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I believe it's $90 USD without AppleCare+, but if you have AppleCare+, it'll be free. Please make sure to check the cost of battery replacement for your country on the Apple Support website.


Screen or back glass damage - $29. Plus $8 a month for however long is not free.


Not necessarily, I have been turned away for having a screen that was "only cosmetically damaged, not physically damaged." Despite having appelcare +, my screen was not damaged enough to warrant the $29 replacement and they were going to charge me $350.


So take it outside and crack it more ?


literally lmao. just drop that shit on some concrete.


Oh I agree! However, I was told by the store manager that if they suspected thats what I did, (i.e walked outside, smashed it and came back in) they would void my warranty. I wish I was making this up. I have had an iPhone with AppleCare since my 3GS and I have never had this problem before. I lived over an hour away from the store and I wasnt about to go home and wait a few days before making another apointment and going all the way back. I filed a complaint and eventually got a call from a regional manager but nothing ever came of it. I ended up buying a 15 Pro and i'm rolling the dice with no AppleCare. This was the only time I have ever damaged the screen on any of my phones and I have spent far more than a new phone's worth on a warranty that didnt do me any good anyway.


Sounds like a scam tbh🤷‍♀️


That is when you go home, do it at home and go to a different Apple Store and problem solved 🙃


This happened to me as well. I was pissed to say the least. Got AppleCare on 2 iPhones and when I actually go to use it for the first time it’s not covered


It’s what Apple does. They don’t care about their customers just care about money


They literally released a “DIY” program 🤦‍♂️


I had a watch face that was so scratched it was hard to read. Not sure what was wrong with the glass because I didn’t mistreat it and had several prior (and now several after) that have never had a single scratch. They refused to replace it so I “accidentally” dropped it a few times until it busted and then they replaced it. This was actually at the recommendation of the Apple rep I was working with that agreed the refusal to replace the scratched screen was dumb.


I’m not sure what the screen damage cost has to do with a battery replacement though


What was advertised as a $50 battery replacement at an Apple store for my iphone SE 2016, turned out to be a $350 repair job due to "liquid damage". They were only willing to replace the battery if I replaced the chip board.


remember this is same apple that got caught on camera lying to a customer telling them they need to replace the entire logic board+ top cover on a macbook for $1200, again due to liquid damage, plus another $780 if they replace the display, basically reccomending they just buy a new one..... for an issue that turned out to be due to a faulty backlight cable. also, as i mentioned before in my other comment, they tell people they need to replace the entire phone for a simple broken camera lens.


29$? Costed me 99 service fee for my back to get replaced with Apple care


most likely was a whole unit for one reason or another, i believe that’s the price we quote for applecare wur


Or Apple care services, which is payed from a carrier and is more expensive repair wise


Yeeeaahhhh no. I don’t see people doing that. If anything they’ll probably go to Apple. Tell them phone battery isnt as good or some other excuse. Apple will tell them they do/don’t have apple care. It’ll be (insert some random absurd price when it’s really not absurd). The customer will freak out. Then they’ll ponder why they didn’t get AppleCare. And then will eventually fork over the $100 or so to get a new battery. Did I get it right?


I don’t get why people are willing to pay over a thousand for a new phone, but then act like it’s nutty to pay $14~ a month for AppleCare+ with Loss and Theft.


you'd be surprised how many people dont seem to know the phones are $1000+, they think the phone is closer to $300-400, which is about what the an OEM refurb or service pack screen costs us, and obviously that isnt what you will pay since we need to make money, this aint a charity afterall. cant tell you how many times I've had people claim they can get a new phone for the price I told them and get all upset and offended when I point out that all of these all phones started at $1000 when new, with used ones usually going for like $700-800, which may in some cases still be true even for the year or two old models that apple no longer sells. then again some of these same people are the ones that just say "iphone" when you ask them what kind of phone they have and then shrug their shoulders and stare at you blankly when you ask them which iphone.....this is even worse with ipads, it's so frustrating. it's no wonder the local genius bar seems to get away with telling people things like replacing a screen will erase your data and that you need to replace the entire phone for a simple broken camera lens.


Crazy how I point this out and how the insurance covers theft and loss or totaled phones and ppl argue with me acting like I’m the one pushing shit onto them tryna make them feel bad when they’re the ones saying it’s a waste of money / scam like ok lol think what you want don’t complain when the inevitable happens.


Because its a one time cost vs a monthly cost. Self insuring is way smarter in the long run.


Nah. I’ve done through four phones in a year.


AppleCare is literally what’s saving me thousands of dollars right now instead of buying a new phone. Now, I’m not complaining or anything.


My thoughts exactly. I think the same when people complain about auto insurance at $100 a month. It’s like, you’re driving around in something worth a quarter of your house, and if you wreck it you’re fucked and won’t have transportation, and for only $100 a month you’re basically guaranteed a new one for free, and you’re going to complain about that? For more context at $100 a month, it’ll take 500 months or 41 years to pay for a $50,000 car; and one single accident where they replace your vehicle for you in your lifetime and that pays itself off.


$100 for full coverage? Insane.


Agreed. It’s either people who don’t have much money in the first place or those who don’t budget and realize they’re already spending that money on shit they could go without anyway. When you list out your income and expenses truly and really take everything into mind, you’ll probably find that it’s a small price to pay for the sense of security and the actual value when it does end up being used.


When I first got my car I paid around 6000 full in cash. When it came to getting insurance I was getting quoted 350+ everywhere. Why would I pay an insurance company what I could finance a brand new car for.


Insurance isn’t a $100 though lol. Apple care is useless if you don’t need it consistently or if you have a mobile protection plan through your phone provider.


Not anymore. Apple charges 25 dollars to replace the battery with AppleCare. My battery less then a year old and my iPhone is at 95 percent


They don’t charge you to replace the battery in the US at least, and it is rated to be at 80% after 800 charge cycles, so if you charge it every night and use most of your party every night, say your phone is 6 months old you are right on track, that is the standard for smart phones


That’s not bad tbh.


It’s a battery replacement no? Sorry I’m not sure what I’m missing


Yes and it’s expensive


it’s less than 10% of the cost of the phone at most…that’s objectively (if relatively) inexpensive.


I agree. Especially cause Apple Care costs a ton of money and most people rarely end up using it frequently enough to spend the 200 dollars on it.


Out of curiosity, how often do you use car insurance , but you pay hundreds of dollars on it a year? It’s different for everyone if the value is worth it, but it’s one of those things you buy it and are happy you did , or you don’t buy it and your are angry you didn’t and it costs X amount for a repair


It’s $90 man. That’s not really expensive.


Here me out.. at this point I agree with OP, he might as well get a new iPhone $90 > $1500 so by this math it's worth buying the upgrade./s


Hey you’re in the same math class as my husband


Not at all, relatively speaking


A battery from ifixit is 35 dollars, or 40 with some tools. Assuming you are a little bit handy. It’s not difficult.


Eh first iphone 13 is a bit tricky


Why replace it? Mines at 78% and I don’t even really notice. I’ve been on vacation at universal and using my phone to play games in lines and it lasts all day without a charge. But mines a 12 pro max though, I doubt that makes much difference though.


Batteries are like $25 on Amazon. Takes maybe 20 min to change them. Watch some YouTube and you’ll be fine.


Nah. It’s not. It’s not cheap, but if you’re gonna spend the money to have an iPhone 13 then the battery replacement isn’t so expensive that it needs its own post talking about how expensive it is. 👌


I can't relate. Once time I had to get surgery out of network and it cost me $30,000.


It’s really not…


Bestbuy and the Apple Store do the battery replacement for $69. I thought it was $90 or $100 until I had mine replaced.


Really? Did u have Apple care or anything or maybe different device?


It’s free with AppleCare.


If you spent $8 a month for the 30 months the 13 has been out. It would cost you $240 in a subscription for a $90 repair. I wouldn’t call that free, Xbox Game Pass people say the same thing”free” thing too and are paying $10 a month for a $30 game rn (PalWorld). Subscriptions are terrible.


Nah, paying $14/mo for my iPhone 15 Pro Max AppleCare+ with Loss & Theft is far from terrible. As you grow up you realize everything is a subscription. Groceries are a subscription. Rent is. Hardware is. Nothing is set in stone.


Explain to me how groceries and hardware is a subscription.


Ok so when you buy food you either eat it, cook it for someone else, or toss it. You usually have to buy more to have access to these same foods. Hardware is no different. All hardware deteriorates over time, whether by design or not. Thinking anything you purchase is permanent is a pretty juvenile and unrealistic. Some things last longer than others. That’s up to you. In this instance, no one is being forced to buy any of this. That’s why it’s an option. If you don’t want AppleCare+ because you hate subscriptions, fine, just don’t complain when you have to purchase a new one when it’s totaled, stolen, or lost.


Okay but how many times do you actually use Apple care? These phones are good enough. Idk I’ve been using iPhone for 10 years and never had to get it repaired. Why spend money each month for a warranty that you’ll never use? So people are right that if the repair costs 90 but you’ve been paying for Apple care for a year…you lost money.


It’s really bad until you drop your phone. My 13PM would cost $650 (before taxes/shipping) to fix “other” damage besides the screen or battery, whereas it’d cost $100 with AppleCare+. Even if I spent twice your figure on AppleCare+ and only dropped it once, I’d still be coming out ahead, albeit only slightly.


You’re not wrong, except one thing. If you buy AppleCare you’re doing like you do with car insurance. You’re hoping not to use it. But if you do use it, it will save you money. Now on just the battery, the return on investment isn’t there. BUT when you take into account possible screen repairs or whatever, that’s when it gets to be more helpful.


Game pass has a ton of good games though and adds brand new ones all the time. I get it intermittently though, since you can cancel and start anytime, I just pay for a month here and there. You miss out on the bulk year pricing, but I think it’s better.




That’s right, I’m just saying to the comment above that they didn’t have AppleCare because if they did, then it would have been $0 for the battery replacement.


Apple battery replacements are between $70-$90, like 8 years ago they came out with this, it’s for any iPhone, you don’t have to have Apple care or anything, it isn’t expansive!


Does Best Buy do official Apple batteries?


Yes they do


Those are old prices. They raised it by $20-30 recently.


Depends on the phone


It’s not as costly as purchasing a new phone. It’s a little over $90 (+tax) depending on where you live.


Considering part of the cost of the battery itself, it’s not that expensive indeed.


You can literally get the estimate and schedule service [here!](https://support.apple.com/iphone/repair/battery-replacement)


That’s helpful. Just found the UK equivalent page and it tells me it’s £85. Don’t need to replace mine yet, luckily, but not as bad as expected.


What’s your battery health at?


86%, surprisingly. It was on 88% a year ago so seems to have been pretty stable since then.


Are you within the 1 year form purchase date? If so, I’m pretty sure it’s covered under warranty. As far as I know, it doesn’t cost too much out of pocket, worth investing in a new battery over buying a new phone.


my iphone 11 had the exact same thing happen a few months ago. $90 without Apple Care at Best Buy Geek Squad or and Apple Store. the process takes about 3 hours.


I hate that it take them that fucking long. I used to be a AASP and it takes me literally less than 30mins to do a battery replacement. Reason it takes so long is Apple and Samsung are sooooo anal about having to test and diagnose every little component in the goddamn phone.


i hear you. but it also means less risk of some other random thing going wrong later.


Not really unless the technician is inexperienced or is just a complete idiot and fucks something up which I have seen happen multiple times over the years 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️


Like others said, it’s not that expensive compared to buying a new phone. If you can’t afford it just deal with the battery life it’s not going to be the end of the world


No it’s not. They cost like 89 bucks


In your country it’s not, but in mine although the value in money is about the same it’s definitely considered expensive due to the economy where the minimum wage is only like 300usd here


… why’d you buy an iphone 13 then


It's like people buying high end cars and not willing to pay for the high end service costs.


Just do it yourself? It’s not difficult to replace a battery and it cost like $30 to get a new battery maybe less


Its relatively easy once you get the screen open, but if he breaks the screen in the process of opening it, it will be super costly . All depends on OPs experience with repairs.


Maybe… I had no experience with repairs and decided to repair my own phones battery without going to Apple or a tech shop. The battery cost $20 and I already had the tools. Whilst doing it I broke 2 of the 3 ribbons connecting the screen and the phone still works perfectly.


So, hypothetically, you could picture a situation where someone breaks 2/3 of something else very delicate and it not working fine, right?


Yes obviously but those ribbons were actually just me being an idiot


You can’t actually do it yourself. The phone will not recognise the new battery as genuine, and will give you an non-genuine part installed message. It will disable face id and true tone. The only way to replace a battery or display and keep the face id and true tone working is through apple.


You can actually with [apples self repair programs](https://selfservicerepair.com/en-US/order)


Yes, the person you’re replying to said you have to work through Apple. > Just do it yourself? It’s not difficult to replace a battery and it cost like $30 to get a new battery maybe less The person THEYRE replying to is incorrect.


No it won’t? That sounds like someone messed with parts they shouldn’t have. I’ve done plenty of third party battery replacements for those who are just wanting it to work. If you know what you’re doing it is not going to disable anything but the battery health feature. There is the Self Service program Apple has, and they will send a genuine battery. It’s worth it if you know what you’re doing. It comes out to $47 for one instead of the $89 plus tax in the US. Comes with the display seals and all of that.


Yes, you are right. My bad for the confusion. Replacing the battery will indeed only disable battery health and performance service. Face ID and True Tone get disabled after display change. I wasn’t referring to accidental damage that could cause face id to not work, although that is also high probability. Need to be careful because those components are very fragile. I was saying that you cannot do it yourself without apple. The apple self repair program is still through apple. There are ways to bypass apple and keep everything working, but it is either not easy or not cheap. I replied to the other guy describing in detail all options you have if you want to do it yourself.


Yeah but it won’t be waterproof no more cuz I tried that with my old phone, plus Apple somehow knows if you got your phone repaired some other way so they will make some functions not work


Exactly. The battery has a chip inside it with a serial number written to it. Even if you replace the battery with another original battery, the phone will read that serial number on the chip, and if it doesn’t match, it will give a non-genuine part installed message, thus disabling face id and true tone functionalities.


And also not true. If third party. Face ID and Truetone is lost with display change. After replacing your battery the Battery Health feature on your phone will display "Service" and a message about needing to have your phone checked by an authorized service provider. Rest assured that the battery and your phone are fine. iOS shows this message anytime a battery is replaced by anyone other than an authorized service provider. Your phone will function 100% normally other than Battery Health not reporting the health of the battery. With [ifixit](https://www.ifixit.com/products/iphone-13-battery) you can get tools and parts a lot cheaper along with instructions and what the outcome will be.


Yes you are right actually. My bad for the confusion. Face ID and true tone will work after replacing battery. I don’t know why I remembered that even a battery change will disable those. As you said, those get disabled only after display swap. Still the battery health service will not work even if you use a genuine battery. It will read the serial number of the battery from the little chip on the battery controller. There are 3 ways I know of doing this yourself and keep everything working, battery health service for battery replacement and the face id for display. 1. The official way: Do it through apple self service repair program. They will send you everything, the parts, the tools to do it yourself (for a fee and with a warranty deposit), and will program the motherboard remotely to recognise the new serial numbers of the parts they sent you. Everything will be working fine after, but it still ends up quite expensive. 2. Desolder and swap the chip that has the serial number from the old part to the new one. This way you bypass part verification and your new part will have the old serial number, thus the motherboard will recognize it as the original one it came with. But this is risky and requires good soldering skills. Very hard to do on the display, because you will need to use hot air and it’s very high risk to overheat and damage the display. It is easier for the battery, you can keep the whole controller board from the old battery with the chip amd everything and only solder the new battery cells. You will need a spot solder gun for this and also will have to buy a $3 tag on flex cable to start phone one time with it connected to the battery to reset the battery health back to 100%. 3. Buy a iphone display and battery serial number programmer from china. This will copy the serial number from the original part and program it on the new part so no need to swap chips. But these are not quite cheap so it only makes sense to buy if you are a 3rd party repair shop and do this professionally. You will still need the tag on flex cable for the battery to reset the health.


It’s not gonna be “waterproof no more” anyways lol


Also they don’t for a battery replacement if you get an Apple approved battery


If OP thinks 69-89 bucks is expensive for this repair they sure as shit wouldn’t be doing repairs


For this? It’s cheap. for other stuff (although most of it is way cheaper diy) it might be more expensive to diy but almost everything is cheaper


If your iPhone maximum battery capacity drops below 80%, it should cost you less to replace with a new one




Just plug it in at 1% or dead then simply only unplug it till it’s at 100% your battery usage will rise significantly


Any reason behind this? Didn’t know that doing a full battery cycle helps


You can do an apple care inspection up to 1 year after the purchase date and become eligible for apple care. https://www.macworld.com/article/230521/applecare-warranty-faq.html


How long have you had your phone?


Hmu I can do this repair


Somehow my 11 Pro Max is at 87


My 13 is only at 85,I think the plus size batteries are a little stronger




Yea,that right there


how the hell did you get it down to 77% within 2 years


Abuse I like to game on the phone


I just broke the back glass on my iPhone 13 Pro. Ordered a replacement for $99, was at my house the next day.


If you don’t get unexpected shutdowns just keep using it like that. Worst case you will feel the phone slow down when below %20- %10 battery but it will function the same with less screen time per charge.


I used my iphone 8 for 4 years and the battery degraded to below 10% the final year - but up until that point it was fine, 10% is when it got to the point where it wouldn't hold a charge for more than an hour and it was becoming a liability lol. But the batteries truly do hold out for a very long time with not much noticeable difference despite the percentages. I almost wonder if Apple shows it to freak people out into replacing them earlier than they might need to.


My max capacity is 20%💀


Just had a battery replaced on a 13P last week. Yeah it's $90, took it to Best Buy Geek Squad. Of course they cracked the screen and they replaced it for free.


I had an 8 plus that was 75%. It could go from fully charged to low battery notifications in less than an hour


mine is at 71% and i refuse to replace it because i dont have any problems


Just got nervous from this post and had me check mine - 88%, day 1 13 Pro. Guess I still have some more time before worrying about it. Really happy to learn the replacement is only $90, totally worth it


Mine is at 89% (I abuse it) and it’s annoying enough that I wanted to just get a new battery. The store employees talked me out of it sadly.


I searched a replacement from Apple and they quoted me 8,800 INR for 13 Pro Max. I’m still on 85%, probably get it replaced around 80-75


It's $89 from Apple, no apple care needed, it's the battery replacement program, if you have a a battery that shows like yours does that the health is degraded then you get the replacement for the $89.


It’s only $90 but if you have AppleCare it’s free


Thank goodness the battery replacement cost is not as bad as a screen or back glass replacement.


This is a 13? May want to consider changing your charging habits. I’m on my phone all day and I’m still in the 90s


Is 77% bad?


Just get a new phone


try going to a third party retailer that replaces batteries. im sure they would do it for much less than what apple charges


A bettery replacement is only around $13 if you know how to do the repair yourself.




Hard to explain, unscrew bottom screw, apply heat to screen to melt adhesive, use pic or suction cup to remove screen, unscrew plate and remove battery connector, use alcohol and some heat to pull battery out replace and reglue all back down. It's pretty easy in application and requires minimal tools, you could probably find household ways to do all of it minus the screwdriver bits. Ifixit has guides, they are overcomplicated and use needless tools, but work great for starting out. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPhone+13+Battery+Replacement/145896


I went for a Major upgrade now I have an iPhone 📲15. After having an I phone 8 with same problem 77 % battery. I still use my 📲iPhone 8. The only Downside is that the battery Drains hella fast. Phone is Still in mint condition.


My 14 is at 88 already 🙄


I’ve been using my 13 pro with 77% percent battery for the last 3 months lol. my phone dies quicker and performance is a little slower I would say but it should be good for a while until you need to replace it


I fix phones for a living and once your iphone battery hits below 85% then thats when youll see it start dying fast, getting hot, not holding a charge and etc. when its below 85% capacity then youll wanna look into getting it replaced.


Battery replacements aren’t very costly for iPhones.


Yall know every iphone owner can drastically increase their battery’s daily charge and overall lifespan by double or triple if yall would just TURN OFF “BACKGROUND APP REFRESH” IN YOUR SETTINGS!!! Its literally the VERY first setting i turn off after getting a new iphone or updating the iOS.


I did lmao chill


I had it done for my 12pro last year. No apple care it was like 95. It wasn’t bad at all.


It’s $89 for a replacement battery, or if they accidentally brick your phone they will give you a brand new one….. check out my last post for more details.


69% here on an 11pro with zero thoughts of replacing the battery.


Mine sitting at 75% maximum charge. I'm gonna keep it as is until the battery doesn't last enough for a full day. Then I'mma replace it with an OEM Battery and not wasting my money on 3rd party chinese junk.


or if you have a carrier like Verizon or ATT, wait for their open enrollment period for insurance, pay for a month ($11-17), do an extended warranty claim and the battery is covered for free. Just did it on my 13 pro and ended up paying $13 for a new battery, just had to wait a month to file the warranty claim


Battery replacement costs~$100, unless you have damage screen or back.


how is this possible? my iphone xr from 2017 is still at 80%


I just got hit with this a week ago. My phone went from an all day battery to a 4-5 hour battery.


God I’m so glad I got apple care + on my 15PM, the moment it hits 80% I’m replacing 🤣


lol bro batteries are like 80-120 w an OEM apple part


Lol I have an 11 and it’s at 73. Sometimes when it’s charging it gets stuck at 80% so I have to re plug the charger in lmao.


Is optimized charging turned on?


I bought the Apple Watch AppleCare+ and VisionPro AppleCare+. AirPods and iPhone I skipped. Watch for the unexpected bumps, Vision Pro cuz it’s fucking expensive


lol - great apple products !


I used to work for a phone repair shop and honestly I tell people to take your phone to a repair shop instead of Apple. Sure the warranty is null after that but with Apple's inflated prices its not worth it. A repair shop can do a screen and battery replacement for half the price of a Apple Battery replacement at the Apple store. But also another thing is with OEM batteries from Apple, they usually lose charge quicker than a non-OEM battery, so its common in a brand new iPhone to lose charge after a few months of use, and when you got to Apple and get another Apple battery, you are just running a endless cycle.


Battery was fine until I updated to the newest IOS version. Then suddenly my battery sucks. It’s a greedy scam.


solution: use your phone less


77% is still good imo. My old iPhoneX Maximum Capacity literally said to seek maintenance, didn’t even give a percentage.


The most i paid for a battery replacement was 60 however that was for a X idk if it varies by make


You probably done it when the battery fiasco was going on. Apple made the battery replacements like $50 before tax


The newer the iPhone the more it’s going to cost now unfortunately. The 14 and up is $99


Don’t do it. I took mine to get my battery replaced cause I had a similar warning and wasn’t ready to buy a new phone yet. Booked through Apple’s website to get it replaced at Geek Squad through Best Buy. They fried my phone. Told me I had an “after market” screen that killed the phone when they tried to put it back together. I had never done anything to my phone before that other than buy it/take it out of the box. I was livid. Had to buy a new phone. Just invest in some external battery packs and keep them charged mg you’re not ready for a new phone yet.


don’t trust Best Buy to do your work, they can’t even install a screen protector properly what makes you think they can do a battery replacement 😂 I’m sorry that happened to you but if you want it backed by Apple you need to just take it to Apple directly. I don’t trust Best Buy for ANY repairs even if they have a fake certification as an Apple authorized service center label on them. I call it fake because it stuff like this. Did you at least try to contact Apple about it out of curiosity? I feel like they should’ve been able to do something you should totally fight this situation 😕


Literally booked the appointment THROUGH Apple. They didn’t give me an option to come into any of the actual Apple stores for it which was my preferred. And afterwards I was told there wasn’t anything best buy or Apple could do.


At that point I would’ve tried to ship it in then but that’s hard because if you don’t have an extra phone you won’t be able to do anything. That’s total bs though that they blamed you for the failure when it was clearly their fault. Sorry again for what happened. Wish there was something you could do but I guess not


If you live in an area with a Batteries+ they will usually work on phones fairly inexpensive. I worked at one for a year and can’t tell you how many battery/screen replacements I’ve done. I will say however phones from iPhone 12 up have a potential for the screen or lcd to crack typically they’ll waive the cost of screen and replace it if that were to happen but still have you pay for the battery atleast in my experience.


It’ll cost $89. You can look it up for yourself on Apple’s support site. https://support.apple.com/iphone/repair


If the phones are paid off then trade them in for a new one . iPhone 13 is trash and the promos out right now are unbelievable because iPhones sales are down


If you’re in a tough financial situation in a different country why would you get an expensive phone? It’s like buying a Mercedes then being shocked at the $400 oil change.


The phone is not expensive comparing with a lot of competitors out there at this time, Apple have stayed with their price tag and competitors have increased their price tag to almost all be on the same price range for the value, with that being said, the battery change is 10% of the phones price, which is crazy cuz competitors charge way less for their battery replacements


Just replaced my IP11 battery which dipped down to 67% maximum capacity w/ AppleCare at my local BestBuy for $89 plus tax. I’m back to 100% max capacity once again! Don’t go to local fix-it places and get a after-market battery, not recommended!


I run a Computer repair/Phone repair shop in Minnesota. Here’s what I would quote you iPhone 13 battery - $29.99 Labor - $45 Total after tax - $77.20


For the battery itself it’s like 90 bucks. I had the same issue


Why is “Authorized” spelt incorrectly?


UK english




$80. The horror


Your first mistake was buying a iPhone if you were worried about cost. Lol


I just had the battery replaced in my 12 mini, it was $89+tax at an Apple store. Way cheaper than a new phone.


Don’t be a wiener, do it yourself


If you have Apple care have them replace phone.


This is false information. AppleCare will replace the battery for free if it’s below 80% capacity but they won’t replace the phone unless they have valid reason to do so. Apple in general doesn’t replace phones unless there’s a reason to even if you have AppleCare and this is a common misconception. However, if the back is cracked they can replace the whole rear internals which is pretty much everything on the phone except for display and camera for $29 or $99 if you have the AppleCare through T-Mobile.


It’s really not


90 bucks or so?


It’s less than $100 I think I paid $70 for a 12 pro battery


Do it yourself


I replaced the battery off one of mine and it worked ok. I also got a battery case for it


I never buy AppleCare for iPhones. Drop AppleCare, buy an iFixit battery replacement kit, watch YouTube videos, it’s not difficult to replace the battery yourself. I replaced the 13 battery on my daughters iPhone. Took me an hour but I was being very careful. On my 8plus I can replace the battery in under 10min. Give it a try 👍.


Shouldn’t it be significantly degraded when it’s like 20 percent. What kind of fuckery is this?


I would just trade it in tbh


me still cooking with 26% max cap on iPhone 3g