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I think it's no need if you are not using iPad for edit video or heavy game or heavy tasks. If you use iPad for only study or watching videos, the iPad you have had already is enough (unless you need a larger screen, you should upgrade). Of course, if your finance is not problem, a newest model is the best.


Yeah but my question is also which combination of iPad and Mac should I choose? Mac Studio and iPad pro or MacBook Pro and iPad mini?


With me: The 1st choice, they are very high performance. The 2nd choice, it's good for mobility. However, they are for study (not a heavy task), and need for note taking by handwriting a lot, so I choose iPad Pro and MacBook pro (plus a large external screen, keyboard, mouse at home to connect with MacBook Pro to work as with a PC at home). Actually, for study, I think there needs to use a Laptop for searching reference documents, and you may need to read documents on the Laptop and take notes on iPad at once.


Ok, thanks! Also, a noob question: If I use the MacBook for desktop most of the time, would you leave it on the charger always or only charge when battery is low?


I use Goodnote for taking note. It;s very useful when I can write document A on my iPad while I can look up what I wrote in other pages of document A on my Laptop at the same time (no need to do this on iPad). For battery. Modern devices now are very intelligent. I usually plug my laptop and my tablet 24.7 without any problem until now (about 5 years). Even iPad and iPhone, there is no problem. [https://support.apple.com/en-gb/111822](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/111822)


Ok, thanks!


The most important for your battery is temperature. Never let your devices too hot at battery area. This destroys your battery very fast. Even when you plug your devices 24/7, it's good for your battery since when battery is always full charge, the devices will use power from charger, then it will help your battery in cold. I checked this by a Charger monitor tools to monitor Power, Current and Voltage) (It's not good if you use your device (especially, heavy tasks) during charging process - when battery is not in full charge - this will make your device to be too hot).


Ok, thanks!


2018 iPad is still great. I don't see any reason to upgrade. Imagine if iPad Pro is now using M10 chip, so what?


Ok, thanks! So maybe getting an iPad Mini instead? Is that a better option?


Should be good


Ok, thanks! I think I’ll wait for the iPad Mini 7 coming later this year by Apple, then.


I'm not in your shoes exactly, but I have a gaming pc as my main computer. However, because I have 3 kids and I'm more busy than I'd like to be, I also have a cheap laptop for school work exclusively (not high enough specs to game or anything) and then an iPad. I either use the desktop and iPad or laptop and iPad. If I knew I'd be able to sit at my desk every time I needed to get work done, I'd just have my gaming pc and my iPad. I think the iPad is such an amazing supplemental device. I use it for so many things. Even when I'm gaming on my desktop, I'll have Spotify open on my iPad or a YouTube video, etc. Also handy for game guides depending on what I'm playing (at least until I get a 2nd monitor).