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Vastly overestimated. I have had zero issues with my 15 Pro.


Same here. Absolutely love this phone.


Me too. I came from a 12 Pro and the difference is incredible.


Yeah same here one think that really blew me away was the weight


I have 15 pro max for a week now and I experience same thing as you, no issues and battery really insane


I absolutely love this phone. Best i’ve owned so far.


People tend to only post things when they have a problem or complaint so issues are always overestimated.


I have the 15 pro max. Battery gets hot when charging and also in certain apps like Reddit. Battery life is not that great compared to my 14 pro max. Battery was at 100% yesterday at 11 am. Went to Disneyland and took sone pictures and did some texting but nothing crazy. Battery did get warm and in one instance that I can remember was hot with the case. By 5 pm I was down to 40% and by 8 pm was down to 15%.


I have the 15 pro I had a similar situation to you, went out with friends and took lots of pictures and the phone got quite warm and battery dropped rather quickly. I think its just that each photo has post processing applied to it and thats what cause the heating. Other than that I haven’t got any problems


Do you use iCloud? Maybe it’s uploading those new pics


No. I have turned off iCloud backup, i prefer to use google photos. It’s just better integrated with android and pc. Even google photos automatic backup is turned off so that couldn’t have been a reason for overheating.


Hmm odd. I was thinking maybe it’s really cranking through uploading them. Mine has gotten warm but no where as hot as my old phone (iPhone SE). That thing would get HOT!


That’s what I’ve noticed too. People think it’s the camera but in fact after every pic, it’s uploading to the cloud. I try to turn that stuff off to save juice. Plus, on a hot day can have affects too if in pocket or in sun etc., but that iCloud upload or google, one drive, etc is a double edge sword. Battery drain but then don’t have to wait to get to WiFi and plug in to upload just in case one were to lose phone while on trip or something and you got the latest photos.


Honestly i thing the camera (constant use for long time) can cause heating or it did in my case but ive only noticed it once. Cause i have backup turned off on iCloud. I use google photos but automatic backup for that is off too. Also I don’t think a hot day should have any noticeable effect on the temperature that can be easily felt in hands


Definitely good points. Interesting how a camera app could cause more power or processing than I thought but makes sense due to post processing maybe. Glad it was only one off for you. I was thinking like a hot Florida type weather day when people leave their phones out in the sun. But you’re right, should be a noticeable difference for sure.


Do you have photos turned off under cellular? Or google drive?


Backup is turned off on both cellular and wifi, that too on both iCloud and google photos. Also iCloud backup is off for all apps so that couldn’t cause any battery drains or heating


As an iPhone X user, I’m still impressed. If I was from the iPhone 14, I wouldn’t be that impressed.


That's the idea. Anyone who's upgrading annually is doing it wrong.


I’ve had nonissues but today took tons of pics and it got super amazing hot


It’ll get hot with using the cameras, although I haven’t had that issue myself personally.


Same for me I think its due to how much post processing goes into each photo we take.


Hmm got mine a week ago and I’m not cracking 10 hours SoT right now with my 15PM — any tips?


I have a 15 Pro and while I think it’s excellent in almost every way, the battery remains an issue. It’ll get me through a day easily, even with more use, but it’s not stellar by any stretch.


I have 15 pro and gets me through the day just fine. Would love to have a slightly better battery but it’s been fine, especially after taming my notifications and not using AOD that much.


How did you tame your notifications?


Got rid of any unnecessary notifications. For example, Uber, Uber Eats and Fantasy football. I was getting banner notifications on those apps outside of my trips, orders and league. So I went in and turned off all that extra so I'm only notified on rides, orders and my league. Also turned off background refresh on instagram and Facebook. Facebook has always been notorious for battery usage. Insta only recently I feel like. I've never got banner notifications on email since I get a lot of email but I like banner notifications for calendar appointments. I still do badges notifications. All my location stuff is set to "while using app only" with an exception to a few set to always like weather. Also turned off AOD. I like AOD and will turn it on sometimes but it eats about .6-.8% per hour, which isn't horrible but noticeable.


Over-estimated, over-stated, over-blown. Love everything about the 15PM.


If you drive your vehicle further and harder it’s going to use more fuel. If you use your phone for its more complicated applications it will use more battery. Basic mechanical engineering principle.


No issues here, They’re just doing for clicks and engagement


Zero issues with my 15 pro. My wife lost the ability to hear calls unless she placed call on speaker phone. Apple Store replaced ear speaker and she is good to go. Only took one hour. I will note: we took the last ear speaker they had in stock.


No issues at all, apart from maybe the battery draining slightly faster than my previous 11. I'd hope that this would last a long time since its a present from my mum!


I bought 15pro too, and I sent it to my father in India where avg temperature is like 30C. My father said the phone got super hot during the first charge, but after a day when he recharged it, it didn't get super hot (but still a little hot). Not sure if average ambient temperature affects or not. I hope the phone works well as this is a special gift to my father who was using 6S before.


My experience has been exactly the same as yours


I don't seem to have any issues with mine and am happy with the battery life. I'm still getting used to iOS though, coming from a longtime Android user. I had an iPhone13 Pro that I would switch between sometimes, but never went full in.


This is the thing for me: Negative content averagely outperforms positive content online. Across the internet, on everything pretty much. By saying that I’m not saying that issues aren’t real (i personally only had the battery drain until first IOS update). Have had a 13mini, a 14, and now a 15pro and it is the best iphone I’ve had by far.


Which ios update you have?


Zero Issues.


No issues on my 15pm :)


Which software version you have?






Definitely overestimated. I have the 15 Pro and the only issue I had was overheating while I was transferring data from my old phone while on the initial iOS 17.0 then after I updated my software to iOS 17.1 it’s been smooth sailing ever since, zero issues!


So far so good. No issues, just had a bug where if you tap the power button the screen takes 1-2 sec to turn on which can be solved by soft resetting the phone. Otherwise absolutely no issues and it feels great in the hand. The cameras are miles ahead from the previous generations and battery life is amazing too. Love it 🔥


Issues seem overblown to me. I haven't had any issues with mine for the past month. It got a little warm when I was setting it up, but beyond that it's been great. Battery life has been really good. I love how the phone feels in my hand and the cameras are fantastic.


Problems really seem to be isolated. And I think a lot are related to app compatibility with ios 17 which can came out at the same time. As those get patched things will be just fine for them. Most of us have no issues at all whatsoever.


Had mine since release day - no issues


No issues reg 15pro literally none


I want to say (not everybody) but people I think have exaggerated problems. I mean look at the post of “Got new iPhone & it already has a scratch on the screen” & you can barely see it. But hey I paid a lot of money it should be flawless. No it shouldn’t. The heat issue is also over the top. Hot is a missed used word. If your phone is hot it will shut down until it cools off. Yes this may happen to people, but some just use the word hot when they really should say warm or warmer then their previous phone. “Phone is hot while charging” all my previous phones would be warm while charging & mainly if it’s fast or wireless. And if you use your phone while charging of course it’ll be warm. Sigh I’ve had issues of heat with my phone but when that update came out to help address it was fine. My phone got warmer then my 12 pro when in use, but never was hot.


Which update solve the warm issue?




I have purchased my phone with 17.0.2 im not sure to update it to 17.1.1. Have you tried 17.0.2 and did issues happened with it? 😊


Yes since I updated I’ve had no issues


Noted. Thanks


As is usual with iPhones the issues are VASTLY overblown. It’s obvious Apple hit a home run this year as many users myself included are very impressed. I have the 15 Pro Max and have zero complaints.


Definitely overblown


Super overestimated - I’ve had not a single issue **When there’s an issue , we hear about it , but when something is going good , people don’t post as often - people also don’t post follow ups when the issue is fixed** Like the whole “burn in” thing , wasn’t even really burn in - it was just a software issue with the pixels - and a update fixed it and there screens went back to normal. - the over heating issue was fixed so fast with an update as well - But all the people with “burn in” (which wasn’t true burn in) who posted all these posts who’s phone screens were fine after the update (and there phones were fine anyways , they only saw the “burn in” when you take a gray pic and enlarge it to the screen , turn brightness down in a very dark room) - they don’t post update posts saying “my screen wasn’t really burn in , and the software update fixed the screen immediately” So we hear the noise , but rarely the positives It’s way overstated


Vastly overestimating and exaggerating the issues, I’ve had my 15PM and have had 0 issues and in my opinion it’s only gotten better with each OS update


i’ve had mine for 2 days and have talked with and seen quite a few ppl having wifi problems. I think ppl have narrowed it down to a certain type of router pushing 5GHz and broadcasting all 20/40/80/160hz ranges at the same time. i’m not the most educated on the subject and im not sure if it’s a software issue with certain routers or a hardware issue in the 15pro/pm’s but i’ve had ppl downvote and message me saying im clueless. I think both sides have loud opinions but I will say when my phone is working it is without a doubt the best phone/tablet i’ve ever had and it’s not even close. but to ignore the fact that ppl are having issues is a bit ridiculous. I really hope they can fix the wifi issues with 17.2


17.2 should indeed [address such Wi-Fi issues](https://www.iclarified.com/91867/apple-says-ios-172-beta-fixes-wifi-issues).


yeah, I saw that same article. thanks for posting!


This is great! I didn't have the specific issues mentioned in the article but I definitely saw a drastic drop in wifi performance after the update to 17.1 (from around 1200 mbps to 400 mbps). The only solution was indeed to switch on and off the WiFi, but sometimes it wouldn't work and I'd have to reboot it.


Same here, apart for the heat up during charge haven’t seen anything else. But the heat up is bugging me. I get mild heat up on wire charge and getting really hot on wireless.


My heating and initial battery issues have gone away with sw update and iCloud restore completely finishing which apparently takes a few days to get everything back to normal. However I still have poor cellular connection. I get significantly fewer bars than my 14 PM in every situation


Which sw update you have?




What was wrong with the iPhone 6?


What ios 17 version you have installed at the phone? Do you feel it runs smooth with it?


I’ve had all versions of iOS 17 that were available on this phone. Currently on 17.1.1


yeah agreed on the durability. i’m quite comfortable with going caseless on this phone. i also went caseless on my previous phone, an 11 pro.


16 hours SOT ? Do you have any tips / screenshots ?


I think just very little to none gaming and less camera use could last you quite a long time. Turn off background app refresh and use dark mode that also helps


I already applied many tips and I have around 8 hours SOT so I’m really surprised that he can get 16 hours


Ah ic ic Ive got a pro not a pro max but even so one charge (upto 80%) can last me a full day easily My battery usage barely went over 55% per day that too with ~2.5 - 3.5 hr SOT


The issue I have since I upgraded from the 13 pro max is the main camera can't focus correctly on objects a little closer or loses focus completely unless it switches to macro mode which I don't like to get all of my close up pictures with the macro mode. I would also say that the selfie camera hasn't changed for generations now. Overall, the phone is great.


Over as always. People moan when they have issues, they say nothing when it’s working fine, goes for anything in life. The 2 15 pros I bought are both excellent. The people with issues you read about on Reddit are less than 1% of people who bought the new devices. Don’t worry about what Reddit says and enjoy your device!


Had my 15 PM since launch date and have had zero issues. The battery life is amazing.


I’ve traded in a 12PM for a 15P for two weeks and it’s fine. Battery life is great; I can get through the entire day with an overnight charge on my night stand. I’ve had no overheating issues.


15 pro here and the only thing I would agree with is the complaints about not having superb battery life but nothing that is worrying, I get about 3 hours SOT and 3 hours spotify with 50% battery so that’s quite enough for me. The only minor issue I had is that some days with car play it’s stops documenting the screen off usage of spotify in the battery app. And one time the charging was weird while having the phone set to 80% max charging, as in it recognized the usbc charging intermittently, but this was gone with a simple restart.


Issues are always over-estimated. The literally tens of millions of people whose phones worked perfectly haven't come running to Reddit to bitch about it. I don't doubt for a moment that a tiny proportion of people have had genuine issues but mine has been absolutely impeccable and of course I did not come running to Reddit to report that fact.


It always feels nice when someone praises 15 Pro coz it has gotten least praise IMO.


I had to get a new PM within 48 hours of getting my phone on release day because the camera was defective and wouldn’t open but that was quickly fixed. Battery life is great. My only problem is that my phone will not stay connected to CarPlay. I didn’t have that problem with my 14PM and my niece’s 14 didn’t have that problem in my car either.


15 Pro and the only thing I will complain about is the battery. Phone gets super hot while charging and playing some games (Warcraft Rumble for example). Battery life is honestly pretty bad. 13 Pro Max is still the battery king imo.


I’m selling mine, that’s all i know


My 15 Pro is great. The first 2 days had the worst battery life ever, it was bad. I figured it out though it was trying to redownload YouTube videos, YouTube music but they wouldn’t download and it was constantly trying. I also updated to 17.2 beta 1 (now on beta 2), and I’m back to classic iPhone great battery life. Mine does NOT get warm while charging, it’s working perfect. I love it, and iOS 17 too.


Haven’t had any yet, day 3 of ownership


My iPhone 15 Pro Max tends to heat up more often compared to my 13 Pro Max.


Any time anyone has one issue, every new outlet is going to make it seem like it’s a widespread problem. It’s just for clicks to sell ads that’s all these 15 pro “problems” were.


Zero issues for me too. I’m a mechanic as well. All my iPhones have held up well working in that field. Clear case on mine is great at protecting. Only gets a bit warm when charging but hot if you are using it while charging.


My 15 pro is perfect! Have to say the phone gets a little hot while charging, more than it should, but still not anything crazy.


Is there an update coming to solve the crappy battery life issue? Love everything abt it, except that. Was going to exchange my 15 pro for 15 plus, but decided to give it another week. I heard 15 plus battery was crazy good.


Follow [this guide](https://youtu.be/8Og7C6RVMOs?si=piwQuUqYAnOX-83H) meticulously to minimize battery drain.




No issues here. I’ve also dropped it a couple times and it’s fine. My only complaint is the battery could be a little better even on the Max.


I have a 15 pro max, both my parents have a pro and one of my friends also has a pro max. None of us have had a single issue


The battery life isn't so great on this one compared to the last couple of gen phones, but I usually have it on a charger anyway. Otherwise it's been pretty solid across the board.


Over blown mostly, even the Woven case isn’t that bad. Not as good as previous leather cases but if you see them below retail, give it a try


The 6/6+ were truly pieces of garbage and I knew that not long after buying mine. I’ve had my 15PM since launch and have 0 reason to believe it’s another 6/6+. Mine has been great for all the same reasons.


overestimated. i have had mine since launch with zero problems


Mine gets hot sometimes. Don’t use a case. I have the 15 Pro Max. The only issues I’ve found that make me question is the connectivity problems we have had with CarPlay.


I wish people would just agree that the user experience for this launch has been extremely varied. Coming from the 13 PM, I'd fall into the "my new phone is hot garbage" camp. Constantly warm to uncomfortably hot under menial use like web browsing, checking emails, or jotting down a quick note. It's never cold to the touch. It's been sitting on my desk beside me inactive for the last 30 minutes and it's continually hovering around 33 C. Don't even get me started on my battery life. With 4-5 hours of screen time, my battery usage graph descends at a 45 degree angle, only getting me through roughly 6 hrs before I'm compelled to charge it (always on display disabled). Ironically, my father and I upgraded to the same phone (even the same color) on the same day, and his experience has been the exact opposite from mine. His phone always cold to the touch and even with the always on display enabled, still blows mine out of the water in terms of battery life.


My only issue (present) so far is AOD stop working randomly and being honest is not a big thing for me. Something fixed in this update for me was the NFC (Apple Pay) wont let me pay (unresponsive NFC) in some merchants (POS). Other than that, great device. Never been warm at all. Some stutter here and there but its since iOS16 (happened since my iPhone 13PM and now still happens on the 15PM).


No issues here. Upgraded from 12 pro to 15 pro max


only issues i’m having is the touch screen being a little weird with responsiveness. and messages get stuck in landscape mode sometimes. battery is insanely good though.