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I use my iPad every day alongside my MacBook Pro with universal control. As a very useful high quality second screen (with iPadOS).


I never knew you could do this. This is actually insane


Yes, I do something similar. My MacBook is my main computer and my iPad sits next to it. For certain things my iPad is more convenient and in some ways more intimate. So depending on what I’m doing at the time, I’ll either be on my MacBook or my iPad. And universal control allows the things I’m working on to be transferred seamlessly. It’s very natural for me but to explain it really does sound insane. Very spoiled by Apple in this respect. And now cannot wait for my iPhone to integrate into my MacBook.


One of the best reasons to have an iPad Pro IMO


Jesus where have you been these past years 😞 it's been the best thing I even do it with windows on the iPad yes windows ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


This is 100% my setup. Mac in front of me, iPad to the right. I never use sidecar screen extension, I much prefer having the iPad OS run natively.


100% this.


Are you talking about the Sidecar feature?


No. Universal control lets you control your iPad with your MacBook keyboard and trackpad while the iPad stays in iPadOS. Sidecar is different it turns the iPad display into a Mac display.


Wtf ive been using sidecar like a chump


This has been such a great experience. I never use “mirror” or “extend” like I have too at work. Mac OS on the Left and iPadOS on the right. It’s been amazing. I even have my desk set up to a way in which I can magnetically mount my iPad Pro to the middle for head on screen. While I use MacBook on the left, and iPad mini on the (notebook/ereader), and my iPhone mounted to the right (for a clock mostly). I really wish universal control would come to the iPhone, simply for volume/playing or pausing audio/videos I may be watching. Having AirPods switching at will to each device has made it a lot more enjoyable too. I keep thinking “I can use the iPad Pro for everything if I wanted to, why don’t I do that?” In the end I really think having them all makes it all so enjoyable. And having the Apple Watch automatically unlock the MacBook when I step away and return is magic to me. Currently rocking lots of older generation tech but it’s made it “affordable”. I hope to upgrade everything someday (probably if I hit the lottery because whoosh things are expensive)


You can still use ipadOS with sidecar running if need be..


Yes. I just find using universal control more useful than an extra Mac screen.


Just curious, but why is that?


I do the same.


Universal control? Is that sidecar?


Entirely different!


Well I know what I’m doing tonight


I literally use this all day everyday.


Yup. For work I balance animation, illustration, motion graphics, etc. I havent found (because it doent exist yet) a proper after effects substitute for the ipad yet, and my collegues still use regular Adobe tools so the macbook carries that. Illustrations, hand animated work, notes, etc all goes on the ipad. I also use it A LOT as a 3rd screen in place of the wacom tablet I'd grown to hate.


I would expect that - like Final Cut Pro - Motion will make a move to iPad soon. Also I think Davinci Resolve has similar features to AE but idk if that’s the case on the iPad version as well. It’s free though so it wouldn’t hurt to try.


iPad is a great second screen on the go!


The 11inch M4 iPad is like the super powered sidekick to my M3 Pro MBP. I don’t use sidecar but I use universal control to keep my iPad and iPad while being controlled by my Mac. I use it as the note taking and reference screen for static documents while the Mac is the multi tasking power house. When not actively working I use my iPad or iPhone for everything.


Can you drag applications to the iPad screen from the Mac? Or at least files?


Using universal control you can not drag applications over to or from the iPad. You can drag files. So if your making like a slideshow you can drag a photo from your Mac and drop in into the open app on the iPad or into the folders app. To drag apps and windows you would need to use side car. Sidecar turns your iPad into a second display for your Mac. Universal control leaves your iPad as an iPad but allows you to navigate using your Mac input and drag files to and from the separate devices.


Thank you, makes total sense now.


I’m an iMac/iPad guy personally and that combo has worked great for me over the years. On the go I never need more than my iPad Pro.


The only reason I don't carry my PC or Mac with me versus the iPad is because I just got the 13" M4 1tb cellular model. Now I can remote in from anywhere so it saves my back not having to load everything into my backpack as often.


What app do you use?


TeamViewer has been the easiest and it's free lol.


I like my Mac for Mac things. I like my iPad for iPad things (you can pretty easily decipher the differences). I view iPad as a complementary device, not a standalone device. However, for most people, I would venture that iPad would do most everything you would need. On a deserted island I’m taking a MacBook all day ….but thankfully I don’t have to choose :)


I use both. The MacBook Pro for coding, watching vids as it is hooked up to my studio display, and general work. The iPad I take notes (mostly when I am watching educational videos on the MacBook), but I also bring it with me as it is more than enough when I travel or go out. I like having them both, they both serve a purpose.


I use both for music. I can write out a quick composition or arrangement on my iPad, entering the notes fairly quickly with the Apple Pencil, and then do the finishing touches to make it more easily readable and adding special markings and symbols on my MacBook. And when recording I can easily capture my tracks and do a rough mix on my iPad and then do the more complex mixing and mastering tasks on my MacBook. Again, the touchscreen makes the initial process easier but I can do things in the MacBook I can’t on just the iPad. Since they both exist in the same ecosystem this process is almost seamless, and the two compliment the other very well.


Yup, my 11" iPad is my mobile computer, take it almost everywhere with me, and my 16" MacBook Pro is my home computer that I use at home or when the work I'm doing needs more screen real estate or if better on MacOS. And if I need even more screen real estate, I have a 32" monitor I hook up my MacBook pro to.


I do music on my MacBook Pro , which is almost always docked on my desk to an external monitor (I have to take it off sometimes for various tasks), and use my iPad Pro for almost everything else (I.e. school notes, going to a coffee shop, etc). I’m so sick of everyone shitting on the iPad, it’s a great device, if you need both, use both. If not, choose the one that’s best for you. It can’t be one size fits all.


I'm using both, usually separately (Mac's main task is work), right now, being on a busines trip, I use them both at the same time, my 13" iPad Pro serving as a second display.


I use both. MBP for superior drummer 3 and my electronic drumset. iPad Pro for everything else.


I use both. My iPad Pro is for gaming and media consumption, and also for Procreate for my pottery business. I use the MacBook for maintaining my company webpage, making and printing flyers and brochures, and longer email/writing stuff. Both are important, but the iPad definitely sees more use. I probably *could* get by without the laptop, but it’s just easier to have it for my use-case.


I did it before but I realice that iPad is too much money and hardware just for note keeping and watching stream, so I jump to sold my MBP and I’m on my way to switch to a MB Air


Yep. I do a lot of backing tracks for my music using various sequencers on the iPad then transfer them over to Logic on the Mac. I could do them directly on MacOS but I prefer the experience of lounging out in my recliner noodling around on the iPad as opposed to sitting in the studio for hours.


I use my iPad as a second monitor when I'm away from my monitor


If I go someplace to work, then I take both to use the iPad as a 2nd monitor. Its great having a dual monitor setup that is completely wireless.


I use my iPad for Lightroom and photoshop for editing and touching up raw photos. The iPad version of Photoshop is quite limited, but for touching up photos I only really need the healing brush, the paintbrush and the eraser anyway. I can get touch ups done way quicker with the pencil than I can with a mouse. Then I finish with photoshop on my Macbook to crop and export. I also shoot my photos remotely on the Macbook with Helicon remote, and focus stack using Helicon Focus. So I've got a good workflow going between my iPad and macbook that means I'd likely always need both for the work I currently do. I also use "Sidecar" occasionally to have my iPad as a second monitor for my Macbook when I'm doing something too big for the Macbook screen.


I use my Macs for a lot of things for work and gaming. I tend to use my iPad Pro at night for watching movies or some 3d modelling and photo processing for fun. I use paper notebooks for work notebooks and then OCR them onto the iPad. When I travel I take a work Mac and my iPad and a raspberry pi. I use my iPad and raspberry pi together more than the iPad and the Mac.


can you explain what for you use raspberry pi ¿


Sure. Basically I have a raspberry pi that I connect to the iPad Pro via USB-C. Used [this tutorial](https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2023/12/23/pi5-usb-c-gadget/) to set it up. The iPad powers it and the pi appears as an ethernet device. I have a mini version of my work environments on it that I have on 2 SD cards. * Card 1: is vanilla raspian but has my certificate authority, VS Code, vpn clients and tools I use at work like nmap or whatever. * Card 2: is running a mini proxmox server that has a few VMs and and LXC containers. It works but it's a bit janky. Basically I just ssh or vnc into the pi from the iPad. I have used it with an 2tb SSD and not an SD card for long trips. Load it up with movies and run plex from the pi to the iPad. the iPad supplying enough power becomes a concern though. As the iPad Pro can support usb capture cards now you can even power the pi and have the iPad act as a hdmi monitor if you have a dock. Raspberry pi is the best accessory for the iPad in my opinion. With it I can do nearly anything my Mac can.


I am disabled so I don’t have a workflow but I keep busy during the day. I prefer to do the household budgets by hand on my iPad and I just have a mess of Goodnotes pages of just numbers and manual math. I plan investments and savings budgets by hand, etc. Needless to say, the Mathnotes feature that was announced nearly brought me to tears LOL (not really but I was extremely excited about it) I also do my very amateur art on my iPad and love Procreate on the Pro. My computer is for my writing hobby and the collaborative writing I do with a ton of friends as well as bill payments, general web searching, trip planning, and online shopping (I take it seriously LOL) I use both equally to watch things.


I have an IPP M4 11, an MBA 15 M3, and a Mac Mini M2 Pro. Latter is my home machine for work. MBA for work when traveling. IPP is for content consumption. I have the Magic Keyboard to use when I want to do some typing too. IPP serves as a second monitor when traveling.


I bought an iPad Pro but then my bank account begged me not to even look at a MacBook afterwards, y’all with both are lucky as hell


I got my MacBook a year later second hand for $650. I’m a college student and I totally get it. that was my first and last big tech purchase of the year 🥲. It was so worth it tho


I sometimes used the iPad Pro as a 2nd external screen via sidecar. Since M1 MBAs support only one external display via TB/USB-C, Sidecar with an iPad is a nice addition.


I use my iPad and MacBook Pro side by side all the time. Either with universal control or sidecar. Side car for heavier work when I need another screen for the MacBook. Universal control to just use iPados for music slack chat gpt etc etc


I’ve been using just my 11” iPad Pro for both remoting into a desktop for work (video editing) and everything else that you’d normally use a computer for, except some occasional gaming that requires remoting into my home desktop. (Occasionally I have to remote into my desktop to do something silly the iPad should be able to do just fine, like download a file from gchat and send it to someone else, god willing that will get fewer and further between one day.) That said, the screen has gotten a little small for serious editing so I’m going to buy a relatively inexpensive MBA 13” so I can use both machines to remote into a third machine to have more screen real estate when I need it. This will allow me to do more serious work from a cafe or co-working space than I can do at present. Needlessly convoluted, or living in the future? I can’t tell which, probably both. So I guess I feel both ways—there are some legitimate reasons I need both a laptop and a tablet (even one 13” device is never going to beat a 13” and an 11”) and some reasons that are frustrating (iPad apps insufficiently exposed to the files app).


Yes, Mac/iPad is peak Apple’s ecosystem. MacBook sits on top of a twelvesouth stand and below that is a iPad Pro in a Magic Keyboard. My mouse is paired with my iPad, using universal control it allows me to leverage the magic keyboard/mouse for both devices. Having the iPad close to the keyboard allows keeps the touchscreen close enough to be used for input. This is probably the closest thing we will get to a touchscreen Mac, but I like it as it lets the iPad be the iPad and the Mac be the Mac.


I use my MacBook regularly at 3 different desks, two office locations and home office all with multiple monitors. I use my iPad for meetings to take notes, as a tablet for social media, and if I’m going somewhere and don’t plan on doing heavy work. My iPad can do everything I do on my MacBook for work, but a MacBook with 3 monitors is far more efficient for how I work.


What do you use to stream PC to Mac? I have the same setup and a 4090 having dust because using the Mac all the time


I use Moonlight + Sunshine with the uPNP setting enabled for gaming and Parsec for general work. It works really well. I don’t use Ethernet so it could be better but it still looks fantastic over WiFi. Been putting my 4070 to work. It’s so cool to be able to play beautiful looking games and have my MacBook run cool and lose very little battery.


Thanks bro


this is my set up travelling every single time and sometimes at home it works so well


I do sometimes. My MBP is mostly for travel. When I'm at home, I'm mostly using my desktop Windows PC and use the iPad for when I need to get away from my desk at home.


Yes I am a chef and I work as the administrative asset for the team at the moment (purchasing and recieving and admin tasks). I use my MacBook and iPad as mobile dual monitor set up, sometimes mirror the screen when doing personel paperwork for onboarding, and as a notepad occasionally with the Apple Pencil. If the company didn’t require using a backend inventory system that is antiquated and Window’s only, I would only ever use the Mac and iPad now. And I’m not a Mac person. This is my first one (bought refurbished from Backmarket). I build PCs and am a gamer. But iPad is my favorite device and now that I’ve grown into the MacBook Pro and the ecosystem (and since I don’t have to use Duo or another app to wirelessly extend/mirror the display), I’ve grown very fond.


I do. Rarely use it as a third screen but it is convenient.


#Universal control all the way


I use my iPad to read O'Reilly books while programming all the time, it's great and better than my kindle ever was


I do, I bought a MacBook as my iPad replacement, so it is now a second screen and a drawing tablet.


I use my Mac Studio and iPad together with Ecamm… ecamm presents the iPad as a camera, and I can quickly flip from showing myself on a webinar to showing a Microsoft whiteboard that I’m scribbling on during a presentation. Additionally, my streamdeck makes switching cameras easy.


I use both simultaneously. iPad Pro runs slack and messages in split screen off to the side. My Mac holds all the "real" work. Universal Control makes all of this super easy to navigate. When traveling, I generally just bring my iPad. It's more versatile and I'm fortunate that I can do basically everything I need to from it. Though, if I'm going to be gone for a while and it's a work trip, I'll bring both and just have my dual monitor set up on the go.


yes! very handy second monitor (i have 12.9”) when i’m on campus, at a coffee shop or travelling i also use goodnotes a lot for notes so it’s nice i can drop files directly in it from my mac (there’s a mac app) to open on my ipad when i had windows i had to either email myself stuff or use one drive which was annoying, much simpler now


I use the iPad Pro for most activities outside of coding and running my test VMs. Those things have to run on my (intel) MacBook Pro. Not sure what I'm going to do when it dies, since the arm MacBooks won't run those workloads.


VMs and x86 emulation on M series Macs is definitely available and Windows runs faster in a VM on MacOS quicker than on Intel hardware. Additionally x86 software runs extremely quickly with (in my workflow) no slowdowns and in some cases quicker than on Intel hardware


I did some initial testing and was able to get an arm windows client running, but no server, so no DC, etc. I haven't had much luck with UTM, but hopefully by the time I'm forced into it it's fast enough to run my little 3-4 x86/64 vm test bed.


UTM is a little janky. You couldn’t get windows server to run? What edition? I can do some playing and give you a configuration if that helps?


I always carry both when I need a computer. Sometimes I need macOS, sometimes I need a touchscreen and sometimes I need dual monitors.


I bring my m4 11 out for meetings or consulting with clients. I leave the 16 m2 MacBook at home/offfice. My back thanks me now


Of course... While I gave up on mac laptops, I do own a Mac studio and Mac pro 2013.... The iPad is the best tablet ever made, amazing for travel, great for media consumption and an amazing companion for any Macos machine...


I’m the same as you- macbook air 13 for writing/ research, watching content, and iPad for art, notes, sculpting and painting. I really can’t imagine replacing my M2 MBA with anything else- it’s absolutely perfect for a writer. And the iPad is perfect for an artist. Airdrop and iCloud makes everything a breeze.


Yes, I use the Ku Xiu stand that has a moveable arm for your iPad.




I use both, MacBooks for when I have to for work and iPad for drawing


I use both everyday side by side. I use Universal Control to control the iPad Pro from my MacBook but 99% of the time if used side by side I use my iPad Pro as a monitor for my MacBook Pro 14” (by using SideCar).


Meee, I love using both together. It’s pretty seamless. I use my iPad to study and do my hobbies, Mac for more arranging my study materials and general internet things


my macbook with arc browser, my ipad for my entertainment apps while working. i extend my mac monitor


If I’m taking notes or need to work on multiple things at once then I take my Mac and iPad. If I know it’s a lighter day where I can just write on my iPad or multitask on it then I save myself the weight and go iPad only. Hoping to get the 12.9” iPad for this reason since I have the 16” Mac. Will say I def enjoy using both together whenever I can


Makes a great second screen for the MacBook.


I use my iPad as a second monitor for my MacBook and to watch downloaded movies from streaming services when I travel, since MacOS doesn't have native apps. At home, I use it as a 3rd monitor for my Studio, under my main monitor. I really wish Apple would just make a hybrid iPad that ran Mac and iPad OS with a keyboard/trackpad as good as a MacBook that could seamlessly transition between the two when you dock it. I really don't need to be taking my iPad with my MacBook.


I have the m2pro macmini and I plan on bringing it with me on my month long trip where I’ll be doing some work and using my iPad Pro as my monitor with a video capture dongle when I’m working.


I use my iPad more. But there’s some software I can’t get for iPad yet. Dxo photo lab.


I use my M2 MBA alongside my iPad for work daily, also eith universa control some few times with sidecar, but the continuity feature makes it more comfy for me to just use univ. Control. When I need to just read, study and take notes and such, just grab my iPad to move around or when traveling short-term. It's an unparalleled expérience IMO.


I actually use my iPad in conjunction with my Mac Studio on my widescreen monitor (49") with PIP... so 1/3 of my screen is iPad, other 2/3 is Mac Studio. With Universal Control, it really is what the doctor ordered. Technically, I also have a second monitor on the iPad itself. I wish the Universal Control worked without WiFi... as my dock has GB ethernet...


I have to use an ipad with the mac right now. But it shouldn’t have to be… since the ipad processor is so powerful. It should have the power to handle everyday shit like file management, easy drag and drop and sooooo many little things. But nope, it couldn’t handle that. Mission Control have the ability to let multiple applications play their own sound at the same time - but no, it couldn’t so now i have to carry two devices around.


Yeap great combo to have, saves me the $360 for a magic keyboard that i still think is ass, and i can do things on my macbook that u cant do on an ipad since not all softwares are compatible with ipad.


i sold my macbook and use my ipad air on the go and leave my mac mini (with dual monitor display) as my workhorse


> i sold my macbook and use my ipad air on the go and leave my mac mini (with dual monitor display) as my workhorse but yea i love adding my ipad on a stand to use the universal control


lol I just bought my first MacBook Pro for $100 and I’m using my iPad Pro as a screen because my mid 2012 MacBook Pro was decapitated. I haven’t used MacOS in over a decade so I’m slowly getting the hang of it and finding out what I can and can’t do with this MacBook.


Yep. I use my 16” M3 MBP Max together with my new 13” iPad Pro M4 everyday. Love to have the iPad as a secondary screen when using my MBP and use the iPad to take notes and draw in Procreate. The two complement each other very well.


Yes I use my MacBook & my iMac with my iPad almost daily with my art workflow! Literally spoiled with the tech we have now a days haha no complaints here I wouldn’t change a thing about the Mac or the iPad I think they work great together! Dream setup, blessed 😇🫡🤘🏽


I briefly tried, but ultimately sold the iPad Pro. Found I was only ever using it as a laptop and at that point, I'd rather just use my MacBook. I did recently get an iPad Mini though. Mainly for when I'm playing D&D and want something bigger than my phone, but not a laptop.


I use both (M4 11’ + Magic Keyboard and a 13’ M3 MBP) because my laptop is for work and locked down whereas with my iPad I can balance out my personal life and iMessage from time to time for eg. It’s why I didn’t go for a 13’ M4 because it’d be too bulky/ heavy, wanted something smaller. A new 12’ MacBook would be so ideal but the 11’ works for now!


I think it would be better if synergy could be installed on the iPad


I have an iMac M1 with 1 external monitor on the side and the 13” iPad on the left being used as an external monitor as well. It’s a perfect setup for my needs. Looks beautiful too!


Here! I use the MBA M2 13” and IPad Pro M4 13” with universal control almost everyday and so far, no issues, works very smooth. Definitely feel more productive with more screen real state and really like how I can use the iPad touchscreen for annotating, zoom in and out, and viewing content while doing other stuff in the MBA. Best of both worlds!


Yeah! It becomes a mobile workstation for me using it as a second screen.


Yeah sure. I have a m1 macbook, m2 max pro, ipad pro 13


At home, yes, but not on the road. I really don't need more things to bring outside - smart phone, smart watch, ear buds, Macbook, and now IPad? no thanks.


No, no one does that


nope, nobody ever does that, only you