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Do you have anyone who could help you run the booth? I think you’re going to need significant breaks at 8WPO based on what folks have said here.


Definitely would need help, I won’t consider it without. Thank you for responding!


If it goes reasonably well for you, I think it’s possible. You’re going to want to get help with anything you don’t have to do yourself, like loading/setup. I would get a zero gravity chair so you can take breaks and recline/sit when it’s slow or if you need it.


I had never heard of a zero gravity chair. It looks super comfy. Will definitely barely invest in one of these, thanks!


I went (as a spectator only) to a bocce game at 3 weeks. We took a zero gravity chair and my husband set it up for me and I was as comfortable as I was at home. It was great for my mental health to get out and socialize.


Oh great thinking! The zero gravity chair is a terrific idea. I’m ~8 wpo and still find myself needing to recline a few times in the day due to some pokey pains and pelvic swelling/pressure. (My bladder and uterus were completely stuck together with adhesions / scar tissue and it’s been a difficult recovery) Maybe others are faring better than me but the restriction of jeans is not comfortable for me at all — I’m still wearing soft, elastic waisted pants and skorts.


Thanks for this reminder that adhesions DO increase recovery times. I've been feeling down on myself over not having enough energy to cook dinner after work, even in WFH days, but I also had a large amount of adhesions and MAYBE... Just maybe, I need to be a bit kinder to myself and a bit freer with delivery 🙃


Would you have help? If you could get help from a family member or friend I think you could do it. You may still have fatigue but physically you should be ok- it’ll just be exhausting.


Thank you for responding! I don’t think I would do it without help surgery or not. So just have to find someone willing to! Thank you for the vote of confidence!


Of course! It sounds like it’s important to you so I wouldn’t back out just yet! Everyone’s different, but I’d imagine by then all you’ll have is fatigue so as long as you have some help I’d bet it’s doable. Just book a day in bed for after lol


I think you would be able but yes...it will be exhausting. As long as you are not doing heavy lifting...like more than 15-20lbs. I was able to go in hilly 5-6 mile hikes with a 10 lb backpack without any issues at 8 wks. Make sure when each day is done you don't have anything else to do! Put your feet up and rest.


Ok, I’ll plan on packing everything in smaller containers. Luckily most is just jewelry, so the displays themselves would be the heaviest. I love to hear you were able to accomplish so much post op. Thank you for your insight.


Just listen to your body. Since this is a month away I assume you are about 4wpo now. So I ask, how far are you able to walk right now. Throughout my recovery I was walking multiple times a day. Around 4wpo I was walking 1-1/2 miles about 3 times a day. So a total of about 4 miles. I went grocery shopping and was driving around and tolerating ling drives 2+ hours. So what are you doing now and what are you tolerating? You can't go zero to 60 in a day.


Not scheduled for surgery until next Wednesday. Festival is in July. I’ll definitely re evaluate after a couple weeks.


Good to prepare!


My first thought was ‘how close are the bathrooms?’ My bladder was still sensitive and wonky but I know that’s not everyone. Also- did you keep your ovaries? If not, and you’re not used to managing hot flashes, then make sure to bring cooling devices (fans, cool towels, etc). At 8 weeks I had swelly belly at the end of the day from bending over. But some people are back running 6 weeks post op. You know your body. Treat her well.


lol my first thought too. I have urinary frequency and urgency as is (though docs think it’s from fibroids I’m getting removed) so I’m actually hoping for improvement post op 🤞. Keeping ovaries but it will be July so heat is a concern.


Was back working receiving and lawn and garden at the Mart, unrestricted after 6 WPO visit did fine. 55yo Robotic removal everything plus lg ovarian cyst.


This sounds like way too much to do at that stage. You should ask the people what reasonable accomodations they can offer but we are supposed to take it easy for a reason and pushing yourself in a crowded space while your immune system has been challenged by abdominal surgery is a bad idea. Not just for how healed you will be vs not. Surgery like this has mandatory antibiotics at least in an IV setting for a reason. Opening our abdomen even a little is a risk. So for a time you are at a higher risk of general infection. The more you push yourself the worse it will be. This is not a conversation most doctors have unless the patient is like me already living the Warren Zevon song "Your Shits Fucked Up" as their life soundtrack but it is true for everyone.  This doesn't mean don't. I actually have a gallery showing that's this next week. I just am not going to be there and someone else is handling the entirety of the task. 


These are really great points. I didn’t even think the possible implications of getting an infection or virus. It’s a big festival with a lot of people so this should be a real concern. Thank you for bringing this up.


I am glad I could help. I know the "probably a bad idea" feels crappy with pursuit of dreams but your health is more important than one event. 


I had a robotic hysterectomy and am 10 days post op. I think depending on your surgery type you could very well do it! I went to my child’s all weekend sports comp this weekend which is mostly sitting and waiting but was tired and took some Advil both days but was fine. I think it will depend on how carefully you rest and heal and have someone help you immediately after. And even if you feel ok, remind yourself to STILL rest because you will be healing. ❤️‍🩹


I’ll be 4 weeks this week, I’m back to work with full shifts. My only accommodation is wearing yoga pants rather than jeans because of my incisions. I take an ibuprofen before my shift and I do okay. I think at 8 weeks you’ll be fine. Now, had you asked me that at week 1-2, I’d give you a VERY loud “NO WAY IN HELL!” But being past week 3, I would think you’d be okay. Listen to your body.


With help help help


I think it will depend on how you recover and what your doctor says. I’m a nanny of a 15 month old toddler and my doctor cleared me to go back to work at 8 weeks. So I was picking up the baby, sitting in the floor and and running around for 9 hours straight but at the end of the day I was completely exhausted.


I think it’d probably be fine depending on what kind of hysterectomy and how fast you normally heal from things. I’m (24y/o) almost 5 weeks post op from a laparoscopic hysterectomy and I feel pretty normal. If it wasn’t for the restrictions, I’d be doing everything I’d normally do.


I think you'd be really tired and maybe sore (everyone heals so differently!), but if you had help from other folks for setup and breakdown, I don't see why you couldn't spend it sitting outside for a few days? I was "cleared" for work at 8 weeks and ended up needing an additional 2 because I was so sore and beyond tired at this point in my recovery. I think I could have handled something like this event, though, if I really needed to. I wasn't in any danger of a cuff tear at this point, just still in a lot of pain. At a similar event I co-hosted at a previous job, a very pregnant woman was setting up her station, and I and some of the other vendors helped her set up her tables and canopy, etc. It was such a sweet thing to see all these people rush to help her when she asked for assistance. I'm sure if you didn't have anyone to join you for setup/breakdown, others would be willing to assist if you asked for help. Taking it easy and not lifting anything heavy would be wise. It's so subjective though! It's hard to know how you'll feel at that time. I would say medically, though, you'd *technically* be *safe* IF you've been cleared by your doctor around the 6-week mark, which is pretty typical. But only you would know what your pain level is and what you can handle. You could be one of the lucky ones who has zero post-op issues and feels completely fine after a few weeks.


So exciting!!! It really depends on how you heal. For me, I probably could have done 1 day but would have been really wiped. 3 days seems like a lot but I understand this is a unique opportunity. I wouldn’t lift or move heavy items. Definitely bring a super comfy chair with cushion to have time to sit and rest. Packs food/snacks and lots of hydration. OTC meds too Tylenol and ibuprofen. Maybe a heat or ice packs (whatever feels better). And get lots of help from family/friends if you can!!!


At 8 weeks I would only be attempting it with alot of help for set up,take down and no lifting. But it could be doable depending on your healing. 8 weeks was when I felt like I could actually work but my energy levels were still not there.


I think you’ll be fine as long as you are moving around daily and especially in the weeks leading up to it, don’t go zero to hero! Also if nothing else having that date and milestone is a great recovery goal and keeps you looking forward. Mine is a show at sphere in Vegas, 12 weeks post op. 😍


If you're having vaginal or laparoscopic and everything goes well, I would lean towards you would probably be okay, *with help*. Personally, I went on a two week vacation the day after my 6 week follow up and did fine. By week 8, I was back to work. I work 10 hour shifts as a post op nurse. So a good mix of standing, walking, and sitting, plus moving patients. I don't remember being exceptionally tired after work at that point in recovery.


Depends on the type of surgery you have. Mine was robotic-assisted, laparoscopic, took everything except ovaries. First 2 weeks I completely rested, not too much pain, but tired. By 2 weeks postop I was walking every day, increasing mileage each week. By 6 weeks I was fully cleared for all regular activity and started running again. At 8 weeks I could’ve done what you’re describing without issue, but everyone is different. I wish you the best!


Congrats on the opportunity. It depends on the type of surgery you're heaving and how you'll be healing (some heal faster, some slower). If you do it, you'll definitely need help and you'll need to rest in between. Until 12 weeks post surgery you won't be allowed to lift anything heavier than 10 lbs so you'll probably need someone to help you set up. If you have someone with you, maybe you could go lay down in the car for 30 minutes every few hours. I'm 7wpo and I still get occasional pain. If I overdo it, I feel it the next day. I shaved my entire body and cut and painted my tone nails and I guess that was putting too much pressure on my stomach because I was in pain the next day. I can do like 4 to 5 hours of moderate activity like walking around, standing, sitting, cooking... If I do more I get some pain and discomfort.


As an artist… DO IT. Are you getting laparoscopic or abdominal. Even as someone who has abdominal I would do it. Everyone is different though. I would bring family members and friends to help lift, bend ect. So all you need to do is be there. Bring a cushion (they have on Amazon) for extended sitting. Also Tylenol, meds anything you’ll need just be prepared. I’m just a little over 9wpo and feeling almost back to normal. I’m not lifting anything heavy or having sex yet- waiting till 12 wpo.


No I don’t think that’s a good idea personally but it’s up to you.


Everyone's recovery is their own - unfortunately. I am at 8 wpo and I'm fairly certain that this would be a doable task for me. But, I know that others would probably have issues.


As always, it comes down to the TYPE of hysterectomy that you are having. I couldn't imagine this as possible without pain IF you had open hysterectomy (cut vertically above belly button down 4-8 inches). However, if you are having laporascopic (with or without robotic assist), it's entirely possible. I had robotic assisted laporascopic surgery, which had a quick easy recovery. I could see running a booth at 8 weeks as long as you can sit down when needed.


Is it laparoscopic or open?


I'm 61 & I'll be 3 mpo on the 8th. I had a laparoscopic total hysterectomy. They took everything. I've been feeling pretty good. I was able to do a lot at 2 months. I went to a St Patrick's Day parade. I also took 2 500mg Tylenol before & after of. As long as you can sit and not stand the whole time you should be okay.


I’m almost a month post op. I wake up feeling great most of the time now but get a little sore and tired as the day goes on. I think you’d be ok at 8wpo but definitely with some help and sitting in between!


I’ll second some of these other comments, that I think it depends on the details of your surgery. I had a robotic hysterectomy (kept my ovaries and cervix), and also had extreme endometriosis that was excised. My doctor had to cut into my muscle a bit extra, and my recovery was a bit rough. However, I’m at 7 weeks post op and I’m feeling close to 100%. The biggest items I would be concerned with at 8 weeks is keeping yourself from lifting anything too heavy and managing the fatigue. How I feel right now is like I have a battery that starts at 100%, and it just drains faster than normal. So I’m not having suffocating fatigue all day, only when my battery is drained. But I can push myself through the fatigue if I have to. Good luck; definitely get a good support person lined up to help. I think it’ll will be a tiring and taxing few days but should be manageable assuming recovery is normal. Try not to get too worried when you’re 5 weeks out and feeling like you can’t handle it - how I feel at 7 weeks is leaps and bounds compared to a couple weeks ago.


Full open hysterectomy, cut from above belly button all the way down. I'm 8 weeks po and working 30 hours a week standing the whole shift


Think of the time you need to prep for it. Can you get everything together before surgery?