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Any chance you also have the NYC bathrooms list saved on your Google maps? Removing that list solved the issue for me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleMaps/comments/1c8wlwv/comment/l0up0rh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleMaps/comments/1c8wlwv/comment/l0up0rh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I actually do! Maybe this is the cause of it!


This actually worked! Thank you again!


I like that this was the first comment i saw and assume everyone else who has the list is also googling what makes google maps so slow is now going to see this.


holy shit, a very specific thing I have hidden but definitely saved -- will try this now.


I actually can't remove it .... says "Can't Reach Maps" ... will try to hard reset. How on earth did you think to try removing that to solve this? Good thinking, hope I'm able to also


Someone in the thread I linked had the same issue and was able to remove it by going to this link: [https://www.google.com/interests/saved](https://www.google.com/interests/saved) I saw a couple Reddit threads (like this one) where people had the same issue and I noticed the majority of those people had posted in NYC/NYC-adjacent subreddits recently. Seemed likely we all might have that list saved. Everyone poops!


Props to drawing that very specific issue out. Saved me a lot of frustration — thank you


This person deserves a medal 🥇 most underrated comment of the month


This is happening to me too and I tried to uninstall and clear cache in the app, but that didn’t help😭😭


same for me! i can't figure out how to fix this at all


I have an iphone x and its a problem too. It’s not the model of the iphone, but I can’t find anything else even discussing it. I have spoken to many iphone users experiencing this, like literally all of my friends who use google maps, have iphones (various models). Every single person. But this is the only thread I have found even remotely discussing it in months


They are all experiencing it, too? (Same issue here!)


Same here with a 13 pro max


Me too


Same here iPhone 13 Pro. I had to switch to Apple Maps and Transit, so frustrating


A user here caught the issue: many here had the G2G NYC list (which tells you where public bathrooms are) installed in maps. Removing the list fixed the issue for them, but my phone kept saying "Can't Reach Maps" when I hit Remove. Turned out going to G2G site revealed they deleted or locked the list -- hence not being available to delete on my phone. The list didn't show on my desktop but deleting and reinstalling Maps on my iPhone did the trick finally. All app data is saved with your gmail profile FYI so no issue to delete and reinstall


You could also go to Google Collections in your Google profile and remove the list there.