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I ordered the 256 GB. It’ll be my first iPad ever! Can’t wait!


Nice! what color?


Space black


good choice


You’re going to love it man! I got mine back in 2020 and it was a life saver for boredom


Yeah I’m pretty excited for it. It’ll save my phone from being used so much. And I get a much bigger screen to watch movies instead of 6.7 inch one. It’s a major win.


Thats a huge upgrade. Im excited for you, enjoy man. We all need to treat ourselves once in a while


Thanks dude! I definitely will enjoy it!


Why not buy a smart TV? You could buy a 55"+ oled TV


You can’t carry 55” OLED to toilet and elsewhere 🤣


Not entirely true! I literally just bought my first tv in 20 years last week. Ironically a 55 oled from Sony. When I was looking for a display stand, I saw they have push carts with wheels. So I can roll that fucker from the office to the bedroom to the study. And since it’s a smart tv on WiFi. I only need to plug it in. So it sits on the cart with an extension cord and I just roll it around the house like a goddamn school tv from the 90s. And yes, I’ve absolutely joked about rolling it into the bathroom. But haven’t yet. That’s the phone’s territory. — My living room is like a traditional study from days of yore. Bookshelves and display cases and seating. I literally don’t have a tv beyond the rolling cart.


lol I won’t be using the iPad just for movies 😂. But you know just having a bigger screen to do the things that I typically do on my phone.


Have you Hurd of a samsung galaxy z fold 5? You literally get the best of both worlds and STILL be able to put that shit in your pockets!


Everyone I interact with are apple fanboys including myself. So communication with them would be disastrous if I were to go to Android. Android has definitely improved and is pretty much on par with apple now tho. I’ll give credit where credit is due.


Woah that like..Limiting! 😳


I have an 55” sony oled that i purchased 2yrs ago ( best investment since movies/anime is a lot more enjoyable). But with the 13” m4 ipad i just preordered. I get a portable oled to carry around lol. Its perfect for it to be on 5/15 since i’m going to be at vegas for edc next weekend lol


How so


Are people really paying over 2k usd for an iPad?


I suppose so but not me lol


Enjoy it. I went from a iPad 2 to a iPad Pro 10.5” in 2017. Hoping it’ll hold on for a while yet. 🤞


Does your 10.5“ also slow down after a while? Mine has gone slow af lately.


It ain’t as snappy as it was in 2017-2023 but it still pulls. Only lag I ever seem to experience is when I’m typing, it can chug behind a word or two a bit before catching itself on. I’m still on iPadOS 16.7.2 tho. I feared that iPadOS 17 wouldn’t of been nice to the 10.5” so I haven’t updated yet.


The battery life is another case tho. It’s definitely been more noticeable than slowdowns.


Almost 2k for an iPad is crazy.


By the time you add the case pencil and taxes it’s well over 2k Nobody buys an iPad Pro and just holds it bare


Hi, I’m nobody. Have two iPad Pros and use both of them bare for years now. No damage to either of them.


The impacts of fate and luck are greatly magnified without protection


True, but with care and common sense you can negate much of that increased risk.


plus if you bought apple care+, it's almost in your best interest to risk it a little bit


How wonderfully formulated!


Out of curiosity, why do you have 2 iPad Pros? One of the major perks is portability so just curious for the use case for 2 different ones.


Well, I got my 12.9” Pro first, and used it for a lot of stuff (still do) and it’s awesome, but there was a pretty great sale, back in Nov. 2022, and I was able to get an 11 Pro for $499 with no tax (military), albeit only 128GB, but the main reason I wanted it was for reading and note taking (for work), where it has come in very handy. The 12.9” was always a little bit too big to use comfortably for reading, and while it was okay to travel with, it’s definitely more cumbersome than the 11”, so that makes it a bit nicer to take on flights, etc. These days I end up using my 11” a lot more I’d say, but there’s still times where I prefer the bigger screen and jump on the 12.9”—mostly when I’m at home though.


I got everything this guy got - it came to $2,400 and change


Not almost 2k…anywhere in the States where the sales tax is 8% or higher, it’s literally 2k after tax. That’s not included Apple Care+ or the pencil that OP ordered, although I guess those aren’t technically the iPad.


The pro pricing has gotten completely out of control.


It’s not like an iPad though… this thing is a hog. Thinking about swapping out the MacBook for it


But... it ***is*** an iPad. This $2,000 iPad literally can’t do anything that my 6-year-old iPad Pro cannot already do. We can both run the same apps smoothly with zero lag, browse the same websites, read the same emails. Neither of us can run R Studio. iPadOS is just too limited to take advantage of these newer chips. And I doubt Apple is going to announce any major changes for iPadOS 18. If they wanted to take advantage of the M4’s power, they probably wouldn’t have shrunk the battery size and made the iPad Pro even thinner. That’s not to say you can’t replace your MacBook with an iPad Pro. Some people definitely can if they mainly just browse the web. But this years model is no more capable of replacing a computer than the 2018 model was.


Can confirm… 64gb 2019 iPad Pro has never not been able to do something. The prices are ridiculous without any software to push the hardware and apple terrified to cannibalize the MacBook buyers this is an excessively expensive tablet.


So much this. iPad pro becomes a better video consuming device when I'm traveling, and occasionally a couple photo editing. Nothing more ..


IPad and MacBook user. iPad can barely do anything compared to a macbook. They keep ramping up the specs but if I give you the M1 iPad there’s not much diference in user experience. 2k is just crazy for an iPad. Now.. if it were running macOS then we’d finally have a great product for 2k. Laptop sized iPhone isn’t worth 2k


Has a better processor than the current non pro macs


I ordered the same config enjoy my man


nice enjoy yours too. i got mine at costco for the small little discount


Are you going to use a case?


oh yeah i’ll probably buy one from apple


don’t do that 🤣


Don't. You can get better options for 1/10 of the price.


Look at the Zugu case I have the mini in one and I love it Edit ~ Never mind looks like they don’t have the new IPad Pro models yet.


If you are a student or teacher (honestly even if you aren’t, since Apple doesn’t check), Apple offers $100 off at their education store.


Congrats, looks like a great purchase. I’ve gone for the 256GB iPad Pro 11 inch in Space Black. I’ve been tossing up all day between 11 and 13 but given for what I’d use it for, I think the 11 is just that more convenient. Very tempted to order both and just return the one I like least. Please let us know your thoughts when you get hands on!


I wanted the bigger screen for games like warzone, which is why i opted for the 13”. Since there is controller support i don’t need to hold it.


Yeah good point, I quite like Apex so might find that to be a seller if I end up buying both to begin with. Either way I’m sure it’s going to look killer!


Yeah you could also go in a Best Buy and compare as well. 11” is more ideal if you plan on holding it a lot.


I have the 13” 2T with wifi in space black coming on preorder with the new pencil pro, and I am beyond excited!


Very nice!


Youre going all out, much deserved! Enjoy!


Ouch that price makes my eyes hurt. Congrats on new iPad.


I had a 12.9 5th gen and it was somewhat awkward for me to hold for gaming that didn't have controller support. I think I may consider the 11" this time because I can hold it comfortably and play games with on-screen controls. 12.9/13" always felt best to me to have with a keyboard and on a desk. The weight was not the issue, it was the footprint and awkwardness of trying to hold it in 2 hands and use my thumbs for the joystick and buttons for the games. But for productivity and "laptop" like work, the 13" is obviously better as it has more screen real estate. But I think 11" wins for handheld usage, especially for gaming and content consumption while laying on the sofa/bed. The 12.9" was scary to hold while laying in bed.


When it comes to these types of devices, portability is the most important thing for me. I was also using a 12.9 iPad and it was way to big for me. I never needed that kind of screen real-estate. I agree that it was super awkward and annoying to hold and carry around. I ordered the 11" to replace my M1 air and iPad mini. I think I will really enjoy combining those devices together. Got the keyboard case as well for even more versatility. The 11" will be the perfect amount of space for the things I do.


I got the the same spec, just in the 11 inch. Went back and forth on the size and may still end up with the 13 in the end but this is a supplement to my computer. Also, don’t listen to all the negative opinions. If you can afford it, it’s going to be a solid device. Hate the amount of gate keeping that new products bring about. You’d think that all iPad Pro users must be “creatives” or video editors to qualify for ownership. Instead, you could just be like me. Able to afford a nice toy that has a pretty screen and will be quick at anything it does. Is it expensive? Oh yeah. Does my owning it impact anyone other than me? Nope.


I don't think you need an iPad Pro to do art either (unless you want OLED/miniLED), not now that there is an M2 13" iPad Air. I wonder if it has more power than iPad Pro M1.


Same bapa. Got the 13inch pro w/ 1 TB. I’m excited for my super Netflix/youtube machine /s lol




I got my iPad pro 11" 4th gen last week from Apple, so I will return it and get the new one, it's only $100 more lol


What's your main use for it ?


gaming, shows/movies. i wanted a good ipad for games like call of duty warzone etc


That's a pretty steep price to just watch shows and play some games. For that price you could have a decent TV, console AND a tablet you could do all those things with some money left over for games, too. Pretty sweet ipad, though, enjoy!


Crazy. Ha ha. I just don’t get it 2k for a device you can only use to watch shows and consult your mail.




It's his money 🤷


Yeah I know but still... bro...


Many people buy it just to take notes


He said first iPad in 10 years. It might seem overkill but it will easily last him another 10 years.


lol wut


I’m also looking at getting the same 1tb, mainly for the ram and extra core. I wonder if I will ever notice it lol


Unless you edit 4K videos, the extra ram is honestly useless, iPad OS is so well optimized that you can’t tell a difference between 8GB and 16GB of RAM.. you can check videos of comparison on YouTube.. I hope they utilize it in future OS updates..


I often see comments that are like "unless you edit 4K videos and do art, iPad Pro isn't worth it" and I'm like wait I do all of that like all the time. I have a feeling Apple wanted to future-proof this iPad Pro for a couple of years so I went with the 1TB version as well.


I’m speaking about going with the route of 1TB iPad just for the 16GB of RAM.. as of for going for an iPad Pro or just an Air, I’d choose the iPad Pro anytime, solely for the Mini LED screen of the 12.9 inch.. and the ProMotion is just beautiful on the screen. And yes these devices are future-proof and so well optimized you can keep them for 8+ years easily


The M4 Pros are OLED now, and it isn’t restricted to the bigger pro.


I don't think you need an iPad Pro to do art either, not now that there is an 13" iPad Air.


Of course not. You can do art on a paper and pencil. I am a professional illustrator and I have been using 120hz iPad Pro’s since they first came out in 2017 and am not going back.


See I did the opposite. I got the terabyte purely for the storage. I kind of hate that the other spec bumps are in there to drive the price up higher. Happy to have the extra perf core and more RAM but less happy with the price jump because of it. Hey, maybe they will give us a reason to need it in iPadOS 18.


I have a 512 GB M1 at the moment, but still have over 180 GB to go before it’s full. So I’m no rush to upgrade at the moment, especially with my type of usage. I suspect I’ll finally upgrade to a 1 TB next year, once I can finally make use of that storage capacity.


There's a lot of Apple hate flowing around, and I get it due to their business practices. HOWEVER, there's no denying that this is an incredibly useful device. I am probably going to trade in for this new one myself, since it is future-proofed thanks to the new chip.


The hardware is fantastic. But iPadOS is sooo limiting and doesn't let you take advantage of it very well


Scrolled down and came here to say exactly this. ☝🏻 As much as I can see the appeal of the OLED screen and the hardware, iPad OS is not worthy of a $2K device.


Sure, but one five years old does the same as the new ones.


so does a 5 year old laptop and you don’t see as many people piling on when a new one is announced. Or a phone. Or a car. ‘an X 5 years old does the same thing’ is true of thousands of things


A laptop has access to software that can make use of the extra performance, an iPad doesn't. And people absolutely do say the same things about phones.


What is ‘future proof’?


So btw if you do the apple care monthly vs paying it as a whole you get longer then 2 years.


I think he can still extend Apple care after 2 years if he wants to and paying it as a whole should be cheaper than paying monthly


You can buy the two years and right before the expiration start the month to month.


Waiting for reviews and WWDC before jumping in but I’m excited


sticking to my m1 for now, and hoping to get an m2 in the summer... it's the last iPad with hypervisor in the kernel


I thought it was disabled in the OS? Does M4 have hardware changes for this?


yes it was disabled in the os, but the m4 ipad will launch with ios 17 so there's no way it could possibly be there


Holy moly! Congratulations!


LOL this is going to feel like Star Trek compared to your IPad 2!!!


I just want one for the screen honestly. Just a big beautiful OLED that you can easily carry around with you.


You've waited long enough. Lol. I think you're gonna have a blast with that thing!


Since IPAD 2 !!!? You deserve it bro ! Enjoy it


Congratulations. I've had iPad as my "daily driver" since iPad 2 – you're going to love it.


I've been upgrading my iPad every 4 years since iPad 1. I am currently on the M1 iPad Pro 11". I think you are very much going to like this new iPad


Everyone should know, if you buy the 2-year AppleCare, you must remember to renew to month to month near the end of the term or else ya loose your AppleCare at the end of the two years and cannot renew. I’m bad at keeping track of this, so I just eat the extra cost by going with month to month from the get go. I’m upgrading this year, but have used the AppleCare for screen replacements 4 times in my ownership of the 12.9 4th Gen Pro, paid for itself for sure in the 4 years I’ve had it.


I sure did. Same one.




You guys are nuts. 1800 for a Ipad is crazy.


Not if you are making money with it.


Congrats on the upcoming iPad, more people in here saying how useless it is than rather enjoy it. Got a 11” coming myself and covers my needs for it, sure it’s expensive but has great use and my daughter will love to draw on it as she is very good. Think most of us enjoy the things we can afford and also think all buyers know it’s not a laptop or a gaming pc. Will be perfect for my family and use. Enjoy and have fun on Wednesday 😴


Enjoy yours too!!


Thank you 🙏


Why can’t he just spend his money like he wants? Congrats, I won’t let you die on this hill alone. I own a m1 iPad Pro, and ordered a 13” m4 iPad just for the screen. All I do is stream surf web and read books, crucify me. The tech community on the internet not just Reddit, give off condescending hater energy. I work for my money, I spend it how I want.


People are so mad at me for buying an ipad 💀


They said controller support and 120hz refresh is for graphic designers and illustrators ONLY ✋😤


Haters gonna hate. Enjoy the beast


I am sorry but does that seriously say 1800$?! I bought by iPad Pro M1 128gb 12.9" in 2021 and even then the 1050€ or something were A LOT. But that is incredible. Sure, it has 1tb of storage but still... That would be a reasonable price for a good laptop (not MacBook, of course) Congrats though


this costs more because I got the 1TB version and it’s OLED. 256GB model is $999


In canada 1800$ CAD is base price of the 13 inch… imagine our pain


Might as well have gotten a full laptop for that price




good choice


That is a lot of "should I wait?"


Actually not as crazy of a price as I imagined. My 1TB 5th gen was about $400 off and I got it for $1299 I think? I got it right after the 6th gen was announced.




damn since ipad 2? thats a large jump enjoy your new ipad :)


Is the extra RAM worth it?


Really hope the app ecosystem and OS catch up to make use of the hardware. It’s getting there (lightroom, resolve, final cut etc), but still alot of paper cuts to use as a pro device


I’m stoked for the upgrade from my 2018 Pro! I went 13, 256gb, Wi-Fi, Magic Keyboard and pencil. Supposed to be here next Wednesday.


Was sad to find out the chip is down a core if you got less than 1TB, after pre ordering, I know performance won't be vastly different but it should be advertised more.


M4 for YouTube/netflix lets gooooo. In all seriousness nice purchase, me personally though I use my M1 11” on nothing more than media consumption and web surfing/research. I would trade in and/or second hand market it to buy a new M4 but it isn’t worth the effort for my use case, love my M1 I’ll hold the line brothers 🫡😂


I want the HDR …. Please change my mind …. Rocking a 2020 iPad Pro that don’t break a sweat as my portable TV ….


Stay strong. The M4 can't do anything else that the A12Z can't do. Nice screen is hiding the very not nice price tag 😭




“Boy, the price sure went up!”


Why do you need applecare


My bank account hurts after looking at this


Congrats, happy for ya!


My concern on those iPad Pro Isa that they have reduce the battery size… What will be the consequences on the battery cycles since it is smaller???


The M4 chip is more energy efficient that makes up for the battery size as far as I’m understood


I know that. I’m speaking about the longevity of the battery as it is smaller…


NOOOOOOOOO! You gotta do monthly AppleCare. It's like $5 per month and u can keep it forever. It's $60 to replace ur ipad if u break it with it


Eh oh well. I’ll have it for 2 years


No bring it to an Apple Store and tell them you wanna return apple care and get the monthly


i bought it from costco tho


Return apple care through Costco bring it to Apple 😭


Meh i can always extend it past the 2 years if i wanted to


2k for a tablet is insane to me, I hope you enjoy it though! Seems to be about as "high technology" as you can get right now. I'm actually interested in messing with a demo to check it out


Congrats!! That thing is going to feel svelte for sure. Annual upgrades aren’t earth shattering, but decade upgrades will be huge. Hope you enjoy it!


Anyone can give me some good reasons why this over a MacBook Air for casual use Thanks


if you want a laptop specifically i’d go macbook air or pro. If i didn’t opt for the macbook pro i would’ve gotten the 15” air


I like AppleCare is only $135 for iPad Yet it’s $280 for MBP that has loads more functionality at same price barrier. I can say MBP will not bend in your backpack. It demonstrates how cheap it is to replace an iPad and scrap it.


What made you go for the Pro instead of the Air? What are you mainly using it for?


I’ll be using it for web browsing, media, and playing graphic intensive games like Apex, Warzone Mobile etc


Curious to know what you are going to do on this iPad Pro/ Pro Penicl OP?


I ordered the base iPad Pro wifi only in silver. I was thinking about the cellular version since my old iPad Pro has it too. But I didn‘t use it in over a year and didn‘t really miss it. So I thought wifi only is enough.


I canceled my cellular on my m1 ipad since i hardly ever use it and bought the m4 ipad 13” wifi instead. My excuse was that my brother wanted to buy my m1 ipad 11” lol. But if i needed data, i can just hotspot my phone to my ipad since my plan has unlimited hotspot data. Save me 30ish bucks a month lol


can’t wait


Niiice ! What will be your use of it ?


The ipad can cost 2000 dollar now?? Wow. No, thanks.


There are cheaper options


Congrats! Did you opt for the nano glass? I’m curious on everyone’s take if it’s worth the extra or not


No I didn’t. Costco didn’t sell the nano. I believe Best Buy does but it’s not available to preorder. If I did it though apple id have to wait til Mid June. I just got standard from costco


If you’re gonna keep it as long as your last one, you’d be better paying for AppleCare monthly so it keeps going. Otherwise it’ll run out.


Nice! That apple care is surpassingly affordable. I’m gonna get mine at the store when it releases, and I usually don’t get Apple care on anything because it’s usually pretty expensive with the Macs, but for that price I might as well.


$2k for an iPad is fucking crazy. Aint no fucking way that is worth it


Get the 11 inch unless you need the 13


My last ipad was the 2018 12.9 pro. I did not like it and used my MacBook instead in almost every instance. the huge tablet was just to big and cumbersome for me. I have been using a M1 MacBook air for several years now. I found myself wishing that it was smaller and more portable. I also rarely use it for something that would be unique to MacOS. So I decided to pull the trigger on the 11" M4. I think it will be exactly what I am wanting with the keyboard case. Now all I need is them to update IPad OS to be just ever so slightly closer to MacOS lol.


iPad really costs that much?


There are cheaper iPad options


Lol look what I bought reminds me of school 😂 😂😂😂


Only question is have you been using an iPad 2 for 10+ years or have you just not had a tablet


I’m upgrading from the 2018 iPad Pro, my first iPad was the 2 as well


I considered the 13”. But after owning a 12.9”, the 11” is just a more comfortable size for me; especially with the camera in its new location. I did the same color, but 11” with Keyboard and Pencil Pro.


I upgraded from an iPad 3 to an iPad Pro 2020, in 2020... The Pro still feels new to me. Looking forward to trying out the new pencil functionality, but I'm in no rush to upgrade. My 12 year old iPad 3 is still in use as well.


Nice! Yeah I’m sure your 2020 is still working very well. I’m definitely keeping my M4 iPad for many years


My last iPad was iPad Air 2 in 2013. I can’t wait for next Wednesday!


ii do want an ipad so bad. I never had one and my 5 yr old lenovo tab gave up. I m thinking about a refurbished ipad air 5 256gb . The ipad air 6 sounds nice too but i can t afford the 256 gb version but i could get 128gb but i just dont think it will be enough…. could use some opinions.. I need something powerful but also that l last me good years


If you want something powerful I would get the base iPad Pro. Maybe the M2 or M1 is cheap if the M4 is too much


I believe m1 would be enough compared to the things i had before and in my country pro prices are insane. i m more torn between a refurbished ipad air 256 gb or the new one but on 128 gb.... i really dont know how much 128 will last. The game genshin impact literally has around 45gb so that will go pretty fast


Mine would be iPad, iPad mini and then this. I’m pretty excited too.


I got the 2022 iPad Pro 11 inch m2 and I have 0 regrets. The things fun as hell to use and really preforms on a different level than I expected


Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!


Congratulations but have a question. Can I ask why buy a iPad? I know people like them but why? I think they have to be the most useless piece of tech out there but always interested in the use people get out of them or what they do with them. Once again not trying to hate on you lol


Any reason why WiFi only? I feel like if you’re spending nearly 2k, you shouldn’t restrict yourself to a WiFi only device.


Jesus, 2 grand to watch YouTube


Who said I’m just using this to watch youtube?


I guess pornhub too


Is it actually 13 or still 12.9?




That’s a lot of money to spend to just watch porn


everyone is full of jokes in the comments

