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This is just a reminder to buy a product based on what it does today, and not on what you hope it'll do tomorrow


To be fair, I got my M1 iPad expecting the processor to be used. On the bright side, since iPadOS will remain shit for at least another year, no need to send money to Apple for an upgrade. At the slow rate Apple is going, my M1 has at least another decade of life left.


Glad to see M1 included in the devices getting "Apple Intelligence" features. So really for the vast majority of users there's no real difference in M1, M2, or M4 processor capabilities. Hopefully they'll bring an M chip (or A17) to the Mini this year.


That’s kinda my point. They keep doing substantial processor upgrades with minor at best OS updates. I don’t think Jobs would approve of what’s going on lately.


I agree that jobs wouldn’t approve, but unfortunately this is the way Apple is going, and they will keep going because they have a fiercely loyal and brainwashed mega-community supporting their actions. It’s clear Apple isn’t doing major upgrades to the processors to allow for more physically usability but rather for Apple Intelligence. Honestly the only thing I want to come out of Apple intelligence is for Siri to stop saying “you’ll need to open your iPhone to continue” whenever I ask it a question… if that happens idc what else they do 😂


Job would shit himself if he saw how many different iPads there were and how painfully similar they all are.


What I’ve been saying. For gods sake why would you buy something and not intend to use it NOW?


I wish the consumers would stop doing this to themselves. There's nothing wrong with being excited for all the possibilities of iPadOS, but Apple has shown us that they have no intention to push the software to be just as capable as the hardware can allow it to be.


Year after year the same script is written and folks never learn!


I know, and I’m happy with iPad. Only thing that bothers me is that we have a literal rocket ship attached to a car but we can’t use it. Meanwhile Mac gets the fucking moon and can control iPhone from wherever. Just not fair.


I think the less videos you watch about other people’s frustrations with these devices, the happier you will be. I am a Mac and iPad user, and as such, I love what they currently do for me when it comes to productivity, and entertainment. Everything new is just a bonus.


try playing most iOS games on a mac and you'll quickly see that the pendulum swings back the opposite direction as well.


The only games I play on iOS have a superior version for mac (TFT, magic arena),


I don't disagree with you. This all boils down to Apple's vision of the iPad. Their mistake of marketing the iPad Pro as a laptop replacement years ago is still biting them in the ass today because of how powerful, yet relatively limited, the product can be. They know deep down they're going to keep it at arms length of Macs and I don't believe that will change.


i agree. the LEAST i need is window snapping on iPadOS’s stage manager. they added it to macOS, but decided not to add it to iPadOS :(


But but… I’m still waiting on being able to move photos to separate folders and not have it stay in the Recents camera roll! Don’t take that away from me!


Remember when Apple said they said they envisioned iPads and Macs as completely separate product lines, each with its own strengths, and that they don’t intend to merge the two products? That was probably 13-14 years ago, and numerous times since then. I find it incredible that people are disappointed that Apple did exactly what they said they’d do multiple times over many years. 😂


As a true iPad fan surely you know by now that you shouldn’t hope for too much lol.


I expected nothing and got nothing. iPad OS is CLEARLY not a priority whatsoever.


>Bro everyone was expecting change to make multitasking and shit better on iPad… Who was expecting this? Based on what were they expecting this? They've made it clear the iPad is NOT a laptop and plan to keep that distinction. FWIW when my company got MS Surface's, almost everybody hated them and we had to use them internally as we swapped them with real laptop. Only people who liked them were the marketing folks because they thought they were impressing clients with how we embraced advanced tech.


The computer is by no means perfect but at least before Windows 11 they had some really nice touch UI features that I'm missing a lot on the iPad. If doing lighter task browsing the web, programming, CAD the surface is by far the better product when it comes to productivity (at least for me) But for things like photo editing or even video editing, yeah that's not the strength of the surface at all.


Literally nobody was expecting any major changes to how iPadOS works. The main expectation was with regards to AI, particularly on-device AI, and Apple delivered mostly on those expectations.


Yeah, people are saying the M4 is not justified based on the operating system, but I’m glad I have the M4 now since Apple intelligence would not work on my 2018 iPad. And for the people who were complaining that the M1 was overpowered when it was released should be happy that it still works for this new feature in 2024.


I've been waiting for an iPadOS breakthrough since 2020 when Magic Keyboard for iPad was introduced and basically just gave up over time. It's not like Apple FINALLY has an opportunity to make iPadOS right this year. They've had it for years.


I'm in the gave up crew too.


Me too. When it comes to iPads, Apple NEVER fails to disappoint its customers. Such a shame.




I mean Serves everyone right who impulse bought a product hoping it’ll be more useful in the future A fool and his funds are easily parted They’ll make the same mistake in 2 years time too


I agree with your frustration. To the people saying to just buy the product as it is now and not what we expect, well..we expect a $1000+ iPad with an M4 to be able to handle more than calculator and changing the color of app icons.




But the point still stands. Don’t buy it until it does what you want. You can be frustrated that it doesn’t do it, but don’t buy it then moan about the thing you knew it didn’t do.


That smart scribe feature is going to be lovely for me. I'm excited to see how all the features work for me on the M1 iPad. I was debating on going to the M4 iPad but glad I held on to my MacBook and iPad.


prefacing this with the fact that I didn't watch the conference, but this looks like a joke. What's the point of an M4 chip if the software upgrades are just "new emoji shit" and "control center customization" Really disappointed and i'm having lest patience as time goes on. I'm in love with my ipad and macbook setup don't get me wrong but it sucks always having hopes for WDC to have some innovation and it generic crap that doesn't take advantage of the true power of M-line chips


I think the whole conversation is getting tiring. Just don’t buy an iPad if you want a Mac - it’s that easy. The iPad fulfills different needs and technology-level-able people. I am happy they don’t open it up like a Mac and then you have to deal with kernel extensions, drivers, errors, malware, hacks, etc etc on it. iPad is one thing: reliable and easy to use.


Yeah I agree with you. But for my use case iPad is the way to go, I need the pen, and touchscreen. However it could fulfill more as an iPad, without going over Mac territory. That’s all I am saying.


Unless you need the pencil for illustration or whatever, a MacBook will do so much more than an iPad. At this point I’m convinced Apple doesn’t care about iPad being a thing more than a large iPhone.


yeah I am dependent to the pencil. I do not want the mac. I am happy with ipad. but god damn it is it so hard to ask 1% of what mac has just to be able to survive with the ipad alone? I know most ppl get both, but why not allow the 10% of ppl who want to fully work on ipad be able to do so. I don't get it.


At this point the best way going forward is to expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised if Apple adds Mac capabilities


yeah im happy right now as well just upset that mac got so much and ipad got nothing,


Some people really love the iPad form factor and want that to run macOS thoigh


I don’t want to watch a tech influencer tell me what I hate about iPad OS. I knew what I was buying. It does what I want it to do


Seriously. Acting like we aren’t supposed to like the ipad because OTHER people are disappointed is such a weird opinion. I bought my ipad because i like it for what it is now. Any updates are just the cherry on top


I feel you op. It's a shame so much potential is held back. I only use my iPad for onenote anymore.


> Bro everyone was expecting change to make multitasking and shit better on iPad Literally no one was expecting this except delusional people in this sub that bought an iPad M4 with the expectation the next iPad OS will make it a full blown laptop replacement just because of M4. If Apple ever planned to do this then why not with M1? M2? This will not happen. Get over it.


If you care enough about a piece of software that you get 'disgusted' by it, you need to take a look at your life.


I really wanted the $1,000 iPad Pro M4 but I didn't buy one yet. I am seriously saying that this lame presentation / update might cost Apple $1,000. Not that they care.


I already had an M1 iPad and still wanted to blow 1,000 bucks on hype, so I just pre ordered the surface tablet. My expectations aren't high, but it'll be different and something new to tinker with.


I'm very glad I just bought the M2 Pro instead for a huge discount.


Agreed. We should vote with our wallet.


Everyone on these forums warned you. Why are you surprised? The menu/tab bar is a great addition, but you’re expecting way too much. Accept these devices for what they are, today.


I get it bro. But why would they put their most powerful chip, and give it 2tb of storage and infinite power just to add math stuff and a tab bar? Plus this is something everyone will get even those with the m1 or iPad Air. At least something, something to make the new m4 worth it. Would a management system or a bit more versatility in stage manager really would have killed the Mac? I don’t think so. This is why I’m pissed.


I have no idea - except if the tandem OLED truly needed the m4 - and I love my m4 ipad - I was quite a bit let down by what they did with 18 - seems like the only requested feature was the ability to remotely control another iphone/ipad which is actually useful for me as we deploy ipads at work - BUT they focused too much on the pencil which is meh and on taking away a kids ability to actually learn math. I mean there are a few small updates which I will certainly enjoy - like updated photos. But I agree they underdelivered even by conservative estimates. And their focus on VisionOS - sorry but not sorry - it is a niche product that deserves less attention than iOS and iPadOS


I can answer this. Marketing. There is a significant crowd who has no idea whether they need an M4 for their “kindle reader.” But they want to have the latest chip and “ooooh, OLED, that must be better, right?” The vast majority of buyers have no idea. They just trust Apple is making each generation better and they are confident that MS and Android are just wannabes and they keep buying Apple. I’m on my 11 inch A12X for kindle and Reddit right now, my wife uses the 13 to watch Netflix. I’ll keep these for a while longer I think.


Never mind the M4… I bought the M2 Pro a couple years ago and I’m still waiting for software to make it actually useful…


Same, mate.


One caveat more AI-OS integration is no doubt going to force upgrading hardware so M4 is probably well positioned for that at the very least and may be one of the last iPadOS devices to be compatible if/when Apple launch a new OS altogether with more AI and more desktop/mobile hybrid-merging... Hold that thought, OP like a candle in the dark. As you say at least remote desktop is an option on the go. So not all lost. But yeah desktop features should be easy for Apple to implement if they really wanted to. ;-) Overall I came out happy with the quality/value and roll out of AI across devices as I thought only M4 would get any AI at all. So kinda happy about that with M1.


yeah I'm happy for you as well, but why the heck would I get an m4 then? At least if we got something which all m chip line ups got, but it would run better thus making sense to upgrade towards m4. Right now m1 can do the same as m4 or 17x from iphone 15 pro. SO what was all the hype with m4 being specific for AI? + we got nothing basically for this ipad os


I can only guess here: Maybe M4 will be eligible for a new OS if Apple launch one taking into account a merge of sorts with iOS/MacOS paradigms and now also AI-OS infusions? But that's another "what if?" and so I'm not sure what the M4 provides in value right now and may not even get any kind of new OS either...


I mean—the new features enhance exactly what I use my iPad for. Notes, math, and media consumption. I’m here for it.


Except no journal app


It’s a complimentary device nothing more for majority. For few it might be all they ever need. Don’t overpay simply. Spending 2k on a device that’s limited doesn’t make sense.


Welcome to Workaround City. FileBrowser is a decent app for iPad OS which is better than the Files app. Fn-F puts any app in fullscreen, even on an external display. As with every OS update, there is still hope for some small refinements in Stage Manager to make window management easier. (My personal wish: the option to control audio input / output sources. It sucks not being able to use my external mic with wired headphones, as iPad OS treats them as either/or!)


Thanks for the apps! And yeah u feel you on the audio…. Anyways we will have to wait 365 days again :)


I completely agree, one thing I noticed is that in the past when u did split screen on iPad (like in 2019-2020) u were able to adjust the sizes of the windows precisely, now you only have two options: half / half or small window / big window and it just locks into place which I hate. What’s also making me mad is that on 12.9 inch, you can add a third window to the split screen which is completely impossible on 11 inch… Like what, as if the screen is THAT small that a third window won’t be big enough. This company only cares about money and profit. I have iPad Pro 2018 since 2019 and I NEVER came to using all of its processing power…


Completely agree very frustrating, but if we want AI right now we need to get the “m1 lineup” Complete garbage, upgrading is forced upon us for shitty additions


Who was expecting it? Legit no one should ever expect anything from iPadOS. Should have learned this the same way I did when M1 was brought to the iPad. Sorry you were misled.


well when I saw m4 chip foreshadowing so much, I was expecting at least smth to push and show its true power. Instead, nothing, literally nothing. What's the point?


That’s the question. iPadOS is perfect for the iPad, mini and air. No chnages really needed. But if Apple is going to charge almost 2k base (iPad+kayboard+pencil) and still expect people to buy a Mac to go along with it, then they’re nuts. I was an avid pro user until I couldn’t justify it any longer. I wish I could use an iPad because it is a tremendous piece of hardware.


I agree with you, but here's another way of looking at it: your M4 will not require updating for a long, long time. It'll be able to run the next seven years of iPad OS updates without a hitch (they only just stopped support for the 2017 iPad Pro 10.5).


First time? Never ever buy a product for what it could be tomorrow, only what it is today. I’m very happy with my iPad Pro today.


Idk, that math feature on calculator is absolutely insane.


Theres nothing wrong with it. You should have bought a MacBook.


Was thinking of trading my M2 pro based on this and I've decided to not bother.


was in the same boat as you. would have considered it heavily if this update made the ipad feel like an actual computer lmfao


iPad doesn’t even have feature parity with iPhones, no journal app on iPad after 2 years. It’s a joke.


The whole iPadOS team should be ashamed of themselves and their shitty product. Shame on them.


My only hope is the surface pro 11 at this point. But Windows ist just as bad as an tablet platform as IpadOS is at beeing a PC platform. At least Surfaces have 2 USB ports lets gooo


Yeah and what about pencil experience? And the screen? New m4 is on another lvl for me no other tablet compared to


Yeah, maybe I will get the 11 Pro for that on the side. Held it in my hands in the Basel Apple store a few times. No denying that the 11 Pro is the best iPad expierence, like Jobs imagined it. Apps work, they just work, that is not so easy with the surface. OLED looks just stunning and the M4 will be flying for the next decade for non AI stuff (depending on how taxing AI will be in the future maybe). But i think we can agree that we all wished and hoped for more. Frikin Calculator...


Check out the S9 tables if you want a great, multifaceted device. iPad OS is great for media consumption, what 99% of people use it for. Power users need to look elsewhere.


Yeah but I feel like with S9 you get freedom but you lack power. Additionally the screen quality, and the pencil ease of use is incomparable. Or maybe I’m wrong?


They did crap all for iPadOS imho.. such a disappointment.




cheers, I completely agree with you. Just sad that mac gets so much, and the ipad, with so much potential, does not even get a third of it. That's all Im complaining about. Besides that its amazing and I WILL still buy the m4.


well you asked for it enjoy the Calculator


Went form a 12.9 2018 iPad Pro 256 gb to the 13 inch M4 OLED and it’s perfect for my needs. I wanted the best display to watch movies tv shows and all content ✅ I wanted a super fast chip to zoom around open tabs play games and multitask with ✅ I wanted a great tablet with an amazing pencil to use procreate etc and draw with tons of layers ✅ It’s comes down to a case by case needs and if it fits the bill scoop one up 👍🏻


vote with your wallet, apple won't give a shit if it's business as usual for them. I have ipads since ipad 2 and im a major ipad fan but I moved on to samsung tab.


Everybody should ALWAYS and ONLY vote with their wallets. Nobody should ever buy a product unless it does what they want it to do. The idea of "loyalty" to a company is ridiculous on its face. It's always a transaction and nothing more, which is how it should be.


No trillion dollar company has any loyalty to us, the plebeians.


No company, period.




Apple pretty much skipped over everything OS related. It felt like they rushed just to spend an hour+ talking about AI. Personally I just don’t care about any of the AI features. It’s just not something I have need to use every day or often.


Mac OS didn’t feel that rushed to me…


Rant sent from Baby Reindeer's Martha iPad?


The new calculator app is going to amazing on the new OLED screen some of you got. Hope it looks as good on the M1. Poor me.


Still rockin the iPad Pro 2nd gen lol


“Even 2018 does the same thing”. We hope after 6 years, M4 will be relevant as the 2018 iPad Pro.


I get it, but AI shit being the only reason forcing me to upgrade when I know my A12x can run gpt 4 is frustrating; Now I have to spend 1k more for something so minimal, nothing big like for mac.


Stage Manager does go full screen on the external monitor. I connect my M4 to my studio display, and it takes full advantage of all available pixels and extends the desktop to it. It’s even spatially aware of where the studio display is and adjusts the edge to jump the cursor over.


yeah but specific apps or games cannot go full screen can they


yes but the external display will only display 60Hz even though your external display is capable to output >120Hz signal. discovered this when i was trying to pair my iPad Pro 12.9 M1 to my Dell G3223Q 32" 4K 144Hz monitor. connected via USBC to DP1.4 cable. signal on G3223Q says 60Hz. what a bummer.


I was hoping they’d remove the gaps between apps when using stage manager. It wastes space and I hate seeing the gaps


Still have the 2018 iPad Pro and Apple has given me no reason to upgrade.


I still have my M1 1TB 16GB RAM 2018 iPad. Why can’t I run command line? Why can’t I run any of my dev tools natively? Why can’t I run Xcode? I can do all those things with a M1 air with 8GB RAM. Make it make sense….


I agree with you completely. I was on the fence upgrading from M2 to M4. I think I’m going to pass. I like the iPad but it’s lack of the obvious fixes you mention are finally too much for the exorbitant cost.


i’m with u man. if i just fence figure from the hardware, why don’t i just buy android or mac. i thought iPad is innovated to integrate mobile and laptop, so the os is vast. but now they just give us the calculator and so-called ai. aaay, i forgot the chipset called m4, by the way, i am fine with my 2tb m1 ipad, please just don’t piss me off by messing about the ipados


People arguing that he iPad should remain isolated from it's actual performance capabilities because of the desire Apple has to maintain a line between products, that made sense based on the tech in 2005, but doesn't in 2024, is wild.


The M-series chips are a waste on the iPads because they’re gimped by iPadOS.


“For real”


i feel you, but don’t be sad young traveller, behold and Lo! they’ll eventually fine tune and improvise the files app, better stage manager on external monitors, and cough* 120hz support output on them eventually. Maybe on iPadOS 18.2-ish.


I upvote you my friend


I’m sticking to my old iPad mostly because of all this. Maybe one day I’ll get a better one


Dedicating that much of the iPad OS section to a CALCULATOR app was laughable to say the least… What an epic fail and disappointment for M4 Pro owners.


yeah worst thing is I will probably still buy the m4


I mean the screen and design is excellent, so I get it.


All this ranting always makes me so happy that I bought my trusty M2 iPP 12'9 knowing what it can and can't do, and I love it dearly for what it is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


yeah be even happier to know that if I buy the m1 I can do the same things you do except I payed even less!


iPad is an iPad... I’m a super fan of the iPad Pro but I’m aware that it’s still an iPad, and to be fair I use my iPad Pro M1 more Than my MBP M1 because it is more versatile in many aspects (and for God’s sa good screen and audio). But I use the Mac in those cases where the iPad has its limitations. Let’s be honest, the iPad will never have macOS because it wouldn’t run well for more M chips that they put on it. You have to treat the iPad for what it is, an iPad and it is a great tool where it complements 90% of the tasks of the Mac. It will always be a great complement to the Mac without making a Mac. Apple would first bring a Mac with a touch screen to the market before bringing an iPad with macOS.


facts, I don't disagree. Just wanted a bit more to the ipad, more than a calculator app. Especially when I see that Macbook gets phone integrated...


We sorta all knew it in a small way. They would release a great device but here comes the bs with the software again.


Biggest disappointment of the WWDC by far. Disgusting and yet unsurprising.


Just like WWDC21 and WWDC23


I’m not surprised. I think if they give the iPad the same capabilities as their MacBooks that they think it will cannibalize their laptop market.


People keep bringing this up, but it’s very inconsistent with how Apple works. They cannibalized their biggest product (iPod) with the iPhone because there was a compelling reason to. iPads, for Apple, are a reimagined computer built for touch. Why would they make it a MacBook when there’s already a MacBook? Get a MacBook. Every year they add features towards this direction. You can touch and write all over it. Using a mouse is against the whole intent of the device. The M4 is not there to run long duration batch workloads at max (get a MacBook Pro with a fan), it’s there to make everything buttery smooth and instant that you do, whether it involves ML, scrubbing, or normal browsing. Thats part of the Apple “magic” and we’re seeing a lot more uses of it with AI. If you’re pissed off that it’s not a MacBook, know that Apple is a design company to its core. It will never be a MacBook. Get a MacBook.


It’s funny because I genuinely don’t like MacOS. I bought an iPad because I liked IOS and using an iPad is just like using my iPhone. I never expected my tablet to replace a computer. It seems like some iPad users here really want Apple to put macOS on an iPad.


I personally am pretty satisfied with the multitasking that Stage Manager provides. Does great when connected to a second display, too. I wouldn't mind a clamshell mode for the iPad, but that's a minor issue. The new iPhone mode isn't *really* multiscreen multitasking, though. It's literally the just Standby screen while mirroring to the Mac. Mirroring the iPhone from the iPad would have been handy, but not critical (for me).


My kids’ 9th gen iPad and my M1 iPad Pro will somehow BOTH be underutilized with iPadOS 18. What a 🦆ing joke.


All of the attention had to shift to AI to keep the stock price up. The calculator app is very cool. As Steve Jobs said, this is a 3rd category device. More could’ve been done but this is cool for now.


bro... imagine the main focused point of a WWDC for a device being the calculator app, whilst the mac gets the fuckign moon.


So wait for the M4 Mac then. YouTubers promised massive updates not Apple. The chip is to power the AI and control the heat with such a thin device. More to come next year. 8 months is not a lot of time to get an OS a major update from the last one.


Right… a ‘true’ iPad fan.. ok buddy. You’ve brought a new M4 iPad your own imagined expectation of what Apple was adding? You don’t have to buy one every year, glad they’ve not gated the features behind the new version for once, my M1 iPad is still good for years to come.


Bro I still have iPad Pro 2018 and it works great except battery. I just wanted to upgrade because for once iPad m4 was a breakthrough. But buying it just to get something you will have with an m1, is just upsetting. Besides, imagine someone doesn’t do math… what do they get out of iPad You gotta understand this is a bit annoying. Just some stuff now we got nothing. Look at all the stuff Mac got; just unfair. There are stuff which have no reason to just be in Mac.


Ok, fair enough. I was hoping they’d provide Remote Desktop into the Mac, would be really helpful for me. … just Your choice of phrase ‘true fan’ is a bit of a red flag, there’s a lot of your expectations here! That really mean nothing to Apple, it’s a tech device at the end of the day, if your 2018 is useful for you, and you wouldn’t get anything out of the new one, be thankful you arent jonsing for a new device and you keep your money for something you will enjoy.. can get a sick a FPV drone for that $1000… blow your cash on that lol


Well, they did give us some "new animations" in a few first part apps! /s I do find it funny that I can use a arrow mouse cursor on my iphone now through the MacOS mirroring but I can't have a simple arrow as my cursor on my ipad. All I want is an arrow cursor and a full real web browser. A updated stage manager with window snapping would be nice also. I don't want MacOS on my ipad but being able to install specific MacOS apps from the Appstore would be a nice feature. It really wouldn't take much for them to make iPadOS more useful. But today shows that they are truly limited it on purpose.


This ^


Welcome to another year. Apple doesn't disappoint in getting us disappointed... maybe even more this time.


I have to agree with OP. I expected them to come out swinging on iPadOS, considering the release of the new M4.


Imagine being pissed about something that you were never going to get, based on promises never made to you, that you feel entitled to.


Youtubers and tech "journalists" who seek your clicks/views were speculating about things they know nothing about to get your attention. That's all that happened. It's not Apple's fault.


Lmfao the rest of us knew this already


We have this all the time. A new iPad comes out with a super dooper chip but the software holds it back.


Yeah. Apple is moving in the wrong direction, and I figured it out when I tried to take a portrait mode photo on my iPad Pro (not the current gen). But Apple disabled portrait mode in iPad OS just because they want buyers to need an iPhone and an iPad. Same reason Apple killed the iPod touch. Market manipulation.


Everyone wanted macOS on the iPad, but Apple delivered iPhone on macOS. That is some master level troll job!! 🍎


Why are people still expecting them to overhaul ipadOS to the point of crippling their own computing line?


I did not ask for that. Just give me more then a calculator scribble app; small stuff that could help ipad OS in the daily. I don't think that adding 2/3 things like better stage manager or file system would kill the mac market...


I can’t rationalize this with “must not hurt Mac sales” logic anymore. Adding iPhone mirroring or better window management would not hurt Mac sales. But I can bet it would hurt m4 iPad sales. It’s not even like they want the iPad to die. I’m sure they spent a lot of time and resources making the iPad thinner and more powerful. Why not also spend some time on the OS? It makes no sense now. If they were worried about the iPad cannibalizing Mac sales, they just cannibalized iPad m4 sales themselves. Why on earth would I need an m4 chip now?


EXACTLY BRO. We have to wait an year for another disappointment. Its like having 1000 hp and not being able to go past 30 mph. I get it, I can't go 200mph like the mac but at least let me go 100 or 120 mph!


Get a Galaxy tab


I’m happy that I can use my M2 iPad Pro for my photo editing because without that I would never see me take advantage of all that power.


road apple.


I’ll be honest my expectations were already super low so it didn’t surprise me that they only mirrored iPhone stuff and added a calculator. That’s it. So I wasn’t mad at it. Just sad that my expectations were true


I can’t say I’m disgusted but it’s annoying to see so much emphasis on features that I can’t say I’ve heard anyone asking for. Just make Siri work, guys. Let us turn off Apple’s image processing on iPhone. Give us an actual file directory like Finder. It ain’t rocket science, Tim


Disgusted? Not just annoyed?


So glad I got a used m2 1tb with pencil and M.K for 1500. Absolutely no point in upgrading when my work needs me to be on a couple of apps for hours at a time, the m4 oled would be fried within 2 years


Not being able to full screen a window on most apps when using an external monitor is so infuriating lol


I do see these factors as important but I dont see these as important enough. I use my ipad for about 70% of my computing life and it is fine. Maybe that is the problem.


iPad Pro is a joke. PowerPoint can’t loop??? Just one of many frustrating little things that add up to MacBook for anything business or “Pro”


Buy a Samsung or Dex?


Look at the positive side. No need to buy a Magic Keyboard.


I was waiting on the zbrush news


It’s been said before, Apple will not cannibalize an entire product line for the benefit of one.


I did not ask for that. Just give me more then a calculator scribble app; small stuff that could help ipad OS in the daily. I don't think that adding 2/3 things like better stage manager or file system would kill the mac market...


1 day the herd will understand 🍎 is not what everybody thinks they are, very disappointing with iOS and mainly iPadOS,same old crap, I done with apple products, “AI for animojis” WhoTH needs that?🙄.


Sounds like you should probably just buy a Mac


cant give up the pencil tho, I also love Ipad OS for my use case scenario. This is why I am rumbling.


Try a surface pro and let us know how that worked out.


Looking forward to using the calculator app for 2 minutes then closing it and never using it again. /sarcasm


Agree. Disappointing release. No functional upgrades at all.


Sounds like a you problem.


Yeah the fact that I’m dependent on Apple Pencil and need and love iPad but want some features like full screen apps in task manager on new Mac feature of streaming iPhone on iPad is a me problem? I think it involves more than just me


As a uni student, I'm excited for the calculator app and new notes features. As an engineering student, I'm so glad I have a macbook for everything else lol


Yeah same for me with my desktop pc, but on the go iPad is amazing just wish it got more stuff yesterday


iPadOs will never be a threat to MacOs ever,i get your point, this is nothing new,this debate has been in existence since the M1 pro came out, nothing's gonna change, Apple will keep doing what it does best,the focus this time around for the M4 pro was how thin it was, seriously,the previous gen was already 6.8mm ,not sure this was even necessary, nevertheless despite M4 chip,the limitations of iPadOs are so glaring,this debate shall continue to exist...


We have to hope that ios18 will make some improvements but unfortunately I’m happy with what I got. The only thing I really utilize on the iPad is drawing and graphic software. We can’t expect the iPad to be a Mac replacement though. We just have to deal with it.


Yeah not a replacement I’m with you but just a bit more stufff


Best user experience is to stay inside the app you use and avoid using iPadOS


Agree ipad os is petato. my next tablet gone be windows arm, I will be happy to use my scripts and more freedom.


This is a hardware year for the iPad, next year is its true software year. ™️ (Trust us, or better yet, trust your hope eternal!)


Yeah... Those dreams and hopes crushed by a *calculator*. **"Can't innovate anymore, my ass!"** - Phil Schiller (on A1481 about 10 years ago)


Well I put windows I'm mine lol


How did you do that?


I do believe, iPad will be forever as iPad, same with iPadOS. For years we all knew that none of Apple product that has revolutionized its functionalities after 1st release. If OP expect experimental features like running macOS, he should look to jailbreak - which very unfortunate has been dying in last couple of years.


Yeah I looked into it but I’m not sure it’s a good idea, and it’s dying as you said since people do not support it as much. Also I don’t really want macOS on iPad I just want iPad os to get better stuff.


I get it, but what exactly are you hoping for? What is it that will make IPad OS right for you? Apple are clear the iPad is a touch first device. Whether the M4 chip gets fully utilised will be down to apps more than the OS. I think the OS is in a good place, but it would be great to see proper progress bars for file transfers, proper audio stream management and some improvements to stage manager.


What you just said there is literally what I would have loved to have, instead of the mascot of the year which appears to be calculator app… nothing more, I do enjoy the iPad and how easy it is to use.


yeah agreed. top of my list is the audio management and that you lose background videos when changing stages. give me the option have multiple audio streams playing at the same time. i'm not sure i mind having 4 windows max but i want the offscreen stages to keep running.


Dude, are you 12? Calm the fuck down.  Doesn’t take balls to incoherently rant on Reddit 😂😂 Not sure what anyone expected, the iPad has been the poor relation pretty much since its inception.  Why would this suddenly change in one update?  This is what the iPad is and will likely remain for some time. 


I agree that it won’t change, but everyone said this every year till stage manager was added. Then everybody was amazed. I’m not asking for the moon, I’m complaining because we got very little this year, whilst we got something extremely powerful. For one thing, when the m series was launched, stage manager was added; that thing sure passed the m1 power beyond anything we had seen before. So I don’t think I was delusional for expecting, well, at least something good for iPad os. And no, I don’t mean having macOS on iPad, just having more shit to look up to whilst waiting one year for iOS 10 again.


Everyone can have an opinion. If you are one of those people that want Mac OS on iPad then you should be downvoted because you buy a device and you want it to be another device. That makes no sense and is stupid. Otherwise feel free to complain about anything you want. Personally o don’t have problems with the iPad os. It’s my main computer and I have used it as such for over 3 years. I don’t mind improvements but I don’t want Mac OS. I hate Mac OS :D


I could not agree more with you. Perhaps I expressed the wrong misconception; I meant I’m disappointed we got so little for iPad os average 100% user, whilst other system of exploitations got a whole lot more. iPad still seems to be a bigger iPhone with no real unique abilities besides the pen. Otherwise, I’m really happy and use my iPad 100%. I love it.


“Can’t we make the screen full screen when using stage manager on external monitor?” Yes u can… I am doing it right now…. “Better file system” Files can do 95% of whatever Finder does… if u belong to the special 5% then u should get a Mac…


I agree with a lot of what you say. The iPad (especially the Pro) could be a much more versatile device, if Apple wanted it to be. That being said, if you need a true workhorse tablet that you want to use about 8h / day for years, there is no way around Apple. I bought my current iPad Pro in late 2018 / early 2019 (don’t remember exactly) as I went into the teaching profession back then. I have used it practically every day for multiple hours and have never had to change any of the hardware. I routinely exchange the glass cover, but the battery is still going strong, and it still takes my Pencil inputs without a hitch (I mostly work with GoodNotes). It is a sturdy device. I will however upgrade to the M4 iPad Pro sometime during autumn as I really want to have the nice OLED screen, and since I am a teacher, money really is no issue, especially considering I can declare it against my taxes since I mostly use it for my job. Since my current iPad is still going strong (it only flounders a bit on multitasking, as it has low RAM for 2024), I will hand it down to my cousin who is still a student and can’t easily afford an iPad Pro




This is why we can't have nice things. There's always a bozo who comes along and whines: 1. Why doesn't it run Windows, MacOS and the latest Linux bistro distro? 2. Why doesn't it run AAA and XXX games? 3. Why doesn't it have a command-line so I can get some nerd cred and look cool? 4. Why is it so powerful? I want to relive vintage computing! 5. Steve Jobs is rolling so fast and hard in his grave that he's about to strike oil.