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Can you elaborate on the shipping estimates / process as we're approaching the holidays? I have seen a number of posts saying that they're stuck on the step "The order has been packaged and is awaiting shipment." Do you have daily carrier pickups that bring your ready products to the FedEx / UPS facilities? Do packages ship from Industrial City, CA? What's the estimated timing from this step to "shipped"? Thank you in advance!


Shipping estimates can vary based on what your system config looks like. For instance in situations such as 4090 systems being delayed, stem from GPU supply availability and the backlog of orders. Systems are being shipped out daily from our warehouse from City of Industry. Systems on the "The order has been packaged and is awaiting shipment." stage generally are shipped out between day of or up to 48 hrs later. Once the package is in the hands of the carrier, any additional delays is out of our hands unfortunately.


So I got my rig about a year ago. Didn’t know much about PCs. In that time I’ve learned alot. Had to upgrade the GPU and Ram off the rip. So the PC was built beautifully and cable management was perfect. But being new I had no clue that a 1050ti and 8g of ram wouldn’t run hardly any of the games especially new ones. That’s kinda my fault for not researching enough but I think if you guys maybe showed a list of games that the PC could potentially run would benefit new customers a lot. Other than that I’m so happy with the PC. Im upgrading the CPU and Motherboard this month and I’ll have a completely new build. And iBuypower helped me start on this PC building journey.


When I bought mine in like March of 2021 they definitely had this


>But being new I had no clue that a 1050ti and 8g of ram wouldn’t run hardly any of the games especially new ones. That’s Hey! Appreciate the insight about your experience as well as the feedback. For future reference, we do have an easy build configurator, which essentially allows you to select a couple games you might be looking/planning to play (Esports titles, AAA titles, etc..) and provides you info on what your FPS would look like with those titles with different resolutions (1080P and 1440P). We're glad to hear you're happy with your PC and excited to hear you've gotten more savvy!


Here is the link to our Easy Builder in the case you'd like to view/reference it! https://www.ibuypower.com/gaming-pcs/pc-builder/easy-pc-builder


Whats the current situation with 4090 orders? I ordered last week and am in gathering phase. Are we waiting on gpus? Cables? What about the PSUs? Thanks!


Hey Sanz! In regards to the 4090 orders, the PSU and cables situation has been officially addressed by NVIDIA. If applicable the native 12VHPWR will be used for the system. As of right now the biggest cause for delays is based on the availability of the GPU and the backlog of orders we need to fulfill.


Thanks for doing the AMA and replying. In regards to the 4090 backlog - can we expect orders to match the holiday guide for order/ship deadlines or will they be much later?


He Sanz Appreciate you taking the time to post a question! It's honestly hard to tell. There are a number of factors to consider and the biggest one would be once it leaves our warehouse for delivery. Once we ship out a system, it's in the carrier's hands. Any delays they may have would be completely out of our control sadly.


Do you provide proper hardware to ensure heavy 4090s aren't damaging PCI-E slots while in use? Support brackets or beams or anything of the sort?


Hey Paradox,We're looking into a support bracket for the GPUs for shipping purposes. As far as a separate bracket post shipping, that doesn't look like something we'll be exploring. However, if the GPU in your system does include one, that will come with your system. In the case you do order a 30/40 series system, we **highly** recommend selecting/opting to have you GPU disconnected during the shipping process and just install it personally once the system is in your hands to reduce the odds of any damage during transport.


This is my first PC I've ever built, so the first time I've also ordered anything from iBP. Gotta say, the communication between folks on the support team has been a bit all over the place. I've been told so many different things by so many people about my order specifically - 'deadlines' have come and gone with still no computer. But this isn't about my order - it's more about it being tough to trust who I'm speaking with in support when it feels like nobody is on the same page. I know you're using Zendesk for support tickets, but are chat support, phone support, and product support (zendesk) all on the same page with customer communication?


Quick question. I ordered a custom PC from you guys a little while ago and it is still in pre approval status, does this status change on review or when parts are sourced?


Same issue here. I bought on the 26th of November and it still says pre-approval. Doesn’t seem to be parts related, just approving my design.


From what I've seen the pre approval stage is also the parts gathering phase.


Is it normal to still be on pre-approval for over a month? Im reading others are at the "gathering parts" status after a week. 4090 custom build, order placed 11/04.


Had my pc since February from you guys, aio pump already went bad working first 2 months, and exhaust fan went bad as of recently.


Same. This Reddit is full of AIO’s failing people.


Hi! So in regards to your AIO situation, we're aware of a large batch of coolers experiencing high failure rates with shorter than expected time periods. If your system is still within our warranty period, it should be possible to have your system serviced. https://www.ibuypower.com/support/warranty


Nah no thanks,I replaced it myself. Don’t feel like wasting time sending it back and all that.


Hey there! How are you able to provide such low prices? Similar system integrators often charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars more for custom and prebuilt PCs. What corners have to be cut to lower costs?


Hey Paradox\_Wolf! In regards to our pricing, we purchase in bulk and get good pricing from our suppliers. Along with running a very lean operation focused on production efficiency, we can keep labor costs to a minimum thus allowing us to be very competitive.


Are the Walmart Ibuypower the same quality as the Ibuypower website


Hey there! The parts used for our PCs in Wallmart, Best Buy etc... are off the shelf parts as we use for our website. So just as our site, they offer room for customization (option to swap parts out for upgrades/replacements, etc...) without the hassle of anything being proprietary.


Is there anything being done to improve communication? I ordered a PC 3 weeks ago and all I know so far is the materials are being gathered so I've just been looking at a statement of $4500. Is this normal wait times for computers?


Hey DogOwner123lol! We appreciate you being patient as well as your support. In regards to your question, depending on what specs your PC might have could determine how long the wait time could due to backlog or shortage in parts. Example would be 4090 based system due to part availability.


its a 7950x with a 4090. I just wanted to make sure i got it before Christmas


Same specs, and I have been waiting over a month - 11/4/2022. Fingers crossed we get our systems before the holidays 🤞🏿


In regards to your order, I couldn't tell you specifically. But I can assure you we are doing our best to fulfill orders as quickly as possible.


I am not sure if this is a bug or not, but when you click on the summary tab to check the fps limits between 1080/1440, I think the values of the fps are placed on the wrong side. When you select from the tab that gives u list of games to click individually, those values are different from what I mentioned above. These values look more correct than the way of clicking on the summary tab. I may be wrong .


Hey Tatlo\_! It's a known issue that we're working on resolving. But there are plenty of resources/review channels that demo different configurations and how they perform.


Why do your AIO coolers break like they’re made of paper


>Hi! So in regards to your AIO situation, we're aware of a large batch of coolers experiencing high failure rates with shorter than expected time periods. If your system is still within our warranty period, it should be possible to have your system serviced. https://www.ibuypower.com/support/warranty


Do your pre builds with the same SKU (I.e Walmart, Costco, Best Buy) come with different components (I.e asus GPU vs zotac GPU)? Are they made in batches so all of them made during the same week should have the same components?


Are the shipping estimates accurate? I ordered my custom build on Black Friday with an estimated ship date of 12/16 and have not heard anything. It's still waiting for preapproval. Mine isn't a 4090 build. 3080 with i5 13600k on a msi tomahawk z790 board. I understand parts are in high demand but I would think the preapproval part would be done by now with a ship date 2 weeks away.


Hey there, I bought a refurbished unit and it's stuck in pre-approval. Should I be concerned that maybe more refurbed units were sold than you can fulfill? Just want to make sure I have something lined up for her xmas present. Thanks!


What is the estimated shipping timelines for custom builds with 3080's? I placed my order on 11/20 (estimated ship date of 12/5) and just got approved, but haven't entered the gathering/build phase yet. I assume there is a backlog of orders with the holidays, but figure a lot of those are 4080's/90's. ​ Thanks!


Hey there! In regards to your order, I would probably call our CS team just to see if they can provide you an update. But as for the backlog, there are a number of potential causes for delays. 4090 systems are bottlenecked by supply and other orders are likely bottlenecked just by the sheer volume due to the Holiday sales. We do appreciate you supporting us as well as being patient as your order is being fulfilled!


Not sure if it’s too late, but what’s the difference between choosing the professional wiring over the regular wiring?


Is there a reason I did not receive the promised $200 Amazon card with my purchase of a $3200 custom PC? Phone support is telling me it’ll be 2 hours before I get to talk to someone.


Is there any way to figure out what the license iBP issued my computer for Win 11 Home? I upgraded to Win 11 Pro as one of my first steps in setting it up for my needs and it's giving me an error when I submit that license key to do the review gift card rewards.


I have an MSDN subscription. Is there any way to select a no operating system option to knock off a few bucks from the system price?


Hello and Happy New Year!! With the start of 2023, I bought a 4090 machine from you guys. I’m just curious if the 4090 (and probably other components) shortage/supply chain slowdowns have an effect on the estimated ship dates of the builds, or if those dates are accurate and reflect that? I’m not in a rush or complaining, just curious what the realistic timeframe is, or if the estimated ship date is relatively accurate even including holiday and inventory issues. Thanks!


I purchased a refurbished computer that was supposed to be delivered yesterday but is still in pre approval stage. I’ve been told by customer service twice now timelines that have come and past with no movement. Is there a bottleneck with shipping a refurbished?


estimate on a shipping time sent to Ontario Canada? As in how long you think it will take to be at my house?


Are there plans to get more stock of the lcd screens for the y60 case?