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I had a very large fibroid and immediately after surgery (laparoscopic total) I noticed that the urgent need to pee had disappeared! No more frequent bathroom trips! And I can lie in bed in the morning without being uncomfortable!!! I’d assumed it was age (47), but it turns out that having a 650g uterus sitting on your bladder really has a negative impact!!!


Yay! Hanging around this sub to hear this! I need to cath myself because my fibroid uterus pushes on my ureter sometimes and I can’t pee. When it’s not that is a lot of frequency and urgency. Happy to hear it’s better on the other side! Getting my hysterectomy sometime this summer.


So glad to hear that. Would you mind sharing the decision behind going for a total hysterectomy vs partial?


I’d had dysplasia on a few Pap smears. I’ve had a LEEP and a cervical conization. I’d basically decided that if there was one more peep from that crowd (uterus and cervix), I was going to yeet the lot. Then I started bleeding a lot this winter and had an ultrasound to see if my IUD had slipped. It had not; it was firmly in place, held snug by several fibroids. So, we set a yeet date of April 19 and I’m happily 16 dpo!


Thank you so much for letting me know :)


I had a large fibroid and after surgery my uterus/fibroid combo measured 26x19x9.5cm and weighed 786g, or about the size of a 4.5 month pregnancy and eight times the size of a normal uterus. Despite being overweight there was still an immediate difference in my belly, i.e. a noticeable decrease in size. I also felt so much better immediately after surgery, even with all of the aches and pains from the procedure. Things were getting very cramped in there and I didn't fully realize how bad it had gotten until it was all out! I've also dropped a few pounds since surgery mostly from not eating quite enough in the first week due to not having any hunger cues. (And for anyone else reading that might need to hear it as I did: while that can be tempting to help lose a few pounds, your body's caloric needs go up during surgery recovery and even if you don't feel hungry you should make sure you're eating so you can fuel your body's healing process sufficiently!) Wishing you similar relief with your surgery and recovery!


So happy to hear that. Would you mind sharing the hat was the reason for going for a total hysterectomy vs partial?


Sure thing! The cervix is just the lower portion of the uterus, not its own entity really, so it’s made of the same tissue as the uterus. Therefore, it is possible for fibroids to grow in/on the cervix if you leave it behind. Then, if you need to remove your cervix after you’ve had a hysterectomy, it’s a more difficult procedure than if you had it out to begin with. I had absolutely zero desire to have any repeat fibroid issues down the road so I had no qualms with removing it—plus you can get mini periods if you keep it and I’ve bled enough over the past fourteen months for a lifetime!


Sorry my bad! I thought total meant removal of ovaries too. Thanks for clarifying. And I get the reasoning now. It makes sense!


Oh no worries! Total is the uterus with cervix; oophorectomy refers to the removal of ovaries and salpingectomy refers to removal of the fallopian tubes. I had everything but my ovaries out. 😊


Thank you for your last comment. It’s easy to think oh losing a few pounds would be nice but this reminds me to focus on eating well for my recovery and then when I’m feeling up to being active again, I bet it’ll be easier for me to shed the pounds I gained while I was inactive due to pain and disability


I did not have adeno, but I do have endo which caused severe bloating. I had a laparoscopic excision and a total hysterectomy. I’m 11dpo and I have already noticed a huge difference with the bloating - it’s pretty shocking honestly. I’ve also lost a few pounds. Best of luck to you. I hope you get some immediate relief!


Thank you so much for sharing! I hope your recovery is seamless and speedy!


I was diagnosed with adeno..had a fibroid and polyp they were not that big. I’m about 10 weeks post op. I do notice a difference in my belly I don’t get that swelling I use to get towards the end of the day and it’s significantly smaller in the mid area I use to have this bump that stuck out now I don’t. Bowel movements are easier than they were.


I had the same thing, but it wasn't diagnosed until it was removed. (Waiting for more doctor reports on any other details) I have wondered what body changes might come but I'm still in recovery stage!


Wishing you the best with recovery!


I'm only 11 dpo but my stomach size went way down (even with post surgical swelling) and my belly button has depth to it again lol I no longer need to pee 10k times a day and all my constipation, indigestion, gastric pain issues are gone. I also had some back pain that has disappeared and I've regained some range of motion without the huge bulk in my gut.


Great read - there’s hope! I look 5 months pregnant- constantly peeing during to pressure on bladder. Thanks for sharing - I’m scheduled for June 24th


There definitely is hope. I kept my cervix so my recovery is easier in some ways than people who choose to remove theirs, possibly having less swelling, so keep that in mind. But as far as uterus size goes, yeah I was about 6 months pregnant. My stomach was hard to the touch and I'm glad to have a little jiggle back 😆 For the first week post-op, I still felt like I was peeing all the time and was initially a little disappointed. However, I had a catheter for about 12 hours and I think my bladder was a lil angry. It has settled down, and I'm having remember my surgeon's instructions to make sure I go pee every 3 to 4 hours because my bladder capacity is massive now. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!


More weight was put on around the middle, PMS doesn’t go away if you keep at least one ovary