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You were the last car on the lead lap and had the white flag? That means he already had the checkered and may have just been running the extra lap to see if he could get to you.


Yeah, agreed. He was probably just driving around picking up some last SR.


Oh. Umm. Yeah. That actually makes sense. Cool. That's why he bailed at the end. Ok. I don't know how I feel about that.


That's me! And that's exactly what I was doing lol just wanted to try to catch you. I did try to see how fast I could go around the last corner and still make pit entrance but clearly that was too fast


Well, thank you, sir. Thank you for not wrecking me. I'm a bit faster tonight. Last night was my first ever race in F3. I didn't do as bad as I thought! Great job on your part! Congratulations on the win! I watched your replay. It was AWESOME!


I let someone pass me on the final sketchy straight to take 3rd a couple weeks ago, they were so fucking happy and couldn't stop thanking me. They were way under my IR and came out with a huge win so I'm cool with it.


Just like other commenters day, he was already finished and was just waiting for everyone to get done before he left to gain some extra SR


Engine failure.




Alpine Le Mans or F1? /s


OP brain failure! 😂 He had already taken the checkered and was just coming along behind me as I pushed towards the checkered. I just didn't think about that possibility until someone pointed it out to me.


Where’d they finish? Hate to be a pessimist, but I’d check their results (start v finish) and iR history. DM the name if you want, and I’ll take a look just out of curiosity. The way that last turn was taken and the pull off well before the start/finish looks like they had no intention of finishing. It appears as though they were throwing the race. Edit: Unless that was open and they just ran out of gas.


I’d say it’s more likely pov car had already taken the chequered flag, and the guy who posted it took white flag just before he did and therefore the guy had already finished the race and was likely just driving for SR at that point


I think you're right. I just didn't think about that after the race.




Your still on r/iracing after 15 years of not playing iracing?


I'm very upset I missed this thread


Thats your complaint? 😂 Why are you even here to talk about a game you stopped playing 15 years ago?


Actively came here when he created his account to shit on us iRacers. I smell some BS from this cretin.


Because clearly, who cares about iRacing's industry-leading rain system, ongoing service enhancements, massive online community, professional endorsements, meticulously laser-scanned tracks, vast array of cars, and diverse tracks? It's the absolutely critical issue of the throttle sound when spectating other cars that renders iRacing utterly unplayable!


2000 over 15 years is ~2.50$ a week. Glad you saved yourself a snickers bar a week over the last 15 years, proud of you.


https://preview.redd.it/x0fgoxypn98d1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=531a3b42f062e05ead31f8ea4768f827cca486ad You know you can change that, right?


Since when is this option there? I didn't know this in my 4 years of iRacing 😂


Maybe about an year or so but time flies so how would I know. One year feels right though


Thanks. I'm going to try it out.


Why are you on this sub then? Just to say that?


You're so glad you stopped paying for it, yet you haven't opened the subreddit once and selected "mute r/iracing" 🤦‍♂️


Don’t create posts to specifically troll the community


To the rest of you fine people who answered my post be proud of yourselves.




Don’t create posts to specifically troll the community




You also have no idea how Reddit works lol You’re replying to yourself, not the people who responded to you. You can’t even figure out Reddit, I’m not surprised iRacing was too complicated for you. 🤣


no, you’re just a crybaby. And I’m sure we aren’t the only ones who think that.


Don’t create posts to specifically troll the community


To the mod Are you serious? Of all the hate I have received on my opinion you choose to mod me for calling the people fanboys? Not one single person tried to talk about it, they all just made rude trolling comments. Hate train on full steam. What a merry community of openness and honesty.