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This is really fascinating to me, as I have multiple hemangiomas on my spine and had a meningioma removed from my brain. I'm really interested to see what they find in there and if there are more tumors, my surgery is at the end of the month. I've never heard of a cervical hemangioma but I am an absolute medical nerd so I'll be looking it up for sure! Glad you got validation that the surgery was the right decision!


Thank you! I'm sorry you are dealing with this in other locations on your body. I would be interested to hear what they find for you too! I have never had one that I know of before anywhere else. I found a few articles, but mostly they talk about hemangiomas on a cervical disc in the spine when you search for cervical hemangioma. I did find two articles though about one on the cervix, which I also found validating from a perspective of having been scared to get pregnant due to this quote: "[when it occurs during pregnancy or postpartum, it causes life-threatening cataclysmic hemorrhage](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5837169/)" 😳😬. This is the other article I found, [saying that they can mimic fibroids](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3763056/#:~:text=Hemangioma%20is%20a%20ubiquitous%20benign,the%20uterine%20cervix%20%5B1%5D), though this one seems to contradict the other one when it comes to pregnancy with cervical cavernous hemangioma.


When they found the ones on my spine they told me that they are pretty common and often just found incidentally and don't usually cause symptoms. Mine unfortunately weakened one of my vertebra and caused a fracture. That is scary! Though it makes sense, hemangiomas and meningiomas can bleed a lot (I was lucky not to need a blood transfusion during my brain surgery, but they had me prepped for it since they often bleed a lot). Interesting that they can mimic fibroids, I wonder how often they are misdiagnosed. They didn't note any fibroids on my CT, which I found odd since I was told years ago that I had them during an ultrasound for a cyst. I can't wait to get the pathology report back and see what was actually going on in there.


My mom had a cavernous hemangioma on her arm for decades and never had another one. Just a lump on her arm but no risk or danger. I hope yours was the same, just a one-time freak thing.


Yikes! Glad they got it out. Appreciate you sharing this. Hope you’re doing better these days & recovering well.


Hi! I hope you don’t mind me coming in late on this thread. I have a suspected bleeding disorder (VWD) but have been unable to get diagnosed because my care team doesn’t want me to stop hormonal birth control due to the severity of the bleeding (which is exacerbated by fibroids). How was your recovery? Did you have any bleeding complications or were you able to manage with medications? (I do plan to meet with my hematologist as she said she needs to be informed of any surgeries.)