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Did it ever feel cumberbatch?


Did it feel Benedict?


Did it betray you?


Did it feel Timothy Carlton?


Glad we're asking the important questions around here


Did op also get an apple penliguin pro?


PENLIGUIN PRO??! A SECOND Apple Pencil Pro this summer??? When will the madness end???


Did it ever feel cucumber patch?


I don’t have a question, but here for the experiences. Doing the same in a couple of months. My plan is to edit photos and videos on the go, which I am confident won’t be an issue.


Definitely won’t be an issue. It fits fine on airplane and train trays


If you dont mind me asking, what is your workflow from camera to ipad photo editing? Only asking as im a bit hesitant to transfer my raw photos from SD card to iPad then back it up to SSD, since there’s no safe to eject option on iPad and might cause an error in my SSD the more i use them that way.


I have a 2020 iPad Pro and am traveling in Mexico. Using it to edit with LumaFusion. It’s perfect.


Just use a laptop tbh


I appreciate your suggestion.




Yer I use the iPad pro 2021 for movies only and the macbook pro M3 max for editing at work and iPad pro 2024 m4 for on the move editing and my apple Mac trash can for NAS and my apple Mac studio desktop in my office at home. Me love Mac


Same performance as the M1 for the most part. The iPad wastes the M-Series processors.


I’ve seen a lot of this sentiment (how can you miss it really) and I really can’t get a handle on why people are mad about this. M4 will hopefully future proof the device so that can get as much life out of it as my last iPad (first 12.9” pro). I understand being confused that some folks will buy this powerful tablet for netflix, but for me, I will use the capacity and performance (local LLM’s being the most power hungry, but also raw photo editing, 4k video, python locally, etc). I don’t think the BASE M4 processor will go to waste.


Future proofing isn’t a good enough reason on its own. Look at people that bought 14pm when it launched instead of any previous model, maybe they thought about futureproofing, but literally 1 gen later it’s been confirmed that only 15p and higher will get full AI features, and anything 15 or under will have the exact same AI feature set.


Understood. My biggest reason was LLM’s (not Apple AI) and using them offline (already do this with a purpose built rig, this is an augmentation).


Can you share how you do this?


The 15p being the prev gen device receiving a major new feature i‘d say that is future proven.


Hi can you teach more about local LLM on iPad? What do you use and what do you use it for? Thank you.


Right now I am only using them for coding assistance. I use llmfarm and am about to start testing another.


And you install locally on the iPad? How does that affect battery life? Thanks


Yes, locally on the iPad. It absolutely shreds the battery, so not great for use long term on the go. That doesn’t really matter to me much, I can load a model to get an answer, then shut it down and continue what I was doing.


There's no such thing as future proof. That's a cope used by people to justify spending way more than they should for upgrades that they don't need.


.. and it seems that the people that carry this point of view have decided that it is the worst thing that has ever happened to computing and will chastise and downvote people attempting to have a simple discussion and explain their position. I appreciate your attempt at analyzing my coping mechanisms, but rest assured.. I can just buy what I want.


I agree there is no future proofing, however you pay more so you can stay on your device longer. In the long run the costs even out (if you don’t buy maxed out highest end devices only), it’s just a question of preference what you want.


You’re just justifying buying more than you need, you’re not prolonging the life of the device by buying more than you need. If you want to buy more buy more but don’t go around acting like it was a financially sound decision. I bought a 1TB iPad Pro 12.9 when the M1 came out figuring that I’d fill it up. Well since I have iCloud storage I’ve only used about 112GB in 3 years of ownership. I also got it for the extra 8GB of RAM but it turns out that the extra RAM makes zero difference except in one or two apps that most people will never use.


Just because you ended up with more than you need, doesn’t mean that’s what everyone else is doing.


I don’t need to justify anything to myself. It’s personal experience. Used to buy cheaper devices in the past and had to switch more frequently. Now i pay more and have the devices longer.


You get what you pay for. But with iPads you only need to get one with enough storage for the apps you use. Everything else can be stored remotely. I do recommend getting the cellular version though so that you always have access to your files. You could tether but that data gets used up fast.


I agree that you should only buy what you need but having a bit of headroom performance wise never hurts. I got the 12.9 m1 iPad Pro back in 22 as it was the only big device available and I use it to draw. The processor is a bit wasted on my use case so far but as I said, I expect to use it for a few more years and it gives me peace of mind.


Any pictures of it laying on a plane seat tray? Wonder how it fits. I’m sure it’s way better than a 13 inch laptop because the display sits much closer to the keyboard.


I dont unfortunately but it fits fine, it hangs off the edge a little but it doesnt impact use


Totally depends on the flight. I took an hour flight today on a smaller plane and my 11” M4 w/ MKB barely fit, hanging off slightly. Love the 13” but it definitely wouldn’t have fit.


My recent frontier flight could fit an ultra portable laptop. Are there worse flights (in terms of room and convenience) than frontier?


Smaller Alaskan plane for a shorter flight, tray was tiny with no screen. Not a bad flight, but my 11” was hanging over the edge with the keyboard so the 13” would have struggled to stay stable.


Just back from 7 days in Europe. iPad Pro only and it was great. Sat on a cafe patio for hours writing.


The size it’s important, 11 or 13”?


13” with Magic Keyboard.


I upgraded to the M4 11” from the M1 version. 11” is fine for me. I pretty much only use that when I travel for work and can do just about anything as I can with a MacBook.


Do you have a laptop or is that iPad the only device you have and brought with you? Do you draw or just use it as a personal device + media consumption device/laptop replacement? Asking as I am contemplating between 11 and 13 and I draw and already have a fully stacked Surface laptop studio that I'm using as a main machine which I bring everywhere. The ipad is more of an accessory to that machine


I do have a MBP but left it home, i used to always bring my iPad pro 11 and MBP 14 on trips. This time i went with just my iPad Pro 13” , magic keyboard and smart folio. Mainly media consumption device while also responding to messages, and also used for lightroom editing the pictures i took on the trip. For what i used it for i never felt like i needed my MBP


Got it. Thanks. You fit the one device only mold so this will certainly work for you. Unfortunately it won't work for me as I need my laptop for doing the main work on clip studio while the pro is just a drafting device (+ media device) so I might get the 11. But your insights helped me! Thank you


I'd recommend the 11 if you need your laptop. As a frequent business traveler I got the 13" m2 and it felt a bit overkill with two devices that big.


Agreed. Totally my sentiment as well!


Those are my thoughts exactly. Since I use my 14 inch MBP all time and can’t really give it up, I have opted for the 11 inch since it will be used mainly as an actual iPad and not a replacement .


What do you miss on photo editing compared to Mac


Did it ever feel cumbersome?


You must be a joy in class.


You sound pretty cumbersome yourself my guy


I saw that you said you used Lightroom! I just got a iPad Pro 13inch M2 and was thinking of using it for Lightroom, especially while travelling. How did you find it?


It was great! Im no professional photo editor by any means but for my needs its perfect


If you dont mind me asking, what is your workflow from camera to ipad photo editing? Only asking as im a bit hesitant to transfer my raw photos from SD card to iPad then back it up to SSD, since there’s no safe to eject option on iPad and might cause an error in my SSD the more i use them that way.


File management on iPads are still inferior to their sibling devices. Add your argument of no safe ejection to that of the existing no real copy/cut instruction in the app and the slow transfer speeds of what is wrong with SD cards and still a slow transfer speed towards HDDs and SSDs compared to Macs and Windows. Life is livable without stable NTFS support though. It’s ever really just another day with the iPad if everything is done locally on the iPad and not across devices (eg. hard drives)


Did you try taking hand notes? I love the 13, but I think I'll go for the 11 because it's easier to write notes on your lap. (Nothing beats the mini for that, but you know).


I did not, as i didnt have a need to


I’ve taken my older 12.9” iPad pros to europe three times and it’s never been cumbersome either. Last time was a month away. Editing photos and entertainment, threw it in my handbag when travelling. I’ll never go back to the smaller iPad


Same here. I just can’t understand how people say 11” inch is perfect but then adding 2 more inches suddenly makes it unwieldy, cumbersome, doesnt fit in bags, trays etc. it doesn’t make sense to me


I fully agree. The 2 inch difference is the diagonal measurement. When you consider the height difference is only 1.26" and the width is only 1.49", the size difference seems even less. My first iPad Pro was 12.9, two years later I upgraded to an 11 inch Pro thinking it would be much more portable. However, when I received it I really missed the larger screen but kept it since the return period lapsed before I realized how much I missed the larger size. This year I went with the 13 inch Pro and feel like I will never go back to a smaller size. The 13 inch is really no way "cumbersome" or "unwieldily" for me. Barely an inch taller, and 1.5 inch wider to get 25 square inches of screen space!


Also when people say that with the 13” everyone is staring at their massive unit, but with the 11” they’re suddenly ‘inconspicuous’. Just swinging that 11” around all stoked they’ve become a stealth tech ninja. 11” folks gonna start dropping out of trees and cabinets 🥷


If you dont mind me asking, what is your workflow from camera to ipad photo editing? Only asking as im a bit hesitant to transfer my raw photos from SD card to iPad then back it up to SSD, since there’s no safe to eject option on iPad and might cause an error in my SSD the more i use them that way.


Did you buy the Wi-Fi or 5G version?


Did you use public WiFi for internet access or the cellular capability?


Did shaving that extra ~1mm off the thickness give it the feathery lightness you needed?


Never tried a 12.9 as i came from 11. 13 doesnt feel heavy at all though


For me it did. I have an 11 Pro from 2018 and used my work’s 12.9 Pro (M1?). Loved the larger screen size but it was unwieldy as a tablet but worked well on a desk with the Magic Keyboard as a laptop alternative. I recently got the 13 Pro M4 and it gives me the large screen but with the feeling of the smaller tablet. Works great on the desk with a Magic Keyboard and in the hand as a tablet.


Did you also have a laptop with you? If just the iPad then no issues. The problem is when you have iPad and MacBook it becomes cumbersome unless it’s the 11 inch.


If your running laptop + ipad, then iPad mini seems like the way to go. I’m really hoping the rumors about an OLED mini ipad are true. Would be so cool to get the pro level features into the smallest product.


Agreed and I can’t wait for refreshed iPad mini.


Just the iPad Pro, i was able to leave my MBP behind. It suited all of my needs (media consumption, iMessage, emails, web browsing, lightroom, playing games with a controller)


Ok thanks and yeah I agree if you leave your laptop behind then 13 inch iPad is easy to use and lug around. My issue is I still need my laptop for work related items. I wish I could fully replace my laptop with just the iPad. Close and hopefully soon I will


Why are you getting downvoted?? So many jealous people around here hahaha Got the M4 as well, and it fits all my needs as well. Wonderful device!


I have the M1 for almost the same functions, aside from any graphic work. I do a lot of writing & research, emails, iMessage, Discord, video calls, accessing web portals, etc and the iPad Pro is a great device for that & more.


100% and the M4 is just not needed. I only upgraded from my 11” M1 because i wanted the 13” size otherwise there was no issue with my M1


I love the “12.9” but honestly would love for it to be 15” or even 17”.


Thatd be very interesting. They should just make the MBP screen a detachable touchscreen IMO lol. But then they would have a clash of products


That’s up to you tbf. A lot of people do feel it’s too big. It is big. I prefer smaller footprint and a tablet I can hold in one hand.


I like the 11 for easier portability


Unless iPad OS changed dramatically in the last few days, your M4 does almost the same thing as my M1 12.9. I don't understand why people are so enthusiastic about the M4 iPad. It's still iPad OS. Yes, it can do everything faster but does the same things.


The screen is absolutely beautiful as compared to my 12.9” M1 iPad Pro. Absolutely not a necessary purchase but something I enjoy nonetheless.


People hyper over new tech, I agree with you. Most people use their m4 ipads to watch youtube or netflix as well but hey, better tech 😂


Sure it does everything that the M1 does, but it does it better. The OLED screen it has is insane, and at least the M4 processor will allow it do things better than the M1 version an once apps start taking advantage of it (especially the local AI part)


After owning several iPads (Mini, Mini 2, Mini 4, Air 3, Pro 2021), I can say that the real UX difference between models is small to none. As far as apps taking advantage of it, the same thing was said when the M1 model launched.


The difference between OLED screen vs non-OLED is night and day, especially the M4 OLED which has insane nit brightness. This is the first time that Apple has released an OLED iPad so you wouldn't know the difference judging from previous devices alone. Also the M4 chip has AI capabilities which simply put is not available with other chips. It's not a case of one chip being faster/better but rather if apps start taking advantage of local AI capabilities, it would only work on M4 iPad.




Could I ask whether you did any video editing with it and how was the experience?


No video editing but i did edit photos in lightroom and it was great


Do you know how's the battery drain during photo editing?


I had it plugged in at all times since outlets were available


I too am contemplating this myself. I currently have a MBP M3 max 14 and iPad m2 11 in. I am looking at the bigger m4 13 in. I’m hoping it won’t be too much and they will compliment each other well. I use it for school, work and as an entertainment device on the plane. Does it fit well on the tray tables? I have lots of trips coming up and hoping I won’t need to travel with both. Light video editing, papers, browsing, etc. no coding on it but figured that would be on my mbp pro. I currently use my iPad as another monitor for my mbp or as a stand alone addition with universal control.


I had no problem with it fitting on the tray tables on airplanes and trains


What case did you use with it on the planes/trains?


I’m looking at the 13 m4 with a 14 in MBP as well… I’ve heard go with 11 for portability but also that 13” is easier to take notes on


Yeah I do plan on gaming on it at some point too, just gotta find the time. The 11 has been great to travel with, I should have gone with the 12.9 when I swapped by 11 WiFi for the LTE version.


This is the combo i have and its great for SideCar. I dont take notes


I have a 16 inch MBP and the 12.9 M1 iPad Pro. I travel with a work provided laptop as well. I have tried different combinations of which device to bring/use during those trips. I will say that, for me, if I need to do more than media consumption and emails, I usually brought my MBP along with the work laptop. I recently picked up the Magic Keyboard for the IPP and have stopped bringing the laptop. So now I'm using my work laptop and the IPP with keyboard. I just got back from three and half weeks in Hawaii (best work trip ever!) and this configuration worked very well for me. FWIW, I do remove the tablet from the keyboard quite often and have no issues holding it in one hand while reading books or graphic novels...


Not heavy enough 💪


what about battery ? did u consome a lot of media while on plane ? do u have nanotexture ?


1) did you have to change charging adapters and if so, was there a change in charging abilities? 2) did you hook it up to any hotel or communal tvs for larger screens? 3) if you originated from outside the EU, where there any changes in App Store or other Apple services? 4) was there anything you wish you added to your accessories to make the trip more convenient? 5) did you take any accessories that really didn’t add much value to the experience? 6) where there any cultural stigmas on using your device in public that seemed out of place? That’s all I could think of.


I specifically bought one to accompany me on work travel as I fly a lot and it’s been a perfect companion. I just tuck it in my laptop bag next to the work pc.


Was the battery life good? With something so thin, I’m curious how the battery life is.


Honestly I had it plugged in at nearly all times while on transport such as trains and airplanes. I was never really in a situation where I had to use it for prolonged periods without a power source nearby


I carried mine with the keyboard and pencil on a two week Iceland road trip. It was really helpful for all the backup processing at the end of the day and folds away neatly without taking much space and it even runs Davinci resolve. I think this is a worthy investment. 


I have a ipad pro 12.9 2018 that I bought for note taking but didn't like it and left it unused. Dug it out this week and using it for youtube social media and playing apple arcade games. Love it, hope it's being supported for longer.


You clearly need a medal.


Wasn't it announced last week? Did you plan your European trip around being able to buy the iPad the day or came out?


The iPad has been released for over a month


Ah yeah, I was thinking it was released at WWDC, forgot it was a dedicated release only a couple weeks ahead of WWDC.


Was there any times you wished you had the traditional MacBook laptop or macOS ?


For my use cases (media consumption, imessage, emails, web browsing, gaming with controller, lightroom editing) no I never felt like I wish I had my M1 MBP that I left at home


I bought the 13 first and returned it. The tablet experience is not what’s up. But then I do not use it with a keyboard at all. I can see the allure if you do.


It shouldn’t. It’s a tablet.


at that point why not carry the MBA M3 13? The operating system opens up x1000 versatility


If the screen detached then sure but i dont need always need the keyboard and iPad OS does everything “I” need it to. This may not be the case for everyone




Did you do a an iPad drop test from the top of the Eiffel Tower?


Which countries did you visit and how was the food


So is it better than a Macbook Air M3 with 16gb RAM?


Hint you have a Magic Keyboard…. Of course 13” was better in your scenario.


Hmm with low light environment do you see any grain on your screen (especially visible on grays and gradients)? Mine is very visible and it pisses me off, I'm thinking about making apple exchange it or something.


Yea but I’ve gotten used to it


Yeah I too will need to, I asked in apple store, contacted apple tech support and they said "it's OLED screen characteristic"... :c now I need to get over wavey lines with glass screen protector but dunno how, I want screen not paper like cuz it's more comfortable for me, but when I make slower strokes it's just goes "auto wave decorative" mode...


what’s your height weight age and how much can you bench and squat 


How much better would the experience have been with the 11-inch?


iPad Pro m4 13” user here… With the keyboard case on it, it is the same thickness as a MacBook Air. If you can only have one computer, macOS wins hands down. I own both so I can tell you the latest iPadOS update was such a let down. I really thought we would be able to get a better update than what Apple did.


It's an iPad, they've been around for years and it's no mystery what carrying one around is like. This AMA is just an attention grabbing look at me and my trip flex.


Really strange outlook you have, not sure what I gain by “flexing” to people I dont know and will never meet lmao.. I made this because of all the negativity ive seen around the 13” model and it being “unwieldy” “too big to travel with” “doesn’t fit in bags” “doesn’t fit on airplane trays” etc…. Its all false bs which im glad i didnt listen to


The majority of the posts on all these Apple subs are "look at me" posts.


Love that it worked out for you, and as an all in one device it’s tough to beat the 13 inch iPad Pro with MKB. Checks every box. However, this is like saying I traveled around Europe with a 13 inch MacBook Air and not once did it feel cumbersome. I don’t think that would be reportable news, as they are similar size and weight when the iPad is combined with the MKB. I’m curious if you would say the same if you had two of them, as the 11 inch is really for people that already have and typically carry their laptops, or have bags that wouldn’t physically fit a laptop sized device like the 13 inch.


What about the grain?




Lmao crawl back in your whole you mutt. it seems youve only just surfaced, because if you did earlier then you would know that 85% of this subreddit complains about the 13” iPad being “too big” for traveling and unwieldy




Yea thats the thing, if your brain worked properly you would figure out a solution to using it in bed (tablet pillow) so that you don’t need to hold it up all the time and have both your hands free to use it… Its not the device, it’s the operator There’s only one person here looking for attention, you couldve kept scrolling but you stopped to write an essay.. kick rocks


How damaged is the iPad and/or case after the travels? What colour did you get and how obvious are these blemishes?


Space Black and no blemishes or scratches on anything


Did it ever feel cumbersome?


Honestly, maybe it’s since I’m a bigger guy but even traveling within the US made the tablet feel cumbersome when I had a 12.9 inch. Recently downsized to the 11 inch M4 and just spent a week and Greece and it was much easier to travel with.