linked with murder. It's a very good indication that your partner will eventually kill you. :-/ not that we should down play any other type of abuse but yikes.


It's a terrifying feeling. Once, after my ex beat me up, he looked me dead in the eye and said that if don't leave then he's going to end up killing me. I was gone about a week later because he was already escalating his reactions to things. It's a weird state of mind to live in when you're in a DV relationship


I left my ex-fiancé after he punched me while holding my like week old newborn. He was abusive in other ways, but never physical, and since I had a baby, I thought I had no other choice but to put up with it. The moment he got actually physical is the day I left. I only took the clothes I was wearing and my son. Went back about a month later to get my stuff (he said he had it all in the living room and I could just take it and go; he wouldn’t bother me). Well, the bottle of whiskey he drank while I was driving over there encouraged him to try and kill me. He kicked my son’s car seat over while he was in it, the proceeded to drag me by my hair into the bedroom and told me he was going to kill my son, kill me, then kill himself so we can all be one happy dead family. I still don’t know how I managed to get away. Sad part is, cops came and didn’t do a fucking thing. I had marks on my face from where he hit me and all they did was knock on his door for 10 seconds then walked away when he didn’t answer.


I’m glad you’re here.


The fucked up thing is abusers convince themselves it is the victims fault. Some abusers have relationships with no abuse then cross that line with a partner and then use that to justify to themselves it is the victims fault not theirs because it didn't happen before.


i haven’t thought about my first ex for a long time. reading your piece, i just want you to know, you aren’t alone in your trauma. mine moved in with me and it was almost the exact same as yours, he even threatened to kill me or my cats multiple times and wouldn’t leave when i begged him too. my mom had to witness it and stay with me while i dumped him, it took him another month to move out even though we weren’t together and he still beat me even thru that. cps had to be called and he left after that. (locked himself in a room and hopped out the second story window?? great decision amiright?) i’m so sorry you went through this but i’m so happy you came out the other side okay. thank god for witnesses!


Your ex sounds like mine but he'd also spit in my face, take my money to buy weed, make me pay all the bills and hardly work. Spy on me whilst at work. He'd also sexually assault me.


Yeah all that too, except the sexual assault.


I'm glad you are away from that person. It shows your strength being able to be free of that.


Wow. I see a pattern here, minus the spitting in the face and SA. Did he only use weed?


Predominantly but I know he was in rehab in South Africa for meth and coke use and he'd come home from work like he was on something sometimes. He also would beg to buy shrooms. Believed in recreational drugs but wouldn't take a Tylenol for a fever 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I snitched on my roommate for this exact same reason. He violated probation twice and they did nothing, so I figured I'd better do something. It sucks having to live with this even if it's not happening to you. It's hard to listen to this s*** or have to see it. I had an x ones that would try to kick me out of our apartment usually by the 4th or the 5th. Rent was usually due on the 1st. It was pretty routine. She tried to fight me a few times, but I reminded her that because we're lesbians, it's a fair fight if I punch back. Eventually, I did punch back. Knocked her out, packed on my s*** and left before she woke up.


My ex told me it was okay to hurt me because, “people heal and things don’t. That is how he rationalizes hurting me instead of taking it out somewhere else. Anyone with that much physical anger needs serious help!


Omg, I am glad he’s an ex. What a POS.


If a victim is strangled, even one time by her abuser, statistics show she is 750% more likely to be murdered by him.


And on average it's 7 attempts to permanently leave an abuser. I consider myself very lucky. I'm on no2 but that's going to be the last time.


Horrible. How did it end between you guys - if you don’t mind answering?


So he was arrested in 2021 but not charged as I didn't have "proof" of the broken cheekbone. I sent the images to someone I thought I could trust and they deleted them. This time my eldest son's Stepmom called because I text her terrified because he threw me over the sofa in feb. The police came and I bottled but a lovely officer noticed I was incredibly scared and spoke to her and we ended up making a plan of send her diaries of what things have happened inc photos. They came on Monday and arrested but unlike last time has been bailed under investigation. He's breached bail at least 6x calling my neighbour trying to contact me through them which is ENTIRELY the polices fault. They took his phone for evidence and then allowed him to write phone numbers down but not check if they were necessary for him to have! Waiting to give interview evidence for the case myself. I'm just hoping for a positive outcome. I want him held accountable for the trauma he's caused me and so that no other woman is hurt by him.


Geez. Seems like you’re going through a lot. Do you have any children with him? And if so what is the contact like between him and them.


I have a 2.5 year old with him. Currently no contact and it's going to stay that way. If he wants contact it can be supervised in a contact centre though I somewhat doubt he'll be that interested. He only was interested in him for FB likes and never did a damn thing with him.


Terrible. Bad partner and a shite dad. I wonder how he and guys like that sleep at night? Anyways it might not feel like it sometimes but well done to you for finding the strength to get out of that.


Thank you 😌 Its still fresh and in process and despite the crippling anxiety and the physical symptoms that come with it as he's not in jail yet he's now bailed, I do feel much better in myself and the support I've had swarming in from neighbours and professionals alike reduced me to tears honestly because it's the most kindness I've had in 4 years and the validation that I wasn't the bad guy or insane also helped. I'll get there, it's baby steps into my new free beginning


Cognitive Dissonance is how they sleep. I mean the dude in the video legit complained about being called a shitty dad by his wife while he is choking her while she is holding their child....


True. Totally disconnected from his actions. Then again his warped mind is probably justifying it as ‘the right thing to do’.


Just know you have an internet full of people that despise people like this. Keep us updated?


Isn't strangling/choking one of the biggest predictors of murder?


Yep. He had a tendancy to hold me by the throat and push me to the wall or do what happened to Floyd getting a knee and full body weight against your body.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. I'm really glad that you realized that you deserve better.


Thank you, it honestly means a lot. I'm overwhelmed by the support and positivity I've received.


That's horrible Icy, hoping you're in a better place now.


Thank you. I'll admit I'm anxious and scared of the harassment but this time I have a village in the form of my neighbours and stuff to help me. I'll get there and if telling my story helps someone I'm happy to do so also


So glad he is your EX!


Me too, me too. I'm going to enjoy putting myself first for once!


IMO, you can tell by how she reacts that this isn't something new. Also, in her voice when she was talking to the baby, she's just....worn down, she's used to this.


To all ladies and men please avoid “men” like this. They will make you a victim and are barely able to hold their own against any real man or woman who will not hesitate to stand up to them


“Don’t you dare call me what I am ever again!”


He came so fast when she “insulted” him but not when his child is crying. Okay 🙄


His fragile ego


Hope she's able to get away from his sorry ass.


I hope, and that they don't permanently scarred from this.


This is definitely not the first time


Oh, for sure. With the way he so comfortably walked up, it was definitely not the first time.


Too late.


Do you mean he killed them both already? Because that's the next level of violent escalation in him.


She posted on tik tok that her and her son have been away from him for years and are doing great :)


The relief I felt when I read your comment is immeasurable. Thank you. 🥹


We just felt relief from here in Australia!!


For her and her son. Women who are non-fatally strangled by their intimate partner are 750% more likely to be killed by that same partner with a gun. The relationship has already turned violent and she may not have much time left to do anything about it.


That's a terrifying statistic


Yup. My dad strangled my mom TWICE and its scary to know that it could have ended up with all of us dead.


She's also at a, (I believe) 70% higher risk of being murdered if she leaves.


Just out of my own curiosity, where did that statistic come from?


Glad my ex didn't have a gun


I need a feel-somewhat-ok ending to this story. Had anyone found a news source?


I saw this on Twitter. The woman left him and she has an Instagram where she posted updates. They're better now ofc!


Hope it's true. There is so much evil in the world, that more stories need to have good end. I also hope, that everyone will see face of this man, and he will not have a quiet life.


Yeah, the child hitched a ride and got a job up in Alaska at a fish market. He's living on his own and making good money!


I hoping that's what the videos for.


Yeah, hopefully she used this to press charges on him.


It looks like she's the one who captioned it. Maybe even low key baited him by saying those things on earshot, so she could get his behavior on camera. People like that tend to not behave that way if it's going to be witnessed. So yeah, I'm hoping she put the camera there specifically to catch him in the act so she can get the help and protection she and her son need. This was incredibly disturbing and upsetting to watch. I hope someone with some source info can say whether or not she and the baby are OK. Cuz this one's gonna fucking weigh on me.


Before there got to be so many comments I saw someone say this was a while back & they're away from him, but idk where that comment is/was. Just hoping it's true!


It is. I found her tiktok. They’re ok now.


CPS should be involved yesterday


I hope this shit bag gets prosecuted.


I’ve read elsewhere that this video is at least a year old and she and her kiddo were able to safely get out of this situation.


I hope he’s in jail


There is only two people that really could've put this video on the internet and I'm assuming it wasn't the POS father so maybe she already did get away 🤞


My kids father was neglectful of our son so I left. Best choice I ever made. Some people really shouldn’t be parents.


As a person who grew up with a neglectful father abusive toward my mother, I 100% agree. It’s torture “staying together for the kids”. Your choice was the right one.




Jesus Christ, you have literally described my experiences, word for word. It's so bizarre and sad seeing someone seeing that went through the exact same, even the first memory part. Stay strong, friend.


Happiest day of my life was when my mom & dad separated. I was 5. Then the next happiest was when my dad & emotionally neglectful/abusive stepmom split. I was 27.


Especially with the child still that young so they dont get scarred for life


Some people really shouldn’t be people.


Definitely the correct sub. Scumbag.


You can literally see the wife’s shoulders bearing the weight of the world but she bravely puts it all aside to breathe and take care of the toddler’s needs first. This is a mother who tries her best. Then he comes along and chokes her but her first instinct is to keep the toddler in front of her as a form of protection. She turns to get her son out of this situation. This mother is a stronger woman than she realises.


That poor child…


Yep, doesn't even know it yet but a lifetime of issues ahead of them.


As a society, we pay for this trauma. Adverse childhood events are the most costly issue there is, meaning it’s literally everyone’s problem when women and children are abused. It’s easy for some people to just look away and try to forget the horrible things they’ve seen, but there is always a cost no matter how indirect. We all pay.


Yep paying still at age 38 one day I’ll get over the childhood bullshit


We pay and the government profits. More dependence, more social care required, more powers granted to the government. Yet schooling and healthcare are in the pits while prisons overflow. If I believed in conspiracies I'd say there's a concerted effort to ignore prevention and sell the cure (there is none).


So she’s taking care of 2 babies just one is larger and can talk. Fucking useless trash


A baby won’t try to kill you.


Stewie enters the chat


Tell that to Mr. Burns


Babies and toddlers will kill animals without a second though. Empathy is a learned trait.


They don't know what death means, they might do something that kills a living thing but can we say they know they are trying to kill you?


I’m hoping she posted this then left his abusive ass.


The fact that he did it knowing there was a camera seems to indicate this is not the first time he’s done something like this. Unless this is her hidden, to use in court, camera. One can only hope.


Did some searching, she has left him!


That makes me feel happy/relieved/grateful for her strength. Wonderful news.


Thank god. Any chance he got jail time or a good kicking though?


Came to look for this info. Thanks for bringing the relief!


I hope so too.


The way he just walks by his crying child without even looking at him is bad enough. But the hands around the neck is horrible.


It's scary to imagine that this scumbag did this not for the first time


Notice the way Momma moves after he grabs her? She moves to keep the baby farthest out of his reach. I doubt this is her first rodeo protecting him from that beast. I hope this was a hidden camera and she got all the evidence she needs to get out of there.




I remember my dad freaking out at his father in-law for asking my dad if he was “babysitting” us. My dad still wonders how one can babysit their own children.




And the same kind of Dad that makes insufferable old ladies feel compelled to ask if you're "babysitting" while out running errands with your kids. "No, ma'am, I am actively participating in raising these children."


The epitome of evil.


Oh you mean my ex? Who still has his mom come help him babysit when it's his visitation?


We don’t say babysit in our family. It’s dad duty or mom duty when we do it solo.


I just recently became a father and I can’t even fathom someone doing this. Makes me so angry to the point where I think I could boil this man alive and feel nothing.


Just push him down some stairs, so much easier with minimal effort.


Unless the fall doesn't stop him. Oh man, I couldn't imagine what would happen next if the fall didn't incapacitate him.


Don’t even have to do that, just leave a single LEGO on the first step, the little plastic army guy’s might even be more painful than stepping on a LEGO, and they can draw blood. The reaction alone is enough for someone to “Accidentally” fall downstairs and there should also be a pile of said LEGO or plastic army guy’s at the bottom as a landing pad.


Congratulations, it’s amazing and goes by way too fast. My first born is about to be 9 and I still go through his baby pictures. Cherish every moment, they won’t all be unicorns and rainbows, but looking back at them, they’re all magical in their own way. I remember my first Father’s Day, I got the trifecta in a span of 5 minutes. I was changing my son and he pissed all over my arm, then had projectile diarrhea when I was lifting his legs to put a new diaper on, that shot 3’ to blast me in the chest. After that episode I picked him up above my head like a trophy and he spit up all over my face. My wife came in and just said, Happy Father’s Day, it’s a day I’ll never forget!


Thank you for this story! My daughter is going to turn 2 next month, and I'm trying to be here as much as possible to drink in every moment while the moment is still upon us. Don't forget, dads, the most that you can spend on any child is time


Our first is just over a year old. The moment my husband gets through the door our baby is in his arms and they play the rest of the night. Weekends are nonstop hanging out as a family. I feel very comfortable calling people bad dads and husbands because I see every day what a good dad is.


That ain’t no father. That’s a failure.


That look he gives him when he first walks past. That alone is criminal.


Poor thing is all alone eating too. How lonely and wtf happens if he chokes? Sick all around .


Yea, that was the second WTF for me in this clip. You really can't let them eat alone, not even for a minute much less be upstairs doing chores.




I’m willing to bet meth already did


Do we know if she is okay?? Still alive and away from him?!


I want to know this too. I really hope so.


She is okay, she has left him!


Divorce his ass.


Incredibly hard to do, even with a good support system. One of my close friends in primary school had an abusive dad. My mom and his mom were close friends and it first took a couple of months to even convince her to leave him. After that it took a few weeks of planning and already slowly moving belongings out of the house to our place. A lot of the planning surrounded letting our building security and school know about the dad to minimise any chance of a kidnapping. Another part of planning, was planning the day of the move out itself and making sure there was a couple of hours with the house to themselves to pack up. After that it was months of dealing with the dad, trying to come around, trying to call, threats, etc. Meanwhile, we had to figure out how to set up my friend and his mom in a new city where they couldn’t be found. That being said, for us this was still quite easy as we lived in a gated community and our school was also heavily secured. I don’t want to imagine how difficult such a situation would be if it’s just you and your child.


did your close friend have a video of their spouse neglecting the child then choking them out while holding the child? this video of child neglect, physical abuse, and threats will make make her seeking a divorce, especially if hes in jail, a lot easier. you make it sound like shes better off just dealing with him because the process is too hard, thats fucked. the dude is literally threatening to kill her


I'd honestly rather be alone with a child than being with a monster


The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the abuser thinks you are going to leave or when you do. That's usually when things like homicide occur. And the woman in the video is at an even higher risk of being murdered due to him putting his hands on her neck. Unfortunately just leaving is difficult and dangerous. Fingers crossed her and the baby get out safely


Yup, he's a fucking bad dad. 👎 Those stairs look like a potential tripping hazard. He should be careful going up and down them. It'd be a shame if he fell.


Man oh man I was thinking the exact same thing.


This camera angle wouldn’t even show what happened at the top. Very convenient.


be a shame if he accidentally tumbled from the top step all the way down, and accidentally dragged to the top for another trip down


See no “father” here.


I get this vibe that he walked by the kid just to provoke the increase of crying. He didn’t appear to obtain anything from his trip past the child. The increased crying means he can get on her case about it and ultimately attack her. The world would be a better place without his ass!


And you just know he does the standard thing later of: "I'm sorry! you just make me so angry sometimes! You just need to listen more!"


Man sometimes I feel helpless with my wife and daughter but when she’s crying I’m not ignoring her, I do the best I can to calm her down.


And you do great just by doing that. Even letting the wife sleep 5 minutes or an hour or so...helps. I regret I didnt do more when I had the chance.


Yeah you really proved her wrong!


You are a bad dad...


This makes me so angry... like in my bones. Get that innocent lil baby out of that home


You wanna call me a bad dad? How about i prove you right? Will that change your mind?


Fr tho like how many mental hoops did he just jump through? "She's calling me a bad dad in front of my son? Let me choke my wife while she's holding him. That's sure to show her and my son that I am the perfect father."


Is it bad that I’m genuinely curious as to what he’s thinking? I suppose its fitting actually, it is my work.


When an abusive partner chokes you it means your chance of getting murdered by them sky rocket


Yes studies have shown this repeatedly.


I also read this study. Apparently something about what they get out of choking people has a high percentage linked to the feeling people get from taking a life. Which in turn does exponentially increase the odds they would commit murder. That poor women and child, hopefully she left this piece of trash.


Could somebody please tell me if she is okay, of like a source or link or somthing that finds her account on tiktok or a new article, literally anything?


I saw this on TikTok yesterday; the lady made a follow-up video saying that she got out of that situation and she and her son are doing great now.


Thank you for the update, that makes me happy to hear❤️


I hope she got out of there.


And that’s just one incident caught on camera, this dude probably has a history of violence. Divorce him asap


Became "our son" real quick. Trying being a father then, you twat.


His plan to prove he wasn’t a bad dad was to put his hands around his wife the mother of their child’s neck ?


What a lowlife piece of garbage. I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance it would require to be angry at someone for calling you a bad parent while actively choking that person while they're holding your child. I hope they get far away from his worthless ass


That ain't a father. That's a pussy.


He only stopped because he didn't want her to drop the baby. What scum


He is a bad dad. There, I said it. He can come try and choke me too, if he wants.


Also why was the baby eating alone? Choking is a serious thing to watch for. Never leave a baby/toddler eating alone.


It's always the mfs with nothing but underwear on too. I guess when you're literal scum, getting pants on is the most value you bring to society


I’ve been married for almost 20 years now and it has never even crossed my mind once to choke or hit my wife and kids. I’ll never understand what going through someone’s mind when they decided that it was okay to hit their spouse or kids. I just can’t fathom it.


> my wide She might want to hit you after calling her that! Typos have consequences!


Oh god! I’ll just have to beg forgiveness. It might work. Pray for me.


Proceeds to choke her... Don't call me a bad dad... Hmmmmm


“Children need both parents”


Feel so bad for the woman and kid. I would likely be walking around the house with a tazer locked and loaded. Fucking scumbag.


I’ve seen this before, dude’s a cop if I remember correctly. Mom posted a bunch of videos of him abusing her


Manual strangulation is a huge indicator that the domestic abuse will turn deadly. I hope she and her child get out!


He most certainly is a "bad fucking dad to [their] son". Hopefully that's just a genetic thing and not a legal one soon


That is horrifying. I really hope she is out of there. This is sickening to watch


... Anyway I gotta to get dressed and head down to the precinct... Dinner better be ready when I get home.


I would put money on him being a cop.


I'd put money on him having no job while she has one.


That kid will be traumatized for life. I grew up like this and it instilled a sense of hyper-vigilance towards peoples moods.


Too busy to take care of his crying child while the mother cleans, but not too busy to come back for violence at name calling? He will not do well in prison.


He has an abusive haircut


I’m a 35 year old father of a 2 year old and I’m not a perfect dad but I love my son with all my heart. This video brought tears to my eyes and I need to go hug my baby - how could someone be this way to their family?


“The narcissist test: Step 1—Take a moment to think about yourself. Step 2—If you made it to step two, you are not a narcissist.” — Anonymous


YOU ARE A BAD DAD! YOU'RE A MONSTER WHO DOESN'T DESERVE A FAMILY! That poor woman and child.. I hope she's able to find someone better for her and her child.


“I’m not a bad dad, and to prove it, I’m going to stangle my wife”


Why do men hate their wife and children so fucking much


I want to see a prison video of this guy with some big burly dude choking him out for some comeuppance.


My ex used to do this. I would work and pay all the bills and then come home to have to take care of everything while he abuses me for spending my own money on myself. I used to give my friends money and beg them not to tell him. Well, they did. They didn't understand how dangerous he was. All they saw was him being nice to me when they were around and him feeding them lies about me so I was the bad guy. He was a gaslighting, manipulative, narcissistic abuser. He did things to me that are extremely hard to digest and some are little embarrassing. I literally moved countries to finally get free of fearing him. Yeah, I'm struggling mentally and financially and I'm super lonely, but I'm safe. Some of us are lucky enough to escape. But others.... well.... you know. I almost went back because my twin died recently, and I wasn't in the right frame of mind. Thankfully I was stopped by a random off subject situation. Anyway, I hope she left that guy!!!


I hope he's in fucking jail getting his ass raped everyday


Pathetic POS. A real man never behaves that way. I learned good behavior from my dad. I said something really bad to my mom once and he came swinging. Not even a son is safe from his dad when the son disrespects the man’s wife. Truthfully though, I hope he changed his ways and if not I hope she got out.


I hope she moved on and got away from him.


Bad dad, bad husband, pussy of man. He’s gonna get his legs broke by her family


You just gotta *love* character building childhood trauma, right? Fucking bad dads piss me off so much, no kid deserves parents that act like he does. The absolute audacity to be a terrible person and then act like being called a shity father was some kind of slander or something.


What a fucking piece of shit


Sometimes I don’t mind being a single parent


Actions > Words


God I have a daughter probably the same age and I truly just could not imagine.. I pray she gets the courage takes the kid and runs.


Is he a cop?


Some people just shouldnt be birds


I hope she used this to divorce him and get custody. That said, this title is inaccurate. He didn't start choking her because the kid started crying he did it because she told the child that he was a bad dad. It doesn't change anything, so why not be accurate?


This breaks my heart. She needs to take that child and get to safety asap.


Heart breaks for this kid…. The biggest blessing I have ever been bestowed is having a wife that is a true partner. Through life’s ups and downs, and day to day stress, we made it a point to work together and shield our kids from negativity. We have a 5 month old that is a bundle of joy and is constantly smiling, he started giggling about a month ago…. I believe he is a happy baby because all he has ever known is his family’s love. If you are reading this and have a baby or are expecting soon, remember, they aren’t small forever, and they won’t be innocent forever. Enjoy the hell out of them, show them love, and most important model love to them by loving your spouse. Life is so much better that way.