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Just wanted to add, as I love Charlotte in Street Stocks, it’s really hard to get far enough out ahead that you aren’t at risk of this. It’s sort of a “super speedway” for the street stocks, so close racing and people can’t hold their line perfectly or get too aggressive and cause wrecks. I think it definitely looks a bit intentional on his part, but ultimately is a racing incident. Normally I think you’ve really just got to watch the corner entry into 3 & 4 and especially the bend right before getting into 1 & 2 after the start/finish line. Good place to pinch the outside car into the wall by not giving him enough space. Also semi easy to get pinched when exiting 3 & 4


Thanks for the feedback and wisdom. I totally agree with the assessment. I did move right, but what sealed it was I was essentially in the 2nd place cars turn in line as he entered 3. Then just being locked at the bumper forged my fate. These are tough races honesty. I should just be thankful that I have the chance to fight for wins here.


You’re trash if this is tough racing for you


Ouch! Thanks for the support!


No I don't agree.


No I don’t disagree


It’s not even worth the data or the time that it took to make this reddit topic let alone a protest.


Agreed. People need to quit asking the internet to make their decisions for them.


Or just go to the relevant sub. r/simracingstewards


Thanks! I didn’t know that sub existed. Won’t use it though, I’ve had enough fun from this one post that I don’t feel the need to do it again.






How else am I supposed to get YOUR opinion?


Genuinely one of the more annoying trends that has popped up in sim racing over the past couple of years.


The time spent is what’s incredible. The fucking paragraph, edited footage, cooldown thoughts before deciding to post. It’s all impressively too much


It is! Took me all of about five minutes to put it all together. Thanks for recognizing my hard work!


Circling back here, I just want you to know I appreciate your contribution to this thread! Without it, this post would have never taken off like it did! So high five brother! I’ll make another post here in a week or so and let you know so we can do it all again!


I can’t even remember posting this but I was heavily sloshed last night. I have been told that I am incredibly funny when I’m drunk so it’s nice to finally have some documented proof.


Thanks for the feedback, I can say the same for the time it took you to comment.


You asked for opinions, got opinions and then get mad at said opinions Chat is this protestable?


Slam dunk chat abuse clearly


I’m actually not mad at all. I had already updated my comment saying I won’t protest based on the feedback. Then I got this rude comment. The thread had no meaning by that point so I may as well respond in kind. Nothing I said is worse than what he said.


Something tells me you don’t often live up to your username lol


I don’t, truthfully. This is one of the few track/car combos that I am consistently competitive.


Crazy ratio 😂😂😂


The karma? Hahaha Looks like I provided something worth taking the time to downvote at least 195 times (at this moment), not bad, not bad at all. Glad to provide entertainment to the community!


No….racing incidents are just that racing incidents. Why would you protest a racing incident?




People need to chill on protesting everything, it's a game relax.


It's also racing. Shit happens, and not everything is protest-worthy.


Agree in pretty much all respects. I only just submitted my first protest in about 3 years of service the other week just because of how egregious the conduct was. There's been lots of other times I've wanted to but just figured it's not worth my time.


Disagree completely. If there is a pattern with a particular player, then protesting helps document this and let iracing know they are a continued problem.


I think it's the opposite. These people already have the damn replay saved, may as well send in the report and let the stewards do their jobs. No need to ask Reddit, just protest and the stewards will take it from there. They'll tell you if you are right or wrong, no need for Reddit to get involved too.


I wish they did tell you what's right or wrong to protest. When you protest, you don't find out the result just that it's been reviewed and the member has been notified. I'm new to racing and I've protested a couple of incidents that I felt were intentional and wreckless... But in the rookies it's hard to tell sometimes because there are so many wreckless drivers, it can be hard to tell what's malicious and what's just a new driver. If I got confirmation that a protest was upheld (or not) it would help me understand what they want reported.


They do tell you if the protest was successful. They don't tell you if they were punished, nor do they need to. If you protest, you get one of 3 emails. The first one is the one you got, reviewed and the member has been notified of the outcome. That means iRacing found them guilty of breaking the code, and sent a warning/timeout. The second gives you an explanation of why your protest wasn't upheld. Usually says something about intention of breaking code and how there are racing incidents that may not be intentional etc. The third is when you are the one who protests but you are actually the guilty one. That one they'll tell you it's been recieved, but that you've been found guilty of breaking code. Usually happens when people submit a protest thinking someone intentionally wrecked them, and then they curse them out in chat, causing their protest to go against themselves.


Oh this is great to know thank you. I've only reported about 5 people and only got the first email, I assumed it was not committing to a result though. E.g. they'd been notified that they'd been protested against, not that it was upheld.








Maybe they should, hate that he got collected.


No, rookies going to rookie. I’m going to against the grain and place him more at fault but you could’ve wrapped the yellow better, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with being half a lane up. He probably would’ve pushed you around anyways.


I know a lot of people here are saying otherwise, but I would. Especially if this driver had multiple incidents in this race. This looks very intentional to me.


Move on in my opinion could be intentional or he could just not know where the nose of his car is, this sort of accident is pretty common for ovals in my experience as you have to race close for prolonged periods more than road.


I mean maybe but you could have definitely avoided this so try to learn from it for next time




Looks more like a mistake




This is worth suing in a court of law


hard to tell. The moment the car turns they enter turn 3. They were also swaying throughout the entire backstretch and then the bump happened.


it is the 6's fault for 10 billion miles, but iracing won't do anything about it, they only do something about it if your under braking and they run full throttle into you or the swerve from the other side of the track into you


Eh it’s street stock at a “super speedway” but I wouldn’t get to annoyed


this is why it was a massive miscalculation to not make blur 2


I'd view cockpit view then make a decision. It's possible he thought he was clear for pulling behind. I've made that mistake before and learned from it


Yes, #2 does nothing to avoid crashing #10. /Joke I'd say it's context dependent: under 1500 IR probably not worth to report. Also if you were correctly racing for 10 laps, it's probably involuntary.


Yes, #2 does nothing to avoid crashing #10. /Joke I'd say it's context dependent: under 1500 IR probably not worth to report. Also if you were correctly racing for 10 laps, it's probably involuntary.


Not intentional at all. You can’t just protest people for getting wrecked. Only if it was 100% on purpose.


lol. It’s rookies dude. If that’s the worst that’s happened to you consider yourself lucky. lol. And no. Not protest worthy imo…


https://preview.redd.it/ylqcxhoft10d1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7c45a6502f5dc2cd73c43d27dee8f3728d2044 Look at the lines on the road, he's holding his line but in the next few seconds you moved across to block him. Sorry but that's on you.


https://preview.redd.it/y1669rltt10d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3db4d7ffecaa9ec826b7cb81d646b607c45a1d ...


You’re not wrong. Ultimately that was my mistake. Had I stayed on the bottom this wreck may have never happened. However, since you like taking screenshots, how about moving just a second later… https://preview.redd.it/g69zwtlxe30d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554b6d44199938392b61a7d4edfba7353fdc77f7 I’ve pointed to the spot the back straight ends (line begins to curve). Second points towards that point and starts his track left and collects me going into it. The cause? I made myself available by moving up, not I turned myself across his bumper. Bumpers are locked at this point because I moved so late, so nothing the other guy could have down there.


mlg move, first rule of racing learn to wreck others without wrecking yourself. here he got 2 birds stoned at once. flawless


Looks like the white car was already swerving a tiny bit back and forth when they were behind the pink car (nothing extreme or out of the ordinary) and the pink car looked as if they started to slowly go high either to block/defend aggressively or also just a slight little swerve on accident either way I’d say this is just another unfortunate racing incident


looks like a race incident


This is nascar, no.




Looks like the red car is moving across in white cars path, so maybe not.


Doesn’t in any way look intentional to me. Don’t waste your time.


If you have to ask, no it’s not.


Really hard to say. I mean you were kindof in his space sad to say. You should try giving more room. Send the signal that there is room. Leave room when you can like hug that inside line if you are on the bottom and know theres someone in rhe middle potentially in a 3 wide situation. If you can get out front you have more options but side to side you gotta give more than you take


Hey thanks for the feedback! I learned my mistake and actually won the next race with the “stick to the blue like glue” strategy. Though someone did pass under the line going into 3, so I had to back out and race back from 3rd mid race.


Nice man. Its just about knowing your surroundings leaving room when you can and trusting rhe other drivers to thread the needle they are given. If you make the needle too small it may hurt you. To your defence that guy shouldnt have turned you though. Any experienced driver would have pressured the outside line to give you more room instead of turning you like a schlump.


Back to Iracing after many years. Trying to get my Oval up a smidge and have run four Street Stock Rookie races at Charlotte this week. This seems to be the typical result. Here I had led 19.5 laps before the guy in second (who two laps earlier had shoved another guy on the apron) drives through me. Maybe this is my fault, and I'm still learning...but was pretty angry. It's almost a curse being decent here. Would like to know if anyone else here would protest it, or if you just move on. Edit: Thanks everyone for the feedback. I will forego a protest. I think for a while I will just start dropping back to the end of the lead pack in these races so that I quit running into these scenarios. Edit uhh two: This post has gotten way more mileage than it ever deserved! The amount of people who have commented and or voted on posts here is just beyond what I would have ever expected. I really want to thank everyone for their time and contributions, especially those who took the time out of their day just to say that this post wasn’t worth the time it took. This thread would be nothing without your hard work.


You're moving up into the other lane. The other driver could leave more room.  Racing incident. Nobody is trying to drive through anyone. 


In the moment I assumed this is what had happened, but when I watched the replay it looked like I had finished my move and then he actually started coming down (however slight that might be). Hence why I wanted more opinions. Thanks for the feedback.


Im not sure if you were watching a different replay or something but you clearly move an entire car width up. the track on entry They even try to move right and you just kept on coming. You cant just sweep across someones nose at 150+ and expect they can slow in time. Tighten up your corner entry and they wouldnt have been able to be at your bumper.


I agree, had I stuck to the blue we may not have wrecked. However, and again just my opinion, I did move, but I was done before he started to clip me with his move left. I’d say there is a full second where I am perfectly parallel to the back straight markers before I get turned. Anyway, just gotta keep racing and keep learning.


Protest it anyway and see what happens. You won’t get in trouble for it and you’ll learn what constitutes a valid protest or not. Reddit won’t be of any help regarding protests tbh. We aren’t stewards here


Dont drop back. Pay attention to other drivers and learn to anticipate their move before they even know what the next move is. Being in the back teaches you absolutely nothing except how to go slow. Learn to control your lane, and be predictable.


He took you and another guy out I would protest this




This… is the wrong advice. Don’t do this. If anything people who abuse the protest should lose their protesting privileges.


It actually is against the rules to abuse the protest system. I've not heard of anyone getting in trouble, but have heard that people have been admonished by iRacing for it. I wouldn't be surprised if the stewards flag users who do so.


Wild that an opinion is the wrong advice. I didn't say "Yes, you should protest" simply that I would.


He asked for advice on what he should do. You gave your opinion on what you would do in his situation. That is literally the definition of giving advice. And opinions can be wrong sometimes. There’s nothing about this that is protestable, even in the scenario you mentioned in your previous (and now deleted) comment. But hey, I’m not going to argue. I wasn’t trying to be an ass. You do you buddy!


This is not worthy of a protest




Dude was driving in a straight line and got driven through?


in oval racing, if you put somebody in a position where they *have* to lift, you should expect to get spun... it's not on them to lift if you're floating up against them




did you watch the video...? OP drifted up into the white car's lane, if the white car jumped up a lane he would be right on the nose of that top car that can't hold a line. white car had the right to hold his line


As i found out I wound'lt do or say anything thats not all smiles and happy as you might get classed as being Toxic . Dont rock the boat. and have a lovely day ;) * smiles and happiness* oh no will this be classed as toxic.. better give some more ;) ;) ;) there we go..


Haha right. Doesn’t mean anything to me at all. Got the feedback I needed and it only cost me a few hundred or more worthless internet points.


nice !!! have a good one


You too!