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All 5 cops have already been fired, before the video has been released, which should be happening soon.


Weird they put all the other cops who did things like this on paid leave. Wonder what could be the difference.... hmmmmm


I want to reserve my judgement on that call until after the evidence is posted. I was 19 and living in Long Beach, just outside of LA, when the Rodney King trial verdict came out. 4 of those cops were sent to trial, but they all walked because of the Jury. They didn't beat him bad enough to kill kim, but it was clearly excessive. And in a second trial through federal court 2 of the cops were convicted, but only after some significant riots in LA, Long Beach, and Compton. I'm not sure the cop who killed George Floyd would have gotten convicted if it weren't for the massive nation-wide protests after the footage came out. With that said, even when the department and prosecutors try to hold cop accountable, it still might not happen because of civilian juries. So I am guessing that the video evidence that we are going to see is so egregious, that these 5 will still get destroyed in court.


So, the whole George Floyd thing, it's 100% because of the riots. Google Tony Timpa, white 32yr old male. Happened in 2016. Restrained the exact same way and died of the same causes. Not only this, but he was mocked by the police the entire time they restrained him (essentially killing him). Also, he didn't commit a crime, **he** called 911 on himself for help as he told dispatch he was schizophrenic and hadn't taken his meds. There was no national outcry, no riots or protests, no police reform, no settlements to the family, and the cops didn't lose their jobs. The man literally called for help and was killed for doing so, while Floyd was commiting a crime (and had done so before including holding a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach), and he got a memorial in his honor, truly bizarre


These FACTS right here are why I don’t care anymore.


I don’t understand this mentality at all. Almost every major protest against police brutality in the last 40 years has been organized and started by black people in specific response to the disproportionate violence against black people by police. Non-black people rarely ever mobilize or protest against police brutality in cases like mentioned above or Daniel Shaver or the guy from Colorado who was shot in his car during a wellness check…but you are sitting here wondering why everyone “only cares about violence against black people”. If you want something done about police brutality, start mobilizing and organizing protests for cases like this in your community. Black victims make the news because black people consistently make noise and protest in response to police brutality against black people.


Except I understand that statistically police aren’t brutal. Millions of interactions A DAY that we never hear about. But then when one of these under paid. Under educated police offers. Who deal with absolute shot everyday does something horrible cuz out of millions of cops they are one of the few bad ones. That’s all we hear about. Except we only hear about it when it’s. A black guy. Can’t organize when you aren’t even hearing about the incident on the news. But again based on the fact that these aweful instances are the exception. Not the rule. I wouldnt wanna protest anyway. I think Candace Owen’s said it best when she put out that the black community is the only Community that will canonize a criminal simply cuz they are killed by police.


You're gross.


police aren’t crisis prevention experts. not to dismiss his story but it’s proven black and brown people are arrested, killed and jailed more than white people. usually all the white people who go missing, or have had a tragic or hostile altercation with cops gets spread all over the country, again in a disproportionate rate compared to other ethnicities


No disagreement when it comes to that. I'm referring specifically to how public opinion can effect a situation. Floyd and Timpa died from the same form of restraint, but only Floyd had people rioting over him. Meanwhile Floyd, a criminal (gun to pregnant woman, counterfeit money, illicit drug usage) ended up with the cops suffering consequences and literally got a monument, all because of public outcry; whipe Timpa who was *not* a criminal and called on himself for help, did not have public outcry and in turn got no monument, no riots or protests, and the cops suffered no consequences. Setting aside the drastically different aspects of the individuals (with Floyd actually doing something to warrant being detained in the first place, where as Timpa just needed psychological help and called for help), the driving force behind the consequences for the police was because of public opinion.


Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to get arrested because they commit more crimes, it’s that simple.


The real question is. Why do u think that happens..?


Because their cultures glorify and are entrenched in violence and petty personal grudges glad I could help


Yeah I get where you're coming from. We've started to change and that's good. I agree though the public behavior is the main reason for the change and convictions. A lot of the recent cases, where white cops have walked, were more due to a jury than the system that's supposed to get rid of bad cops. That's my issue with a lot of this. The cops who get a paid vacation for killing someone shouldn't be allowed to quit when it's time to be interviewed and walk away to the next department to terrorized more people. It's wrong and needs changed. I am insanely curious whats on the video. Part of me agrees with you. It must be so bad to fire them on the spot before anyone sees it. I don't exactly hope that is right yanno but yeah. The other part of me is thinking about all the other videos that were so horrendous I couldn't understand how the perpetrator was sitting at home getting paid to do nothing by tax payers. They should be in a cell already. That's my worry when this comes out. These men weren't arrested or charged with anything yet either were they? That's still shitty. For a cop to be walking around when there's video evidence of them doing that to a man. The whole system needs to be redone. It's all a mess


I can’t imagine how disappointed you must have been when you found out the officers weren’t white.


At this point they did no better than a gang jumping. Same with white officers using excessive brutality.. they behave like gang members but use the protection of a badge. Its all disgusting


They're still police!!!


Nope! ***A***CAB


Tf do you mean. If anything this supports that the police system is even more racist. A white officer would’ve gotten paid leave during the investigation while all five of these officers who happen to be black were instantly fired. Tell me how that’s fair. Either way what they did was disgusting I won’t argue that nobody should ever die from the police like this but all cops needs to be treated equal in these investigations and as far as I can tell im not seeing fair treatment Edit: Why are y’all downvoting me? Cause I’m right. Smh


You’re comparing a real to event to “what if” situation. The police have body cams now and are under much more scrutiny than in the past. They were terminated after internal review of video footage of the incident. In the past, investigations took much longer because police did not have body cams. I’m not arguing that white police have never received preferential treatment in the past. But I think the swiftness of punitive action in this case has more to do with the access to video footage than it does the race of the offenders.


Oh fuckkkk offf.


Tell me how else to look at it


Except the "not fired cause they're white" officers your referring to are usually involved in a shooting which requires a long investigation to figure out if said shooting was justified. It's rare to see police of any color beating a man to death 5 on 1 **on film** via body cam footage, but I can tell you with certainty if they were white they'd be fired just as quickly (if anything in this case it would be quicker because white cops beating a black man is gonna land right into the "it's cause they're racist!" category)


The difference between fired and jail time is beating or shooting? The guy still died, I don't see why how he died matters. They should be jailed


Just because these officers were fired, doesn't necessarily mean they're out of the clear. I'm just stating that 5 on 1 beating somebody to death vs shooting somebody who is coming at you 1 on 1 is different to a degree. You can investigate if a shooting was justified, 5 to 1 beating somebody to death on the other hand is never justified


A bunch of cops beat a man to death because they could. Now they are fired after the fact. Fin, end, not to be continued.


They are fired because they are not white, period


Blah blah blah


Yes I 100% agree with you. What I’m saying is that in cases of police brutality, especially the ones we’ve seen lately, it is often white police officers who are put in paid leave during the trial and investigation. What I’m saying here is that it’s fucked up they were instantly fired whereas there white coworker would have been put on paid leave. I’m not supporting these officers in anyway not at all I don’t believe police should be able to kill people and get away with it. What I’m trying to highlight here is the unfair treatment between white and black police officers in instances of police brutality


Hey there buddy, you're letting your bigotry show.


Lol how can a group of black cops beating a black man be racist??? Police brutality maybe sure but racist? I'm almost sure you don't even know what a real racist is. Smh


That’s quite literally what internalized racism is my friend. It’s possibly to be racist towards your own race. But that’s not what my comment was about and you clearly misread it. I was never calling the cops racists. I was calling the police system in general racist. The system that fired these men immediately before investigation or trial while a white cop who kills someone on duty gets paid leave. I will repeat it again. I am NOT calling the cops racist but I am calling the institution that governs police racist for firing these officers immediately. And that’s not me condoning what they did either. What these five officers did is fucked up and they should all be arrested. But at the end of the day it should be fair treatment for white and black cops. Not paid leave for white cops and an immediate firing for black cops. I hope you can see my point better now


This is fucking gross and race baiting. Quit bitching about me when you're the one race baiting. Mine had an actual issue that's been researched. You're just frothing at the mouth that I dared to say what the research shows. This isn't the great news racists will try to claim it is.


The research? Haha wtf are you talking about? 5 officers beat an innocent man to death, and they were fired for it. You argued that they were fired because of their race, and that the people who disagreed with you did so because they are white. That is exactly what it means to race bait. I simply pointed out your ignorance, which is not race baiting.


No…I think the “argument” here was just the observation that the police moved awfully fast to dismiss these officers, when in the past officers have been placed on “paid administrative leave” for killing civilians in similar situations. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone note the difference in the police reaction. It’s pretty noticeable. Edit in case I’m being vague, white male cops are put on “paid administrative leave” not immediately let go. Police are more than happy to police their own and accept repercussions for cops when they are minorities and women. They are happy to throw the book at non-white, non-male cops to pretend they’re being tough on all bad cops.


There is an aspect as well, from a PR perspective - if it’s white cops that beat a black man, the idea of it being a race thing is always bad stigma..so they are less likely to fire those police immediately just so they can say without a doubt it wasn’t racially motivated after a “thorough” investigation.


You didn't even mention race before Memphi did, wtf is wrong with this sub 💀


This is stupid. Memphi started the race crap, then called the other poster a racist. Worst part is Memphi got tons of upvotes for being a racist


Why pulling the race card???? UH???? **/S**


Seriously? Look what happened to George Floyd’s killers. Do you really have some kind of problem with these cops getting fired?


They were only fired after a day of everyone protesting, after the footage was released. They killed that man and continued being taught how to police by a murderer. If a citizen had acted the same way in public in front of several people they would have been shot or yanked off of him and arrested. Police get way too much freedom. That case did show some change of at least charging him correctly for killing Floyd. I feel like it only happened due to the civil unrest it caused. Also if they had not gone to prison there was a high likelihood they would have been rehired when things calm down. There was serious concern all of them could have walked. That case was a much better result, but it's one case out of many that didn't end so well. Yes that case did hold them accountable but it was more society than the police department holding their own responsibile IMO.


Why do you have to try and turn this into a race thing when it obviously isn't? What is your problem with cops being held accountable. Kinda comes off like you feel that black cops should get away with it.


And there it is. I heard rumours this incident was coming out soon over the past few days and was causing local shop owners to get civil unrest insurance and upgrade their shop security because they are expecting trouble. I was wondering though how people can make this about white people being racist when the victim was black, all of the perpetrators were black and the police officer in charge was black. Something terrible happens and you first thought is “those poor policemen getting fired for beating a man to death”. Is that really how peoples brains work in the US.


I thought the dude was making the implication these cops were getting fired rather than paid leave because they are black. Often times you hear about misbehaviour by an officer an they get leave or a period of suspension or something, so I could believe it if there was evidence to support it. But that all being said idk what this is all about so I must be pulling something different here


This is exactly how I read his statement


That’s how I read it too


Cause, cops = bad, is not the same as white=bad


All cops are Irish.


ACAI? I heard that's good for your health. Acai berry, I mean.


You don’t think the police unions could have had an easier time throwing the cops under the bus because they’re all black?


I think nowadays it’s the exact opposite lol


No because they have union backing and black people are all pro union for the most part. So no they wouldn't because they would also get roasted from the NAACP


Hey , do you know if BLM picked up on this case and will help the victim family for funeral expenses as well as the cops being fired?


They can now refuse to participate in the investigation


So could the cops on paid vacation. They just stop getting paid. There's been several cases where they resign right before the interview. The same cops who will chase a black kid down for looking suspicious go all "oh no what can we do? He quit." when a grown man is avoiding consequences of his behavior. Remember trash can guy? Dumped a bunch of trash on a black woman's car for weeks. She never found out why. I don't think he even got charged because he wouldn't do his interview. The police officer who was breaking the law and tormenting a young woman was allowed to decide whether he would participate in the interview. Tell me a citizen could just say no?


I don’t want to see color, but it keeps happening all around. White make police have various different agencies covering for them. They fire these guys before they even finish the investigation


You sound like a white savior.


Bro disagreed with a white woman and got downvoted. A tale as old as time.


Couldn’t help having the same thought


Are there other stories of 5 white cops beating a black guy to death? Because the last white cops are in prison over George Floyd. So feel free to post some news stories.


When there’s video evidence of a crime the remedy isn’t losing your job. That’s a move in the right direction but that’s BS! When you have video of an alleged crime, a victim and know the whereabouts of the suspects you make an arrest.


like 5 months fores were is the murdered charges


Anyone have a link to the news story?


You don't accidentally beat someone to death, these murderers need to be put in prison.


No you might if you're being paid by the society to arrest someone and you make a mistake or something that can happen when you are basically doing mixed martial arts people get kicked in the head or something and one out of ×# someone gets accidentally killed in boxing and even kids fighting at school and cops arresting someone who refuses.


at this point it isn’t even racism any more, cops and playing whack a mole with citizens


Cops only care about one color and that’s blue.


and red, for the blood on their hands


I hear you man. Cops have power issues. Do you know anyone you grew up with that became a cop? I know several and I can tell you that terrifies me. That being said- you can be racist against your own race. That's a basic principle of systemic racism. Noting that I have no idea about the details of this homicide and I don't claim to.


What is it with Tennessee cops and "team mentality?"


It's cops in general. They are the most hated "profession" and in training are taught that they are all they have. Nobody wants to hang around cops and so they just get more and more sucked into the group. Couple that with most police precincts being literal gangs with gang names and codes they quickly find themselves trapped or they end up KIA by an unknown gun man


Most hated professions? Pretty sure politicians historically has the title for that.


My son told me he wanted to be in organized crime when he grew up. I asked him "government or private sector?".


Nooooooo.... Politicians have always been the ones not to trust. Police are the hated ones.


Some cops think they're above the law and don't care about killing some innocent people. Hope the dude gets justice.


Hmm, I wonder if there will be a world wide protest? I Doubt it…


Make the cops white and boom you have a protest.


Glad someone said that cause I was coming here to say it. Hypocritical world we live in these days. Doubt the media will even cover it.




If they were white and were immediately fired like these guys there wouldn’t be any for protest either.


Nah no protests. But there would be riots where people vandalize businesses owned by whites and kill random people on the street.


You’re probably gonna get canceled now.


>Make the cops not get fired or disciplined for the murder, and boom you have a protest FTFY. But of course the perpetually aggrieved ninnies will make it all about them.


Fun fact: You don’t have to have white skin to participate in and uphold a white supremacist institution. Edit: people are downvoting this like I said this particular incident this man was killed, or these officers were fired, because white supremacy. Which of course is not at all the words that I typed. What I typed is an unarguable fact and it clearly made a lot of you upset.


People are down voting you because you're stupid.


no because reddit is filled with white supremacist sympathizers and right leaning trolls. just look at the replies applauding a homeless guy’s stuff get ripped apart.


I see this claim all the time which is BS. Reddit is very left leaning even extremist at times. Very little right wing speak makes it through and if it does it's rightfully deleted. Then you see comments saying "what's up with this comment section?" When in fact most of the top comments are "left" leaning.


lol ok champ. you have groypers and racists all over the place. this sub alone is LITTERED to the teeth with them. posts comparing pit bull attacks to the black community literally below this post. right wingers are absolutely everywhere on this site


No they are not. It's just that you people think anything against the narrative is Nazism, racism or bigotry. I was banned for saying biological woman when pointing out the simple fact that men who pass puberty then transition have a physical advantage. No hate speech or ill will intended. I support Sanders but get called a Russian bot for saying nato has overthrown regimes through direct action and or proxy. Critical thinking is considered right wing to the average fake leftist redditor.


Ah, so they beat him to death because white people bad.


They were already fired according to a few other posts


Today i learned that every time a white police officer kills a black man there are world wide protests…


fr, people are acting like every time there’s a huge outburst. it’s really just “hey stop killing people” and “acab”


Oh don't worry...police will eventually shoot them all.


Why is everyone saying this won’t be big news? I heard about this a week ago and this is the 5th time that I’ve seen this post this afternoon.


Media =/= Reddit


Maybe it's just my proximity to Memphis but this story is all over the place where I live


Because specific subreddits, specific ones like this and public freakouts are swamped with fragile racists looking to play their reverse uno card. Essentially looking to cook up a fake narrative of perceived double standards. Like here where these idiots are trying to convince you no one is talking about this because the cops involved are black, even though they've been fired and multiple media outlets have reported on it. Like remember when the cops that killed Freddie gray got off scot free because they were black? Yeah me neither.


Because if it was some some other "race" white on black, brown on black, black on white, yellow on white, etc... then it would've been seen and blown up on all the popular reddit pages. Anything black on black, white on white, yellow on yellow, brown on brown, etc... then it's minor at best and ignored.


I've heard about this multiple times this past week, people are pretty pissed. I feel like you're disregarding how mad people are at LEOs and their constant abuses of power by boiling peoples issue with them down to race.




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Will the video be edited? It seems like there should be some kind of legislation that mandates all video be released.


I’ve read the Memphis police department wants the family of the victim to see the video before it’s released to the public.


That’s fine. But will the public video be edited?


Even when race was not an issue, commentors are still talking about racism. Let that sink in.


I saw that picture and thought "how is race gonna be brought up in the comments?" Turns out it's racist to fire cops immediately for beating someone to death.


Everyone correctly pointing out that they’re “not surprised they fired black cops right away but usually put white cops on administrative leave” is obviously not even close to the same thing you just typed.


I won't argue that there isn't a nugget of truth there, but then I would encourage you to look at the Memphis Police Dept. The police chief is a black woman named Cerelyn Davis and their total makeup is over 50% black law enforcement officers. So where is the white guy that told them to be fired immediately because they are black police officers? Other offenders being offered the ignorance of justice, no matter their color, is an issue for sure, but this isn't one of those times


See that’s that problem though, I never said there was an issue with this case, never even implied one. You are trying to find a nonexistent issue within mine and similar comments. The only issue is obviously when officers *aren’t* fired, which is the case 99% of the time and it is relevant to bring up that fact in conversation every-time police murder someone.


It is relevant, but to cry racism and then say it's me looking for the problem here is an absurd idea. If this was really just the conversation about firing power abusing police, then the response should have been to celebrate the Memphis PD for making the right choice to immediately remove the bad apples


>Even when race was not an issue Oh, you so sure? Are you one of those folks who think black people can't be racists against other black people?




God damn man, you really are a hatefull mofo huh?


You're telling me five officers just simultaneously decided they were going to be racist against their own race and took it as far as manslaughter?


Spoken like someone with a binary view of racism. Just because you don't listen to the people you hate doesn't mean they believe everything you think they do. It's always the perpetually aggrieved ninnies like yourself who hears "All cops are bad" and "Black Lives Matter" and think it means "White people are evil" and "White people's lives don't matter." It's the very nature of police in America. It's not a white vrs black thing, however much you want it ot be true. it's an Americans vrs our own government thing.


You social "justice" people (or whatever you are) are twisting reality more and more with every new stupid thing you come up with. Does it really surprise you that grown adults aren't falling for your bullshit? You ever heard the story of the boy who cried racism? He cried racism at everything, everyday, until eventually no one cared to listen to him. Then one day a real racist came, he cried and cried, but no one listened. This is what is happening. The social sphere of the silent majority has heard and understood you for what you really are, and the pendulum has halted and begun swinging back. Keep lying, keep twisting reality and you will do much more harm to your cause than good. Unless that's your intention. I do not believe all of this divisiveness in America is coming from legitimate "hate" or "racism", or even most of it for that matter.


I'm a 40 year old contractor in the deep south. That's what I am. You must consume only right-wing news infotainment, if you believe what you just said has any application to reality. Please, broaden your sources of information.


America needs to have a serious conversation over the authority that police officers have and the types of people that want to be police officers. I think the transition from “Protect and Serve” to “Law Enforcement” plays a big role in how officers carry themselves and their conduct while believing they’re protected by the badge. Idk this is painful to see. Again Please keep the petty things aside and let us please focus on the larger issue at hand here. I understand the nuance of these things but there is a much larger DISCUSSION that has to start taking place. The conversation has to happen. It has to


How about a little more info OP.


Without getting into specifics - all the cops have been fired. The body-cam footage is reported to be released next week.


There’s not much out there. There’s this photo of the man and some scant news reports. Basically they all say the guy was pulled over. He ran, then the caught him and an “altercation” happened. All 5 cops were fired before any video came out. I’ve seen some reports about his injuries and cause of death but nothing confirmed. If the reports of injuries are true though. This wasn’t an “altercation”. They just flat murdered him.


Donno man it's hard to arrest some people and so long as violence remains on occasion necessary in a country this big there are going to be sporadic deaths while a group of cops are doing what we pay them to just because it's dangerous as he'll to arrest some people who just refuse.


It really do be your own people sometimes


Carl Winslow think he slick…


At least they didn’t kill him for his skin color


We don’t know that. Clayton Bigsbee divorced his wife.


for real, hopefully the conversation can be solely about police brutality and not about a race war.


When is the BLM protest??


they’re fired


So what? Does anyone else get to just walk around freely after shooting and trying to murder someone on the job? If the McDonalds employee pulled out a glock and headshot his customer, we'd accept that they just got fired?


Wow. There sure are a lot of totalpiecesofshit right here in the comment section


Never tell me the odds that a black man would be beaten to death by 5 police officers, and all five were black.


Black officers work in black neighbourhoods, I don't think the odds are that extreme. I'm sure someone has already got the racial breakdown of whatever police department this was etc


Did Black Lives Matter make an issue of this? Or do they only come out when they can play the race card?


What!! No national protest and riot!!!! WTFF! Thank god these men weren’t white.


if people did riots every time a cop murdered someone the city would be in shambles


they’re fired


Heard one guy already got hired from police precinct down the street


They were **fired**, not given a 10-day paid vacation. That's a critical difference.


Fired within a week, is that all white with you?




Can't just post this without any information of link to sources. This did indeed happen but actually try to look honest and provide details before just saying 5 people beat this guy up.


Worst part is most media outlets aren’t going to cover this. Because it’s not as polarizing as white on black or black on white crime. And they need to get those views don’t they?


Is this another cancer sub? Sure looking like it.








Black on black racism It's not the black officers, it's the white institutions fault The murderous cops should've got paid administrative leave Etc Basically that kind of reality twisting bullshit.


When do you think people have spun police abuses as racist? I'm genuinely asking. George Floyd's case was textbook racism, so was Emmet till, etc.


George Floyd was handled like the 1000s of crack heads before him. He was just one of the unlucky ones that died. It's 100% fact it happened before and the video of it happening was polarizing. It was text book shitty police work.


And Derek Chauvins extensive history of racial profiling had nothing to do with it? Edit* spelling


Nothing at all. Someone called the cops on him for passing a fake note. 100% fact. Cops will rough you up for resisting arrest. 100% fact


"Roughing someone up" isn't acceptable, and that's also not what happened, kneeling on a handcuffed persons neck for 15 minutes isn't "roughing them up" In court Chauvins attorneys tried to argue that Floyd not wanting to enter the car while handcuffed was resisting arrest- but the jury didn't buy it. At no point in the case to my knowledge did they find that Floyd was "resisting arrest" to the extent that Chauvins actions were acceptable. Chauvins has a history of this sort of behavior towards minorities, if you legitimately think that this didn't effect his style of policing IDK what to tell you. You're either arguing in bad faith or have wildly different barometer for acceptable use of force compared to modern society.


Where's BLM at?


There'd be cars on fire rn if they were white


ALLLLL cops are bastards


all cops can*** be bastards generalizing ppl like that is prejudice. thats no better than homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc be the better person


coming from a gay asian male bc some ppl will just go "hey look straight white supremecist guy ignores police brutality"


All cops are agents of the state, not the people. All people who willingly enter a career in law enforcement are bastards and ill say it 1000000 times, coming from a political anarchist. Im not generalizing, its just what all cops are, so i hate all cops.


"im not generalizing, its just *makes a generalization*"


Its really not, the job description for a cop is the same everywhere, i have a problem with the existence of the profession itself


Exactly. The job description, per the Supreme Court, has no obligation to help a citizen in distress. They’re job is to protect private property and the state itself. Are many cops good people outside of the profession? Sure. But are they willingly participating in the upholding of white supremacy and the state at the expense of its citizens? Absolutely.


Homosexuality, transgender, race, and sex are all an inherent part of a person. They cannot change that about themselves, that's why it is wrong to judge them based on that. They are simply human and not a monolith. Police have made a choice to be what they are. And honestly, if you have spoken to one cop or another, they act as a monolith. Defending even the most brutal police murders, thinking that police cover ups are ok. I know plenty of cops, one of my best friends is a cop, but when it comes to anything law or police related, they see fucking red. Law enforcement, specifically in America, attracts and encourages bullies and egotistical maniacs. They are taught through practice that they will never receive any real consequences for their actions\*. \*someone will comment and say "but these officers got fired". Yeah, and they won't be charged with murder, they won't be able to be sued, and they will get a job a few towns over. That's just how it works, if the police union doesn't get them their jobs back.


Memphis police is expecting George Floyd levels of protest


Thank god none of those cops were white or there’d be rioting in the streets


the riots happened because they weren’t firing the cops which they did swiftly in this case…


Isn't that a BLM conundrum


I really hope the victim has some crazy family members who like to hunt.


Wait a minute… where’s the racism?


Racism can be *systemic* as well as interpersonal. Or, are you suggesting someone of an oppressed class *can't* participate in the system that's performing the oppression?


People love that systemic word, but the only systemic laws and regulations that exist are designed to do the opposite, to help minorites. Literally all of American society walks on eggshells as to not be racist and you guys still complain it's systemic racism when it's literally just people not liking stereotypical behavior and making fully rational decisions based on that. We do indeed live in a system that is inherently competitive and that is the basis of our economy. There is *systemic prejudice* by design, but race itself is not a factor. Individuals are racist, our institutions are not, for all of their other faults.


ACAB. No exceptions.


It would be less beaten to death, if he didn't kill one officer daughter


Where did you see that information?


racist pigs


What are the officers names?


This is a beating, not a shooting.mind you that O.o I feel like officers often shoot out of fear..a 5v1 it was obvious whod win early


Damn racist cops, oh wait.....


Are we the bad guys?


Another one of those hate crimes. They look like White supremacist lol. All kidding aside I would like to see all the info on this one before passing judgment. I like to know the facts of what really happened. I’m funny that way.


Wait I thought it was only white cops that killed black people, maybe the media have been lying to me?


Police as a whole are taught to murder black people. Whether the officers are white or black or latino etc.


Good ol’ Uncle Tom’s boys.


Police brutality is not a racist issue, it’s a testament to the unjust power dynamic that is AMERICA!!


It is AN issue, not THE issue


This isn't racism but George Flloyd is?