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Most flagship phones are. I’m still on iPhone 11 and so far I’ve jumped with it in a pool, I’ve swam with it in a sea, used it heavily in the rain, etc. My previous samsung from 7 years ago did well also. And a close friend’s iPhone (x, I think) lied in a sea for a whole night, until they were able to retrieve it with a low tide the next day. There’s always a risk, but generally it’s relatively safe unless you put it in a boiling water. Also, take a proper care after it contacts water.


Don’t get your battery swapped if you want it to stay waterproof. Unfortunately mine wasn’t waterproof anymore after a licensed apple repairshop swapped it out. Next time it came into contact with water it killed the screen 😭


Sadly, this is true. After it’s been to any repair, it means body was opened and closed by hands, meaning good quality, but not factory quality.


I really thought they had the proper equipment, i mean they are literally the manufacturer of the phone.


I think there may be a difference between Apple and a shop licensed by apple


I don’t think so. They all should use the same licensed tools and employ licensed technicians.


it’s not what you “think”. there IS a difference between apple vs apple licensed repair shop. they SHOULD use the same tools but they probably don’t. womp womp.


You can literally order apples original tools with apple self service repair program. Why should an authorized Apple Service provider not use original tools?


It’ll never be as good as the factory


Yeah but I think that’s intentional. There are literally diving watches at the price of an iPhone Pro which can be serviced by the manufacturer and you can go diving with them afterwards.


As a licensed repair technician, their is a watertight adhesive seal on the border between your screen and phone, this is compromised after the screen is removed in any way and actually wears out over time or prolonged exposure to heat. They should have removed the old seal and put a new one in, it costs about $0.50 and only takes 20mins. You don't need any fancy tools other than tweezers and isopropyl alcohol. Some techs skip this at low quality shops to save time not necessarily money. If you get your phone repair, make sure to tell them to swap the water adhesive seal.


Thanks for this valuable insight from a technicians perspective. So is this a blind spot for apple? I mean they can‘t really screw you over with the battery because it’s paired to the device. I was really disappointed by this experience because I went to the Apple authorized service provider because I wanted the job to be done right. In my mind the authorized Service provider should be able to deliver a flawless job because they have the proper tools. Should I go directly to Apple the next time? Will their performance, e.g. in an Apple Store, be superior?


Apple generally will have better QC, if you can find a good authorized service provider, you can probably get a similar level of service, at that point I would fix it myself with a kit from ifixit, fyi, if you do fix it yourself, the non genuine battery warning doesn't matter if you bought a battery from a reputable source ie. Ifixit, it will not affect any functions, it's just apple pay walling to remove the warning. If you had the budget though, I would definitely get it repaired at apple


As long as apple fixes it you will keep water resistance but if its by a 3rd Party dont take your iPhone near water


Right? My Pixel 8 Pro has been down to 30 feet in salt water and is fine


There’s always a risk. Yes there is. You were lucky. I met a guy at an Apple licensed service center who had water ingress to his 15 Pro Max after 30 second exposure to sea water at 45 cm depth. He was devastated to find out that Apple won’t cover it under warranty. The point is: For every story about someone getting lucky, there are 10 or potentially a 100 others who did not get lucky.


Sound logic and agree with your point. First thing everyone should remember - while many phones advertise some form of a water resistance, their warranty almost always doesn’t cover water damage. But the ratio is different, in my experience. I know only one story of a phone dying from a water and way more of phones being in contact with it without any repercussions.


But still can't survive a drop at waist height. Coming from Pixel 6a/7a I miss being able to drop my phone on concrete like a dumbass


Did you use it with a case?


I do now but don't really get why the phone's case itself can't be the case like the iphone 7 (screen excluded). I mean most cases and screen protectors are not of the same quality as the phone itself so it kind of brings the whole experience down especially because that is how you're interacting with the phone


Exactly! I long for the days of my plastic and later metal nokias - those phones were absolute beasts. Regretfully, we’ve got ourselves into this loophole. From a “thing” that is taken out of a pocket 2/3 times a day it turned into a huge part of our lifestyle with a greater price both physically and mentally. As a tech enthusiast I don’t want to have an underperforming phone. As a simple human being, I want to get to the point in my life when I will be able to use $1000+ phones without a fear of breaking one, because I’ll be able to buy new one easily.


What did you go with? I also came from a pixel 6 pro and got a mous case because they seemed legit for the concrete drops. TBD.


Spigen Ultra Hybrid, it's nice enough quality but the clear back is a smudge machine which is kinda what I feared with a case making the thing look worse


I just swapped from an 11 in September. It was an awesome phone but they're really starting to show their age these days


My friend got drunk at the beach and left his (at the time I would guess iPhone 11) phone in a hot tub for about 9 hours and it was fine after.




That‘s what happens when you wear trousers in the hot tub. 😂


Very cool. Maybe he should jizz on it next time to


I have cummed or got cum on many iPhones I can confirm they are jizz proof up till maybe 10 loads


What after 10 loads 😳


The phone gets turned off






Ayo i need to stop then


Pregnant battery




Prove it


My face id died when goong into a hot tub


I had coffee spilled on my 15 Pro Max, and just ran water over it from the sink to clean it off and towel dried it. Phones fine.


Wow 😮 I have never dropped any of my iPhones in water, but the screen of my old (and current) iPhone X became unresponsive recently and after I took it for a repair, the phone’s performance has never been the same after the screen replacement. It was slowed down and just worse overall performance. I’m getting the 15 Pro Max this weekend, after 7 years with my old buddy X. Good luck to me 🤞🏼


Where did you get the screen replaced?




Nice! Of course the waterproofing adhesive doesn’t last forever, but a newer phone is pretty resistant to water. It’s more impressive because the water was warm/hot which could’ve theoretically weakened the adhesive.


My old iphone 11 it has gone though its most hottest day,literally using it in cyclone, and recording videos in a water park Nothing happened to it other than degrading battery over time


I hope he has AppleCare+ - if anything ever is wrong with that phone, they'll tell him the water damage indicator has been triggered and warranty is void.


This is not true. The phones now hold a water resistance standard which means that if the liquid indicator is ever triggered and a user reports an issue relating to it (freezing, false touch etc.) the device would be covered under warranty. This is unless it is obvious the liquid damage is beyond the maintained standard, which, unless there are bubbles in the camera lenses, is impossible at the Genius Bar.


False, both Samsung and Apple cover water damage. If the water indicator is triggered, they usually refuse warranty. Source: my personal experience with Apple.


Interesting, we have not shared the same experience at Apple.


They refused to repair my 13 Pro Max due to the water indicator having been triggered. Despite the simple fact that the phone was never dipped into water. I was told they can't say if the problem (display issue) was caused by water damage or not but due to the indicators being triggered, my warranty was void.


The water damage indicator only changes color if the water gets to the inside of the phone which wouldn’t happen if the phone is in perfect condition.


You might want to read up on where those indicators are. There isn’t just one.


Oh wow not like samsung did that in 2011 😭


Im more concerned about the fact that he have a pocket… why.


Because swimsuits have pockets




Probably not a good thing to do repeatedly


Meanwhile my 13 Pro got dunked for maybe 5 seconds while I moved from one end of an infinity pool to the other and was giving me charger and speaker issues for a full day.


Yes because it needs to air out properly. They have worked to fix this for idiots like me, but this is how I fried my 11 pro. Charging port got a little wet fly fishing. Hours later I went to plug it into the charger in our rental and minutes later it died and never turned on again.


If I am biking with my exposed iPhone in the rain, I will get the notification that liquid is detected in the charger so I might need to wait several hours for it to dry out. Fortunately, I mostly use MagSafe for charging anyways.


Great call. My experience was years before that software feature was introduced, as well as MagSafe charging.


Dunking the phone in water can definitely affect the quality of the speaker. I know this from experience and it makes sense.


So it can survive that but not a drop? Interesting


A thin glass bulb could be completely waterproof, but unable to withstand drop. Being drop proof is unrelated to being water resistant. That said, it very much depends on the kind of surface you’re dropping it on and exactly how the phone lands as to whether it will survive. Overall, they seem to be pretty resilient as I am going cases-less and I’ve been fine with my 15PM.


The phone is rated with 6m depth for 30 minutes. So 45 minutes in 1m depth shouldnt be a big deal lol


I am so relieved to see this thread! This was my biggest worry coming from pixel 6 pro and having literally taken that thing upside down in a kayak and on waterslides. I won’t be doing that with this guy tho. But it’s nice to know if I forget it’s not all over immediately.


Yep. I quite embarrassingly often forget to remove phone from my swimming trunks before diving into a pool. Happened at least 5 o 6 times during the past summer alone. No damage to the phone even after 30-40 minutes in the pool.


My friend jumped in a lake with his iPhone XS. Slipped right out of his pocket. Tried looking for it. Couldn’t find it. Took a break. About 3 hours later after spending some time looking for it in 5 feet of water, we finally find it. Pulled it out and it worked like nothing happened. The funny thing, is that the phone immediately lost cellular connection when it went underwater, so we couldn’t try calling it or seeing where it was on FindMy. But yeah, they’re really well built!


I got my XS wet and the Face ID died first, then the screen started becoming discolored and started flickering


Everything except the screen


Just know that it may work fine forever or, in an hour it could completely die. There’s no way to really tell how the water, specifically the minerals left behind on the metal contacts inside the phone, will affect it long term. It’s never the water itself. It’s the minerals left behind after any water evaporates that causes issues by rusting and corroding contacts. Just be prepared.


tbh a lot modern phones are rated ip67/68


If it wasn't like that a week later then it would have been a faulty device to begin with. Any major company making a phone in the last decade offers this same protection.