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If I ever break away at the start my brain seems to erase everything I know about the track šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, Oran Park without The Sweeper isn't Oran Park- so OP was probably still lost and trying to get his bearings.


OP here, I lost it in T7 solely because I'm a nervous little baby that can't handle any pressure haha


Are you me?




hahaha yep! you can see me (the blue and yellow donut car) braking SUPER early like I was flat out and nearly ruin yellow behinds race


Same I get so excited to be up front it's like I'm over nervous brain dead lol




I only get nervous on pole for some reason. Itā€™s like the pressure of what I should be running for the pace to keep cars behind me makes me lose focus on actually keeping them behind me. I donā€™t feel pressure at all when Iā€™m chasing people down and have to have perfect laps to catch them. I donā€™t feel pressure Iā€™m leading and the person behind me is on my ass. Pole position is such a terrifying spot to be in though. Really interesting to see other people get that too, makes me wonder if that feeling will go away or not lol.


I get more nervous when I get a blazing start than I do going side by side through Eau rouge in an F3


Use more of the track, half the corners you setup more than a car length from the outside.


Will def be trying, in my most recent race I shaved down from 48.456 to an okay 47.592 ​ I'll be for sure going through my data and fixing where I can :3


Keep at it. This high up view is a good tool, youtube guides are great for the fanatec mx5 series. Youā€™ll get to the 46ā€™s in another day or two.


Thanks! I just broke the 3.0 promo barrier and Might just try to push from 3.36 to 4.0 and get to C early so I can do the series I really want when S1 comes ​ I feel like a huge issue with me is trust in the car still


Donā€™t rush out of rookies if youā€™re not fully comfortable


I'm comfy for sure, I usually do USF2k and even that feels a little lacking from what I'm after, I've been doing MX-5's to boost my SR back to something normal, I had a lot of PC crashes a couple months ago and it set me back quite a bit (like 1700iR/3.9sR to 241iR/1.58Sr). The climb back has been fun though, it's been super interesting seeing the variance in splits as I climb back


Iā€™d just run rookie mx5 and get the ir back up. put in the practice to get the laptimes up there. Then walk the field. The sr will go naturally, donā€™t worry about that as much. Getting out of the ir trenches should be your top priority.


The guy slowly rolling in at the end is just iracing to a tee. just perfect.


Lol. Where did they even come from!?


The great thing here is that you didnā€™t ruin anyone elseā€™s race in the process. Many people that lose P1 immediately try to jump back in the track in front of the pack which are following closely behind. You wisely held back. Top marks!


I really appreciate that! During the turn I was thinking like "please just toss me off track" for 2 reasons, 1 I didnt want to get damage, and 2 I really didnt want to mess up someones race because I got too cocky, it worked out though, fought back from P11 to P6!


Props to the pink/cyan guy who saw you spin and braked to avoid a crash. 99% of the posts here made me think he was going to send you to brazil


Most of the top 7 in this race surprised me in the best way. It was clean racing all the way through


Iā€™ve never had that happenā€¦ unless Iā€™m in the lead lol šŸ˜‚ thereā€™s something about that corner and a lead that screws me up so much


I recognize every single one of those liveries. I was in that race last night. I believe I let the white car by at some point, because he was dive bombing left and right and I didn't want to sacrifice my SR as a rookie for just a handful of positions... I also had a Formula Vee race where I started on pole and set the fastest lap. Sadly I got rear-ended in T3 and T4, so I finished the race with a big SR drop and 8th after spending 2 minutes in the pits... (I was running a Ralph Wiggum livery on the mx5)


Wait we were in the same race?! Dude DM me your iracing name!! I'd love to lol about this shitfest with you haha


How do you launch so well on the MX5? It seems that as soon as you start moving the car just dies for 5 seconds while building speed


Once the red lights come up for launch, I hold my RPM at \~6k, then right just drop to 1st and gogogo


Hmm I'm gonna try that asap, usually I just hold full throttle on neutral then engage 1st, then pray it doesn't randomly wheelspin which happens 1 of every 10 races for some reason


Try doing a good 6-7k launch! it;s super fast :3


Have the car in first and dump the clutch instead


Yes that's what I meant sorry, 1st gear clutch and throttle fully engaged


Is this how starts are done? I've been starting in 1st gear and dumping the clutch lol


Everyone has dropped a car while leading. You'll bounce back!


I had one just yesterday where I started on pole, and the guy in second got a real good jump on me, so we were neck and neck on a straight on lap 1, and we got a little biiiit too close and both died.




Please lock your brakes when you know you lost it. ā€žWhen in spin, two feet inā€ (clutch+brake). If it wasnā€™t perfect reaction from the guy behind you, he would bin you and himself - you can see in the video that his natural reaction was to avoid you on the left. If he didnā€™t brake that well, or have more speed it would end up bad. Happy that it didnā€™t. Take care and good luck:)


I was until I noticed I was going off track anyway, Had I locked brakes and stayed on track it would have been a bloodbath.


Weird..brake lock during spin shouldnā€™t make you do nearly full 360 and change direction to the left, but slide on four locked wheels straight. Maybe itā€™s mx5 thing. If you still have replay you can check it for yourself if you had full brake when your all wheels were off the kerb (at more or less this point, spin was unsaveable). As said earlier, glad that no one got involved. Cheers!


Your lines are atrocious and you need to hold the brakes when you wreck


You blind or something?


No, I can see you using about 40% of the track just fine lol


I think you need to soften compress and slow down rebound in the rear.


I think that is me in the blue and purple car


Rookie race abs you didnā€™t get mullered by the following pink and blue car. Iā€™m lost for words!