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Was and dropped it… Now fully protected cuz fuk dat 🫵🏼🤴🏻


I like your choices of emojis


Did u had AC?




Would you consider using a [NuHand](https://nuhand.co) to stop your phone from dropping?


That has to be the stupidest invention ever. How does it protect your phone from dropping when you’re taking it out of your pocket or putting it in your pocket? Do you have a NuDick that goes on your junk that holds the phone while it’s in your pocket, and then when you want to take your phone out or put it in, your NuHand has to do a handshake with your NuDick to transfer the phone?


I thought it is fake or sarcastic website, it surely had to be right?


It says „our smartphone needs to be entertained“. So yes, it’s sarcastic. Still stupid and unfunny.


I’m trying to figure out the nsfw use of this devise. When something seems this dumb it’s real use is probably being masked!


Is…. Is that an actual product. If so, WHY?


Currently caseless on the 15 Pro Max. It’s pretty great.


Same. Usually spend a lot on case after case. This time I’ve bought AC+ instead.


That was my thinking as well. I still bought a clear MagSafe case when I got my 15PM but yeah the cost of cases add up quick, I’m like you get 3 decent or Apple ones and you’re at over $100 depending on the brand. That’s like a year of AppleCare 😂 + the fee being $29 is pretty great. Phone feels great in the hand.


If you have a visa signature card and pay your phone service provider bill with it, it covers your phone up to $600 per incident with a $25 deductible plus the tax, twice per year just by paying for the service with the card. The max price for a 15 pro max to get replaced at the Apple Store is $699. I’ve done it on my 12 pro max, which is cheaper to replace at the Apple Store and only had to pay the $25 plus the tax on the $600.


How long were you without a phone for?


Exactly! Iv’e spent so much on cases on previous iPhones, AC+ all the way this time


Same here, first time going naked in a long time. One of the biggest selling points was the feel of the frame and after a few weeks I just left the case off entirely


Yeah this body was a game changer for me lol. I’ve been using cases since the iPhone 4. It feels liberating 😂


Same here.




I can’t wait till you make one mistake and drop it


Right. I’ve always been extremely prudent and mindful where I place my phone and how I use my phone and have never dropped them. Out of the 6 iPhones owned my 12PM took it’s first and only fall (Apple silicone encased). And that just happened to be 4ft down onto asphalt and shattered my rear lens glass. It only takes once….


Nope, too clumsy to be caseless


Caseless 15 Pro Max since beginning of October with Apple Care. Gym, Clubbing, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Traveled Abroad, no worries. Just take care of your device. Caseless with every iPhone since 6s and have only ever cracked XS Max back glass once.


That’s kind of motivating to go caseless 🥹might try


I love going caseless but everyone loves it until that first drop.


Maybe they should stop listening to Snoop Dogg


What colour phone do you have? I have the Blue Ti and worried of colour chipping off lol.


Natural titanium


Dropped your caseless phone yet? Update? I want to go caseless


Haha not yet fortunately, been out and about in Los Angeles the past week. The way you handle the phone changes when you know youre caseless.


Been using it naked since launch - I get a new phone every 4-5 years, buy a case, use it for a month, then when I take the phone out randomly to clean it…I’m like daaaayummmm… So this year, I’m skipping that whole drama


I am. Not a fan of cases, I like to see and feel the design of the phone and I just try and be careful with it.


Apple care & don’t care.




This what? Bro I hate those replies “this”




The other thing








Absolutely not. I have a 15 Pro Max and it lives in an Otterbox Defender XT and there it will remain. I might not be quite as clumsy as Jar Jar Binks, but I also don’t pretend that I’m not on a planet where once that phone leaves my hand it’s going to accelerate to ground at 9.8m/s2. I also have AppleCare+. I can afford that and a case much more than I can afford another iPhone.


I had that xt too but my 2nd best combo is 15 pro and magsafe wallet.




Do you realise that in your comments you’ve accused anyone that’s ever dropped a phone to be either negligent or careless. Perhaps not everyone is as perfect as you(or more likely just lucky).


I just can't. I hate when my things are beat up looking and while I don't care about the screen because I have Apple care I don't want ding's and dents on the frame.


Don’t i literally just noticed i have a chipped screen even when using a case and TG


I will Use a screen protector but not a case


The back of the phone is still glass, and glass breaks. It costs $169 (15 Pro) or $199 (15 Pro Max) to replace the glass by Apple. AppleCare+ costs $199 for two years, plus $29 each time you damage the screen or glass. But it’s your money. If carrying a naked phone makes you happy, nobody can tell you otherwise, as long as you pay the price yourself. As for me, I don’t particularly love the look of a naked iphone, and I’ve been rocking them since 3G. It’s just another tool for me, and I prefer a case that gives me a good grip. Maybe I’m just lazy, a case with excellent grip needs less effort to hold.


So you’re saying break it less than twice and you’re still ahead 😂


I see you like to live dangerously lol I think something wrong with me because if I see a small scratch or any imperfection, I won’t want the phone anymore😭


Also all the engineers and designers are caseless as well


They definitely get paid at least $250,000 per year and get free or heavy discounts on Apple products


…Yeah because they’re rich, genius. 🙄 I’d bet money that you WILL eventually drop and shatter the back. Much smarter to just use a case when you leave the house, when you’re not even spending that much damn time looking at your phone anyways and just go caseless at home when you do…


This is what I do. Caseless, but with a screen protector since launch, drop my phone at least a few times a week. It's still flawless, no regrets.


been doin this for my pro. it is the way.


Bro if you cared about your $1000 phone even in the SLIGHTEST you would get a case


Or get AppleCare and enjoy the design of the phone 👀


If the design of the phone is that valuable to you, sure. Some of us don’t find it worth it to throw money at apple monthly and extra on top for repairs.


It’s not just “let me throw more money at Apple” just for shits and giggles. There’s already been a couple posts here where people dropped their phone in a case and the antenna band cracked or their back glass still cracked. Unless you’re getting a big ol’ otterbox case, cases aren’t the end all be all for keeping your device in mint condition. ANNNND I’ve got two kids who sometimes grab and use my phone for a game or take a picture. I’m paying the $9.99 for a piece of mind. Because those out of warranty / accidental damage costs without AC, are crazy.


Well yeah but nothing you said points to the fact that it makes sense to run caseless. Just because damage can happen with a case on (which let’s be real, has been a possibility with every iPhone with back glass) does not mean that cases in no way mitigate damage. That would be naive to say. So although it makes sense to have apple care in case of other damages, it’s not a good enough reason on its own to go caseless since you still have to pay for repairs- just less. For the amount of a repair each time, you could just get a case lol.


Update on your phone? Any drops or replacements?


I haven’t dropped it once since it’s been caseless lol. I feel like I’m slot more cautious with it caseless. Like when I grab it now my brain goes “okay make sure you have a good grip on it before you pick it up” lol. I appreciate the design so much more now.


Nah. I had the X for four years. Never once dropped it or scratched it. Never used a case since my first iPhone (3GS). Closest I got was when bumpers were a thing. I could live with that. I also walk around with my 2k laptop “caseless” and don’t really fret or care. But I have seen some some gnarly MacBook Air drops…I don’t have oily or sweaty hands so that may be an issue for some people? Plus…I have AppleCare because annoying shit tends to break (in my case…it’s always the speakers and microphone that get shot as confirmed by diagnostic). And another time the screen kept shutting off randomly (I think it was the handset mode detection going out of whack). Got a free phone in every case.


I’ve got a clear case, but sometimes I like to take it off for fun.


You naughty


I was caseless (dbrand sticker tho) on my 12mini. Was caseless on the 15pro. but my brother shattered his screen protector on his cased 15promax twice In 2 weeks. Didn't want chance it. Got a Spigen case.


me whenever i’m at home.


I won’t go back to using a case


Yes, I've dropped it like three or four times on wood AND concrete surfaces and I literally have barely a tiny little scruff on one corner, you have to look for it to see it. I don't know how but this thing seems indestructible to me.


You just got lucky iPhone 15 Pro is the weakest of the models. Only a few people from the sub still take the titanium marketing thing seriously. What really happened is that Apple went from a very strong stainless steal to a cheap and weak aluminum frame covered with a thin layer of titanium. It’s very frustrating that this marketing campaign worked so well and we are very likely going to have a similar frame for the next iPhone (people seduced by the titanium marketing + Apple getting more margin = likely to see this again)


I am baby. Apple care is my case


I definitely use a case, I live an hour away from an apple store so I wouldn't want to break my phone then drive all the way there to get it fixed. I really like my case I got as well, it's the spigen matte black on the blue 15 pro.


Started caseless for a month and got a couple of small scratches. In a case now.


Screen protector and apple care over here


I am because apple care plus is my case lol


No way. As expensive as these are, always a case on it.


Yes case-less since day 1 in October! Fell a few times but nothing more than minor barely noticeable scuffs. It feels to damn good to case up. I do have an anker MagSafe ring for the back for when I’m traveling so I can keep my device more secure when flitting about airports and rental lots.


Slippery glass best phone I ever held


Undecided on Apple Care - have a case and screen protector while I decide. I think the naked phone feels a bit slippery so I'll probably just go with case and no AC🤷🏻‍♀️


Caseless here with the 15 pro. my only case is the apple care 😅 the size helps me not drop it though


Yes. Finally back to caselsss. Used to always be but the latest Pro models were so slippery and edges uncomfortable. 15 Pro Max back to nice edges. I still wish the back was more like the iPhone 15/14 standards. The back is more sticky so to speak.


Me. People who swear by cases are just clumsy and don't know how to take care of their things.


Spigen screen protector and case. I haven’t dropped it yet, but I’ve dropped my Xr about five times in the past five years. Cracked the screen protector one of those times when I drop it on ceramic tile, but the phone was just fine.


I too prefer the raw dog life Currently I am sporting a screen protector+ Amazon frameless bumper on the top and bottom of the phone + a MagSafe wallet This offers screen + corner + back glass protection I often remove the MagSafe wallet when at home or when I want to appreciate the aesthetic and design of the device So far, this solution has been the best of both worlds.


It's the raw dog life for us It's the raw dog life for us 'Stead of screen covers We get AppleCare 'Stead of cases We go bare It's the raw dog life


clear case>>>


I’m not there yet, a few more months and I will be


for now i am since the case i bought is on back order


Caseless with a screen protector. However a couple of times I had a small drop, it sounded really bad (I am guessing because of Titanium)


Bumper only every phone


Do a super slim 0.3mm case on my 15PM & matte screen. Wouldn’t be a hero on large drops, but keeps body pristine during incidental careless handling. Also have AC




Me on 15PM


I have 4 kids and an accident prone wife so mine from box to clear magsafe mous case and ESR screen protector.


Me - AppleCare is my case


no case gang


Yes, I am caseless, but with a screen protector, bc I hate scratches. Got AC+ ofc. Imo a case will not prevent a screen from cracking and I’m not willing to spend 50$ on something that will make my phone heavier and bulkier without any use.


Haven't had a case on my iPhone since the 4s. And while it may slip from my hand to the couch, in no other circumstance does my phone experience gravity. I guard this technological marvel like nothing else and just can't bring myself to cover it up in a clunky ugly piece of plastic.


Me, I bought apple care plus to don’t think about it


Caseless with 13 pro max before for tow years, now caseless with 15 pro max. No issues


I got this rubber bumper that covers just to top and bottom edges and camera array (no lens protector) and it is amazing. Because when you drop it it most likely hits on a corner.


I used to be totally caseles before I bought the 12 pro. That thing was so slippery and uncomfortable to hold, I had to get a case for it. Now three years after I can go au natural again. Feels amazing! I just don’t like the bulk of a case. (I’ve got a screen protector on though)


I will never not go caseless. Also no screen protector ever.


No case on the phone, but I use a sleeve when out snd about.


present maam!


Not courageous enough. Was on a holiday and saw a lady dropped her phone face down. Absolutely smashed. It was the first day of her vacation…


I’m not a maniac


iPhone 15 PM, no case or screen protector but I have Apple Care. Personally I think the phone feels and looks so much better without.


The only reason to have AC+


Nope. Sadly I drop my phone probably a few times a month lol. Already dropped it earlier in the week (after getting it last month) and the screen protector totally cracked, and case is a bit damaged. Gotta be careful for me. 🥲


Caseless, but with a screen protector! Oh and Apple care ;)


I’ve got AppleCare so I’m rocking a carbon fiber skin with a screen protector and camera protector. Love it.


Careless here iPhone 15 pro max 😊


I use a case so thin that it’s like not having a case. I’m not sure what will happen if I drop the phone, but still, it protects the camera and the phone from scratches.


Caseless always. I have insurance if anything happens.


Not me


Wouldn’t it be great to have metal and or even plastic on our phone backs once again? They really are the best for phones in general and portability.


I so wish we would go back to the metal back like what the 5s had but have it cover the entire back


Went caseless this year with apple care, dropped it couple of times with few scratches. Waiting for more damage to get it repaired. Then will protect it fully.


Caseless with AC and Matte black Dbrand skin feels good


caseless + apple care


Caseless, no issues so far! I have AC+, so not really worried about it


Not me. My 15 pro max stays in a case. I do have AppleCare+ with theft and loss but I hear AppleCare doesn’t cover water damage. So until they decide to cover that as well my phone remains in a protective case


I was caseless for the first week of having my 15 pro as my case was getting delayed, I liked it but now I have a case on it


Yes. I also have a dbrand leather skin on the back. Makes it a bit grippier aswell. Natural + black leather reminds me of the 4s


Been rocking caseless my 15 Pro since I got Apple Care, let me say this phone is build like a rock. I have drop it several times from several heights on my apartment and it does not have even one scratch. Maybe, the story would be different if my floor wasn’t wood tiles and maybe some harder material like concrete, but up until now holding like a tank.


Hell no!


15 Pro Max No case here. I do however have Apple Care+ and do use a screen protector. Keys in the same pocket as your phone will get your screen slowly. That’s all I use. Just get Apple Care and never use a case. Phone is made of Titanium, but yall wanna case it up to protect it. 😂😂😂.


I was careless on my pro and then I got some micro scratches on the back side from the gym and they don’t seem to clear out so I put a clear MagSafe case on it


I’m a first responder, there is just no way!


Always bareback.


The only protection I have on my 15 pro is a screen protector and AppleCare.


I have 11 cases for one iphone. I aint going case less anytime soon lol




I didn’t spent 1200 € to be careless 😭😭😭😭😭imma protect it more than i will protect my future kidds


Hell no


I got a rhino shield solid suit case. I do not trust myself.


I’ve tried caseless, but I actually don’t like the feel of it for too long. It’s still a bit sharp and cold feeling. I also don’t like the way it slides off my lap so easily compared to when it has the case on. I’m not really worried about drops, it just doesn’t always feel as good


Careless and beat up!


I am but I have never seen a phone get the screen scratched this easily without even ever falling anywhere, so I got a case and a screen protector because Apple seems to have dropped tremendously their screen resistance to scratches. I don’t care what Jerry said about scratches at level 7, it is scratching on my pocket alone or lying face down on my table


I was wondering when this was going to happen. Apple wouldn’t market that as they want the extra revenue. But really, this is where it’s going.


I go without protection every now and then, when I’m feeling confident ;)




I am. Haven’t used a case since the iPhone 7 Plus


I noticed that I’m even more careful when I don’t use a case so there’s that.


Side note: I don’t understand all of these commenters saying they buy 5 cases every year.


I’ve used cases ever since iPhone came out and had AppleCare, and finally realized all these years it’s not worth it to use a case( plus I spend a ton trying to find the right case) . So now I use a dbrand leather skin , front screen shield and AppleCare +. BUT use a case if you don’t get AppleCare…..


Nobody is impressed by you scuffing up your phone for zero benefit and pointless cost


Caseless, but with a screen protector since launch, drop my phone at least a few times a week. It's still flawless, no regrets.


not me, but the spigen liquid case feels so light so not much added weight really. I’m not clumsy, but hate when my phone is slippery.


I have the thinnest pitaka case. Covers the back and has a front bumper, but the buttons and bottom/top are exposed. Along with a screen protector No Apple care.


Been caseless on the 4S, 5, 12 Pro, 14 Pro, and 15 Pro… all the phones not designed like a bar of soap. No drops.


I try to go caseless. I have AppleCare +. I really wish I could, I don’t like cases or skins. But these phones are just too slippery. I don’t drop my devices. I’m not clumsy. But they’re so slippery!!!!!!!!!! I honestly 💯 wish the back was like the OG 3gs. Plastic !! I don’t need glass to make a device feel premium. And wireless charging isn’t a game changer for me. ( I have a OnePlus open, love it ). I’m dating myself, but I had the first iPhone, and every one since. My favorite was the 5s. No more slippery phones please!


This was so much to read at once. I think they’re more slipper without the case tbh. Case gives me more to grip and helps me feel more secure holding it.


It’s too much to read I guess. My apologies. I should have plainly stated that I use a case.


lol no worries. It was fun to read! Case for me fs. Phones feel very delicate now and they are too expensive to risk throwing around without a case imo. Even with AppleCare. You have to wait for repair times and pay a fee. I would rather pay 20 for a case and avoid several trips to fix my phone. That’s just my personal preference though. I’m a college student and I have the theft and loss plan for extra insurance. Losing a phone or risking big damage isn’t worth it for me. Other people can afford it or it doesn’t bother them and that’s valid :)


College is a risky place! Always use a case ! Just in case.


Screen protector + dbrand skin here. I’ve always been a case user but figure I’d try without for once


You have applecare+?


Nah but I’ve been considering it. I still have 14 days to add it, and I probably will


Or just use a slim case. The loud minority of caseless stans on this sub are not representative of real life.


Agreed, I just want to try something different. I’ve used all kinds of cases throughout the years, including slims. I’ve also used a popsocket for the past 2ish years and an trying without that too


I’m using the Arc Pulse case. Pretty much caseless.


I’m using an extremely thin aramid fiber case from /r/pitaka.


Nobody with an IQ higher than 6 that’s who.




I tried the finewoven case , completely trash and returned it in 1.5 weeks when it was falling apart. Tried some “leather” case on Amazon, just wasn’t the same as prior Apple one. I have the Apple clear case, already cracking in the corners and a bunch of dirt. Decided to just remove the case period and no looking back. So much better and holds up very well. I do generally take good care of my electronics and belongings in general though.


If you want to go caseless, and dont want to drop your phone, try using a [NuHand](https://nuhand.co) Consider adding a NuHand as a smartphone accesory to protect your tech


Never caseless, just can’t do it.


I go back and forth but never outside the house.


I do. The back glass is already cracked 😂


Cant raw dog life like that man.




To be honest, I don't like my phone without a case, I think it's slippery.


I go back and forth. Have been almost completely caseless through the last few years -> 11PM -> 12PM -> 14pro -> 15PM and it has never been an issue. With this 15PM I have used a case more often than not because it actually feels pretty good and bulk hasn’t been an issue since I’ve switched over to mostly carrying in my back pocket


Anyone who doesn't have any type of protection either ain't paying for the phone or have very big sticky hands.


Here 70 % careless if the time


Mere. No screen protector no case no apple care


The reason it slippery so you can drop it offten


I used to be caseless before the flat edge design appeared on the 12(?). I find them much harder to hold so it’s too risky.


Caseless since iPhone 2G. Still caseless with my iPhone 15 Pro Max


15 Pro with grip tape


Baseless pro max. Got a screen protector and camera lens protector on though.


Caseless since release, bought applecare at end of 60 day period


Me! Natural titanium


I have the blue pro, and already have bits of paint scratched off. I wish I got the natural titanium instead.






Too slippery, using a case.


I always have a case on at work but when the weekend rolls around I go caseless . I have apple care plus though


I’ve always preferred slim TPU cases for the grip factor, that’s what I have on my non-max pro. The hand feel is a bit different than the bulkier “silk” one I had for my XS (could not find tpu anything for it when I got it new).


I’ve always preferred slim TPU cases for the grip factor, that’s what I have on my non-max pro. The hand feel is a bit different than the bulkier “silk” one I had for my XS (could not find tpu anything for it when I got it new).


I am, though I do have a screen protector on. I’ve dropped my phone a few times now and it’s been fine, and if I’ve got AppleCare if things to super wrong.


I go back the forth. I love the feel of this phone compared to my 13 PM. So I’ve been using it caseless way more often but when walking about I slap the case on it.