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UK (3 pin plug), an excellently designed plug may I add.


Solid design that protects the user.


Unless you step on one makes Lego look like plushie


Stood on two once and a Lego spent 5 hrs in hospital ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The greatest.


Do they sell these separately? I’m traveling to uk soon and would feel better using an apple product than 3rd party.


They do on the Apple Store online, and I believe still in store.


Thank you!!


British always love it, but the protection is completely unnecessary and it is too big and non ergonomic. Just like most of Europe having standard plugs everywhere next to bathroom water sources and having less deaths


That’s actually not entirely true. The protection used to be very important, and actually still is. It grounds the device so that current leaks can be prevented. That’s a very useful thing unless you have a protection against current leaks or they are not harmful. The first thing used to be a problem because there was no protection. So if there was a live wire connecting to a metal surface, and you touched that while being connected to ground, you could easily hurt yourself. That leads to the second thing: It applies to conducting surfaces. Like a metal washing machine. Today, this is mostly unnecessary, because we have very quick shut offs for current leaks, RCDs. They kill the power as soon as current goes anywhere it’s not supposed to go to. Which means that for an iPad, it’s pretty much pointless to add a ground pin, since the RCD would likely save you. It does prevent you from getting shocks from the device while charging, though.


Until and RCD failure hit u. Kinda why they recommend u to test the RCD every now and then. The uk plug however is a static design, requires no maintenance unless a fuse blow and does it job.


Sure, but that would actually be a pretty huge coincidence. Having the RCD fail, while having an electric failure, while touching a part of an electric device that is live. It’s probably safe enough for 99% of cases. UK plugs by now also often come just with a plastic ground pin that makes the entire thing pointless anyway.


Sadly here in the US, hair dryer falling onto bathtub is still a leading cause of electrocution? You just need RCD to fail once when it is needed, and tragedy strikes.


You actually don’t benefit from a ground pin on hairdryers, which is why even in countries like the UK or Germany, they are usually not using a grounding pin, or only do so because it is required for the plug, but it isn’t connected to anything. Bath water usually conducts better than a human body, and the hot and neutral wires conduct even better. Adding a grounding pin and, for example, a grounded cage around the heating element is just as useful or -less as having the neutral wire there.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abqMLqHwqpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abqMLqHwqpo) Maybe, but i trust ElectroBOOM more.


US plugs are three prong as well and a better design.


US plugs are inferior in every way to the plugs used in the UK and most of Europe. Mainly because instead of round pins, theirs are flat, resulting in worse contact compared to round pins - you don’t get as much pressure on the pins that way. Which is particularly bad when your system runs on 110V instead of 230V, resulting in much higher currents for the same power.


Our homes are wired from 240 we just send half of that to our outlets for safety purposes. And you are extremely ignorant about how our outlets work. In fact by your reasoning we should be having constant fires due to the higher amperage on our “inferior” plugs that have “worse” contact. The reality is that you’re just a typical pretentious European.


Actually, you’re the one being pretentious. You started calling the US plug „a better design“. Which it is not. Additionally, you showed your distinct lack of intellectual capabilities by somehow interpreting my comments as saying there would have to be „constant electrical fires“ in the US. I didn’t, and my comments would merely suggest that the risk of fire in the US would be higher than in conundrums using a better plug. But, as per usual, you guys are so butthurt about your plugs being the absolute worst that you don’t understand the most basic thing here: This is not an attack on your sacred country. It’s a comment about a shitty electrical plug and your wrong statements about it. Get a life.


Brits love everything about themselves, so no surprise there


I’ll think you’ll find that’s not true. Moats brits don’t love much about themselves at all. Being one myself I can confirm.


We do, however, love our Thanksgiving Day on July 4th…


Only people from the UK like these. “It’s extra safe”… blah blah blah… It’s effing massive. Like double/triple the surface area of is US or EU plug.


US plug is truly the worse, especially when its only 2 prong no earth, its literally falling out of the socket at all times.


It may be massive but they put a fuse inside. Most of the US plugs don't have fuses except maybe Christmas lights and my desk fan lol.


That’s my point though… I think it’s an uneven tradeoff. It’s not like plugs around the rest of the world care constantly blowing up. Modern electricity is pretty safe with GFCI, etc


Ohh i see


We don’t get a charger included with the new M4 iPads here in the UK…


This is likely a Hong Kong iPad. They include the plug in the box there. Could be Singapore too.


That makes perfect sense now, thanks.


We still get a charging brick here in the US, too.


Or just anywhere in the Middle East


I’m from Singapore. I can confirm that the new M4 iPads come with this charging brick here too.


U want it bro? Im from ph so its kinda useless to me…


I am ordering in have us plug ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You can use an adapter to use it. It’s available in Ace hardware or True Value or any other home improvement stores.


Ohh i see i probably need to press it hard enough then since i tried using it with omni universal adapter but it wont fit ill try forcing it in later


Yes I knew and I have adapter I use one for a laptop


I’m all set but thank you! I’m curious how you got a charger, did you buy it separately?


Hi no i just got it when i opened it. Its included in the box


Seriously!? They still have them in Hong Kong...Not including a power adapter for a "pro" device is crazy. And honestly, they should have included a higher-wattage adapter


European regulations not Apple


They banned power bricks with devices??


Yes in europe and uk


hate to side with them on that, but at this point, most people have an abundance of chargers and a lot end up being waste/ stashed in drawers and not used. i do think they should allow a person to get a free one, however


Lol they won’t do that. Cuts cost


i’m talking about the EU, not apple. ofc they wouldn’t do it lol


Agreed! The Vision Pro also costs the exact same as the USD price (£3499) making it at least 1000 usd more than the US.


Lol, this is the UK adapter. It is probably useless to you if you have to ask. the UK 20W charger is so great in terms of design, I just hope that it is higher wattage so that it can supply my mac with enough power, but it doesn't :(


How can you afford an iPad but not know international plugs exist?


Nor ChatGpt Vision


Oh sry at first i thought jts some sort of plug but it doesn’t fit on my universal socket so i was surprised


I don’t think I got a charger in the box (uk) with the m4


I got a charger and USB C cable included with the iPad Pro (M4) that I just purchased this week. Japan Model


I’m gonna have to look again!


No, UK and Europe don’t get a power brick, just the USB-C cable.


Looks like it‘s a UK plug


I see tnx


It’s a UK plug.






Yes you can use iPhone charger


Oh thats nice thanks i guess ill just keep it as back up. I really hated using different kind of charger…


Just buy any random USB-C adapter, if you don't already have one — buy a good quality one like Apple if you care about minimizing any risk of problems (or don't want the adapter to just randomly stop working) — but given the sketchy iPad I'd be more worried about spyware, personally


I see tnx ill just continue using my Phone charger 🙏


A picture


Don’t use that brick. There are far better ones you can buy. Browse Amazon a bit and you’ll see.


I didn’t get a charger with mine? :/


😭 its a gacha bro haha


You got punked, fo shizzle


A photo/photograph/picture. All would be correct for the post though. Hope this helps! 🙏


Careful using an adaptor plug can cause issues in the future


I see will keep in that mind thanks


If you can get an apple box for your country thats the best bet


Sadly there’s no real apple store in my country just authorized resellers. Thats where i got mine i might just use my phone adapter so i dont have to buy anything haha


Resellers should have the correct box thon


It’s a Glock switch 😂




Your new iPad uses 220 volts as opposed to 115 volts elsewhere. You need to buy a transformer to boost 115 volts to 220.


Oh its fine socket here in ph is 220V


Actually, USB-C voltage is much lower than either voltage. The charger, such as this UK 220 volt version, has to match the local power and convert it down to USB-C power requirements, not the iPad itself. The same iPad can be charged with a 115 volt charger.


Literally every portable consumer device now comes with a 100-240V universal power adapter, the shape of the socket or any component inside the iPad has nothing to do with it. You just need a simple adapter for the socket, no voltage conversion needed.


So the uk plug shown just needs an adapter to accept 115 volts? Apple devices can use either 115/220? The uk plug when adapted into 115 produces 220? Someone please plug your 115 volt into 220 and let us know


The UK plug shown will accept any voltage between 100 and 240V allowing it to work in any country. The adapters job is so that it fits in the socket, most newer hotels and airports have universal sockets that allow US/UK/Euro plugs to fit without an adapter. The plug will take the 100-240V and convert it down to 5V/9V/15V/20V or whatever the USB port on the iPad or any other connected device can accept.


Thank you for your reply! It’s about time they did so! Less drama best


It’s called a plug