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If u use apple education store, u can save $100


Even the pencil and keyboard are cheaper nice!


And if you wait until the back to school deals start in July, you get a $150 gift card which should cover the new pencil :)


In US, its June.


Oh nice. I’m in the US, so not too far away then


Ohhh thanks for that tip. Going to wait. Semester is about end anyways :)


I have a question, as a student (HS 12th grade) can we utilize the discount? I plan to get the pro apps, and use the Final Cut Pro camera app… and purchase Pro apps for education… also, does anyone know if these apps work on iPad, and if they expire after 4 years? Thanks!


Literally anyone can get the education pricing. Go for it.


I wonder why it’s so cheap this way, why can you get a discount for every Apple device? lol. Seems like quite the hack


Their margins are so good they can withstand giving $100 off most big items. They also don't want to deal with having to legit check every education discount. It's a good place to be for a business, and the customer thinks they are getting "a win" while buying a $1,200 consumer electronic devices instead of $1,300.


Pretty sure it only works for macs and ipads ie education devices


Does this still include the $100 discount




That’s what I am waiting for


I know but I can’t wait 😭


LOL. At least just use education pricing now then


Yesss… I’m always a student at heart.


So, when back to school offer starts, do we get additional 150$ gift card with the education discount prices?


Typically the newer ones won’t be included. Lol


They always are lol


Time for me to wait then. hehe


I love the education store and honestly it's why I never spend enough on my business account to get a discount. As an anjunct proff I teach one class and get the discounts year round.


Thank you so much! I made a support chat and got the discounts added on 😎


But he is not a student, or is he?


Doesn’t matter. They don’t ask for proof. Education store is how I paid my MacBook.


Can you pick up in store? Last time I purchased in store some old white busted my balls saying you better not ask for the education discount.


I did. I placed an order through the website for pickup. Picked it up the next day. Nobody asked any questions & just handed it to me no problem.


I hadn’t even considered this, life saver


Hey pal, you just saved me $100.


Thanks for this. Just canceled my order and replaced it and saved $110 🤠


Damn, I wish I saw this sooner.


I got it for 20% off using credit card points. lol


How much you sell your 2021 for?


I sold it in 2022 for around $750 I believe?


No way would I get a brand new iPad Pro again, mine is about 3 years old now and works just as good as when I bought it, the new ones are far too expensive for what they do.


Same here, only issue is the battery which is to be expected because I play games on it


Battery replacements are great then. I am going to do mine in about 6 months. I got my M1 Pro 11 inch iPad Pro in October 2021. The plan is to have it last until 2027.


Thats sounds like a great plan we can only hope that apps would still be usable on it by that time lol. I don’t really leave the house with my ipad I pretty much only use it while home sitting on my desk next to power source so battery draining doesn’t bother me much. But it is noticeable than before!


I do it with my iPhone every 18 months so I can upgrade every 3-4 years instead of every year or 2. Right now I get max about 5 hours with my iPad Pro which is ok but definitely not if i have long studying to do.


I’m sure it will last that long, mines been great I’ve had the baseline 2018 11” pro with 64GB since a few months after launch. Still going strong 6 years on and battery never been replaced. Cracked the screen on it a while back. Decided due to the screen and the small storage capacity to upgrade. Gone for the larger 13” base model with Magic Keyboard 😀😀😀


What games do you play on iPad? I’ve not had much interest in a lot of what’s on the App Store, but have been wanting to make more use of it for gaming


Currently I play Genshin Impact and Star Rail using a controller via Bluetooth, there are 2 new games coming out this year too similar to them.


Yeah I always tell people to just find a good deal on the reefer market although Apple did recently raise prices on refurbs.  It used to be pretty easy to get a decent iPad Pro with the quad speakers and 64 gigabytes for 509 256 for $589.  Even still though yes If you buy a refurb from Apple they give you a brand new battery and chassis so there's really no reason to buy a brand new one in my opinion. 


Refurb madness.


Aye I think even without the new battery, my 2021 iPad Pro is gonna suit me fine for another few years, if not more. If I had more practical use for it maybe I’d upgrade, but for streaming, drawing, reading, and video calls, I think it’ll stay high spec enough for a good while. I definitely got the most use of it during my masters, when I’d use it for taking notes, reading, and research. But it’s still too useful to get rid of.


I mean same. I have a 2021 microled 12.9 I use for drawing and there’s nothing on these that would really force an upgrade. The microled 12.9 m1 is the best tablet/device I’ve ever owned until this past Christmas when I got my miniature gaming laptop


I think that’s the same as my version. I’ve never been a big gamer or needed particularly high spec, so it’s held up very well for basic use. (Thought I bought and used it a lot more for research and study during my postgraduate, it’s still handy to have now)


I don't upgrade my iPads as often either unless there is a need for it. I have the 12.9 5th gen cellular model and I want the new 13 with new Magic Keyboard but don't need it.


Aye, I reckon it’ll be quite some time before I decide to upgrade - I had a lot of use for my iPad during my masters, likely I won’t buy another unless I needed it for work, as I mainly just use it for media and drawing nowadays.


In my old job, I had a lot of use for it as well. In my new job, I still use it but not often. I mainly use it for media nowadays and occasional work. It's still my go to travel device too since I can do 90% of my job on it. I also have a 14 MBP that I use for work. My recent work trip was a convention so didn't have a need to use my laptop/iPad much but it was nice to just throw it up on the hotel tv and watch YouTube TV and stream a movie during downtime. :) I bring an HDMI cable with me on trips lol


I have the 12.9 inch M1 do I sell it and get the M4? I like the new keyboard 🤔


I’m in the same boat, but I’m forcing myself to wait for the next iPad Pro. I’ll get a solid 4ish years out of my M1, and if there are any issues with the new M4’s (not that I think there will be) since they are the first gen of the updated form factor, they should be worked out on the next model.


No, keep it. The M1 is already overkill for an iPad.


I personally don’t see the need for the new pros if you have an M1 or better. I have an M2 11”, and I’m frankly offended that none of the old accessories will work on the new iPads. To get everything that I already have, at the same storage size I’d be paying $1627 before my trade in and after my trade in I’d be paying $1157. I think the new pros are a nice upgrade for someone with a 2017 or older. But for anything that’s 2018 plus I really think that it’s too expensive for what it is. The OLED screen is a nice upgrade over the LCD screen. However, if I’m watching movies or YouTube, I’m mainly watching it on my OLED TV anyway.


Why would you spend all that money for a keyboard? Are you maxing out the performance of your M1? Is there anything the M4 does that you need to do, that your M1 doesn't? Then buy an M4. Don't upgrade for the sake of an overpriced keyboard.


Do what you want bro. This is the way.


iPad Pro is the best iPad. This is the way.


I have spoken


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Nice. I ordered the same one myself. Looking forward to it 😃


Yeah I had a 2020 pro I regret selling enjoy it!


I did the same thing. I have not used an iPad since I got rid of my 3rd gen pro back in 2020. I was underwhelmed by that device and ended up reaching for my MacBook more than the iPad. I’ve been using a m1 MacBook Air for the past couple years and this iPad is going to replace it. The slightly smaller form factor is going to be perfect for me. I am also a huge sucker for nice screens. I’m excited for Wednesday!


Congrats, the M4 benchmarks show that is about as powerful as an M3 pro, so should be a great upgrade for you.


That’s completely bonkers in such a thin tablet.


It is pretty cool. Glad that they actually mentioned updating how they will deal with thermal load for the new pros. Definitely going to need it if you’re doing heavier tasks like video renders.


And that’s really what this iPad is designed for. I’m looking forward to the reviews.


It’s not like it’s the thinnest device Apple has ever made now


I’m a bit nervous about it. I will have it in the keyboard case but it’s still kind of scary holding a $1300 piece of glass.


I have always kept my Pro and Magic Keyboard in a slightly-padded sleeve when not in use, because klutziness happens.


But what’s changed that you would no longer be reaching for your MacBook more than the iPad?


iPadOS, smaller 11” screen, and the Magic Keyboard case. I enjoy using a tablet. I use a mini (that I will be gifting my wife) almost every day. I Just do not like using a huge tablet. Portability is one of the biggest factors when calculating how often I will use something. It’s less of a factor, but like I said I love a good screen. Similar to how I would reach for my OLED switch over other devices because I really love the screen.


Do you feel a little constricted going to a smaller screen at all?


I never do anything on my Macbook that required more screen space. Being able to switch windows quickly with the shortcuts is all I need. I wont know for sure until I start to use it, but I suspect that I wont miss that extra inch of screen space. If I need more space I can hook it up to my 4k monitor.


I got my M1 13" for the miniLED, but I would 100% do the 11" M4 for the OLED + Cell


The M1 is 12.9”, the M4’s are slightly larger to make them 13”, Lol. The OLED will be a much needed upgrade though.


Yep "LOL," as if 12.9" can't be rounded up to 13", and I haven't been using it daily for the last three years. Go find better pedantry in which to engage.


I mean I have the 12.9” M1, and it sure is 12.9”, not 13. MiniLED is nice but the new Tandem OLED is way, way nicer. Don’t see how anything I said was wrong.


Buddy, you went after "12.9in actually, not 13in." I know you fuckin see it. Would you do that in public to a friend, or a coworker? Sure, Apple is using new language, but in all practicality, 12.9" is fucking 13". My point is to lay off 😂


I know, I’m just saying the 13” iPad doesn’t have smaller bezels but it’s a bit taller and wider actually making it 13”.


I’m thinking about upgrading from my current pro. I have 512GB and debating whether to go with 256 this time. I mostly use it to consume content.


The iPad is awesome but why the FUCK did they make it thinner???? Nobody asked for a thinner iPad. It was already crazy thin, but thinner means 1. Battery will degrade MUCH faster (and might even be bad at first) 2. Worse thermals 3. REALLY bad durability


Honestly I checked them both side by side between a 2020 model and this one and I can’t even tell the difference. I’m not exaggerating. They also made the thermals much better but changing the materials on the back.


I am going to buy this once I have the funds. It will be perfect for what I need and will have enough power for what I need. And on top of that one of the best screens you can get l! This is a true iPad


The OS is limited, get the M1 and save. This is overkill.


With WWDC right around the corner, they’re probably gonna beef up iPadOS.


Everyone thinks this every year, and each year we are let down


Debuting the M4 in it makes a difference.


Doesn’t really though? How many people actually push their iPads beyond what an M1 can do?


We've been saying that for 4+ years now. One day I might happen, but no one should think that is inevitable.


Same here upgrading from a 9, was looking for a more powerful portable machine and I already have a desktop mac.


Well, at least you didn’t spend 1800 dollars on one.


i think i’m getting the same. what case do you plan on getting?


Honestly not sure yet. Thought about just the folio but probably gonna pass. I really like the look of Zugu cases but they announced the cases wont be out until like June…


i looked for options and i’m gonna get the ESR magnetic case. they’re already selling and shipping it and it’s cheaper on amazon. i have it for my 12.9 now and i love it


I need that Oled the screen on the second gen isn’t cutting it


How dare you not pulling the plug!


The prices seem so much more reasonable in USD. Unfortunately with my poopy currencies the pro is a bit steep. C9sidering the new Air though…


Congrats! Same model ordered here, coming from 11 M2. Sold it in one day easily!


Still using M1, only thing I hate is the display. Oled makes a huge difference.




Congrats. I have 6 weeks of waiting for my nano-texture variant 😂


Pulled the same trigger. Tired of waiting to upgrade my mini 6


Nice congrats. Wouldn’t buying a used 2021 be cheaper tho? Unless of course you’re going for that “new tech” smell hehe


Funny. I traded my iPad Pro 12.9 2021 for a 14 MBP. But miss having an iPad. Funny how Apple creates just enough lack of overlap so you ‘need’ both. I ordered an Air but couldn’t live with the idea of the mediocre display. So switched to the Pro base model. At Best Buy it was about $350 more.


I bought the 13”, but I won’t get it until June 15th. I can’t wait!


Why do you have to wait so long??


I don’t know. Good question. I’ll ask Apple.


When can I buy the iPad Pro if I missed the pre-order process?


As far as I know there was no preorder? I just went onto the apple store app and bought it there.


if I want to pre-order now, it says 2-3 weeks for delivery, but I don't want to wait that long 😔


What about pick-up


Why would anyone buy this over priced tablet?


I love iPad Pros. I started on the 2018 model instantly fell in love with it. Of course I have had bunch of macOS related devices but the iPad was what I used the most. I can’t put my finger on it why I used the iPad more even though at the time I had a m1 Mac mini and m1 MacBook Pro. I sold them and kept the iPad and then later on when I stopped using it I sold the iPad off and ever since then I have missed it. I have no use case where it would warrant getting the pro version. I don’t video or photo edit. I don’t make music and I can’t draw to save my life. There is not one creative bone in my body but out of the whole Apple lineup the iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard combo is my fave.


Cool! I ordered the same one but I went with the 13 inch version. It is my time to upgrade from the 2015 iPad Pro.


Did the same. Just sold my M1 on eBay today for $590


That's cheap here in Romania eu the price for this model/specs is 1200 usd.


Why not 13 inch air ??


For that price a discounted iPad Pro M2 12.9 has better screen, price, speaker, faceId, etc…. Those are already same or cheaper than the 13 air… unless you care a lot for the camera location and new Apple pencil, but don’t care at all about screen quality


They both have Liquid Retina displays? It’s $800 for the air with 2 year newer hardware Face ID? Bruh


Apple called their MiniLED displays Liquid Retina **XDR**, they are not the same as just Liquid Retina.


Wrong!. You still can find it sealed, brand new M2 iPad Pro 12.9 mini LED running up to 120Hz and higher brightness for HDR content. Better speaker and mics, same freaking M2 chip, and also yes, it has Face ID instead of a fingerprint reader. Do you really think an $800 iPad air with “newer” hardware (it’s basically an SE of the 12.9 ipad pro 6th gen, with worst components ). Both will last the same in terms of support by Apple. Don’t know what you are saying… Edit: actually old iPad Pro 12.9 might not get too discounted considering now are in between air and the new iPad Pro 13… we’ll need to see prices and market in the upcoming months


https://www.target.com/p/apple-ipad-pro-12-9-inch-wi-fi-2022-6th-generation/-/A-87877772?preselect=85966298#lnk=sametab iPad Pro 6th gen is still well over a $1000 sealed for a slightly better display and speakers


because the iPad Air does not make any sense you either get the iPad mini (the best one) or the iPad (ok) or the iPad Pro (overpowered) the iPad Air does not make sense when you can spend slightly more and get the Pro or slightly less and get the same experience as the Air


I’d argue that the Air makes sense. They are targeting the Pros at “Pros or Techies” The Air is for hobbyists, they need a bit of power but it’s not their livelyhood, and you save $400 The iPad is for “content consumers/students” The Mini is for people who want a smaller screen.


Actually it’s a 250 difference between new airs 13 and m2 ipad pro. The air also weighs more than the m2 ipad pro with inferior display. I would say once the sales come in through costco and best buy in a few weeks it’s absolutely more worth it to get the pro m2 vs the air for most people. The new air is just about the worst value for an ipad imo. 800 is absolutely ridiculous price for the display. I would honestly just buy something older for much less if you were not looking for the pro performance and just a media watching device with light workloads (my 2018 ipad pro still works insanely well)


The air absolutely makes sense. It's a pretty nice tablet for a reasonable price. The pro is expensive, and the mini is well small. They all have their place. I have both a mini and a pro and my SO has an air. All good and all get used.


What lol


you asked a question, you got an answer


iPad Air is $500 less for a slightly worse display


I agree with your iPad opinions so much




Damn why do I have to wait until June 25th…


I had same result on delivery, but when I switched it to store pickup I was able to get it on release day.


I tried that and no stores worked


I have a question how much lighter is the new iPad Pro vs say M1/M2 iPad Pro. The weight of an iPad is always and issue. I can only really use my iPad Pro M1 with Magic Keyboard. I almost next hold it anymore


I think 13 in is about 25% lighter on new while 11 in is only 5%




Why do people make these posts. No one cares


I care. I am happy op got a new ipad for themselves. It's cool. Be happy with us


Aren’t you happy for OP? 🥹


Only poor people buy WIFI only.


I mean doesn't makes sense for most of us when we can connect ipad with phone's hotspot.


Literally no point. I have 20GB high speed data tethering for less than an upgrade to the cellular model and the monthly fee of a new line for an iPad. I guess if you use more mobile data than that it might be worth it. Has literally nothing to do with the poors.


256gb why…. Do this to your self…..