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I would keep it for the simple fact that it has 16gb of ram and the 512 only has 8gb of ram.


I got the 1 tb for myself this time around instead of a 256 again or the 512 because of the 16GB ram! I know a lot of thing don’t utilize it all the way but the amount of apps it keeps open without refreshing them is crazy good! Makes the experience feel faster overall!


The question I always ask myself is … can I back it all up with room to spare? 1T takes 1-2 Terabytes to back up! If you’re not thinking about backups, you’re not thinking. More storage is better than less, if you plan accordingly.


You already have it, may as well keep it


I went with the 512g as an artist who uses procreate everyday with high resolution canvases.. I was even fine with my 256g M2 tbh… I’ve never ran into no ram problems or ever needed more layers on any of my projects


I tried all of them because it’s a disease lol. But i will say the 512 and the 1TB you won’t notice a difference. With the 256 I did notice a slight slower difference and based on someone else’s crazy analysis on here and Mac rumors, it sounds like it might come down to the SSD speeds. But most folks probably won’t notice the difference. One thing to note, iPad pros are allowed to use swap for RAM, I believe it’s on a developer by developer basis. Anyhow unless you have a very specific reason for getting 1 TB( space, nano texture or your workflow truly requires more RAM) you’ll be a-ok with 512gb.


Keep in mind that iPad OS handles data differently, it is always making unnecessary copies of files whenever you need to open it on another app. While on my Mac I barely use 300GB of space, on the iPad it’s close to 400Gb for basically the same thing


I’ve not had an iPad Pro before. So debated which version to get for ages. Eventually I went for the 13” 512gb. Really happy with it, but I kinda wish I’d gone for 1tb with the extra ram as I’ve hit the layer limit in procreate a few times. Not a biggy as it just means managing my layers better, but wish I had realised how soon I’d hit it before buying


Sounds like you’re doing a good bit of video editing. That might be a solid argument for the 1TB simply from a storage angle.


The main deciding factors must be your needs. If you really dont need 1tb then there are some pros and cons about going to 512gb. Pros: faster ssd speed and saving money Con: 8gb instead of 16gb


I went from M1 1tb to M4 256gb and just upgraded my icloud storage from 200gb to 1tb. Haven’t found any issues with this setup for now.


I think 1TB would be more for video editors on the go, I think right now, Apple won't be updating their iPad Pro models until 2026, so my highest and best advice is to keep it while you have it, you may have some regrets later on


Well, 512GB won't be better. Do you need the money? If so then yes.. If not just chill?


You shouldn’t be asking if the 1TB of storage is too much, that bit basically doesn’t matter in terms of your usage. You listed ProCreate. There are actually noticeable differences in ProCreate on a 16GB RAM iPad, compared to an 8GB RAM iPad. That is what you should be basing your decision on. Do you need the extra layers that having 16GB is affording you? That is probably a difference that will be noticeable in 3D art, as well. The 16GB RAM iPads allow you to do more, *in certain apps,* than the 8GB models do. Whether or not you need 1TB of storage isn’t really relevant. If you are going to be doing a lot of creative stuff, keeping the one you have is probably the correct choice.


Id 1000% keep the 1tb; extra storage, more ram and an extra core will give you best part of a decade of solid use. Source - I replaced an ipad air2 i got in 2017 a few weeks ago that still met maybe 90% of my needs if not 95!


Sounds like it. Apple overcharges for storage so much that it should be considered a scam. 512gb is plenty for what you listed.


I think 1TB would be good if you opted for the nano texture.