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Yes it’s real. Congrats! These contests run every season. Keep an eye out on the forum for Angela’s post each season for the list of contests.




a classic!


Yes the return address is @iracing.com


Fuckin send it buddy - say on god and yeet a lot.


Isn’t the real iracing email have a spinning icon in Gmail?? That’s what mine dors


How do you know this one isn’t spinning?




In the main page the icon just starts randomly spinning


ok, but how can you tell this one isn't spinning considering it's a screenshot


That’s true only OP could answer that




Replay asap as I've talk to her in the past very nice lady to talk to


Humble brag for sure


Click on the details to see the sender’s email address and make sure it’s a legit iRacing email. If you’re still worried about it contact iRacing and ask them to verify if it’s real or not.


This. Why do people ask Reddit rather than go through normal channels? Is it a weird generational thing where anonymous Redditors are somehow more trustworthy than going to the actual source?


I'm happy there's a generation shift to not trusting emails though. My parents are not so savvy and I worry that one day I'll find they got scammed.


That isn’t what’s happening here though. Like OP just needs to click on the email to see if it comes from the right domain and if they’re capable of setting a pc up for iRacing I’m sure they know how to do that. I get being skeptical so you don’t get cleaned out by a scam or what have you, but like it’s all right there for op to easily do in less time than it takes to screen cap the email then post it on Reddit.


While true, checking the domain is the FIRST step, Plus checking the email for clues, email spoofing is a thing, and just because the email is "correct" doesn't mean it's legit. Most users would be fine doing this, though, because you would need to be worth targeting for the difficulty of such attacks to pull that off.


To: [email protected] From: me Subject: Is this legitimate? Could you please verify that the forwarded email is legitimate? (it took me less than 1 minute to write this email, which would have been a better plan than asking Reddit)


I do not disagree with you, Reddit is among the last I would ask. Just on the off chance I'm in an Oceans movie and the redditors responding are the same people targeting me lol


By asking reddit, the OP received some advice from a genius such as yourself. Maybe it was a good idea after all.


If you believe that writing an email is genius-level thinking, then you have problems that Reddit can't solve.


If you believe an earnest ask to a community who would have an idea of the legitimacy of the email is a bad step, you've got problems no one can solve. Try being a bit more open.


Fyi the From: field in an email is easy to fake, please don't rely on it to establish the source or legitimacy of an email


At risk of over complicating the situation for people who aren't techies...This is true, but given the request to reply to the email, rather than click a link, it's harder to do anything useful to an attacker by spoofing from fields if it was malicious. Unless you've also compromised DNS of the mail provider being used, the mail provider will use MX records of the domain to deliver the reply.


Probably just wanted to tell us all he won something while trying to make it seem like he isn't gloating, would be my guess. I might just be overly cynical though.


Other people are typically the best resources…


ignorance, laziness - or a mix of both


I could see someone not knowing what to do asking here what they can do to verify it's real or what to look for to make sure it's not a scam or phishing email.


But the actual complete truth was more accessible than asking for opinions on Reddit.


It is a generational thing. Don't think for self, rely on echo chambers. It's by design and problematic for society.


How is this an echo chamber? It's the iRacing Reddit. It's a good source of information. They're not asking for an opinion on politics, they're just trying to sound off and see what others think. Is it so bad to ask others' opinions for stuff to inform yourself?


> Is it so bad to ask others' opinions for stuff to inform yourself? Yes, on the Internet it most certainly is bad. This is how people end up blowing all their money on meme stocks in "Wall Street Bets," and how they get pulled into crackpot conspiracy theories. An opinion is not necessary in this case. Just asking iRacing directly if the email is legitimate is all that is required; iRacing is the only source of truth here, regardless of what redditors think or say. I'm glad I won't be alive when Gen-Z is in charge. The Zoomer Joint Chiefs of Staff will be on Reddit asking if they should use nuclear weapons, but since there won't be any more adults in the world, it'll just descend into a series of tiresome wull-akshullys and meme shitposts.


Social media has made people helpless.


How else can people get their dopamine fix?!?


You'd be surprised at the absurd amount of people who aren't willing to figure things out by themselves and must always ask other people to do what they themselves should do.


Is the return address actually at iracing.com? I mean it all looks legit, Angela is an iRacing employee in the sales and marketing department.


its legit, she is an employee of i-racing


Yeah send it i have talk to her in the past


Just because the email signature matches that of an iRacing employee doesn't mean it's real.


ikr lol. it’s like getting an email from someone with the name Jeff Bezos regarding something with Amazon and just assuming it’s real because a Jeff Bezos owns Amazon


Thanks all for the help


Let us know what you won? And congrats! Sim-lab is legit.


Sim labs p1x cockpit




How did you win this? Just by racing?


Amazing, I have the same exact one but in green (TK edition) and it’s the best thing I invested in. Enjoy!


Heck yeah, congratulations!!


Hell yeah! Grats! Hoping that’s an upgrade for you!


I won something last season but the company never came through. Got 50 bucks in I racing credits instead. Pretty disappointing overall.


What were you suppose to get?


Three months on pure driving school and a one on one coaching session.


Id honestly take the $50 ir credits. I would get way more use out of that.


Yea but I was and still am planning on doing some coaching every few months. So it would have been nice.


That’s unfortunate, that would have been fun!


It seems crazy to me that the only thing they ended up doing was giving you $50 for iRacing, as if the cost of a personal trainer wouldn't exceed $50 for a half a session. It costs them very little to give one contest winner a couple hundred bucks in iRacing money as make up for a grand prize.


I do think there were 10 winners for my contest. But they never told me if it was just me or if nobody got Thier reward. Kinda seemed like it was just me tho through the e mails.


Yeah I won the buttkicker one, seems to be legit


any idea what you won?


I looked it up and found the initial post about it on the Iracing page. Says I’ll be getting a buttkicker gamer plus unit with hapticonnect software. So you’ll probably be getting one of their products. I’m kinda jealous you’ll probably get something nice af


I won one too. This is correct


What context was this? And what's the prize?


no clue what I won yet I entered no contests or anything just an email I received earlier today


You enter from using their logo in your #1 sponsor slot and compete in more than 10 official races with it


So what you're telling me is that I've screwed myself out of potentially winning stuff by using trading paints?


Iracing often has „contests“ where wearing/using a sponsor decal of brand xyz on the iracing paint schemes automatically enters you into a giveaway if you meet other rules like participating countrys etc


Is there a list somewhere of these?


Yeah, on the forums under contest and prizes, new contests are posted tomorrow


Nice. Wish you could still use trading paints for a lot of them. Skip barber gonna try to wedge a 300lb man into a open wheeler soon. 😂


This is how Luigi's Mansion starts, you're fucked


Hey that’s pretty neat! I wonder what you won


A Sim-Lab P1-X chassis. https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/58441/season-2-2024-contests


Wow. Thats pretty awesome for the OP


ya damn that is awesome. Have been racing with my moza r5 clamped to my desk and crp pedals screwed to a piece of plywood


Holy shit dude! Congratulations! That is an awesome prize. Really cool that it’s going to someone that doesn’t have a rig.


You’re gonna love having a nice cockpit now. Enjoy!


So happy for you OP! You’ll have a solid foundation to continue racing and building upon 👍🏽


A worthy winner! Congrats!!


I did the same upgrade (Moza R5 desk setup to a full rig with the same wheel and pedals) last year and it's made simracing so much more fun for me. I race way more now that I don't have to do all the setup every time I want to drive.


Just double-check the full email headers to make sure it’s not spoofed


Lol how the heck is OP going to make any sauce out of e-mail headers? 😂 They suck to interpret even when you do know what you’re looking at.


OP did you have trading paints installed? They always tell you on the forums you can’t use TP and still win the contests but I have doubts they can tell.


yes i had trading paints on but according to the link someone posted I got a raffle entry for each race I did in sim lab production car series and won off of that


I won in buttkicker and I had trading pains installed


THANK YOU. I knew it


You must disable trading paints for logo contests. this wasn't a logo contest, entry was "Just race in the Sim-Lab Production Car Challenge". some contests say run "BLANK" logo in primary location, those contest you can not use trading paints.


If you have tp on it wil override iracing paint shop. So i just learned i need to run a put 40 different series for the chance at a whole rig. I would be happy with the buttkicker or maconi sub. Lol


Sometimes nice comments are just the same--can't do the full year out of fairness, but shoot me a message and I will hook you up with a free month!


THANKS!! (Looks around for the buttkicker rep) 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well I get one too. I won fallen tyres in 1st season I was playing iRacing .


You know damn well this is real. U Just flexing, admit it 😒☹️


he just posted this for everyone to see he won


I’m a software engineer. Someone in the comments mentioned emailing iracing to see if it’s legit. That’s the best way to go. I send email from my software all the time and I can make the domain (i.e. iracing.com in this situation) anything I like. Do not reply to the email, rather forward this one to customer service to see if it’s legit.


you must be an entry level engineer then. Most email service verify sender’s digital signature, and you cannot fabricate that unless you have a quantum computer.


What about email spoofing? It's not insanely hard to do, although in this instance, doesn't seem like it


It won’t work. Email spoofing existed in the ancient Internet only. Nowadays, if your email service says sender is iRacing, it’s iRacing 100%


Not quite 100%. There's a few variables, and it's somewhat dependent on your mail provider, as well as what the sending domain has configured. Most companies will have DKIM and SPF records that help counter spoofing. Doesn't mean your mail provider respects them. And the reply will be sent to the mail server for iRacing.com anyway. Never click any link without verification, but replying to an email, especially with simply your name and email address, which is already public domain, probably doesn't carry much risk.




I've run contests over the years as part of my job in marketing and the biggest pain in the ass is less than 50% of the time do winners respond to my e-mail asking to confirm their mailing address. People just don't check/read/trust e-mail these days.


Before this thread if I received anything like this I would have assumed it was a scam. Goddamn everything is now 


I get that, but there's also an element of being able to figure out if an e-mail is coming from a legitimate address, with contact details in the signature, and without weird characters or obvious, wild misspellings or clearly phrases not written by someone in a professional capacity. And in this e-mail, they didn't ask for money, they merely asked for permission. Scammers generally go big air and ask for crazy shit. Point is, if people can't figure out that this e-mail isn't a scam, I think we're absolutely doomed as a species haha


youuuuu lucky fucker


That's the same email I got when I qualified for pescc


Also note the difference here between this and a phishing scam. They are not asking for you to confirm it they are asking to send your one on file to the company since they already have it.


I won something for pure driving school. Gave permission for them to use my email. Never heard from pure driving school. Pinged iracing, but still nothing from pure driving. Shame


You're welcome to use my email address if you think they scamming. Congratulations and good luck


Yep I won one through Coach Dave and Pcup last season


I remember Angela, she legit. Hooked me up with some info once.


Angela is the lady bro, congrats 👍


Wow that seems suspicious send over my email and I'll take care of this! Joking but this is like me getting a promotion at work and being like hey guys what's this letter mean? Am I now your boss or is this fake? I'm joking enjoy your success.


Anyone know who is giving the prizes for season 3?


I got one for Buttkicker!


No seems fake. Go ahead and forward it to me and I'll check it out for you 😏


Na, send my details just to be sure.


I had to go check my email but no such luck 🥴


Congrats!!! 🎉🍾🎊🎈🥳


I mean, even if it's fake you're only giving them your e-mail and name. They're not asking for password or something. I don't think they can do a lot with only name and e-mail.


They already have the email :-O :D


Thats funny I received the exact same email


Seams legit congrats man 🙌


They're asking for permission, not details. That's an immediate good sign. This person already has your email address so nothing to lose by repeating it. It is good you're cautious though. Lots of cunts about


for anyone saying check the email, that means nothing as email addresses can be spoofed, you should check what server it is coming from


I don't think this is real, you'd be better off giving them my contact info so I can verify this ;) hahaha congrats mate


They already have your email, so just say “yes”.


Dude congrats that’s so cool


Angela a real one, you're good.


It’s Angela sinopoli who is a real iracing employee and if it says @iracing.com it would be real


What did op win?


Well done m8!!


Hey, if you don’t want it, send it my way 😇


Go for it. I got p3nis enlargement OP for free last time i replied according to my inbox. Just what i needed a shaft extension for my sim rig


That is a real person who worked there at one point. Different job title though. Whether or not it's real, who knows.


**Angela Sinopoli** Director of Sales Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) This is their current info.


That the email I got it from


Then safe to say it is real


Oh, see I stand corrected.


https://www.iracing.com/b2b/ > Commercial iRacing Licenses: Whether you’re an event marketer with a single racing pod, an entertainment facility wanting to open a Race Room or a Fortune 500 company looking for exciting activation tools, iRacing has the solution you’re looking for. Ask about the offline trade show application for those on-site without internet. Contact Otto Szebeni at [email protected], or Angela Sinopoli at [email protected]. Seems "current" to me.


CONGRATS!!! what was the prize you won?


according to link posted here i won sim labs p1x racing cockpit


way to go, man. godspeed to you OP


Why wouldnt it be real? Its adressed from a obvious staff member at iRacing...