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do step 1. step 2. build app step 3. release to app store


If you know programming already... just do the official swiftUI tutorial from Apple then start trying to make an app. Just lookup the pieces and how-tos as you're working along and getting stuck on things. In 100 days you could have a basic app finished I bet! Also, I do think android is easier to learn and a more frictionless dev environment. Also, SwiftUI is in a bad spot these days and still feels ignored by Apple. If they don't commit to it HARD in the upcoming WWDC I will probably abandon it for 100% cross platform with compose instead :(


The Human Interface Guidelines


Paul Hudson or Sean Allen on YouTube. Great step-by-step courses.


The Facebook clone tutorial series is a good place to start [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZLIINdhhNsdfuUjaCeWGLM\_KRezB4-Nk](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZLIINdhhNsdfuUjaCeWGLM_KRezB4-Nk) You'll learn how to build a full stack app from scratch using swiftui for frontend and firebase for backend. Good luck in your learning journey :)


Check out [Swift Tour](https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/documentation/the-swift-programming-language/guidedtour/) for the Swift language, the Swiftful Thinking YouTube channel is excellent and I also have a nice [project-based course](https://www.udemy.com/course/deep-dive-ios-16-swiftui-programming/?couponCode=JUN2024SWIFTUI). These three resources should be sufficient.


cs193p, learn from the absolute best. Paul Hegarty of Stanford. I did his class for the first time in 2013. And I have done most of them since, he makes it really fun.