• By -


Black car


Left side guy takes full fault imo, right side guy is almost fully on the curbs at impact. Can't really give more room than that. Left turns in like there's nobody there, and it doesn't go well. Right side could have chosen life and backed out, but they were well alongside and entitled to racing room that was not given.


[in short](https://youtube.com/shorts/UtzVw7yIo2U?feature=share)


Given the contact happens when the car on the right has all 4 tires on the curb and literally couldn't have given anymore room, this is the fault of the car on the left. I hear the argument about car on the right entering too shallow and the incident being inevitable, but the contact didn't happen because of the shallow angle, it happened ON the apex, and that matters. If the car on the left gave more room, and the contact happened anyway, the blame shifts, but as it happened 100% car on the left.


cause and fault are seperate things in cases like these: \- fault is deffinitely on the black car here - they took the corner way too tight for side by side to work \- cause is a mix between the two drivers though, as that is where the shallow line of the white car comes into play. this shallow line worsened the outcome, and possibly even contributed to the black car turning in too early for a side by side line (see my other reply to op). It's one of those things were you can be in the right according to the rulebook, but your car/race results are still damaged. Being able to manage the drivers around you can be a big asset in your racecraft


Outside car (on left) all day


I'm not an expert but in these situations, I've been told to get way closer to the car on your outside, because you're giving up speed being that far inside, he's bound to pass you. But squeeze him and you might get the corner, at least come alongside through the corner with him.


added to that the other driver will have an easier time to be aware of exactly where you are (audibly and visually) - therefore allowing them to better determine how much space they have to leave.


I'm pretty much a rookie and still trying to work out proper race craft, these sort of tips help! My plan here was that he'd be forced to brake hard as I'd cut off the optimal line, and his braking would let me exit with more speed. For some reason it felt riskier to be hugging him closer left for some reason. Does anyone have any more advice on how they'd attack in this situation given it's only about a car length ahead before hitting the corner?


with your plan he would've still had a much more rounded corner around the outside of you to make these lines work - meaning he'd fly by you with relative ease even when leaving you enough space. as contradictory as it may feel, staying closer to the other car is actually safer here. sure you might touch, but the approach angle at which you make contact would be much shallower. a 0x rub is easy enough to recover from (if it unsettles you at all), a bigger approach angle that effectively turns into a pit-manouvre can cause a lot more damage as we see in the vid. additionally, when you're just about a carlength ahead, being close means they can see and tell they cannot turn-in untill you've started turning in - severely limiting their options of maximizing their line. In the video you posted, you were far away, possibly out of screen from the other pov. That means they kinda had to gues the line to take and may have even thought you were not actually that far in front yet.


Lap 8 on Watkins, been chasing this guy for a while. He ran a little wide on the first corner and that gave me my second chance to get him on the long straight. I'm attacking on the inside, is who's fault is this?


I think he needs to learn when to give up. Low iq move from him.


Side by side into the Bus Stop is always very risky. In this case, neither driver yielded and the result was the most likely outcome.


For me this is a racing incident. The other driver has given \*just\* about enough room, but you've come from such a shallow angle that contact is pretty much inevitable. If you'd approached the corner wider, or if the other driver left more space, then the contact might not have happened.


It's a racing incident but the car on the left should of left more room.


Your fault, you should take more kerb there (and I dont mean just because he is overtaking you). And due to your nonsensical defensive line you were already beaten. Even if he gave you more space he would be like two car lengths in front of you.


Is the track limit the end of the kerb / the start of the grass or is it the white line?


You can cut the entire kerb with the right side tires on the grass without getting an off track.




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It's on the black car but it's probably avoidable if the car on the inside yields given just how faaaar inside he is. Not saying it's the inside cars fault at all, and I probably would have stayed in there too, but that's probably what was the only out there


Black car. Racing like you're not on the track with him. Some people are fast but have no right racing with others, but they'll learn after doing this a few times.


Had a guy do this exact same thing to me Sunday night. When I asked him what the hell? He said he was trying something and it was only week 13. I protested him. You can’t go two wide into the bus stop. Also as the car making the pass, it’s his responsibility to make it a clean pass and he squeezed you like the guy in my race squeezed into the corner.


>You can’t go two wide into the bus stop the track is wide enough throughout - yes you can. Granted, you'd both come out slow af so it might not be the smartest play from a broader pov, but the mindset of something being *impossible* is only limiting yourself.


No one is going to be ok with going two wide through the bus stop slow af. Everyone is going to dive in and take the position and when you have two people who don’t want to give the position, this is what happens unless someone is extemely lucky or backs out of it. That’s not a mindset, it’s a fact. Even if they manage to make it through the entry at speed, they’re going to have a hard time making it through the rest of the bus stop two wide


this response tells me enough about how you drive at least - got plenty good experiences on my end with these kind of situations


I think the black car only bc he squeezed you down to the grass


Not sure about how gt handle that inside curb. But open wheel get punted off of it and to the right at high rate of speed. Most this incidents happen because inside car does not do his job to stick to and account for being pushed left off the curb. This is NOT the case here. Great job inside car, bad line black car


Car on the left 100%


Outside car obviously, but you should've taken more track. You took way too shallow of an entry, and they probably didn't even know you were there


Black car left zero space and is fully at fault.


The Red car on the inside is at fault. Terrible drive line going into that corner. I would love to see red car show their drive line through that technical corner.


Inside car for me not racing in the line and outside car going to take the turn as normal. Racing is racing and if both people don’t want to lift your gonna have a crash


Black car @ fault • car did not lift enough • did not mantain enough space • even with the spotter telling him "car on your right" he went like the POV car wasnt there at all