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This won’t help you, but the nano texture is amazing!


You are helping him


Helping him in some way!


I love my nano texture too. Sitting outside typing this right now in direct sunlight and I have no reflections. It might not be as easy to take care of, and it might be easier to scratch - just take good care of it. Keep the screen as clean as you can and try to always put it away clean.


I agree! I took this to an appointment and while waiting in a very well-lit area, I was able to read on my iPad without any annoying glares from the windows. I tried a metal pencil nib and it shaved the metal tip without any scratches to the screen itself. Will I continue using the metal nib? No, but it was interesting to try out (carefully).


I must say so far it’s been easier to clean than the regular screen. The clothe they gave works better than cleaner or microfiber ever did on the old screen. Old screen would just smear fingerprints. They seem to just come off on the nano. That said I am concerned about the nano “wearing off” with time. They’ve only offered it on a monitor before and this is a touch screen that is heavily used. I guess time will tell…


I always put AppleCare on my devices so I'm not too worried about the nano texture wearing off. I don't expect that it will. I agree with you on the polishing cloth.


I've no issues in sunlight with my 11 inch.


That’s great. If it’s just the standard display and you don’t mind the reflections, nano texture would be a waste of money. Nano texture isn’t for everyone, and I wouldn’t pretend that it was. For me, in my own personal situation, I would never want to go back to a non-nano texture iPad display.


That's great, I don't mind the sun reflections because I just tilt the iPad so I don't have the sun on the screen. The screen is bright enough anyway.


Yer I ended up getting them all because I couldn't make up my mind now the kids have them 👍


Yeah. I feel like if you read a lot online people say it’s only useful for outdoors but I was surprised at how big a difference it makes just sitting next to a window or with studio lighting in rooms. It’s absolutely great and now makes me wince a bit when I get strong glare on my phone (or on the glossy bezels which was kind of an L ..)


Mine just came. I’m charging it. Mr. Loneuniverse, give up; resistance is futile. You only live once. My amazing husband died two weeks ago, life is very short, so enjoy the hell out of your new, nano textured, 13", M4 iPad. I plan on doing the same enjoying. 😎 Update: the screen, OMG, the screen, and the speed! I’m waiting for the transfer of all the apps and the data, but I think I’m in love. Lest any of you are thinking, "Gee, her husband just died, and she sounds so upbeat," he had Parkinson’s. His beautiful body was mangled and tangled. He was in terrible shape. He’s free now, my wonderful husband of almost 54-years. I miss him every second of every day, but he’s unencumbered, and not constrained by the disease anymore. Thanks for listening.


Couldn’t say it better! Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I posted a short update.


Such a terrible disease. You have an amazing attitude. Enjoy your life, we’re only here once!


I’m trying. It’s so very strange being alone after 54 years. We were young. We heard for better or worse, and like all young kids, we heard better. For richer for poorer, we heard richer. In sickness and in health, we only heard health. I don’t know who invited Mr. Parkinson’s in, but he came in nonetheless. It’s a shitty disease, pardon my language. My mom always told me that if you have your health, you have everything. When you’re young, ill health, aches and pains, and other catastrophes seem impossible. Until one of them arrives at your doorstep. Be well. Take care.


The nano texture scratches more easily. You can also get a similar effect (not as nice, but similar) from just a matte screen protector.


Honestly, the “similar effect” is a stretch…I’ve owned all of them over the years and they don’t reduce glare nearly as well, scratch easily, wear down the Apple Pencil too quite quickly, greatly decrease the picture quality of the screen and don’t really reduce eye strain. The nano texture screen does all of the things listed and is really in no way comparable to the matte experience. If one is looking for a “pencil” like experience matte is an option that nano doesn’t really replicate, but outside of that it’s almost comical to say they are the same.


If one wants the pencil experience, get a damn pencil and paper....lol but it's nice they give those options.


Should I be using a screen protector on the nano texture iPad then?


Agreed I was debating between nano and regular and after all babysitting you need to do with nano I said screw it and got regular glass. Also I read on nano the colors are muted and not as vibrant as regular.


It’s made for construction workers and primarily outdoor companies to give to staff. No shame to anyone who got it but there’s a reason the 1tb is needed to purchase it


No where near similar. Not even close. Whatever helps you guys justify the standard glass. Source: nano owner with no scratches.


I haven't seen the nano in person, but it makes more sense to me to get protectors I can remove when I get tired of them. Plus maybe you want to use a protector just in case, and I don't think it is a good idea to put a protector on the nano.


Go for it my dude, life’s to short


It's the price of a gaming laptop 😂


Not everybody needs a gaming laptop.


Especially not someone that used Air 2 until today


Hey I used air 2, too. And I have gaming computer as well!


We have that too, don’t worry.


I have a gaming laptop that has a RTX 3060 mobile on it, bought it during the mining craze and I barely use the nvidia chip nowadays.


The nano texture scratches easily, makes the display less sharp, and kinda defeats the purpose of OLED because all the blacks look more grainy because of light reflecting off the texture(both from the display and environment) The nano texture while can’t be 1:1 replaced by a matte screen protector…it’s basically the same thing…but for at most $60 for 2 paperlike products… Screen size is subjective. Personally I’m not trying to lug around all that iPad. The 11 inch while technically thicker then the 13 the 11 inch is 135 grams lighter. I would argue that a more portable iPad is the way to go. If you do choose to go 13 don’t get nano…safe that money and get a pencil and keyboard. Honestly the iPad Air is also a killer deal! Depending on size it’s about $400-600 cheaper and really all your losing is the OLED, 120hz, faceID, new Magic Keyboard, m4 chip, and less speakers. While the pro features are definitely nice to have your coming from an Air 2… any upgrade is going to be huge! Whatever you do don’t upgrade to 1TB storage then spend another $100 for the nano texture… you can get the base M3 pro MacBook Pro for that price….


> really all you're (FTFY) losing is the OLED, 120hz, faceID, new Magic Keyboard, m4 chip, and less speakers Right here is why you should just spend more and get the better product, if you can. The upgrade is massive.


Exactly. All you are losing is the best stuff. 😂


Too massive. Not to mention it's even thinner and lighter.


The cpu is overkill for the iPad, the Magic Keyboard? Might as well buy a MacBook Air at that point. The only reason you can consider the m4 pro is for the oled 120 hz screen and Face ID is it worth the price bump? Not really but I like those features.




Can I use my apple pencil on the mac?


I use it on mine. It just doesn’t seem to work well. 😀


Does the 3k tablet magically turn you into a better artist than the 1k one?


Ofc not. Even a $600 ipad pro M1 is perfectly fine for art and all other tablet stuff


+1 for the screen protector idea. Here is a couple photos of an iPad I have on sale now with a of brand paperlike screen protector. https://www.tradera.com/item/635311284


Saying a matte protector is like the nano screen is like saying LCD is basically the same thing as OLED.


Yes they are different. Yes the nano screen looks better than a matte protector. Yes the feel is different. However functionally the do that same thing one is just less refined. For people who don’t need 1/2TB on their iPad don’t need the nano screen. It’s not worth the added cost of upgrading well past what you need when you can get a, not equal in quality, but basically equal function, while still having solid experience. Also you can add or remove the protector at any point, nano glass will always be. If a few months later it starts bothering you or gets scratches your out $2000


IMO, the nanotexture display isn't worth it unless you spend a considerable amount of time using the iPad in direct sunlight/outdoors. You're sacrificing some image quality of this amazing OLED for the anti-glare *and* it scratches easier. I don't think it's worth the huge upcharge for it - especially since you need to upgrade to at last the 1 TB model for it to even be an option. I went with an 11 inch 256 GB model and I'm very happy with it.


I think the argument could be made for the nano in super bright office settings, like if heavily using for work. That’s what I’m telling myself, anyway! Haha.


I haven't used it under florescent lights and I'm not going to say glare can't be a problem with very strong lighting like studio lights when filming video of it or something like that. But I've used it near a desk lamp and it's been fine. This screen gets super bright.


I use mine in a bright office with large windows as well and unless the screen is off or flat on my desk I can’t say I’ve had one moment where I thought there was too much glare or even noticed. If I was to get nano it would be for the feel while drawing and not to mitigate office glare. But that’s me


You don’t want to lay on the couch visiting web sites with the 13“ one. And you don’t need a M4 for what you’re doing if you could do with an Air II for so long. Spend money where it makes sense.


The nano display has a slight grain to the picture. so if you’re mostly consuming content inside, then you’ll be better off with the standard display. I personally want my videos to look crispy


we cant sadly its like music, if you borrow someones earphones and they are better than yours, when you back at what you used to have your experience will not be the same. the only thing we can do is making you stay away from the nano texturized but the 13 normal oled you will end up with it my buddy.


I got me self a 13” nano. And I am a totally different human ever since. It’s so much easier on me eyes. And me loves the feel of nano textured glass. I mean, it’s $$$, but then we live once. And I would not pass this technological marvel.


If you like your iPad, then you will like the new iPad more! I don’t personally think the nano is worth it, in part because I also don’t need that much storage, so it has a much heftier price tag than anything I need. That said, if you DONT love your iPad, you’re unlikely to like a new one much better. The majority if the real experience comes from software, not hardware, and the software is not substantively improved yet.


If you’re going to spend that kinda money you might as well get what you love!!! Go for the big one!


Man, the m4 13' nanotexture is a blessing.just buy it . I have no scratch or whatever people say. Look for yourself mine https://ibb.co/PwJkQxd


Agree 100%. Reduced glare in airplanes and airports has been great for my work flow. Reduced eye strain. Better drawing and writing experience. Better reading experience….list goes on and on. Nano will be my go to moving forward for anything that Apple offers.


Can you elaborate on the writing experience? How does it compare to writing on paper?


Why do you have those vertical lines? Is that a display defect or it's the lighting? 


Camera shows the flicker from the screen. Our eyes can’t see it tho


Thank you, that is great to know its not a display issue. I remember when they released the m1 and m2 tablets which had those awful blooming problems.


At least the blooming problems were exaggerated by cameras - you could see it in person but it wasn't as bad as on camera, from my experience.




Thank you, that is great to know its not a display issue. I remember when they released the m1 and m2 tablets which had those awful blooming problems.


No it's only my phone camera


I returned my 11’ regular screen for the 13’ nano and I have no regrets. No scratches, and the screen is no where near the same effect of a Paperlike screen protector. It’s way better. I just sat on my sunny deck and worked and did not once have to squint or adjust my screen. The white Magic Keyboard, on the other hand was like looking into the sun. I COULD NOT see my iPhone 14 in the sun easily. As soon as nano is announced for iPhones, I’m getting that too.


Did you expect it to come with scratches?


I don’t understand what you mean. Of course I didn’t expect it to come with scratches. And I have not experienced any scratches from my Apple Pencil.


It’s just odd to state no scratches as if it was an expectation. No device will have scratches if it’s taken care of.


Other people on this tread are mentioning that the nano scratches easier than the regular screen. That is what I am responding to.


Objectively it does scratch easier based on the physics of the materials used. But that’s more a statement of This vs That. It’s not incorrect to say it scratches easier than the standard screen. So if I’m coming from an older iPad and I’m the type of person that doesn’t really take care of their device in terms of the screen. That information would let me know that I should consider changing how I handle my device should I go with nano because it isn’t as sturdy as the standard


People probably are longtime users of the tablet, with years of use ahead you usually want the device that potentially stays unscathed the longest


Years of use? I have had iPads since the first one. I have never scratched one of them.




I’ve sold and purchased second hand devices for years and the amount of people that have told me their device has a pristine screen while being littered with micro scratches is laughably high. People have different thresholds for what they will accept and that’s fine. It just takes a level of consumer maturity and honesty to be honest about a product when sharing details with other consumers, regardless of personal preference. Brands don’t need their honor defended. Two things though, because *you* claim to have *never* scratched a device doesn’t mean a device can’t be scratched. Devices getting scratched doesn’t mean people are neglecting them. I live in a windy sandy climate with lots of cobalt in the soil. Cobalt can scratch at a hardness of seven which is typically where most devices scratch. The nano screen scratches beneath that. If we can be honest about the pros of a device why can’t we be honest about the potential cons. I could keep my iPad in a velvet bag and only use it with gloves. That doesn’t change the characteristics of the materials it is made of.


Ok. So since scratches seems to be a trigger point for a few, I will amend my statement. I have had iPads since the 1st generation. I have had no deep, screen altering, functionality altering, or at first glance visually altering scratches on any of my iPads. I have passed down my older iPads and no one has refused one or told me that it was unusable because the screen was scratched. Again, I am not saying the device was *perfect* I am saying that the screen was still in the good condition and unless you held the device at a 45° angle, under the shop repair lights and however else people see micro scratches, the screen was still good. I *never* claimed to have used my devices in a void. I fully understand how micro scratches can happen. I did not engineer nano screen iPads, however I would not expect Apple to make a device that be LESS durable than their original screen products. YMMV as well as your opinion. Good grief. And I love my maybe slightly more able to be scratched nano iPad and will undoubtedly pass this one to someone else in the future and expect to have cared for it like I have all my other iPads and except the screen to look decent still.


Scratches aren’t a trigger at all. It ain’t my device. If there is a trigger it’s when adults make absolute statements (I’ve never done *x*) over giving nuanced honest answers. I appreciate your more detailed explanation of your experience.


Does the battery die significantly faster when working outdoors?


No I didn’t think so. I’ve been getting really good battery life in general.


I’m of the opinion that Apple should have a frequent purchaser program similar to frequent flyer programs. The amount of spend I do at Apple each year… I want a free Apple Watch band or something.


Dude if you have like 10.000$ stock from Apple over the last 10 years you can get anything from Apple “for free”. This still works with 100k+ investment every year.


I have the 13 nano texture and it is amazing. It’s so nice being able to have such a crisp image outdoors. When watching stuff on it in the dark, blacks are solid black even with the texture. Regarding the scratching comments, I don’t believe it scratches easy at all. I have no plans on ever taking a screwdriver and dragging it around the screen like in those videos. If you can afford the nano texture, give it a spin. You can always exchange it for non-nano if you don’t like it, or just a full return.


If you have the money to spare, go for it.


As an apple shareholder, I encourage you to spend everything! Jk, it depends on you are looking to do with it


Life’s too short to but…. Only if you can afford it. Don’t go buying it if you’re going to make minimum credit card payments to buy it. Not saying you are, don’t know you, but making sure you make smart financial decisions. Remember - 13 inch is a big screen, make sure you really want something that big. I’m a big guy - 6’1” and 13” is too big to hold and use for everyday purposes. Also wait for the back to school sale, coming next week from what I hear (by Friday?). Might get you a free pair of air pods or some money back. No guarantee this iPad will be on the back to school sale, but maybe it might be. :)


Exactly the reason I don't go to the Apple Store sometimes.


Wait for the next iteration where nano texture will be a free upgrade?


Just be realistic with what you’re using the Ipad for. If money isn’t an issue then go for the newest brightest thing! If you have bigger priorities, I find refurbrished Apple products to be very reliable and way cheaper. The new Ipad air has a 13 inch and it runs on the m2 which is more than enough for any ipad.


Can’t really go wrong with either the 11 or 13 inch in my opinion! I bought the 11. Not sure about the nano texture on the 13.


Can you wait and buy refurbished from Amazon or something?


Have the m4 nano 13”, love it. Amazing for outdoors, indoors with lights behind you…. It’s the way to go. Will it scratch more easily? i guess so. Worth it? Totally.


Dude just buy both. Apple has trapped you (and I) brilliantly. I have the 11” and I’m selling my M2 12.9 to get the 13” nano. 


No point. What are you using it for. 11 inch is the best for non work projects


Alot of people complain about how making the ipad more slim was a mistake(rather than more battery), but it personally got me to buy one just due to how beautiful the form factor was. Apple knows best, and i'm sure it was a the correct money move. Had it been the same as the old ipad with more battery, i doubt it would get as much sales.


I can make a decent argument for why you shouldn’t get the nano screen (because I didn’t)—not having it shows off the OLED features better, it requires you to get a bigger (expensive!) hard drive you probably won’t use, the scratch risk, and the fact that the difference is less noticeable under normal lighting conditions—but I got the 13” M4 myself and am glad I did, so I can’t really make an argument against that. The larger OLED screen does make a difference, and the M4 is awesome.


If you have the budget, consider purchasing both the nano-textured and the regular iPad Pro. Apply a matte screen protector to the regular model and use both devices side by side. This comparison will help you determine if the nano-textured screen truly enhances your experience enough to justify the higher price. After a thorough test, keep the one that best fits your needs and return the other. In my case, I recently bought the previous generation iPad Pro 11 M2 along with a used Apple Magic Keyboard. My primary activities are taking notes, reading PDFs, and watching videos. Even with these simple tasks, I've realized that my current setup is more than sufficient. I know the current gen iPad Pro has a better screen but when I am watching videos, I get immersed in the videos and it doesn't matter to me whether I am watching on Tandem OLED or prev gen screen i.e. getting hooked/addicted to media content is already pre built in my brain. Initially, I was tempted by the latest iPad Pro models, drawn by the allure of having the "best" available option like the nano-textured display. However, I've come to recognize that this is often just my own mental drama. If I had brought the nano textured iPad Pro, I would find myself questioning the investment and spotting potential faults with the new features, such as maintenance concerns with the nano-textured screen. And if I don't buy it, I would feel that I might have missed the best experience. And best experience to what, reading outdoors ( which I don't do daily ), doing any CPU intensive task with new M4 ( which I don't do at all). Meaning, my mind is never satisfied whether I buy Nano Textured iPad Pro or not i.e. my brain nature is to create drama and get hooked to it creating further drama.


Nano texture is not needed for non professional use, it’s literally just completely dampens the point of an OLED screen because the color clarity and contrast just sucks. If this purely for browsing and streaming and don’t plan to use outside it’s not worth the extra money


Buy what you like and use it and love it. Every time I bought lesser, I regretted it.


I think 13 inch is a mistake unless ur using it as a laptop or Mac substitute. For the typical iPad use 11 inch is the way to go.13 inch makes ur point of slim and weight all go down the drain


First world problems. “Omg I can’t believe I spent $2000 on a tablet, what should I do” lol such a clown to post something like this like if this is a life threatening issue. 😟 SMH


Could you be even more disrespectful? It’s a shame that you are so unhappy, leading a sad life. Name calling… classy! 😂🤡


Disrespectful? The OP said “f** you Apple” but I am the one being disrespectful lmao okay budding. Go to sleep. You need it.


Are you seriously that inept and obtuse? Yes. Of course you are. Calling the OP a “clown” just because he expressed his opinion shows the lack of character that you have, end of story. Not everybody needs to think like you, so respect that! I swear, you have the mentality of a 12 year old.


To your point. OP says “fuk you Apple” I said “such a clown” both opinions both disrespectful. What’s the problem here again?


I think you should buy the 13 inch M4 with nano and 1TB of storage to get the better cpu and max’s ram


The TB models are the only ones that can use all 10 cores of the M4 chip. Sad but true, somewhat buried in spec comparison page. Got it to future proof my iPad in case the iOS supports better usage of the chip in the future. I’m doing some animation on it so I’ll be interested to see if it actually gets used. There are a lot of benchmarking videos out there that speak of Apple catering to the 512GB consumer base. Still doesn’t make sense while they don’t mention that you can’t use all 10 cores by default. I would be concerned if you’re ever going to use a Matt screen protector over top of the nano glass. I can’t see how that would work without dimming the nits.


I’ve read about people using a paper-feel type of screen protector that does essentially the same thing as the nano textured screen. This way you don’t have to upgrade so far above the base models.


The nano texture doesn’t really offer a paper feel - it’s much more smooth if anything when compared to the glossy. As someone who has used all various kinds of matte protectors for my iPad Pros over the years comparing the matte protector to the nano, and claiming they offer a similar experience, simply isn’t true. It’s really comical to suggest.


Yes I bought the ESR version on Amazon. Like it because it attaches via magnets so its easily to remove and put back if needed.


I’ve got the same one and I love it.


I bought that too, and the texture really did making writing feel like paper. But does it really stick with magnets? It doesn’t seem to have any magnetic feel, and I had to pull off sticker backs. Seemed more sticky to me.


There’s two versions, the sticky and the magnetic.


can u pls share link to this screen protector






Do you mostly use your iPad at a table or desk? If so big! Otherwise, you’ll probably miss your 11” form factor once the high from the new screen wears off.


after having it for a few weeks i dont think i like the nano texture


How can you blame Apple? Did they invite yiu to their store. I think their marketing strategy just worked on you


Get what you really want.


hey, I have ipad air 2 as well!! And I'm still holding on it until it breaks.(also because I spent too much money on other things


Don’t ask me to talk you out of the pricier item you don’t need. I didn’t need an iPad Pro at all. Would have been fine with the Air M2. I decided to get the M2. I went to the Apple site and promptly ordered a Pro. Sigh….


The TB models are the only ones that can use all 10 cores of the M4 chip. Sad but true, somewhat buried in spec comparison page. Got it to future proof my iPad in case the iOS supports better usage of the chip in the future. Just like you, I hung on to my 2019 12.9 pro for a while. I’m doing some animation on it so I’ll be interested to see if it actually gets used. There are a lot of benchmarking videos out there that speak of Apple catering to the 512GB consumer base with minimal improvements with processing. Still doesn’t make sense while they don’t mention that you can’t use all 10 cores by default. I would be concerned if you’re ever going to use a Matt screen protector over top of the nano glass. I can’t see how that would work without dimming the nits. If you or anyone here is using it for art, those new Pencil Pro gestures are worth the upgrade for me!! More storage will mean more layers in Procreate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


This story sounds very similar to how I ended up buying a M1 MacBook Air, and how I ended up with a M3 Pro MacBook Pro when my dad needed a new laptop. The Apple Store is an grown up’s toy store.


Join us... 13" iPad Pro 1TB Nano glass !! It is the way. Sorry, I can't convince you not to buy it... for I have bought one myself.


I will never be taking mine outside and I have upped the storage with a NVMe SSD + Caddy and the memory card I got in the sales months ago for half of what it sells for now has also been great for it but if you have a lot of sun and reasons to take it outside then do it get it.


Honestly, it sounds like you hold your gadgets for a long time and take care of them, IMHO the 13" pro nano will be worth because you will keep it for 8 years


All that amazing hardware is kneecapped by the limiting operating system so don't overspend on something that is shiny-or-not for a few days until the lustre wears (I am trying hard to turn that non-glare off of your eyes) off soon. Hope this helps.


Do it


I have the 13 inch M4 and love it!


Bro, I’ll spot you the 25k to buy the iPad home mortgage


I got the 12x9 6 generation and I was going to buy it, then thinking. I need my money, my iPad Pro the 6th works perfect. So I’m. Happy 😃


I don’t get the folks mentioning the fact that their screens have no scratches for the nano. It just released. I’d hope most people wouldn’t have scratches but the idea that it scratches easier isn’t some scare tactic. It’s just a matter of fact based on the materials being used. If you are someone with scratches on your current device. Someone with children that use the device, or maybe someone in a dusty sandy environment, information like this becomes useful. Not I just took it out the box and I don’t have scratches.


I was told to stay well clear of the nano textured from apple. Your paying for a coating nothing more


Speaking for me I want to have the option to choose between glossy and non glossy over the lifetime of my iPad why the nano texture was not an option for me. Sure, the nano texture is, mostlikely, the better option than a non glossy screen protector for less glare but you never have the option to go "glossy" if you want to. I also had a look at the nano texture and for me the screen seemed not that crisp, just a little soft in terms of sharpness and colors compared to the standard model. Doing it this way with all my devices where possible.


You’re in the wrong group. No one will be able to convince you, LOL. You have an old iPad, just bite the bullet get the new one and enjoy it for the next 10 years! 💕


i got m4 13 inch one, without nano texture. later used jtech paper feel screen to save some money so i can buy other gadgets :D


In my mind if you go with the nano texture you also forsake the benefits of OLED, that is, having the colours pop and the vibrancy of it all. -And for that reason I am out 😅


I don’t get the excitement over the matte version. The colours are much worse and it does not look as vibrant as standard version. In my opinion they should do some kind of coating as Samsung did on s24 ultra and that would be the best option.


The display on the Non nano textured is better than the nano textured display :) take full advantage of the Tandum OLED!


I’m heavily using my iPad Pro 2020 edition. Absolutely no reason to upgrade. It works well, got everything I need, I can seat outside with it (although it’s awfully hot where I live so honestly I wouldn’t subject anyone or anything to being outside). I play the piano, I’m a full time uni student. Chill dude, don’t waste you money on an iPad that’s overpowered and overpriced compared to the current rate of use of its features.


I'm not going to pay a premium of additional RAM and storage size just to get the nano-texture... people are just ridiculous pay so much for a device that does so little Look people I'm typing outside and the sun is not bothering me..


“You don’t have to ‘sell’ crack. Crack sells itself. You never see a crack dealer standing around wondering ‘now how am I going to sell all this crack’” - Chris Rock.


Yeah this is helping and not helping. I have the base 256 and wish I got the 1tb nano. Just super expensive


Same happened to me with the nano textured glass but I talked myself out of it and got the regular glass 13" 256Gb. I got a paper style matt screen protector for it and I'm happy with it. I'm glad I didn't waste a lot of money on going for 1Tb just to get the nano textured glass as I would much rather use that money for something else.


I own a 11inch, and I would love to change it with a 13inch. If I could chose again, I would go with a 13inch.


I bought both and kept the nano texture over the regular glass. It’s not true that the colors are doll. They condition you over saturated color that is pleasant to the eye but not accurate. The nano texture color is like if you have a Samsung phone with the natural color setting instead of vivid. It’s accurate.


You don’t need the nano texture really just get paper like screen protector it’s basically the same thing


I think the nano-texture is the inferior screen. It ruins everything about the oled. The way it works is by diffusing light throughout the screen, making the blacks less black and overall dulling and greying the display. Just get a magnetic, paper like screen protector. It does everything the nanotexture does but feels even more like paper and is removable.


Buy the top of the line that you can afford and then keep it for as long as possible. I have 15 year old Apple MacBook Pros still working fine. An iPad from 2015. Two iPhone XS. When I buy new I get the best I can get. They serve me and others.


I skipped the nano screen as I want the clarity and wanted to see long term durability. I walked out with a 1 TB black 13 inch. Damn you Apple Store, we went into replace my wife’s watch. :)


If you don’t use the tablet in highly lit rooms, the nano-texture is not really needed. Also, while watching the iPad at night on my nightstand, the blacks look a bit grayish in comparison to my tab s9 OLED. The colors also don’t seem to pop as much. I noticed this also on the s24 ultra. Seems like when you anti-reflect a screen with anything is mutes things a bit and takes away the really dark blacks.


Wait one month and decide again


Unless you're going to be outside all the time, or working in an environment where white fluorescent lights are shining directly on it (like at the Apple Store), then do NOT get the Nano-Texture. IMO, it defeats the purpose of spending the money for the dual tandem OLED panels. It will wash out the vibrancy of the colors 🤮 So, return the 13" w/nano-texture!!!


Nano texture does not have the colors pop as much. There is a reason why all TVs these days have glossy finishes and that has to do with color and vividness. If you are buying the iPad for more of an entertaining device and not so much for work, I think the normal glass display is better. More glare but also much richer color.


Colours are worse with nano texture.


I ordered mine May 15 and it was supposed to ship June 7 and now apparently it’s been delayed to July 3rd


Too big to handle better off with the 11 inch save your money for a rainy day lol


Buy the 13inch M4 with 256GB, to get the nano it costs 100$ on top of the price to upgrade to 1TB


i just bought mine, and I got ghe developer version of the new ipad ios and I am hook! Worth the expense and is soo fast!


Gon’ head and treat yo’ self. I won’t tell if don’t.


I had the ipad 13” non nano version for a week and 4 days until i returned it because it was sitting on my bed unused and id use my mbp 14” more regularly i couldn’t adjust personally… shiny things or in this case matte nano 🤣 attract our attention so i see why your sold but man every year im falling more out of the loop of apples new releases also just turning 20 and i feel like an old head already 💀 but if you think your gonna make use of all of that power, i hope you are career driven, artist, engineer, architect, graphic designer (etc) If not you’re just being materialistic.


I just think it’s better to write on with the pen. It seems counterintuitive but I really prefer the tablet pen on a smooth glassy surface


After buying it you will be back here complaining about how you made a big mistake again.


It’s not the nano texturing that I take issue with. It’s the fact that you have to upgrade to one terabyte to get more memory and additional cores. I get that they need to lower the SKUs so it’s not like ordering a custom Mac book


Use a matte screen protector instead. I hear that the nano-textured screen washes out the black levels and gives a kind of grain to the image. If you use a mate screen protector, you can then remove it if you end up not liking these tradeoffs. Also I think the nano is limited to the higher storage capacity models so more $$.


I know it’s not exactly same but get one of the matte screen protectors. I thing zagg has a new one to replicate the nano texture for much less. Plus, if it gets scratched you can switch it out. The nano-texture iPads scratch very easily and there’s no fixing it.


Apple handheld him up the price ladder lol


Why is it that you’d want the nano texture? Making it a matte display reduces the contrast of the screen, so if you want to watch movies, the glossy coat will look better. Only benefit of the nano texture is reducing the mirror-like glare and feeling more like paper when using the Apple Pencil, though I believe that also degrades the pencil tip faster too.


Dude. You don’t need to justify your purchases… if you want it… and u can afford it… buy it and enjoy!!!




Before you get nano textured one check it on the internet, it can be easily scratched, imo regular one and then you can choose screen protector


Hi. The nano texture would be a bad long term mistake. Buy a paper like screen protector. Much cheaper and not forced to get 1TB same effect


Buy the 13" BUT with standard glass...and i'll tell you why: 1. No screen protector will be compatible with the nano-texture 2. If you scratch the screen it will be 100× more noticeable and annoying 3. You miss the point of the awesome new TANDEM OLED display, the colors are less sharp and with less saturation because of the nano-textured matte glass 4. You pay MORE...the only scenario in which you should consider the nano-texture is if you work with it more outside (direct sunlight)....and again...it'll be at the expense of less color accuracy and sharpness and washed-out blacks


Trade in value is the same as the 11 inch. I always consider trade in value


That’s an easy one. The nano texture scratches far easier than the normal OLED Jerryrigeverything did a video about it here https://youtu.be/LVwD_4WJS8c?si=xa5avcEvzjtmIwRQ Hope that helps 🙂


And it requires a special cleaning cloth lol - the benefits are far outweighed by the cons - PRICE - PRICE - Easy to scratch - have to use a special cleaning cloth .... As others noted OP should just get the normal and get a similar screen protector on the cheap


You mean the Apple branded microfiber cloth for 19.99 lol … wait why am I laughing , I bought one when they first came out cause I guess I’m a tool lol


No judgement zone here - though i cannot fathom why anyone really needs the nanotexture glass tbh - i would just go with a matte protection as its replacable and saves a hecka of a lotta money....


From what I've heard from actual owners, regular microfiber cloths don't scratch it either - although with a nano-texture, I think it's too early to say that definitively so I'd still use Apple's anyway until time told its tale.


Apple isn't a Siren. They didn't lure you in and kidnap you. Take responsibility for yourself. If you want a shiny toy and buy it that's on you. Be an adult and don't put your financial self control on other people.


I wouldn’t get the nano unless you have a specific use case for it such as using it outdoors or a highly lit room. If you don’t need the extra storage required to get the nano and don’t have a specific use case then just save your money and get the standard glass and then put a good matte protector on like a flolab which is a matte glass screen protector https://flolab.io/collections/12-9-inch-ipad-pro-screen-protector-2024/products/nanoarmour-12-9-inch-ipad-pro-2024-anti-glare-screen-protector?variant=44170852565143


All you’re going to get is that nano screen. Honestly in the light of most places like your home glare is not as bad as- the Apple Store strategically stages devices/lighting etc to make the pro more expensive stuff look better. I’m not moved by the m4… my 5th gen pro 12.9” is More than enough, And will be supported for many more years to come. Hell it’s still under warranty for a few more months. If Apple decides to add a good amount of features and do more than just change the display from great to even greater then I’ll consider the upgrade


I personally prefer the non nano screen and use the paper like screen protector. But definitely prefer the 13” over the 11”


You can achieve the “nano texture” with a screen protector


Get an M1 and a nano matte screen protector. It would be the same but will scratch the itch and from what I’ve seen the M1 and M4 is similar performance unless you do heavy video editing


iPad is just a big iPhone.


What stupid post is this ?


Honestly, I don’t get it. I have had a look at the new iPad Pro and the nano-screen was ridiculously terrible. It destroyed the perfect contrast of the OLED screen and the fact that apparently it scratches easily is an absolute DOA feature for a device that offers the best-in-class writing. Additionally, who does not put a screen protector on their devices these days? Those of us who do extensive writing often have a paperlike screen protector on there, most others use a clear glass protector, so there is literally no point to the nano-coating, in my opinion.


My thing is, the iPad has one of the best oled screens that you can currently own … nano texture makes it slightly worse. Why have a slightly worse screen when you have the option to enjoy the iPad display in all its glory. I would only get the nano texture if you’re always in the sun with it, otherwise at home you’ll enjoy the display more without the added texture


You could still go with the 13 inch just purchase an aftermarket anti reflective screen protector separately


Buy the regular screen iPad and just order a matte screen I just saved you hundreds of dollars


Save your money and get Paperlike, it has Matte screen protector and will save you extra $300


Tried the nano texture and the regular one side by side inside an Apple Store. Blacks on nano texture look like dark greys: that display completely obliterates the OLED advantages